An promise promised to take a few steps backwards, as if shocked, and seemed to be strangled by something bloody, panic-stricken, panicked. She seemed to be watching a movie. Someone was walking in front of her eyes, but she looked like a bystander. Wolves and teenagers in the valley are fighting, watching the teenagers shattered by a group of hungry wolves, looking at the valley of blood dance, watching an old man laugh coldly, and watching a girl in red look expressionlessly.

All these images seemed to be squeezed into her mind. Promise only felt a pain in her heart. The nerve in her mind was stirred by something. It was stirred so badly. The pain was abnormal.


The images faded slowly, like the tide, the high tide, and the low tide again. There was no trace of calm in her, and her consciousness returned to calm. An promise promised to be drawn away all the power, fell down on the open field of the martial arts field.

What's going on? Why does she have such a strange feeling, who are the people in the picture, and who? Why did it come to her mind, An promise promised to be puzzled, a headache, the smell of camellia floating in the air, pleasant fragrance, but she seemed to smell the fragrance of flowers, with a **** breath.

It was the old island of Forgetfulness, a unique taste.

The blood in the camellia is the island of forgetfulness in the eyes of many people for a long time.

An Xunuo rolled his legs, circled himself, and put his head on his knees, shaking a little, and suddenly he didn't know what to think. An Xunuo got up and walked to the valley, which seemed to be a natural valley. In the video promised by Fang Cai, he clearly saw a large iron gate trapping more than a hundred wolves in it.

So many wolves, struggling desperately, surrounded by the valley and the iron gate.

But now, there is no iron gate.

Ghostly sent to the valley, An promise promised to go to the valley, pick up a few stones from the ground, and quickly hit a few places on the mountain, while falling straight from the valley on both sides, the valley formed a natural prison.

An Xunuo was dumbfounded... It turned out that this prison door was shrunk in the mountains on both sides. For many years, the door had thick rust and bright red blood...

There was another tingling in her head. Suddenly she noticed footsteps behind her. An promise promised to turn back suddenly, but she saw Yinyun standing under the moonlight, under the grey light, his eyes were deep and shocked, and she looked at her quietly .

An promise promised blank eyes suddenly faded, cold as frost, as if just just an illusion, if the prison door dispersed, this illusion feeling will be clearer.

"Who the **** are you?" Yin Yun asked in a cold voice, "The white camellia is placed according to the five elements, which is an array in itself. If you are not familiar with the arrangement of camellia, it is impossible to walk freely in the white camellia. Ye Ningyuan didn't know that there was this iron door. How do you know?"

The design of this iron door is very unique. At first, Mr. Mo Er wanted to transform it into a prison when he saw a natural mountain here. He used to like to manipulate these things and set up institutions, so he designed this iron door. The door opens to both sides, and is the same height as the mountain. It is hidden in the mountain on both sides. Only the activation mechanism can open the iron gate.

Moreover, this iron gate, apart from the blue wolf, the promise, and the Mo family brothers, and a few teenagers, no one can accurately knock on the starting organ on the Zhongshan body.

Yinyun saw Promise coming to the back mountain, and did not know why in his heart. He followed, and he clearly saw An Xunuo’s trembling and panic standing in the back, and saw that she accurately shot the starter and opened the iron gate. .

This is no accident. Only those who are too familiar with the organization can open the door so accurately.

Who is she?

A ridiculous idea breeds in my heart, but it is quickly overthrown, but quickly returns to my mind. Yin Yun thinks that he must be crazy to have such whims. How do you think that the promises in front of you are the promises of the past? But if it was not a promise, why could she open the iron door? How to explain this? Yin Yun's eyebrows were screwed up.

"An promise," promise promised coldly.

"No, you are not promised. If you are promised, how do you know that opening this door is wrong." Yin Yun muttered to himself, in fact, he didn't know what he was questioning.

Is she a promise? Is promise a promise? How could it be possible that he clearly cremated the promise, although the face was vague and cruel and could not be distinguished, but the characteristics of her body were clear.

He cremated the promise, and she could never survive. Who is this, who is standing here, who is very familiar with Wangyou Island, who is similar to the promise of hobby, who is it?

There was a hint of madness in my mind, but I felt sneered and ignored it. Impossible, it should be impossible, how is it possible? An promise, an promise... How could she be a promise?

Must he be wrong?

Or maybe it was just a coincidence.

An promise promised to pass by him, without saying a word, Yin Yun suddenly asked, "Do you know who was previously held in this mountain prison?"

Promise lightly, "Wild wolf."

The trained, strengthened wild wolf, and the wild wolf injected with genetically modified animals, fortunately, became extinct, otherwise they were very dangerous, and they might live to this day. Yin Yun was even more surprised. Suddenly stretched out her arm to hold her arm and said in a deep voice, "Promise, did you promise?"

"Nonsense, of course I promised." She flicked his arm coldly, as if he had said a joke, and walked back without saying a word, step by step heavier.

This island, where blood and beauty coexist, is a perfect coordination.

She didn't know why there were these pictures in her mind, but she only knew that these pictures seemed to come up, the memories of her past, or the illusion caused by her?

It must be an illusion, if she is, how could she not remember it, except that she is too young and the memory is blurred, she remembers everything else, she has never been to the island of Forgetfulness.

Yin Yun looked at An Xunuo's back, and his heart was filled with surprise. He barely suppressed it, and also picked up three small stones, shot at the mountain not far away, the iron gate opened, and retracted back into the mountain.

Promise... Promise...

Are you really back?

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