When he heard the screams, he pushed Kahn hard and flexed his body on the ground, away from Kane’s attack range. Ye Wei had used his last force to release his hand, and he did not lift it in one breath. She fell to the ground, her face appeared dead white, and there was a sweet smell in her throat again. She felt uncomfortable even breathing...

"Weiwei..." Eleven panicked, and helped her quickly give her a black pill, which could temporarily suppress her blood, before she was too anxious and didn't pay attention...

Kahn covered his eyes and screamed...

The blood flowed through his fingers, he escaped from the left side but not from the right side, the three silver needles penetrated deeply into his eyes, and the blood flowed out... Kahn was so pained that he suddenly pulled out the silver needle , Looks almost crazy...

Half of the cheeks are blood...

Meng Lianying took a step back in shock. Eleven embraced Ye Wei and fled, listening to Kahn screaming, "Kill Ye Wei!"

Hateful, hateful!

The severe pain rendered the violence in his body. Kahn couldn't wait to kill Ye Wei. Meng Lianying and others quickly pulled their guns and shot at Eleven and Ye Wei. Meng Lianying was selfish and shot first.

Eleven did not care at all, listening to the wind to identify the direction of the bullet, holding Ye Wei to run forward like electricity, leaving here...

Flashing left and right, avoiding the rain-like bullets behind, eleven hugged her and ran forward quickly. Although Ye Wei increased her burden, it was still easy to get rid of Meng Lianying and others.

Meng Lianying and others turned back and looked at Kahn nervously. His one eye was obviously ruined, and the blood was constantly overflowing. It kept flowing out of his fingers and looked terrible...

The other eye, full of hatred and shadow, and crazy...

Meng Lianying was terrified, I don't know what to do...

This looks terrible!


"What are you doing standing there, chasing me, killing Ye Wei, killing her!" Kahn roared, and Meng Lianying quickly led someone to chase him up.

Kahn covered his bleeding eyes, and his hatred for Ye Wei was deepened!

Damn, don't kill her, he vows not to be human!

While his eyes were bloodthirsty and crazy, his eyes were pure blood, and he could not open at all. If the child saw him, he would be scared to cry. Kahn wiped his face and suddenly got up and chased up...

Just after catching up with Meng Lianying and others, I vaguely saw a car rushing out of the runway...

"Zero, what should I do?" Meng Lianying asked hurriedly. When she was catching up, Eleven was already driving. It was too late to stop. The bullet just hit the car body and had a few more bullet holes.

Pa, throwing a slap on Meng Lianying's face deeply, Kahn violently, "Fool, chase!"

This still needs to be asked?

Meng Lianying pretended to be so clear, and was beaten by him. Her heart was furious, but when she touched his eyes, she did not dare to attack. The group quickly got on their car and chased away.

No one noticed that the door behind the villa shook lightly.

Ye Wei felt so uncomfortable that she felt uncomfortable. She lay at the door beside the flowers, smelling the fragrance of flowers, looking at the blue sky, her heart was undulating...she said to Eleven, let go of her, she could escape by herself.

With her, neither of them can go, they will both die!

Most of the memories that have been washed away have come back when they were beaten hard by Kahn... At that time, they were vague, and they were all fragmentary pictures, young, young, and young. There are... The first picture is the kind of pain and shock when I was beaten by Mo Yue in the sewer.

Maybe the memory is too deep. After all, she was beaten up like this for the first time. Under such circumstances, she came back...

Now, gradually, it becomes clear...

Ye Wei only feels ironic, really ironic...

She remembered that when she and the eleven went out to work, when the two first came out of the mountain, they had little experience, and had agreed that if someone had something wrong, one of them would kill the one, and run away alone, don’t drag the two. Life.

At least such a person can escape.

One of them was killed in order to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy and being humiliated to death.

Eleven did indeed put her down, but stabbed her arm deliberately, made a blood stain that was not there, and led Meng Lianying and others away, leaving her alone in the villa...

Eleven...Can she really believe her, when she can't fall? Just throwing her in from the wall, she ran towards the car...

She was slammed and hit her head against the stone on the ground, dizzy for a while, ridiculously, the memory in her mind became a little clearer and her mind was awake a little, she dragged her weak body and opened the villa a little Door, go and see what's outside...

She saw Meng Lianying they shot at her, and her heart hung up, and when she saw Kahn coming, she didn't dare to breathe, afraid that he would notice...

Most of him was so angry and irrational that he didn't pay much attention to his surroundings...

Ye Wei gritted her teeth and stood up with the clump of flowers. Her left leg hurts, it hurts. This pain is very different from the pain of a fracture. The ankle bone is almost broken. She wonders if she can move flexibly like before, left The legs are almost paralyzed. She smiled bitterly. She never thought that one day, she would be scrapped. Ye Wei kicked a few steps and fell to the ground. She gritted her teeth and stood sideways, almost crawling into the villa...

Pride is vulnerable in the face of death. Even if she doesn't want to crawl so humiliatingly, she must do so. This life was saved by eleven hard work. She must not.

The humiliation given by others can not be tolerated.

But it doesn't matter what humiliation you give yourself.

Will come back on the 11th, will definitely come back...

The body was too heavy, and the ground was rough, and her mind was confused. Her hands were very hard to move the body closer, and she had a lot of blood... She almost struggled with all her strength to climb to the phone...

Ye Wei pulled the phone off, dropped the phone, and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the phone was light and hit the head without pain. Ye Wei smiled bitterly. She was too weak to avoid a phone call.

The eyes were getting darker and darker, Ye Wei pressed the number...

The phone rang for a long time before someone answered...

After a long wait, her energy was almost exhausted, and her belly was black. You answered the phone for the first time so slowly, "belly black... send someone to pick me up..."

Ye Wei completely exhausted her strength, and the microphone fell to the side.

She didn't hear the male voice in the microphone from calm to crazy...

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