100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 579: Return eleven

Ye Sanshao could see at any glance what yellow waste was in Cheng Anya's mind. She was really worried for her for a night. Just after her body recovered, she thought about what she didn't have. It really made people want to grind their teeth.

However, he also wanted to know how the two men's attack problem was solved?

Who attacked who suffered?

Ye Sanshao shook his head. If he didn’t have a hobby in that respect, he would be very disgusted to think about such a problem. Although he has no prejudice to such a relationship, both of them are world-famous figures and they are stunning and beautiful. Either way is so good, the most important thing is that they are his friends. There is also an important relationship. He has a rotten girl wife, so he gradually gossip.

It is really curious, after all, the small milk pack is young, and he does not know much about this matter, and he is ignorant. I don’t know why the eyes of the adults are so ambiguous, and I can only smell a hint of jianqing.

Bai Ye coughed and asked if they planned to leave the hospital?

Cheng Anya immediately dispelled the yellow waste in his mind, and nodded quickly. Ye Hailan also nodded, holding a cute little pink hand and said, "I hate the hospital, it hurts."

"My baby doesn't hurt, Mommy shouts." Cheng Anya kissed her pink hands with pity, Bai Ye and Su Man went to go through the discharge procedures for them.

A moment later, they gathered in the hospital parking lot. When they came, they drove an extended car. When they went back, they drove two cars. Ye Sanshao and his family sat in one. They drove a silver sports car to carry Suman back in the night.

There is a short episode about the origin of this sports car. When Bai Ye and Suman went to the hospital for discharge, a doctor who worshipped Bai Ye and sent him as an idol was sent out. Bai Ye casually told Suman that this silver The sports car is so dazzling. This sports car happened to be the doctor, so he gave him his idol generously.

The little milk bag despised it very much.

How much income does a doctor have in a year? He even accepted his sports car so hard.

"That's my charm, the little fart kid doesn't understand." Bai Ye smiled with a smile.

"Su Meiren, he is too shameful, even a your employee, how can you boss think about the welfare of your employees." Xiao Dai Bao said seriously.

Suman said calmly, "I will increase his salary."

Everyone, "..."

Ye Sanshao's family was horrified. Sumei, you haven't been through the door yet. Don't be so accompaniment to the sing-woman. Ah, it's too shameful to let Bai Ye lose her house so quickly.

On the sports car, Su Meiren closed his eyes and calmed down, the wind was blowing slowly, with a little warmth, a little hot, Su Meiren enjoyed it, saying that the car is beautiful with the beauty, it is not bad at all, Bai Ye looked at his jade-like face sideways , The mood is extremely comfortable.

"Suman, you're good to talk, don't leave for the time to escape." Bai Ye said with a smile, talking about this kind of thing is still a look like I am a gentleman.

Su Man didn't know what he said for a moment, and returned a blank look, Bai Ye narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Say we didn't continue this morning."

Su Meiren reacted all at once, don't look away from his cheeky face, a faint voice came for a moment, "Don't forget that you promised to be down."

Bai Ye raised her eyebrows and said without hesitation, "Then you have to agree that I am up, can you?"

"Dream!" Su Meiren refused coldly. The wind felt the coldness in his words, and fell in vain, with a hint of coolness. The sports car just opened a row of transplanted camphor trees. It was indeed a bit cool.

Bai Ye laughed grumpily, "Everything is in case, just like this sports car."

"Good!" The word Suman squeezed through the teeth.

The white night is complete.

After a while, Bai Ye said again, "Let's make an appointment."

The Sumerians were not calm, why did Bai Ye leave the matter in three sentences and four sentences? Has he held back for a long time?

By the way, Laozi #@amp;*%###.

Bai Ye looked at Su Meiren with a red face and lips turned up with joy, and his mood was obviously very happy. Now he found a very happy thing, so that Su Meiren took off his disguised mask is his current Favorite things to do.

"You are silent, then I will set a time?"

"Have you been holding back for a long time?" The Sumerian tried to calmly ask, but he wanted to bite his tongue as soon as he spoke. Idiot, what did he ask?

The brain was affected by idiots.

Bai Ye lifted her lips, holding the steering wheel in one hand and counting in one hand. "It's been four years since I counted. Hey, so, I'm quite clear-hearted."

Suman, "..."

He really answered with a face.

