A carriage glided in front of Taylor’s Café on a sunny day.

Lucia and Herwin stepped out of the carriage, side by side. Nobles strolled by gossiping about the two, who seemed to be closer than they seemed.

Lucia grumbled softly as their stares grew hotter.

“If I had known it would be like this, I would have come alone.”

“You’re leaving me to meet with the Marquis alone?”

“We’re just saying goodbye, and Bern is seeing someone, so what’s the harm in being anxious?”

“Still, no. Not with him.”

Herwin was still stubborn. He was fine with everything else, but whenever the subject of Bern came up, it was as if he was in a tizzy. 

Lucia shook her head and walked into the café, unsuccessfully trying to get him to leave. Holding the door open for her to enter, Herwin glanced back at the people staring at them.

Everyone’s heads snapped up in surprise. No one could beat the swagger of a Sword Master.

The café was packed, and it was hard to find an empty seat. 

Lucia looked around for Bern.

“Lady Agnes, this way.”

Just then, she heard a high-pitched voice that didn’t belong to Bern. She turned and saw Celine.

“Lady Jayson.”

Lucia walked over to her happily.

“Bern has a room set aside for you, you can go there.”

Lucia thought Bern was with Celine, but he seemed to have entered the room alone.

Lucia was puzzled by her words, and the look in Herwin’s eyes grew wary.

“Well, there are a lot of people around, and he said he doesn’t want to be conscious of others.”

“Ah, I see, but why is the young lady here….…”

She meant why isn’t she with Bern, and Celine smiled.

“I thought you two might want to talk about something in private, and you didn’t get a chance to yesterday.”

Celine clasped her hands together politely and bowed to Lucia.

“Thank you, young lady. Thanks to you, I’ve been able to connect with Bern, and there are no words to express my gratitude.”

“Don’t do this. It’s not something to be grateful for.”

“No, I can thank you for a hundred times over, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”

By now, there were tears in Celine’s eyes. At first, Lucia didn’t know what to do, but then she smiled and helped Celine to her feet.

“Come on, go on, Bern is waiting for you.”

Lucia nodded and looked at Herwin. 

“Me too…….”

“You must be Phoenaeus, right? Come wait here with me.”

Herwin turned to follow Lucia, but Celine stopped him. Her wide grin made him flinch.
It was not uncommon for people who met him for the first time to be overwhelmed by his energy and unable to get a word in.

After a moment of confusion, Celine winked at Lucia. Lucia glanced back at Herwin and went into the room where Bern was supposed to be.

In the end, Herwin didn’t have time to follow her.

As he stared at the room Lucia had entered, he looked up at Celine with eager eyes. Celine was still smiling.

“Why did you interrupt me?”

“I did not interrupt. I was just doing what I had to do.”

He can’t spit on that smile. He couldn’t treat Celine as he would anyone else. In a way, she was the one who’d made it possible for him and Lucia to get together. With no choice, Herwin took a seat across from Celine.

“Would you like to place an order?”

“Aren’t you nervous?”

Handing him the menu, Celine paused and looked at him. Herwin lifted his chin high and stared at Celine.

At that moment, they understood. They were in the same place, thinking the same thing.

“You are uneasy, aren’t you?”

Herwin’s eyebrows wiggled.

“Well, it’s not that I don’t understand the feeling. I’m a little insecure myself if I’m honest.”

“But why…….”

“You mean we’re just waiting here?”

Herwin nodded. Celine fiddled with the ring on her finger, then spoke up.

“I’m just trusting Bern, after all, he chose me, and I’m sure he had a lot of thoughts and options, so if he chose me, shouldn’t I act accordingly?”


It was a thought-provoking answer. Herwin closed his eyes, silently remembering Lucia.

“I guess you’re right.”

“Isn’t that right?”

“Haha, but I still don’t like the idea of the two being together…….”

“Hahaha, you’re more narrow-minded than I thought.”

Herwin narrowed his shoulder at the sudden attack. He couldn’t even get angry and stared at Celine. Then, Herrwin asked her if she had any idea.

“Come to think of it, we met last time, right?”

“What? With me?”

“Don’t you remember? You bumped into me.”

Celine shook her head, not having a clue. 

“Christine… No, I met you at a party hosted by Diores.”

“Uh… Ah, then!”

Celine remembered running away crying when she saw Bern and Lucia kissing. As it turned out, she had bumped into a man while running away.

“That was you.”

Celine covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief. It was strange how people who had been so disconnected at the time had turned around and found each other.

“I still feel dizzy when I think about that time.”

“That’s the same for me.”

The two exchanged glances in the suddenly somber atmosphere, and it was then that Herwin’s eye caught sight of the ring Celine was wearing.

“Is that the ring the Marquis gave you?”

It was on the fourth finger of her left hand.

“Yes, that’s right, it’s the ring that Bern once gave me when he asked me to marry him.”

She thought she was going to walk down the aisle with the ring, but she ended up breaking up with him and marrying Viscount Romario.

“Bern offered to fit me with a new one this time, but this means a lot to me.”

Celine wrapped her left hand around it treasuredly. 

“We’re going to get married sooner or later, nothing is set in stone, but what the heck, it’s just a matter of our hearts being in the right place.”

Celine giggled girlishly, and Herwin smirked. It was because he could understand her words for the hundredth time.

“Congratulations on your marriage.”

“Thank you. You’re getting married too, aren’t you?”

Herwin crossed his arms and grinned roguishly.

