100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 680: propose

There was silence all around, and it seemed that the sound of music was gone. Only the voice of this man sounded like thunder in everyone's ears, His Majesty the King, Queen and Princess Yashan, and even the nobles who were listening to them...

Including Bai Ye...

All shocked!

My lover, these four people exploded in Bai Ye's heart like a bomb. All of them were surprised, excited, worried and affectionate, and annihilated him.

In fact, Suman took Bai Ye to the banquet, and many people were unwilling to know his identity, but feared Suman’s identity and temper, they were not easy to ask, Suman could not say anything, but they all knew this man identity of. Of course, some people may think that it was just Suman's whim, which was not true, and there was a very serious problem.

Arabs severely discriminate against homosexuals, which violates their religious beliefs.

Many noble families in Saudi high society like to captive little boys, and everyone knows it, but this problem has never been put on the table. In Arab countries, there are many national laws that homosexuality are sentenced to death. In these traditional countries Here, it is almost impossible to see captive boys or homosexuals. Saudi folk customs are slightly more open, however...

Due to the existence of such laws in several nearby countries, the fact that the death penalty for homosexuality was also caused by a lot of public opinion disputes a while ago, even with those nobles.

Most people discriminate and exclude homosexuals in their bones.

This is an unspoken thing. If Suman does not admit it, others will take him helplessly. He has admitted that it is a blatant and provocative tradition. Although gays in Saudi Arabia will not betray the death penalty, they will never allow gays to settle. As a partner.

Suman undoubtedly pushed himself into the muzzle. His identity is so special that it will definitely cause uproar in Saudi high society.

Bai Ye only felt that his heart was hot, and fierce emotions rushed in his heart. His affectionate eyes looked at Suman unabashedly, regardless of the shocking eyes of the king and queen.

"Suman, you..." The king looked at him with a slightly angry eye, and the whole person seemed to be hit hard. He didn't say a word for a while, and looked at Suman disappointedly.

The queen's face is also very bad, she knows that Yashan likes Suman, but he said in front of Yashan that this man is his lover, isn't it humiliating Yashan?

Suman's face was faint, with no emotion, calm as a water.

"Surman, I heard some rumors. I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. You really are..." The king looked at Bai Ye and sighed deeply, pointing at Bai Ye for a long time without speaking.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, what happened to him? He is so handsome and talented, where is not enough for Suman?

Princess Yashan smiled and broke the deadlock, "Mother, which prince do you think is good?"

"Prince Richard, he looks at you like a guy who is very passionate." The queen said with a smile, both eyes were shifted by the words of Ya Shan, and they began to discuss Prince Cary and Prince Richard.

At this moment, when the music started, Prince Richard came over and gracefully invited Princess Yashan to dance. Yashan nodded. As he entered the dance floor with him, he danced gracefully. The handsome men and beautiful women were very bright and instantly became the audience. focus.

The queen was pulled home by several rich and noble people.

The king looked at Suman and said, "You have grown up too. You have made your own decision and don't regret it."

The king and Suman's father were at the end of life and death. When he was a boy, he loved Suman's mother madly. Therefore, he has a love room and love for Suman. Like his own child, he can't bear the punishment.

"Yes, I won't regret it!" Suman said.

The king looked at Bai Ye aside and sneered, "You have a good vision!"

After leaving, Bai Ye smiled and asked Su Man, "He said you have a good vision, or do I have a good vision?"

"Say you!" Suman said blushing at all.

Bai Ye laughed again, couldn't help but drag him to the hidden balcony, turned his back against the wall, without a word, leaned over and kissed his lips deeply, he wanted to do it for a long time ...

Just now he said, when my lover, he wanted to kiss his lips like this, and put his affection on him.

Breathing, gradually sinking.

Suman pushed him away slightly, "Don't make trouble!"

Bai Ye smiled softly, "You scared me!"

"Huh, when did the courage become so small?" Suman sneered coldly. "Sooner or later, do you think you have lived in my house for so long, and no one chews ears in front of the king? It's not as generous as me Admit it."

Moreover, this is not a shameful thing, they are fair and honest, what are they afraid of saying?

"Fortunately, Saudi Arabia abolished the same-sex death penalty, otherwise you will suffer." Bai Ye shook his head and said, he is not a Saudi, it does not matter, but Suman is, and is the first noble of Saudi Arabia, the law is binding on him.

Although the death penalty was abolished, deep-rooted aversion and discrimination still exist.

"What a great thing!" Suman didn't care at all. "Other people's views have nothing to do with me."

He has never been a man who cares what other people think. No one can stop what he wants to do.

"Suman, don't you ever leave Saudi Arabia?" Bai Ye asked suddenly.

Suman frowned, not answering. He had thought that he would never leave Saudi Arabia in his life. Riyadh was his root. He would not go anywhere except here.

"Why did you ask so?"

"I want to marry you," Bai Ye said sincerely. Saudi Arabia doesn't allow it, but Britain allows it. If he lives with him in the UK, they can justify each other without having to face the gossip of the Riyadh nobles.

Suman lowered his head, and because of this angle, Bai Ye saw his slightly reddish ear...

There was a softness in his heart, full of love overflowing in his heart, and he heard that Suman would not change anything...

Are you shy?

This idea made Bai Ye feel more surging in his heart.

"Let me think about it, I don't know." Su Man said in a deep voice, he never thought about this problem.

"Suman, I'm proposing!" Bai Ye couldn't help laughing, "You won't reject me very newly?"

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