“It’s getting late already. We should get going.”

“We had fun today! Let’s schedule a time later to play like we did today.”

“Lucia, if you ever change your mind, just tell me, okay?”

After a total of four hours of non-stop talking, including Herwin, it was almost evening. 

One by one, they got up to go home, but just before they left, their friends started talking, and Herwin’s expression turned even more sullen.

Finally, Herwin shouted.

“Don’t come back here again! You’re all going to ruin our future. Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, I understand.”

“Ugh, I’m scared. We should run away!”

“You don’t have any friends besides us, so don’t be so loud.”

Of course, they weren’t friends to be scared. 

Herwin’s shoulders shook as he watched his friends run off laughing.

Arista, the last of the group to stick around, grinned from ear to ear.

“They’re driving me crazy. What are you going to do, Herwin? They’re going to make fun of you for a while.”

“It’s my fault for letting them be my friends all this time.”

The constant teasing, even as he talked to his friends, was wearing on Herwin.

Lucia and Arista burst out laughing again as he entered the drawing room with his thumping footsteps.

“Lucia, you’ll have to soothe him. He’s pouting so hard.”

“It’s not often they get to make fun of Herwin, so I think they’re doing it more than necessary. I’ll be nice and soothe him.”

Their eyes locked, and both women choked back laughter and shook their shoulders. 

It felt like a year’s worth of laughter had been released in one day, and their stomachs were in knots. Arista wiped away the tears that had formed and placed a hand on Lucia’s shoulder.

“It’s too late, but congratulations, you two look so good together.”

“Thank you, Arista.”

Arista smiled a little bitterly at Lucia’s beaming, happy face.

For some reason, she remembered that Herwin had told her in the past that he liked her.

Even if the two of them were together now, Lucia, who knew all the facts, would have hated her for it, but she was so grateful that she hadn’t let it show.

Arista pulled Lucia into a tight hug.

“I’m always on your side. You know that, right?”

Surprised, Lucia giggled and hugged Arista back.

“What is it all of a sudden, it’s embarrassing. Of course, I know.”

“Later, if that Herwin guy ever makes you sad, or bothers you, let me know, and I’ll come running and kick his ass.”

“Hahaha! Really?”

“Yeah, sure. I’m your knight.”

Taking a step back, Arista took Lucia’s hand and kissed it briefly. One corner of Arista’s mouth quirked up and she stared at Lucia with her violet eyes.

Lucia blushed and felt embarrassed. 

“A knight. You’re so…….”

“I’m not lying. I promised you in our first year at the academy that I would be good to you for the rest of my life. It was my knightly oath.”

Thinking she was joking, Lucia chuckled.

“That’s nice to hear. Arista, if you were a man, I think I would have jumped at the chance.”

“I’m flattered, my lady.”

Arista’s eyes widened, but then she said it with a Brian-like smirk, and Lucia laughed as if it tickled her. Just then, a hand appeared between them.

Herwin, who had gone into the drawing room, had reappeared.

“I can’t let my guard down for a moment. What are you doing, falling for Arista?”

Herwin, who had already pulled Lucia into his arms, pouted.

“Lucia, is it me or Arista? There are only two correct answers: ‘Your only childhood friend’ or ‘Herwin Phoenaeus’.”

In the end, there was only one choice. Arista’s eyes turned cold at the sight of Herwin’s jealousy.

“Herwin, it’s ugly.”

Fixing his gaze on Lucia, Herwin waved his hand in the air in annoyance. 

“You’re going to keep saying that when Arista is here?”

“Yes, so answer me quickly, my patience is not long.”

Lucia squirmed in Herwin’s arms and waved at Arista, who was already walking away.

“Arista, I’m sorry, I’ll see you later!”

Arista turned and waved back, just in time to see Herwin kiss Lucia.

She quickly jerked her head forward, not wanting to see her friends’ affectionate behavior.

Once they were out of earshot, Arista sucked in a breath.

“What are they going to do if someone sees them?”

Once she was free, she couldn’t control herself. She couldn’t get used to the sight of Herwin fawning over Lucia.

She’s glad they’re together after so much heartache, but she doesn’t envy them that much.

Still, it was nice to see, Arista thought and smiled sheepishly.

“Hey, guys, sorry I’m late…….”

Arista apologized as soon as she reached the front door.

Her friends would be waiting for her. They’d all taken Christine’s carriage on the way here, so they’d have to take her carriage on the way out.

But for some reason, there was no answer.

Arista paused and looked around. No way.

“Did they leave me here?”

Arista stumbled out the door, despairing. Not a shadow of her friends could be seen, let alone the carriage.

“Princess Lydia, I thought you had left?”

Aaron, who happened to be passing by, spotted Arista and was surprised to see her.

He remembered the departure of Christine and her friends only moments ago.

Arista looked up at him, despondent.

“Are they gone already?”

“They… yes, they left ten minutes ago.”

Arista’s eyebrows shot up at the confirmation of abandonment.

“This is really……!”

An auror blossomed from Lydia’s right arm, and Aaron instinctively stepped back.

“Whoa, I’ll never let them go.”

She knew it wasn’t intentional, but it still pissed her off. Meeting Arista’s eyes, Aron spoke cautiously.

“Would you like me to arrange for a carriage to take you home?”

Arista thought for a moment, then shook her head.

“I can’t. Well, then, do me a favor…….”

