Ye Wei gritted his teeth, Mo Ju was in Dingzhuang, and the money was to be turned up. I thought that this one would be lost, and the dealer's seat would be handed over. Unexpectedly, he was still glued, and two consecutive Dingzhuangs were made.

Eleven's face was covered, and the convulsions of the corners of the lips were perfectly covered. Ye Wei was about to trample on her. She wanted to cheat and confuse her. Who knows that Mo Ju was also sloppy. Still a bit dazed, they all suspected that he was a pig and a tiger.

"Wei Wei, this card is very fun." Mo Ju said slowly, purple eyes excited. Obviously, Ye Wei was going to be enchanted, Mo Ju beauty, did you step on shit?

Good luck?

She will not believe in evil.

Dingzhuang's second hand, Ye Wei, eleven, Dina all listened to the card, Mo Ju took a card that had touched Ye Wei, and thought about it, 50,000 for 20,000, Ye Wei grinds his teeth...

Eleven raised her eyebrows, she didn't have Ye Wei's card and played very conservatively.

five minutes later……

Mo Ju touched again...

Dingzhuang's third, it's Mojuan...

Dina looked at Mo Ju blankly, "Second son, are you sure you haven't cheated?"

Why is he so lucky? Ye Wei and Eleven are clearly in perfect harmony, playing cards are playing each other's cards, and played very accurately, even he was confused, including self-touch!


Su Man said that the two beauties were foul of playing cards, although she could not tell.

"It's not my cheating to cheat." Mo Ju smiled.

Ye Wei looks the same as Eleven. Eleven said, "I just learned to play cards, and I'm very lucky."

"Yeah, the rookie is out of the mountain." Ye Wei is really a little unbelievable, how could his luck be so good?

Mo Ju Dingzhuang was set for 5 in a row, and Ye Wei was a bit flaming, and she still smiled so brilliantly, but everyone could see that there was a touch of murderousness in this brilliant, "Mo Jumei, honestly tell you, would you play cards in the past ?"

"will not!"

"I don't believe it!" Eleven said, glancing at him coldly, "Is it really a blind cat that has a dead mouse?"

"How can there be so many dead mice to touch him?" Ye Wei smiled, gritted his teeth, and forbeared him for a while, as if his blind cat had run into a dead mouse.

"You can't afford to lose?" Mo Ju raised her eyebrows puzzledly, her eyes gliding around the two beauties.

The two raised their eyebrows simultaneously, unanimously, "Who said you can't afford to lose?"

"Then hurry to give money!" Mo Ju reached out his hand, he was confused again... This luck is really not good, it is simply a gambler, this mahjong also pay attention to technology, not pure luck.

Ye Wei and Eleven didn't understand, how could a little rookie be like Lao Jianghu after a few laps? Amazing.

In the eighth pick of Dingzhuang, Ye Wei and Eleven both lost almost 10,000, and Dina also lost thousands. Mo Ju is the only one, Ye Wei secretly, she and Eleven are at the table Haven't you lost so ugly?

Every time it is their share of killing others, how can this time let others kill?

No, the disadvantages are fixed, otherwise you will lose.

In the ninth pick of Dingzhuang, Ye Wei made a random gesture. At eleven, she knew what cards she needed, and the two cards were all she wanted. Mo Ju's eyes turned on them, "Wei Wei, Your card is so good."

Ye Wei laughed, sneered, if the Laozi brand is good, you will lose 30,000, rely on!

"Ah, the dark bar." Mo Ju said lightly, and received four more cards. After seeing the card, his eyes brightened. "It's dark bar again."

Twice in a row, Ye Wei and Eleven stared, both eyes looked at his posture of making up cards, secretly, don’t touch up the cards, so much money ah... Mojue touched the cards, Just about to hit, they both breathed a sigh of relief, Mo Ju was another meal...

"Hey, I touched it!" He said the flop, because he didn't understand it, he thought he only listened to one card, but he didn't expect to hear two cards. As soon as he opened the dark bar, Ye Wei and Eleven They were all thundered...

One is Ye Wei's card, and the other is the eleventh card, all hidden by him...

Fuck, can't it be like this?

This time Mo Ju will not count the money.

How many units are there?

Thousands of people have just been laid out. Should this be tens of thousands?

His shrewd mind counted, "Eighteen per person!"

Dina grimaced, "I have no money, I lost all..."

Mo Ju was generous and generous, "It's okay, I owe one."

Dina, "No, second son, you are so rich, don't mind the little money."

"...This is to ask Wei Wei."

Ye Wei, "..."

Ye Wei and Eleven look at their drawers, and the money is lost... Ye Wei's flat mouth, it doesn't make sense, who wanted to slaughter Mo Ju, did not expect to be slaughtered by Mo Ju, rely, it's not cost-effective Too.

Eleven touched his nose, "I have no money."

If the playing cards are cash, they are out of cash, and Ye Wei is naturally out of it. This Mojudingzhuang village has never been changed. How much money has been sucked away. It is too weird. A rookie, playing such a small card, even Can win nearly one hundred thousand...

It’s really...

"Do you still fight?" Dina asked, and Ye Wei smiled, squeezing out a word, "Fight, I owe you one!"

Mo Ju was very calm, "Okay!"

So there was such a weird situation. The next card was either Mo Jiu's own touch or Mo Qiu. The eleven and Ye Wei both cheated for a lot of cards, but they couldn't stop him.

Ye Wei hurried completely, "No more!"

Playing cards has not been muddled or touched, which is very boring, and eleven are listless. The first game of playing cards is so disgraceful, it is too shameful...

Stealing chickens is not an eclipse, it is really what they are today...


"Mo Ju beauty, you must be playing tricks." Ye Wei was very determined, otherwise she would not lose so badly...

Mo Ju looked at her innocently, "I swear, this is my first time playing cards."

"The first time you play cards does not rule out the possibility of playing tricks."

Dina watched the fire from the other side. She thought it was fun. It was obviously the hook of their sisters.

"You two are cheating, how can I say?"

"Which of your eyes did we cheat on?"

"I saw both eyes."

Ye Wei, "..."



Does anyone know how to play Taiwan Mahjong? (^o^)/~ I quite like it.

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