100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 541: frank

The dinner wasn't very rich. Only the two of them were at home. Mo Ye made a Chinese food table according to the taste of Eleven. He slept for a few hours on Eleven. He was very energetic and helped to make it.

The atmosphere is still very warm. After making a steamed fish, I tried the taste for eleven times. It was very good. I could not help but bend my eyebrows. When I wanted to applaud Mo Ye, I heard him proudly and asked, "Is my cooking skill much improved?" Alright?"

Eleven chuckles, it is indeed much improved, some people are smart, all aspects are very smart, the cooking is so good, the progress is extremely fast, they are much stronger than they were at the beginning. He fished with the villagers yesterday. The small river in front of Mrs. Chur’s house is actually a diversion. It is the main road ahead. There is a place where the ice surface is much thinner than here, and there are many in winter. The villagers all went to catch fish under the glaciers.

That day Mo Ye saw several middle-aged people and young people holding fishing tools. He was curious and asked to know that he was going to fish. Mrs. Chur’s family had a bit tired of eating the grain in his family, so he volunteered to help .

Originally unwilling, Mo Ye made an excuse casually, saying that it was to make up for the pregnant daughter-in-law. This winter, the daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the nutrition was not good. The honest residents moved his sincere eyes, so Barely agreed to let him follow.

Mo Ye's children's shoes are very stubborn. I think his mafia godfather even asked others, and for this kind of petty thing, if something else, in other places, he may directly order to directly enjoy others. The result of the labor is over, and you disagree, that's fine, one word, beating.

However, this place is very simple. They borrowed from the Chur family, and they couldn't cause trouble for the two old people. What's more, he wanted to know how he got him the food at the beginning of the 11th.

The fishing process was very hard. Witnessing the guys who were frozen in the ice when knocking on the ice, Mo Ye secretly distressed the eleventh year of the year, how could her broken body withstand the cold of the ice river.

The sunlight was also excellent that day. After knocking on the ice, I waited for a while, and many fish gathered under the water to enjoy the rare sunlight, so those who agreed with those young people.

Mo Ye saw that they were fishing very hard. Several young people reached out to the ice to catch the fish. The fish under the glaciers in winter liked the human body temperature. Unfortunately, they did not move fast enough to catch one or two for a long time. .

Mo Ye thought about it, for him, it should be very simple, so he went to catch it, and as a result, he caught a quasi, and kept on catching a lot, even though he was stabbed in the palm of his hand, it also flowed. He was numb with blood and his hands were numb and unconscious, but when he got the big fish for several days, he thought that he could eat a very fresh fish soup and steamed fish, and his mood became very happy again.

This is the first time that he had asked Eleven. He searched for food more than once on Eleven. He never had it. Although he worked hard, he did the same thing as she did five years ago. She suffered from fishing for him and replaced him five years later, feeling closer to her.

So Mo Ye's mood was very happy. When he returned home, he could not wait to show his achievements to Eleven. He described the fishing process as excitedly as a young man, but deliberately hid his injured hand.

The eleventh first reaction was to look at his hand and scolded the idiot. He didn't know how to wear a hand cover or something. Although he wasn't too flexible, he couldn't catch as much, but at least he wouldn't get hurt.

"If you are not in good health, you can make up for it by eating more fish." Most of the food at home is mainly pasta. She doesn't like meat and eats too much. The foods you eat these days have low nutritional value and the weather is cold. Only in the year of the monkey can she raise her body back.

Eleven chuckles, she is thinking, if not this very casual sentence, his busy figure in excitement, maybe she would not be so easy to agree to bet on his bet.

"Normal, passable." The tail lifted to the sky again.

"It's just average, I think it's good enough, the level of a six-star chef." Mo Ye smiled and kissed her on the face with a brow and smiled, "This is a training for my wife, but it will be mine later What about the gift?"

When his eleven ears were hot, he gave him a white look and saw his eyes focused and his heart hit like a deer. He quickly lowered his head to hide his confusion, and came directly to a silence that was gold and went out with a fish and ignored him.

Mo Ye laughed and was in a good mood. When she came down the mountain, she saw Meng Lianying's depressed mood swept away.

After finishing the fish soup, Mo Ye took a look at the stock in the refrigerator, and secretly could go fishing again tomorrow. It was still fresh and delicious, and it was delicious.

"Farewell tomorrow. Mr. Chur and his wife are back. Let's go again."

"Okay." Mo Ye responded.

Thinking about it for a while, I wonder if Meng Lianying is gone. Since she came here and already knows everything, she will surely guess that Eleven will be here too. If she comes up...