As Arista spoke, she caught the faint sound of horses’ hooves. Soon enough, a carriage appeared.

She wondered if her friends had returned, but it wasn’t Christine’s carriage.

The carriage door opened and Lucas emerged.

Rubbing his neck tiredly, Lucas stopped when he saw Arista in front of him. 

The walls swelled around them. After a breathless silence, Arista awkwardly greeted him.

“……How are you?”

It was awkward, not only because of the orc incident yesterday but also because they had just witnessed Becky’s affair together.

However, Arista wasn’t the only one who felt awkward, Lucas approached her.

“What are you doing here? Are you here to see Lucia?”

Lucas asked, looking around. He seemed a little too close, and Arista took a step back.

“Yeah, my friends and I came to see her, we were worried about what happened yesterday…….”

“I see… But what are you doing here?”

“Oh, well…….”

Arista was hesitant at first, but then she explained her situation. After listening for a while, Lucas burst out laughing.

“Hahaha! So they left you behind?”


“This is crazy. Why did they leave you behind? It’s not like you’re that invisible.”

“My point. Just wait and see. I’ll get my revenge one way or another.”

Arista grumbled, her fat face pouting. Lucas, who was watching the scene, smiled and opened his mouth.

“You want me to take you home?”


“You need to go home. Get in. I’ll take you home.”

Lucas reached the front of the carriage and extended his hand to Arista. After a moment of mesmerization at the prospect of being escorted, Arista threw her hands up in exasperation.

“No, no, no! Just lend me your carriage. I’ll take care of it.”

Lucas narrowed his eyes for a moment, then grinned mischievously and took Arista’s hand, pulling her into the carriage.

“That’s it, get in. I’ll get you home safely.”

With those words, Lucas climbed into the carriage as well and ordered the coachman to take them to Duchess Lydia.

Arista braced herself for her first carriage ride alone with Lucas.

Her fingertips itching, she fumbled with the hem of her skirt and spoke in a croaky voice.

“……Thank you, brother.”

“You’re welcome. Between us.”

He didn’t mean it in any particular way, but she wanted to give it meaning for no reason.

Arista was grateful for the friends that had left her behind. If they hadn’t, she wouldn’t be in the situation she was in now.


Suddenly, the carriage came to a screeching halt. Lucas tightened his grip on Arista, who was thrown forward. Arista blinked as she found herself in Lucas’s arms.

“Arista, are you okay?”


“How the hell do you drive a carriage, what happened?”

Once he was sure she was okay, Lucas asked the coachman. Arista sat back down and smoothed her disheveled hair. For a moment, she caught a whiff of citrus on him.

It was a scent that made her feel cool, just like him.

“I apologize, Master. There was a sudden rush of a person in front of the carriage…….”

The coachman stammered, relaying the situation. At the mention of a person, both Lucas and Arista glanced out the window.

Both stiffened at the sight of the unexpected figure.


“Wait, stay here.”

Lucas stepped out of the carriage, leaving Arista behind. Then a figure paced in front of him.


It was Becky. She was clutching at his cuffs and sagging, as if she were regretting what she’d done yesterday.

She wondered if he was weakening, but she was wrong, his face didn’t light up.

“I was so wrong, and it will never happen again, so please don’t leave me…….”

Becky begged, tears streaming down her face. Lucas cut her off firmly, but she persisted.

“Are you still mad at me, then I’ll wait until you are, okay? I’ll stay here until you forgive me…….”

Lucas rubbed his forehead tiredly as Becky’s obsession continued. Deciding this wasn’t going to work, Arista stepped out of the carriage.

“Really, just once, if you’ll forgive me…….”

“That’s enough.”

Becky’s face, which had grown sallow overnight, instantly contorted as soon as she saw Arista. 

“Arista, stay inside.”

As Lucas approached Arista, Becky froze, unable to move. Her mouth dropped open and she pointed at the two of them.

“Why did she come out of the carriage? Are you two dating or something?” 

She must have gotten the wrong idea from seeing them together in the carriage. The misunderstanding was clear, and Becky couldn’t stop talking.

“How can you do that to me, it’s only been a day since you broke up with me, and you’ve been seeing each other all this time without me knowing, haven’t you?”

As she began to spout nonsense and make assumptions, Lucas crumpled his face in frustration, as if he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Watch your mouth, who are you talking to?”

“Whoever it is, it’s the two of you, acting so innocent, so clueless, so creepy!”

All was lost in Becky’s eyes, and the sight of her rampage drained Lucas of whatever compassion he had left.

Just as Lucas was about to warn her again, Arista, who had taken his hand, stepped forward.

“Yes, we’re dating.”


A giddy Becky giggled, but Arista stood her ground.

“My brother has accepted my confession, and there’s nowhere for you to come back to, so don’t go running around here being ugly and-“

Go away.

Arista hissed, her voice low with life. The life force of a swordsman who had reached Sword Expert was too much for an ordinary woman to take in.

Eventually, Becky’s legs gave out and she sagged. 

Arista snorted in exasperation and climbed into the carriage, still clutching Lucas’ hand.

Lucas was still stunned by the suddenness of it all.

“Let’s go.”

The coachman, who had hesitated for a moment, began to reign in the horses, and Arista, who glanced behind her, saw Becky collapse in vain.

There would be no more visits from her to Lucas.

She felt like a tooth had been knocked out.

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