“Of course. We’re going to have the most amazing wedding in the world.”

She laughed, not at the arrogance, but at how true it sounded. After a round of laughter, Celine said.

“Oh, do you want an invitation to our wedding?”

“No, thank you.”

The way Herwin was able to make up his mind in less than a second, Celine felt like she knew his personality.

The mood lightened, and the two continued their conversation until Lucia and Bern’s talk was finished.

Bragging about their respective lovers made up an eighth of the conversation.

* * *

Meanwhile, Lucia entered the private room to find Bern greeting her.

“How are you?”

“Bern, how are you?”

“I’ve been fine. Is Lucia okay? I’ve been worried about you since that day.”

“Oh no, that would have made her jealous.”

“Don’t worry, we were both worried, but Celine was more worried that it was her fault.”

She doesn’t blame Celine because it was an accident, but remembering her personality after dealing with her a few times, she could definitely blame herself.

She wondered if it would be awkward when they met again, but she was as relaxed as ever. 

“I’m sorry I’m so late in greeting you, but thank you for doing me a favor.”

“Even Bern would do that? I’ve heard her say thank you at least ten times outside.”

“Only because I’m grateful, and frankly, what happened with me and Celine isn’t something that’s easily accepted. I’m sure some people will point fingers at me for marrying Celine after the news of our breakup.”

“I’m sure there are, but that’s none of their business anymore, is it?”

Bern, momentarily speechless at her nonchalance, burst out laughing.

“Yes, you’re right, it’s none of their business anymore.”

“From the way you’re talking, I assume you’re planning to get married right away?”

“Yeah, we’re trying to rush it as much as possible. After all, it’s been over a year, and we’re finally getting married. Besides, there’s a rush now that Celine has no place to stay.”

“Oh, no place to stay. Doesn’t she have a family?”

“There is, but… You know, even if they’re family, they’re just people who don’t help Celine. Apparently, she’s been living in an inn since the day after Viscount Romario died.”

It had been months since Viscount Romario’s death, and it was hard to believe that she had been moving from inn to inn for so long, with no one to turn to.

Lucia was speechless and stunned, and Bern sighed in sympathy.

“I had no idea she was living like that, either. She must have been selling what little artifacts and jewelry she had.”

“And where is she staying now?”

“I’ve taken her in, and she’ll be staying with me for the foreseeable future, so she won’t have to find another place.”

Lucia patted her chest, relieved. Then she remembered something.

“Have you… have you told your mother about this?”

She had heard that it was his parents’ disapproval that had led to their separation.

Realizing what Lucia was talking about, Bern nodded, a little bitterly.

“Yes, as soon as the hunting festival was over, Celine and I went to see my mother and explained everything.”

“And did she approve of the two of you…….”

“No. That’s not right, my mother was against it, saying she could never allow it.”

A sigh came out of Lucia’s mouth. Bern stroked the ring on the fourth finger of his left hand and remembered what had happened two days ago.

‘Now…now, what did you say?’

‘It’s exactly what you heard. I’ve broken up with Lucia, and I’m going to marry Celine.’

Bern squeezed Celine’s hand tightly and told his mother, Tiana, the whole truth. 

Tiana staggered in disbelief and flopped down on the couch.

‘Mother, are you okay….…’

A startled Celine reached for her, but Tiana swatted her away with a muffled yelp.

‘Who’s your mother? I would never have the likes of you as my daughter-in-law! No, I’ll never accept it!’

As expected, Bern frowned when she reacted as violently as when he broke up with Celine.

‘Celine, are you okay?’

‘Yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry.’

The back of her hand was red from Tiana’s slap. Bern, who had been gently stroking Celine’s hand, hid her behind him and declared war on Tiana.

‘You don’t have to accept it. I didn’t come here to ask for Mother’s permission.’

‘What? What did you just say?’

‘I’m going to marry Celine, and I’m well past the age when my mother would give me her permission, and there’s no one to stand in our way anymore, and if you continue to oppose us, and to be rude to Celine,…….’

Bern shot her mother a sharp glare.

‘I will have you sent to the marquisate to ensure that you never approach Celine again.’

It was saying that he would completely abandon Tiana. Not to mention that Tiana would run wild holding the back of her neck.

‘I may be crazy, but you’re definitely crazy, so go ahead and do it if you can, but do you think I’m going to let you two get married?!’

Bern refused to budge as he wasted more than a year because of his parents’ tough attitude.

Just then, Celine grabbed his arm.

‘Bern, you can’t do this. She’s your mother, she should have time to come to terms with it.’

Celine patted Bern on the back and stood beside him instead of behind him, looking directly at Tiana.

It was a far cry from the trembling, unable-to-make-eye contact of earlier.

‘I’m well aware of your dislike for me, Madame, and I’m also well aware that I’m not good enough for Bern.’


‘But I love Bern with all my heart, my lady. I would do anything to stand by his side.’

Tiana’s eyes wavered as she watched Celine assert her will without being pushed at all. 

Celine took a step forward and stood in front of Tiana. Tiana shuddered, wary of her.

‘I’ll try to get you to accept me. Please, I beg you, see me as I am.’

Celine knelt, bringing herself to eye level with Tiana on the couch. 

Her warm personality, as well as her affection for Bern, was evident in her green eyes. 

Eventually, Tiana said nothing and walked past Celine and out of the room.

It may have looked like she was avoiding the room out of conviction, but Bern knew better. That Tiana’s impregnable mind had been shaken.

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