“Hmph, hmph, hmph.”

Christine hummed her nose and watched the scenery pass by outside.

It was a sunny day, with a cool breeze, and the greenery was lush. Everything was perfect.

Today was the long-awaited meeting day.

Christine was currently riding a carriage to go to the meet-up.

“What will he be like?”

It was two days ago, the evening of the gathering with her friends. Her father had told her that the next man had been chosen.

‘Really? Who is it this time? It’s a good one, isn’t it?’

‘Hehe, calm down. I’m not going to pick a strange man to be your match.’

Count Diores laughed at his daughter’s excitement. He wondered if this was the same daughter who had run away at the mere mention of her engagement just a few days ago.

He was grateful to Lucia, knowing full well that her friend’s engagement was the reason for her change of heart.

‘They put the letter in our hands first. They seem to like you.’

‘Oh, really?’

It was good news that the other person had a good feeling for her even though they hadn’t met yet.

‘So it sounds like they want to meet as soon as possible, what about you?’

‘I’m fine with any time. I’ll push back my schedule to see him sooner rather than later!’

‘Haha, in that case, I’ll take that as a positive and make an appointment as soon as possible.’

Within half a day, Christine heard back from the other person, and they finally scheduled an appointment for today, two days later.

She was very curious about who this person was.

She pestered her father for any information, but for some reason, he didn’t tell her anything. Rather, he said,

‘You’ll see.’

Or something to that effect.

Christine lined up a list of possible candidates among her acquaintances to see if she knew anyone.

Still, there were no hints, and she had a hard time identifying the person.

“Ma’am, you’ve arrived.”

They had finally arrived at their destination. Christine hurried out of the carriage, unable to contain her excitement.

In front of her was the hottest cafe in town. With her heart pounding, Christine entered the cafe.

She took a seat in a moderately conspicuous place from the entrance and waited for the other person to arrive.

Since she didn’t know anything about the other person, she had no choice but to wait for him to approach her.

‘Go to the place of the appointment and he will show up on time.’

That’s what Count Diores said.

There were only five minutes left until the appointment. Christine slipped her pocket watch into her purse and checked herself in the mirror.

It was her first time meeting the opposite sex, so she’d been getting ready since dawn with the help of a maid. Thanks to that, she’s a bit tired, but she can say that she’s the most beautiful these days.

Feeling confident, Christine straightened her back and waited for her date to arrive.

After about two minutes, the door to the café opened with a rattling sound.

Turning her head reflexively, Christine stared at the person entering the shop.

A clean-cut young man in his early twenties, he looked around as if searching for something, and then his face widened when he saw Christine.

Christine tensed, wondering if this was the person she was supposed to meet.


The man waved his hand in greeting, and Christine raised her hand in response.

“Yeah, I’m the one-“

“Hey, honey, you’re here?”

Before she could finish her sentence, the man brushed past her and approached a woman behind her.

She’s mistaken.

Suddenly embarrassed, Christine quickly lowered her hand and cleared her throat.

A click.

The door opened again. But Christine, overcome with embarrassment, didn’t hear it.

‘Oh, I’m so embarrassed!’

Just as her embarrassment turned to shame, a shadow fell over her. She slowly turned her head to the side, feeling the stare.


The straight hands with veins and the suit-like clothes were fantastic. Unintentionally looking at his body first, Christine gradually raised her gaze upwards.

‘Well, you’ve got a passing grade…….’

Christine stopped stiffly when she saw a familiar face when she was scoring alone. Soon Christine’s eyes opened wide and her eyes were like glass beads.


“Hi, Christine.”

For a moment, she panicked that she’d thought something terrible about her old friend, but she quickly recovered and greeted him.

“Hi, Brian. I see you’re here.”

Brian just smiled.

“Are you here because you have an appointment?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Oh, yeah, well, then who are you…….”

Christine didn’t finish her sentence. Brian sat down across from her.

After a moment’s pause as her head spun, Christine quickly spoke up.

“Well, I’m sorry, but I also have a meeting today. The other person will come soon. You also said you had an appointment, so please take a seat at…….”

“That’s why I’m sitting here.”


“Your my date for today.”

Christine rolled her eyes and looked to see if Brian was joking. Seeing the suspicion in her eyes, Brian chuckled.

But then he pursed his lips, his eyes softening.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Christine Diores.”


Christine sensed something was wrong.

“My name is Brian Chersis. I’m the one you’re meeting today, Ms. Christine.”

Christine’s mouth and eyes widened, and Brian smiled at the sight.

“I hope we’ll do well.”

* * *

At the same time, Lucia arrived with her family at the Phoenaeus’ residence, for Hail had arrived last night and invited the Agnes family.

The reason for the invitation was obvious.

“It’s not like I’ve only seen them once or twice, but I get nervous when a come to a place like this. Are you sure you’re comfortable with my appearance?”

Julian nervously adjusted her clothes, and Lucas, buttoning his sleeves beside her, smirked.

“Mother, you’re beautiful enough, so relax.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

Lucia glanced at her family, who were talking. Lucas was trying to ease Julian’s nervousness, but judging by the way the corners of his mouth were quivering, he was just as nervous. Besides-


John, who hadn’t spoken since last night, was staring at the mansion of Phoenaeus with meaningful eyes.

