Thump, thump, growl-!

The eerie sound of a dog was heard. 

The reason she fell in love with Herwin. The giant wild dog she had encountered in the ducal castle had appeared before her eyes.

Lucia, back to her 8-year-old self, trembled like a squint at the sight of the menacing dog.

With a snarl, the drooling dog lunged at her. 

She reflexively raised her arms to shield herself, but then she heard the dog moan.

Snap, snap, snap!

“Get away from Lucia!”

A young Herwin stood in front of her with a wooden sword.

Behind him, the scene was just as she had seen it as a child. For a moment, a nervous battle raged between Herwin and the dog, and then Lucia threw a rock at the dog, allowing Herwin to take it down.

The dog slowly backed away, and Herwin, breathing heavily, came to Lucia’s side.

“Lucia, are you okay?”

At this point, she should have been crying. Instead, Lucia felt a sense of déjà vu and stared blankly at Herwin.

“That’s why I told you not to go too deep, there are beasts here that are more dangerous than wild dogs.”

Herwin grunted and examined Lucia’s body from place to place. He looked at Lucia first, even though he was the one who had gotten into trouble.

“Don’t ever go into the forest alone again. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mmm!”

Lucia nodded hesitantly. Lucia’s mouth dropped open as she saw Herwin’s face soften.

‘Was he always like this?’

Now that she was older, she felt a renewed sense of gratitude as the scene unfolded before her eyes. No, it was the affection in his eyes, the way he cared for her.

It wasn’t the kind of look you’d expect to see between friends, no matter how young.

Herwin brushed the dust from Lucia’s hands and the hem of her skirt, leaving his mess behind. Then he pulled a four-leaf clover from his pocket.

“And now, this.”

Herwin handed the four-leaf clover to Lucia.

“I found it after you left, I’m giving it to you, now stop crying.”

She still has the four-leaf clover. It was pressed, specially coated, and placed in her music box.
Lucia had been looking at the clover for a while, and when she looked up, she saw Herwin smiling brightly, his face covered in dirt.

Lucia bit her lower lip as she stared at him, her memory returning to her, and memories of their time together flashed through her mind.

“You… you’ve always protected me…….”

When she was first attacked by wild dogs when she was bullied by children when she was nearly killed by a broken blade, and-

“Even today.”

She flashed back to the moment when he’d risked everything to save her from the orcs.

The young Lucia returned to her present form. 

Young Herwin smiled broadly, and she hugged him gently.

“Thank you, Herwin.”


“Yes, really. I’m glad you’re by my side.”

“Then I’ll be honest with you.”

Lucia opened her closed eyes and looked at Herwin in her arms. The younger Herwin whispered in her ear.

“I’m always-“

Herwin’s face turned white, and his voice faded away. 

But Lucia could hear his words.

* * *

Her eyelids fluttered open, and a figure appeared within the walls.

Lucia blinked to clear her blurry vision. When her vision cleared, she looked around.

The ceiling and walls were unfamiliar, and luxury items were everywhere. It was a room she’d never seen before. After a moment of bewilderment, Lucia’s vision caught sight of Herwin’s face.

Lucia blinked slowly and looked up at him.


Herwin squeezed Lucia’s right hand with an indescribable look on his face like he was laughing or crying.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, but where am I?”

Judging by the lack of clearing of her throat, it hadn’t been long.

“It’s the Imperial Palace, and I’ve arranged for you to stay here until you regain consciousness.”

For a moment, Lucia was taken aback by the word imperial, but then she remembered what had happened today.

The imperial family had gotten themselves into trouble, and the orc situation had come to a head, and if they hadn’t done something about it, it would have been talked about in more ways than one.

Nodding silently to herself, Lucia suddenly noticed something odd. 

‘Why is he the only one here?’

Her brother and her friends must have been looking for her, but for some reason, Herwin was the only one in the room.

Her parents weren’t at the hunt, but it was still odd that Lucas wasn’t there.

Sensing Lucia’s question, Herwin spoke first.

“They came and went a little while ago, your brother and our friends, and your fiancé.”

Lucia flinched at the mention of her fiancé. It was only later that Lucia realized she’d broken up with Bern.

The slowly fading dream came back to her.

She remembered the words of a face younger than Herwin’s now.

‘I’m always waiting for you.’

Lucia pursed her lips and gingerly raised her upper body. Herwin immediately took her hand to support her.

“Herwin, there’s something I need to tell you.”

The words stuck in her throat like a thorn in her side. But it was time to be brave.

“Actually, Bern and…….”


Before she could finish her sentence, Herwin said Lucia’s name so sweetly. It was so sweet that Lucia was instantly mesmerized.

Herwin grinned at Lucia’s dazed expression. He touched Lucia’s still clasped hand.

“The Marquis told me all about it. He broke up with you.”


Lucia sighed, not expecting Bern to tell her the truth.

“I thought about it a lot when he told me you broke up, but I have to tell you this.”

Herwin’s cheeks heated up, and the mood began to settle. 

Fingertips tingling, heart pounding, tension hanging in the air, it was-.

“I love you.”

It was a confession. 

It felt so different than the first time.

Back then, she didn’t believe his words. She thought he was just rushing to say it because he didn’t want to mistake friendship for love and lose it. But now, Lucia could see enough to know that he was sincere.

His voice trembled, his face flushed, and his eyes red with nervousness. She could see her reflection in them.

