100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 554: Weiwei's thoughts

When Mo Ju woke up, Ye Wei had quickly stabilized the situation. The first terrorist organization kept its promises and fully withdrew from the war zone one hour later. As Ye Wei said, he took the lead and took a step back for peace.

"What do you mean?" Mo Ju looked at her coldly.

Ye Wei raised her eyebrows, raised her eyebrows, and the wind was light. "You have an opinion? This is the best ending. No one should attack anyone anymore. Is it interesting to face this all day?"

Mo Ju was angry, and Ye Wei knew he was angry.

The decisions he made were rarely able to be returned. Ye Wei was only betting this time. He used his sleepy time to resolve this contradiction first. He really wanted to give Mo Ju that he would not do it.

He really can't stand his feet against the first terrorist organization, and he doesn't care how many casualties.

Mo Ye's uncertain life and death caused him to be crazy today.

She can understand the love of the twenty-four filial brother who loves his brother, and understands that he wants to get a fair heart, but she cannot be allowed to do so, absolutely not!

The only thing she can do, besides calming down, is to calm down, and she can't add fuel to the fire.

This time it was too much trouble for Chu Li to come forward to clean up. The Mafia attacked the first terrorist organization with its own arm. The power was particularly fierce, and the damage caused was the most serious in history.

If this state continues, maybe they will win the mafia, but they will definitely lose half of their power, and there is simply no power to suppress the international gang and drug lords who watch the fire from the other side.

The Dark Kingdom has always been headed by the First Terrorist Organization. How many people want to pull them down and divide up the dark forces? How many people think that this time the Mafia and the First Terrorist Organization have lost both sides and both sides have lost most of their power. They then jointly attack. To destroy the foundation they have laid for so many years.

Watch the fire from the other side and take advantage of the fisherman.

There are so many people here.

The men, especially Chu Li, Jason and Mo Ju, and others sometimes fight, they will really ignore everything, red eyes, the two sides have a deep conflict, there is no way to resolve, plus ink Ye's incident became a catalyst, which eventually led to the gradual escalation of the warm and turbulent war and the collapse of the peace situation that the two parties pretended to maintain.


The first terrorist organization is full of talents, and how can the Mafia be annoying? Just because the thunder and lightning are not the things in the pool, all can stand alone, not to mention Mo Ye has a group of wizards.

Among them, Birmingham's ability to collect intelligence is unprecedented in Ye Wei's ability.

If Mo Jiu really wanted to launch an attack, even if he finally lost, he would definitely bomb the first terrorist organization to the first position, resulting in an irreparable ending.

"I disagree!" Mo Ju said with a deep voice, nowhere to vent his anger, only to find the first terrorist organization.

The man's face was fierce, and he had a vaginal bird of prey. His beautiful face exuded a kind of asura, bloodthirsty and brutal, as if he was a mouth-opening devil, waiting for the soul to sacrifice.

Ye Wei smiled, and his tone became easier. He looked at Mo Ju and said, "You don't agree, what do you want? How much effort did I have to help you get rid of the current chaos, and you even came to a disagreement? It's okay when I'm idle Is it right? I’m blind and I’m blind to plan ahead and make suggestions. If you don’t feel sympathetic, dare to make trouble again, Mo Ju, you have the ability to say it again, see if I can do you!”

She talked fiercely, but she smiled so amorously, and the clouds she looked at felt that this girl was too complex. It was really... incredible to be able to say such words under such an expression.

The mafia was afraid that she would dare to talk to Mo Ju so much. Mo Ju was always cunning and fierce, unlike Mo Ye, who was so deep and tolerant, most people were very afraid of the second son, even the less serious Birmingham was in Mo Ye In front of him, he can play tricks and be unscrupulous. It doesn't matter if Mo Ye is angry with him, but he never dares to be so brazen in front of Mo Ju.

"Are you really for me?" Mo Ju narrowed his eyes with a sneer, a sneer across the corner of his lips.

Ye Wei's eyes narrowed, Han Mang glanced over, and swept the antique vase on the side to smash Mo Mo, "Mo Mo, say again!"

Mo Ju raised his hand and opened the vase, and fell on the wall. It shattered immediately and shook his heart trembling. God, no such a scary person, obviously so good some time ago, slammed into the first terrorist organization. It's terrible to just cross the sword.

There is no pity that the hearts of their subordinates are not strong enough.

Ye Wei condensed her anger and pressed her slightly confused mind, her thoughts, I am afraid Mo Ju was the first to understand it, but... what about it, if she wasn’t the one, why would she bother with such thoughts ?

If it weren't for him...would she be so hard, perhaps pointed out by the first terrorist organization.

"That, second son, Ms. Ye, don't quarrel, what are you going to do, give a sentence." Yun said embarrassedly, the first terrorist organization has already withdrawn, and their people should withdraw immediately, otherwise they will be given to them Sending a message, Ye Wei can't get Mo Ju, I'm afraid it's going to start a **** storm again, and it will be difficult to do.