She wondered if it was because John cared so much for her that he was sorry to see her marry, but she also wondered if he still didn’t approve of Herwin.

But ever since Lucia had told her family that she was marrying Herwin, she hadn’t heard John object or say anything about it.

As John’s eyes began to soften once more, Lucia cautiously approached him and put her arm around him.

“Father, are you nervous?”

Startled, John laughed softly and stroked Lucia’s hair.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about, I’ve been told by Herwin that the Duke and Duchess are delighted to see me, so you needn’t worry.”

“…is that so?”


John smiled a little bitterly, then patted his daughter’s hand on his arm.

“Welcome to the Phoenaeus’ mansion.”

When they reached the front door, there stood Herwin, as if he’d been waiting for them. He greeted the Agneses politely, with a seriousness that belied his playfulness.

When he made eye contact with Lucia, he smiled, though only briefly.

John caught the fleeting moment and narrowed his eyes.

“Please come this way. They’re all waiting for you.”

When Herwin reached out, Lucia naturally grabbed his hand and walked side by side.

They were followed by the Agnes family.

“They look so good together, don’t they?”

“It’s fate, I suppose. I can’t believe they’re all grown up now.”

Julian felt all the resentment she’d been feeling melt away as she saw Herwin gazing lovingly at Lucia. Even Lucas, who had acknowledged him earlier, muttered something about how they used to be together.

John, however, had wiped the smile off his face and was watching them with a blank stare.

Soon, they reached the entrance to the dining hall.

The servants waiting in front of them opened the door for them. Beyond the door was an opulent yet simple dining room.

The Phoenaeus family was seated at the table. Hail sat at the head of the table, flanked by Scarlett and Henry.

They jumped to their feet at the sight of Agneses.

“Long time no see, Count. How are you?”

“It’s been a long time, Duke. I have been well. How have you been, Duke?”

“Julian, it’s been a long time!”

“Oh, my God. We met once last week.”

Hail and John and Scarlett and Julian exchanged greetings, and their children talked next to them.

“Oh my God, Henry, you’ve grown up so much, you.”

“Brother… Was I that small?”

Henry, who had finally caught up to Herwin’s height, shuddered at the sight of Lucas, who was shorter than him.

However, his expression soon turned sour and he smiled.

“It’s been a while, big brother. How many years has it been since we’ve seen each other like this?”

“I think it’s been more than three years, but you look amazing. I can’t believe the guy who used to pee in my arms is this big…….”

“Tongue, brother! When are you talking about this?”

Henry hurriedly covered Lucas’s mouth as his black history was exposed. The other three, except for Henry, burst out laughing.

Even if he had grown to be as big as Herwin, he was still the youngest of the group.

Lucia looked at Lucas, Herwin, and Henry with a newfound appreciation. Ten years ago, they were all just little kids, and how quickly time passed.

“Now that we’ve all said hello, why don’t we take a seat?”

Hail calmed the atmosphere before it could get any more hectic. Soon, except for Hail, who was at the head of the table, Agnes and the Phoenaeus clan sat facing each other.

Nominally an invitation to eat, food was brought to the table one after another.

Before they got down to business, they broke the ice and asked how each other was doing.

Since they’ve known each other for almost 20 years, there was no awkwardness, and they were all able to relax and enjoy the meal.

Lucia smiled inwardly as she watched the meal go by without any arguments.

By the time the meal was almost over and dessert was served, the topic of marriage had begun to surface.

“Currently, Lucia’s ex-fiancé is causing quite a stir in social circles, isn’t he? Herwin told me that the Marquis of Casper deliberately took steps to keep Lucia out of harm’s way.”

“Yes, I’ve heard that, too, which is why I think it would be a good idea to have the wedding once the rumors die down a bit.”

“I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

The timing wasn’t great for a wedding right now. Both parties recognized that, so there was talk of delaying the wedding.

They also wanted to make it as extravagant as possible since it had just been finalized.

“Well, why don’t we do it in October?”

“That’s just over three months away, isn’t that a little tight? I mean, we haven’t even booked a wedding venue yet, and we’ll need at least a little more time to get a somewhat prestigious one.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that, you saved my son from being alone for the rest of his life, it’s the least we can do.”

Scarlett said cheerfully. It was a joke, but she meant it. She’d give Lucia the stars in the night sky if she’d come into the House of Phoenaeus.

With the wealth of the Dukes of Phoenaeus, there was nothing they couldn’t do in this empire.

Julian chuckled, feeling a little overwhelmed, but inwardly happy.

No parent would hate it when their daughter connects with someone she loves so much, and the Phoenaeus family welcomes her enthusiastically.

The wedding preparations began without much disagreement, and Herwin and Lucia watched with pride.

“So, we’re going to have a winter wedding…….”


Just as they were finishing up, a loud clinking sound of tea cups was heard. It was John’s.

“I’m sorry, but-“

John, who had been silent all the time, opened his mouth for the first time.

“I cannot approve of this marriage.”

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