“I’ve always loved you, and I’ve been a fool and hurt you without knowing my heart, but I won’t do that now, even though I’ve turned around and come too late-“

Herwin rose from his chair and dropped to one knee on the floor. Then he brushed the back of Lucia’s hand that held her trembling lips.

“Will you marry me?”

For a moment, her voice caught in her throat, and she couldn’t say a word, all of her anticipation and hard-won love bursting out at once into tears.

The dewy tears formed on the walls of Lucia’s eyes, and Herwin jumped to his feet, panicking.

Lucia rubbed the corners of her eyes, holding back the sobs that threatened to leak out.

“Don’t cry…….”

Just then, a large, warm hand wrapped around Lucia’s face. She followed the hand and lifted her head, and this time, Herwin stared at her with sad, tender eyes.

She could read so much in his eyes. It was the same as being embarrassed by her tears, not knowing how to react, and not knowing what to say.

She couldn’t help but laugh when she realized that he was doing all of this to get her attention.

Lucia, who had been crying nervously, burst out laughing, and Herwin froze.



Lucia replied before he could finish her name. Herwin’s eyes widened.

Lucia wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled broadly.

“Okay. Let’s get married.”


Herwin said in disbelief, and Lucia burst out laughing.

“You asked me to marry you first, and that’s how you reacted.”

Lucia laughed out loud, forgetting her nervousness, and as Herwin watched, his jaw dropped and he pulled her into his arms.

After a moment of surprise, Lucia smiled and put her hand on Herwin’s back.

“This can’t be a dream, can it?”

“You want it to be a dream?”

“No! It can’t be! Do you really think you…….”

As Herwin stammered, Lucia pulled back for a moment and held his face.

Herwin was holding back tears. Even with his face contorted, he was still handsome.

He blushed and hastened to cover it, not wanting to be seen crying, but before he could, Lucia pulled his face to hers.

Soon their lips were touching, soft and dry.

The tears stopped, and Herwin’s eyes went wide.

Then their lips parted. Lucia’s cheeks flushed like a peach, and she smiled happily.

“What do you think? This isn’t a dream, is it?”


Herwin was speechless. She wondered if he was just too stunned, but when the silence continued, Lucia shook her head.

To Herwin’s surprise, Lucia leaned in closer to him once more. Just as their lips were about to touch, there was a tongue-lashing sound and Lucia’s upper body was jerked backward.

Lucia’s eyes widened as she lay there for a moment. Herwin, who had finally regained his senses, was frowning as if he was holding back something.


“Hey, Herwin?”

Lucia tensed as Herwin’s face came closer. She squeezed her eyes shut as his breath was so close to her nose.

But for a moment, she didn’t feel anything. Instead, the breath that had been tickling her nose moved to her throat.

“What are you going to do?”

A murmur was heard. She opened her eyes and saw Herwin’s fist-shaking next to her face.

He ran a hand through the dark hair that tickled her neck and his red eyes locked with her.

She could see the fierce desire in his eyes.

Lucia stroked Herwin’s hair again, pausing for a moment at the devouring look in his eyes. 

“Are you going to keep doing that?”

“Like what?”

“I’m holding back a lot right now, and if you keep tempting me, I won’t be able to stop anymore.”

Using the word temptation deliberately, Herwin wanted Lucia to stop; just being this close to her was enough.

If Lucia moved any closer, he would not be able to stand it.

Lucia rolled her eyes for a moment, then ruffled his hair.

“……Who told you to put up with it?”

Instead of backing away, she took a step closer, and Herwin burst out laughing.

“I didn’t tell you to put up with it.”

“Are you serious about that?”

Herwin was on the verge of losing it. Lucia smiled as seductively as she could at Herwin, who looked like he might explode at the slightest touch.

“That’s what I say.”

It was an expression that was completely out of character for her cute face, but in Herwin’s eyes, it was the most dangerous and sexy thing in the world.

As if Lucia’s words had been the catalyst, Herwin grabbed her face in one swift motion and captured her lips.

It was harder than any kiss she’d ever dreamed of. But still, he was clumsy.

Still, it was enough to make them hot. For a moment, their lips parted.

When Herwin tried to approach again, Lucia pushed him slightly.


“That’s not how you kiss.”

This time, Lucia took the initiative. 

Their lips parted gently, their tongues slowly entwining. Herwin’s hands fumbled with the sensation for the first time. 

Lucia was no stranger to kissing, but she was more skilled than Herwin. At first, he followed Lucia’s lead, but soon he mastered the kiss and took the initiative.

Lucia gasped as Herwin turned the tables and found herself in the position of being eaten. After a passionate kiss, their lips parted again.

Herwin stroked Lucia’s face with a look of satisfaction.

“Where the hell did you learn to do this?”

The words were spoken with glee, but Lucia visibly reacted. 

Herwin, who had been smiling at Lucia, slowly hardened his face.

“……Surely, Marquis Casper?”

Lucia didn’t say anything. But the way she averted her eyes convinced him.

A vein of blood stood out on Herwin’s forehead.     

“You learned to kiss from a marquis?”

“……Because I didn’t think I’d end up like this with you.”

“Oh, really?”

Lucia protested, but it didn’t work. 

“I’m very disappointed that your first kiss wasn’t with me, but I can’t help it because it’s already done.”

He didn’t seem too upset, which was good.

“But in the future, you’ll have to make sure you don’t kiss any other guy besides me.”

No, was he angry?

Lucia looked up at Herwin, sweating profusely. She tried to defuse his anger by making a pitiful face….…

It backfired. 

She couldn’t get away from him until someone came in.

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