After finishing the telephone contact, Bai Hu came to Ye Ningyuan directly. Unexpectedly smoothly, Muris promised to pay 30% in advance, which is a full 20 billion euros. With the financial resources of Murris, he couldn't pay for it. Baihu feared that he would cheat, so he and Ye Ningyuan returned in return.

Ye Ningyuan did not expect it to be so smooth.

He didn't say a word in contemplation, after a while, "Let Qinglong keep an eye on it and see how he made this money."


In other words, Murris had to prepay 30% of the money. Ye Ningyuan had no opinion and was not afraid of his tricks. After all these years of ups and downs, he could not solve anything. Even if Murris really did tricks, he might not be able to deal with it. He simply Don't take Muris in your eyes.

"Boss, when are you going to return to London?" Bai Hu asked, pushing his glasses.

"After a while." Ye Ningyuan said, Baihu secretly, after a while? He has asked three times, and every time he said, after a while, but for a while, as if indefinitely, when did he intend to extend this time?

"Boss, do you have any concerns recently?"

"What can I do?"

"Don't pretend to be unhappy all day long, but you have never been in the house for a few days and are not going out, trapped by love?" White Tiger jokingly asked, they grew up with Ye Ningyuan, and they had a great relationship with each other. They were superiors and subordinates. He is also a friend and has no scruples in speaking.

Ye Ningyuan was stunned. His emotions were hidden so well that no one could see it. This time it became obvious to anyone that it could be seen? The impact of this promise on him is really terrible.

He didn't speak, Bai Hu coughed twice, "Can it be to promise?"

"Shut up if you know!" Ye Ningyuan did not hide. He was not the kind of person who evaded. What to do, he had no idea, but he would not deny the facts.

Bai Hu laughed a lot. It turned out that the boss was moving his heart and coughing. In fact, he had long seen it. As early as when An promise promised to become an idiot, he could see that he likes promise promise. No matter how good it is for a person, it's not good enough to eat and sleep together. The shadows are not separated for 24 hours, so that she is almost spoiled in the sky.

He has never seen Ye Ningyuan take care of a woman like this, of course, except for his mum and sister, so An promise is absolutely special for him. At that time, An promise promised to cry, even if the sky fell, he would Let her laugh first.

But he knows that Ye Ningyuan has always loved another person in his heart. This person has passed away for many years. He has been thinking about it so far. This is an infatuation. Ye Ningyuan must not know that Suzaku has liked him for many years. Perhaps, He knows, but pretends not to know. He is so clever, what other people's thoughts can't hide him.

But Suzaku was a woman who dared to love and hate. She could afford it and let it go. She said that she could also wait for Ye Ningyuan to wait until he forgot to promise. But after so many years, Suzaku gradually died. She found that she could not wait for Ye Ningyuan, so she gave up this unrequited love. Ye Ningyuan has always refused to believe that promises are dead, Mo Ye said, promises are dead, Mo Ju also said, promises are dead, but he never said that, he believed that one day, promises would come back, so he waited She came back. Knowing that he is desperate, he has to wait, because without this hope, he is afraid of feeling tired and tired of the world.

No one will wait year after year without knowing hope, and the result of knowingly waiting is empty.

Exhausted youth, exhausted enthusiasm, but what was waiting was a cold, they are not Ye Ningyuan, they are willing to wait so, so Suzaku slowly forget the past crush, treat him as the boss, friend, and no longer cross the boundary .

Today, An promise is the exception.

Bai Hu and others knew that Ye Ningyuan had a picture book, and the people in it were all promises. Originally they did not dare to move this picture book. Later, when Suzaku was going to give up on him, she was very unwilling. She wanted to know that Ye Ningyuan fell in love. What a woman looks like. So she secretly opened the book, and Qinglong, Baihu and others were also curious, so she read the book.

The woman looked exactly like Xu Xing, but no one would think that it was Xu Xing. Instead, Qinglong once touched his chin and asked them when investigating An Xu Nuo, "Does this woman look like the woman in the boss's album?"

Look like? Not referring to the appearance, but the charm, and the dress is also surprisingly similar. Suzaku once said that this woman might take the boss out of the past feelings.

Every one of them hopes that Ye Ningyuan can forget the promise and find happiness again. It doesn't matter if he hasn't forgotten, at least he can love again and find happiness.

They have been following him for so many years and they all know that Ye Ningyuan was not happy. Except for the days when he just returned from Wangyou Island, the apparent happiness was easy to pretend, he would have acted, but what about his heart? Missing someone, loving someone, but she no longer, all the past, memories are only missed by him, which feels uncomfortable.

Regardless of whether it’s a substitute or true love, no matter what Ye Ningyuan regards An promise as long as she can make Ye Ningyuan happy, in fact, they all support Ye Ningyuan and An promise.

"Boss, to be honest, haven't you been tired for so many years?" Bai Hu smiled and asked, "I think, people are dead, they are dead, and their days have to pass. You are so young, you are always like a little old man. One thing, if you think she is really unforgettable, then remember, but you remember her, and you fall in love with others, and there is no conflict. A dead person, a living person, a living person can never compete for the dead person, the person you remember It’s always the most special, and no one can replace it."

Ye Ningyuan was stunned. The White Tiger deserved to be the smartest and sharpest among the four. He broke the contradiction in Ye Ningyuan's heart in one word. He was indeed afraid that he and An promise would continue to get along. He would love An promise more and more slowly. Slowly forget the promise.

This is not allowed by him.

He hopes that the promise will always be his favorite person, the most special one, as he said, no matter whether he will fall in love with others again, the deepest and softest place in his heart is always for her, not Replaced by others.

Can living people never fight against dead people?

But White Tiger, people who are alive have a chance to fight, but people who are dead never have a chance. What if they can fight?

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