They are subordinates, they do not express any opinions on his instructions, they are absolutely loyal and supportive, what they say is what they say.

Ye Wei looked at Mo Ju and tried his best to suppress the anger in her heart. No matter what the Mafia did, Mo Mo had the final say. She calculated him and let him sleep for a few days. Mo Ju is choosing.

Mo Ju groaned, and their eyes were calmly interlaced in the air.

Silent confrontation.

After a while, Mo Ju said lightly, "Withdraw!"

Yun was relieved in his heart, "Yes!"

Ye Wei didn't change her mind, she breathed a sigh of relief, ignoring Mo Ju's plans for the future, at least for now, she did the peace she wanted to see.

"Wei Wei, you are biased towards them, aren't you?"

Ye Wei frowned lightly...


London, England.

Eleven has returned to the UK. It happened that the negotiations between Ning Ning and Ye Wei were over. Everyone was filled with indignation and accused Ye Wei of being desperate. Only Eleven was silent, looking at Chu Li, Jason and Rose's indignant faces, She suddenly felt very distressed.

Black Jack was also silent, his face was not very good, Ning Ning did not speak, and a small face was on the side.

The pain that can't be restrained in Eleven's heart, if even the relatives misunderstand themselves, Wei Wei, is such a sacrifice too grief, she must have guessed what the consequences will be, but she still has no turning back.

She remembered Weiwei before, no matter what she did, she would think about the consequences, and this time, it was no exception.

"Eleven, why didn't you speak, do you want to speak for that girl?"

Eleven wry smiles, such an experience, she had never had, she shot Mo Ye, really want him to die? No, she wants to save him more than anyone else, "Weiwei... why don't you believe in Weiwei anymore?"

"You all see what she did? How do we believe her?" Jason was grumpy.

Eleven said slowly: "Neither of you noticed, why this time the Mafia can destroy so many of our strongholds in such a short period of time, causing us to lose so much? Mo Jue may have a lot of information inside us, many of us Unexpectedly, before you confronted the Mafia, we did not say anything, because we have always been at an advantage, but this time it was almost tied, Mo Ju was crazy, and continued, what is the picture in the end? Both defeats hurt , Swords have no eyes, morality is merciless, maybe some of us will have to die for this turmoil. Even if we don’t die, what are the consequences of losing both sides? North Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, the Middle East, this generation has a lot of new forces emerging, We have a lot of hatreds. They have always wanted to replace the right to speak in the giggle area. Have you thought about it? After we really fight with the Mafia, how can we balance these new forces? Will it become such a situation, and in the end did not die in the battle with the Mafia, but instead was embarrassed and lost their lives by these non-influential people, are you willing? Why don’t you think, Weiwei is in Help you avoid this situation before making this decision?"

"She did ruin both of our strongholds, but did she kill us alone, did she? There wasn't at all. Ye Wei's character really wanted to help Mo Ju, she would show mercy to our men? Arsenal? You don’t believe that Wei Wei would do that, why did she still accuse her so much? If she did so much for us, and we were misunderstood and accused by us, I grieve for Wei Wei. "

The eleventh floor fell, the whole hall was quiet, no one said a word.


There are some things to say about Weiwei.

After seeing some of my friends accusing Ye Wei, I feel so sad, I think you are too one-sided to see the problem, and you don’t have a deep understanding of the characters. Since you liked Wei Wei so much in the past, why do you see it now? Such a thing but against Weiwei together, it is not like this character at all, or understand this character, why not look at it from another angle?

Why did Wei Wei do this, and what are the consequences of her doing this? Did Ning Ning take the initiative to negotiate with her, resolve the dispute as soon as possible, and avoid more casualties? You go to see their dialogue, you don’t have to show everything, you understand why Wei Wei did this?

I don’t write it, why don’t you understand?

The Mafia and the First Terrorist Group have been fighting for so long. The final result is that the jade and stone are all burned, and Weiwei is sandwiched between them. The only thing she can do is to mediate, not to help which side to which side. The killer just let them be alert and take the initiative to calm down this matter.

This is the only way to ensure that they are not injured and Mo Ju is not injured.

Sometimes looking at your misunderstandings about the characters, I am really anxious. I constantly reflect on what I have written to cause such consequences.

Sisters, look at the problem and change the angle. Don't look at what is, what you see is the floating clouds.

I don’t know what to say anymore, so I will explain this time. Everyone will understand it in the future. (^o^)/~

Although I know that I am only responsible for writing out my plot story, how to understand is the matter of the pros, but sometimes looking at the characters are distorted, I still want to protect them, maybe only the mother really hurts the girl and understands the girl’s pain.

Aoao, floating clouds, floating clouds!

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