Bai Ye's lips curled up, "Laozi keeps his body like jade for the sake of Su Meiren."


Su Man snorted in the heart, this guy was upper body by Ye Sanshao, he knew that the man that Ye Sanshao had trained was absolutely shameless, especially at some times, it was really annoying.

"Su Meiren, are you scolding me in your heart?" Bai Ye laughed teasingly, and a gentleman threw a glance in the past, gentle as a jade, but **** and amazed. He combined the two temperaments of a gentleman and a rogue perfectly. Smart and handsome face.

Su Mei people watched their noses and their hearts, and began to use his best skills. Silence is gold.

Can’t tease the Su Meiren, it’s a very painful thing for Bai Ye. In fact, Suman’s tone is always indifferent, without any emotion, but he likes his clear voice very much. it is good.

In the eyes of the lover, it is really good.

The sports car drove on the road in a dazzling way, chased with Ye Sanshao's family one after another, Bai Ye pondered for a while, and asked the Su Meiren, "Su Man, there is actually a question I want to ask for a long time."

Suman knows that it is definitely not a good question, so he simply does not answer.

Would Bai Ye be so easy to pass, still asking me, "You are almost twenty-seven this year, one year older than me, how did you solve it when you were impulsive?"

Ye Wei asked this question no less than ten times, and each time he asked, his eyes were red and he looked naked at his lower body. The light was so big that you would be embarrassed to blush.

It’s common for men to ask men this question, and they have no experience. Most of them are self-dressed, but it’s rare for women to ask men so blatantly.

This group of people deserves to come out of a training camp, thinking is a model, he is really depressed, what kind of master in the end mentored these batch of top characters, why is it so decent 11th?

In the first terrorist organization, it seems that the style of Eleven and Black Jack are the most decent. Of course, Bai Ye is also very decent in the rumors. It is said to be gentle and jade.


It is rumored that this thing is not credible.

"I don't have troubles in this respect!" Suman's voice and words spit out like bullets. If ordinary people were so scared that their legs were soft, Bai Ye still smiled handsomely.


"You dare to say one more word, I will throw you out." Su Meiren coldly warned.

Bai Ye shut up her mouth in a timely manner, but laughed constantly, and Suman laughed so much that he wanted a poison to dumb him.

As soon as the party returned to Su's house, Dina greeted him and told Suman and Bai Ye, "Miss Eleven is here."

Bai Ye was so happy that she hadn't seen her for more than half a year, but she still missed her virus. Maybe the reliever was gone. She came to Riyadh to take it. He calculated the time. She should come during this time.

Eleven arrived in Riyadh today. I heard that the little princess was in critical condition and wanted to go to the hospital, but Dina called to the hospital. The nurse said they were home, and eleven was waiting for them at home.

The lotus in the yard is blooming beautifully. She is in the lotus, and she is very surprised. How did the lotus bloom this season?

"Eleven..." Bai Ye raised his hand and shouted. He hurried over and looked at the light.

Eleventh without a mask, the originally terrible thin face regained its original appearance, the face was even somewhat rounded, and the beautiful and moving past was restored, the eyebrows were still cold and did not like to laugh, even if the face was rounded, it did not give a kind The gentle feeling is still as snowy as frost, and his body looks much healthier, at least not as skinny as a few months ago.

Bai Ye secretly surprised, as she was the oldest witch's most effective way. She brought her body back within a few months. She didn't know the virus on her body.

"I haven't seen you for more than half a year, and I have become more beautiful."

"Master treats me as a pig." Eleven said in a faint tone, his tone hard to conceal a trace of peace and happiness.

"It can make you recover in such a short time, and she has become fatter. She is very capable." Suman said lightly. Eleven that tortured body, he was not completely sure that he could raise it in such a short time. come back.

Of course, she wants to cooperate is another matter.

He was a bit curious about the master who had never met him before, and he was able to cultivate a group of top-notch personalities with very different personalities. Even the eleven were obedient and obedient. It seemed that they were not ordinary people.

Nodded at eleven, "Bai Ye, Master has a report for me to bring you."

"About your virus?"

Nod at eleven.

Cheng Anya was holding Xiao Hailan, his eleven eyes lighted up, and the cold on his face warmed up involuntarily. "Anya, is this your daughter?"

"Yes, come, Hailan, this is Aunt Eleven."

Ye Hailan smiled, "Aunt Eleven."



Three more birds! !

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