Ye Wei and XI arrived in Rome within two days to get things done by Chu Li. The arms dealer happened to have a good appetite for Ye Wei. They didn't talk much. The two parties met and danced in the dance hall. With Ye Wei's communicative wrist, It didn't take long for him to nod and agree, and successfully sold the unsalable light weapons. The other party was slaughtered by Ye Wei fiercely, still smiling.

At first, he was very opinionated on Chu Li, thinking he looked down on him, and deliberately sent two women to discuss arms deals with him. Who knows that he is too prejudiced after contact, especially praises Ye Wei and Eleven, especially Ye Wei, who made him obedient and obedient, the brutality and murderousness of the Tao were missing, and he was informed and interested and had a pleasant talk.

After Ye Wei poured a few glasses of Soup Soup, he even sold a batch of light weapons, and even the location was clear. The two parties signed a contract, and the price was a little high. He actually let Ye Wei slaughter and didn’t say much. Very refreshing.

Ye Wei also likes to do business with such people, refreshing!

She and Eleven have little contact with the first-terrorist arms deal. They have only talked about a few transactions, all of which are discussed in the capacity of others. This time is no exception, but they are handled very well, and the Americans are also very good. Love doing business with such women.

Ye Wei chuckled. If they knew their identity, they would not be surprised.

That night, they came out of the entertainment city, and everyone agreed to go to the casino to play. Ye Wei and Eleven didn't want to sweep his interest, so they agreed to play for a lap until the show ended at 4 or 5 in the morning.

Ye Wei and Eleven were tired when they returned to the hotel. They fell asleep and fell asleep. In order to solve the matter here, they hurried back to Palermo to check the truth of their murder. Ye Wei and Eleven hardly rested. These two days have been working with this arms dealer, and it took a lot of attention. Everyone was tired. This sleep directly went to the next night...

The strength of the eleven is a lot of improvement, but the physical energy is extremely exhausted, and the changes are very great. After such a round, she can't eat enough. She sleeps deeper than Ye Wei. Ye Wei wakes up and refreshes, and does not disturb the eleven. , Randomly took a magazine to read.

Later, when she was bored, she went to watch TV in the lobby. When she opened the news, she was taken aback... She hurried into the room to wake up to Eleven, and her tone was rare. "Eleven, wake up, wake up, something serious happened..."

Eleven still slumbered, didn't know that the sky was south and north, and suddenly heard Ye Wei's tone flustered. She immediately got up, and the two were surrounded by the TV together, and they were surprised when they watched the news...

The first terrorist organization was in the Middle East. Several military factories in North Africa were besieged by the local government, causing heavy casualties. Many ordnance yards in rush to work were paralyzed. Many researchers were arrested and some were shot on the spot. Local leaders were almost spared.

On the TV screen, the local ordnance field was devastated, and smoke was blowing up. Several military factories and local government forces confronted each other. Several helicopters were shot down. Nearly 20 brothers were killed.

Eleven heads exploded with a bang, and his face was pale...

this is……

All are locations on her confidential documents. They have been hiding for so many years, and no one has found that this time it is obvious that the intelligence is accurate and the government army will wipe out in one fell swoop...


These are all the core military factories and research bases of the First Terrorist Organization, and the loss of one consequence is unimaginable, not to mention being discovered at the same time...

How could this be?

Eleven panicked the station and transferred to the local official station in Colombia, all of which were the first terrorist organization's raid. The two most important research bases in Colombia and Mexico have lost one. The cruel scenes on the TV screen Frightened Eleven...

Because it is an official report, it is inevitable that there is some distortion. It is said that the government army besieged the first terrorist organization, but they were fought by their deaths, so they opened fire. This firing is more unlikely to be mediated. It can only be a continuous war. .

Eleven took a breath, how could this be?

That document is still there. Eleven madly looking for the documents in the bag and they are sure. Is it that someone moved before they got them back? Who? Mr Brown? Do not……

will not……

damn it!

The eleven-faced look was suddenly overcast, how could she be so careless? After thinking about it, I didn't think of any mistakes. Eleven quickly took out his own mini notebook, opened it, connected...

The news is full of news...

Changed a station, or a TV station in Colombia, and a new piece of news came out. The Mafia also began to hear the news and began to wipe out the first terrorist organization in an all-round way. The first terrorist organization at the location was immediately beaten.

Ye Wei's red lips lost their color instantly, and their eyebrows tingled, Mafia... Mo Ju...

damn it!