Mo Ye's eyes sank slightly, passing a trace of a bird of prey.

She had better listen to his warning so that it would be good for everyone.

He looked at Eleven's quiet side face and wondered, if she confessed to her at this time, would she...

He is in a dilemma.

"Anthony, come over to dinner." Eleven shouted, her voice still a little uncomfortable, and her voice hadn't returned to its original clarity. Hearing her voice, he settled his mind.

"What's wrong, it's a very worried look."

"It's okay, I'm thinking about the wind and snow again." Mo Ye chuckled lightly.

Eleven looked at the snow outside the window and shrugged her shoulders carelessly. Mrs. Chur said that she could go down until Christmas. She thought about going down the mountain a few days ago, but now she is not in a hurry. .

"Do you want to leave?"

Mo Ye shook her head and asked with a smile, "How about you?"

"I don't care. I have nothing to do for the time being. When it's vacation, it's okay to live a few more days." Eleven laughed. On such days, anyone is greedy, and it can make people feel calm, peaceful, and what kind of grudges. Qiu Du was forced to press on his heart, not thinking about it, nor being so embarrassed.

"I think so too." Mo Ye smiled, serving food for her.

But he knew vaguely in his heart that such a calm would not be too long, how should he confess to her.

After dinner, Eleven watched the news on the sofa with a blanket. Mo Ye cooked some hot soup for her. Her throat was still uncomfortable. The most striking news was still the report of the turbulence within the Italian government.

The competition between the two political parties has reached a point of fierceness. He licked his lips eleven, skipped this piece of news, and went to see the news about the first terrorist organization. The recent situation was not easy, Jason was angry, and even picked up several large bases of the Mafia, and it was full of excitement. She is very strange, what Mo Ye is doing, why has been indulging this happening.

After thinking about it for a while, she wanted to understand that it was not that he did not care about the interests of the Mafia, but that these bases did not hurt him, or that it did not cause the loss of the core interests of the Mafia. So he doesn’t care, the first terrorist organization was pressing harder in the past few days, and it has already collapsed after changing others. Mo Ye and Mo Ju also seem to suffer heavy losses on the surface, but they are still alive and well, and they have their own channels to maintain their power. .

One side is provocative, but the other is so calm. Usually there is only one explanation. Mo Ye is recuperating and waiting for the time. She shook her head. She has never asked about the management of the first terrorist organization. There are Chu Li and Black Jack. Now there is Ning Ning, and she doesn't need to worry too much.

This time, it's just because...

"Drink sugar water." Mo Ye gave her sugar water, but she was still warm. She changed channels on the 11th and went to the movie station to watch a movie. Just a few French movies have been good recently. "Do you know French?"

Mo Ye nodded and didn't change channels at eleven.

"Little Seven, I have something to tell you."

"Well, say it, I'm listening." Eleven drank sugar water while watching the movie, without watching him.

Mo Ye took a deep breath and settled on her mind. At this time, she said that she would be shot dead by her palm. Eleven's current strength is terrifying. It is very simple to shoot him by a palm... Mo Ye twitched for her own imagination.

"I have something to lie to you." Mo Ye said in a deep voice, stretched his head and cut his head, always saying.

"Well, you lied to me more than once." Eleven looked at him funny and saw him stop talking again, her face was serious, she felt strange, she could not help frowning, did anything serious happen?


He couldn't see it through her eyes. I was Mo Ye. I couldn't say anything. Mo Ye suffocated his ears red. This sentence was choked between his throats.

"Little Seven, I am actually..."

Eleven eyes were crystal clear, and he looked straight at him, Mo Ye sank deep in her heart, she was a little wonder how to do it, why this step is so difficult to cross.

"Anthony, you are very strange, what can't you say?"

"Little Seven, if I lied to you, would you forgive me?"

"Then it depends on what you lied to me." Eleven, finished drinking sugar water.

Mo Ye suddenly took her hand, held her tightly, and gritted her teeth, eleven smiled, "What the **** is it, I can't say anything, what's the trick?"

Mo Ye's heart sank, looking at her smiling eyes, he couldn't say anything. He knew that if he said it, the smile in her eyes would disappear.

"Xiaoqi, if the mountain road is open and you go down the mountain, will you still be with me?" Mo Ye whispered.


Regarding the issue of children's shoes saying Gagen, I thought about it for a long time, and I haven't added it for a long time. Then I will add another 2000 tonight, it may be later, but it will be increased, and the sisters who don't see it, look at it tomorrow morning. .

Seek gold medal! ! Ladies and sisters kiss one collectively.

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