"Eleven, is Mr. Diyar going advanced than Mr. Brown?" Ye Wei suddenly asked. When he heard the news from the Mafia, his heart was sinking. Yes, Diyah went advanced...

In addition to Mr. Brown, this document is the only one that may be contacted, only Diya...


The bosses of Diya are Mo Ju and Mo Ye, and their brothers have been... awful...

Eleven took a cell phone that he hadn't used for a long time, opened it, and dialed Chu Li. It was the phone that Rong Yan answered. "What about Rong Yan, Chu Li?"

"Eleven, you finally called. Has the document in your hand leaked out?" Rong Yan's voice was rarely tense, with a trace of reproach, Eleven bit his lip...


"This is awful. Ali and Xiaotie, Jason are rushing to the Middle East. When the government army launched the attack, Jason was just in the military factory. Now he has lost contact. Most of them are fierce. Support, only Rose and I are at the headquarters. What's wrong with you?" Rong Yan's voice was anxious and flustered, while still working as a commander intelligence officer. She could hear that she was in the intelligence room.

Jason lost contact, his life and death were unknown, eleven gritted his teeth, "What the **** is going on?"

"I still want to ask you? The news is leaked from the Mafia side. I have determined that Mo Ye, Mo Ju and the Colombian government army joined forces, and once again formed a joint army with four small countries in the Middle East to annihilate us, **** Yes... Ali and Xiaotie are going crazy, they are both trying to prevent the tragedy from happening, why are you..." Rong Yan noticed that her tone was wrong, but she couldn't help, Chuli and they all left, leaving her alone In London, she was worried, Jason’s life and death were unknown, Chu Li and others were so fierce in such a chaotic situation, how could she not be in a hurry.

Calm as if she had messed up her hands and feet, if you change someone else, I'm afraid it's just crying now.

"I don't know... wait, Mo Ye? He woke up?" Eleven took a breath, she looked forward to Mo Ye waking up, but when he woke up at this time, she felt like a thunderstorm. , There was no response in an instant.

A blank mind...

"I received the news yesterday, and he woke up." Rong Yan panicked, and the information room was in a hurry again. Eleven only heard Rong Yan's exclamation, but listening carefully was her name that had been shouting Chu Li...

It seems that the contact was lost. There was a lot of fighting there. In order to prevent them from contacting, they would cut off the contact signal.

"Ali can't receive the signal over there. I only know that he is really angry and has organized space to throw missiles at the local government army..." Rong Yan sank in his heart...

Eleven and Ye Wei also sink in their hearts...

Except for the last rescue in an American prison, the first terrorist organization has not yet counterattacked the official army of any country. It seems that things are getting worse.

"Good fight!" Ye Wei's eyes were deep and her eyes narrowed dangerously. This fight hoped to temporarily stabilize the situation and let them retreat. They had time to prepare for the evacuation. Now they can only seek the minimum loss.

Ye Wei grabbed the 11th phone call, "Facial appearance, instructed to continue, all the local troops, as long as they can counterattack, counterattack across the board."


"It's me, hurry up and do as I told you. You are in global control now. See if you can launch long-range missiles. Let them retreat first..." Ye Wei said in a deep voice, gritting his teeth...

She most wanted a missile to bombard the Mo brothers...

Mo Ju...

You are cruel enough!

"Weiwei, no, launching missiles will hurt innocent civilians, I can't do it." Rong Yan Shensheng said, gritting his teeth fiercely, this method is too ruthless...

"Facial appearance, if you don't want Chuli's years of hard work to be ruined, and you don't want the first terrorist organization to turn over this time, you'd better do as I say." Ye Wei's tone was very cold, she calculated...

Together with the fighting, many areas will become war-free. The residents of the battlefield must have shifted long ago. The fighting was picked up by the government army. They did not think about their people. Why should she think about them?

Rong Yan gritted her teeth and stared at the satellite photography on the screen. The research base and the military factory were full of smoke. She could not bear to see the corpses running across the field. Her eyes were slightly warm...


She ordered people to quickly open the general command system, quickly send preparations for war preparations, and personally mobilize the three large space missiles in Colombia to launch long-range missiles...


Her country is also nearby...

But there is no way. In this critical period, they can only choose to minimize the damage...

Rong Yan gave the order for a minute, and at the same time received the order from Chu Li. He and the instruction were exactly the same as Ye Wei.


I don't want to have the patience to write about this scene, but I still wrote...hugging my head, running to tears...

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