“The little snake mongoose really can’t learn this method of dealing with poisonous snakes, I am not as flexible as the little snake mongoose, if I deal with the king cobra, I will either stone it from a distance.”

“Or use a bow and arrow, shoot the king cobra with one arrow, safety first!” Zhou Wen watched the little snake mongoose deal with the king cobra and muttered to himself.

Although you can’t fully learn the method of the little snake mongoose to deal with the king cobra, the method of the little snake mongoose is still desirable.

Zhou Wen can’t learn to cast directly, but he can take its essence!

For example, the coquettish position of the little snake mongoose is very good, and Zhou Wen can learn to use it to deal with other large beasts.


The king cobra attacked several times, but failed to bite the little snake mongoose, and it seemed a little urgent.

Don’t look at the king cobra is very aggressive and has an aggressive nature, but if it can’t deal with the character, it won’t be stupid to keep fighting.

No, the king cobra gave birth to a retreat, and it was defending while trying to find a way to escape.

Unfortunately, the little snake mongoose did not want to let it go at all, and constantly attacked it, slapped its claws on the head of the king cobra again and again.

With the increasing number of attacks, the snake scales, which are not weak in defense, were scratched a lot by the claws of the little snake mongoose.

There are even blood stains, and you can see the flesh and blood under the scales of the king cobra, which is really white and red!

It’s just that this red, but not skin color, but blood!


The little snake mongoose seems very excited, obviously, it has not encountered a king cobra for a long time, and being able to bite a king cobra is a very fulfilling thing for the little snake mongoose.

Zhou Wen didn’t know where the little snake mongoose’s sense of achievement came from, nor did he know why the little snake mongoose was born with poisonous snakes.

But all things are intertwined, and there is no way to explain it.

The little snake mongoose and the poisonous snake are like having a deep hatred, once encountered, the little snake mongoose will definitely not let each other go.

Last time, the little snake mongoose even matched the big python and almost died, but fortunately Zhou Wen found the little snake mongoose and successfully saved it.

It was precisely because of that time that the little snake mongoose developed a good impression of Zhou Wen, and later there were wild wolves surrounding and killing the little snake mongoose, and Zhou Wen came to the rescue twice, which made the little snake mongoose completely unwary of Zhou Wen.

Since then, he has followed Zhou Wen and is willing to live in a small courtyard with Zhou Wen.

The five women have been working hard for several days, and the little snake mongoose just eats the wild kiwi given by the five women, and is wary of their non-judgment!

It can be seen from this that the little snake mongoose is not easy to trust humans.

Unless it completely recognizes the other party, it will believe it without reservation, just like Zhou Wen.

“King cobra can’t do it, isn’t it the best among poisonous snakes, usually preying on the same kind? You’re doing what you can. Zhou Wen seemed very relaxed.

Now it is a little far from the territory of the human bear, don’t worry about the arrival of the human bear, this good show, Zhou Wen is very enjoyable to watch!

Time passed minute by minute, Zhou Wen was not in a hurry, even if there was no other gain today, only to get the venom of this king cobra, it was not worth the trip!

The battle between the little snake mongoose and the king cobra became more and more intense, and several times, the little snake mongoose was almost bitten by the king cobra, but was avoided by the little snake mongoose.

Finally, after constantly injuring the king cobra, the little snake mongoose still capsized in the gutter and was bitten on the flesh on the lower neck.

Zhou Wen’s expression straightened, and when he was about to strike, the little snake mongoose bounced up and broke free from the bite of the king cobra.

The king cobra didn’t even have time to inject venom, the little snake mongoose had already broken free, and the little snake mongoose was furious.

I saw that after the little snake mongoose picked up and fell, its front paws frantically scratched the king cobra, making the king cobra scarred.

The king cobra was afraid and began to flee, twisting and swimming.

But how could the little snake mongoose let go of the king cobra, and under the crushing of the little snake mongoose’s speed, the king cobra that fled was attacked by the little snake mongoose again and again.

The king cobra just turned back warningly, launched an attack, and continued to swim forward.

At this moment, the king cobra must have collapsed in his heart, and he did not expect that he would encounter a madman like the little snake mongoose.

The speed is terrifyingly fast, and it is not forgiven to it, and it has the posture of not stopping if it is not bitten to death.

When encountering such a madman, the extremely aggressive and irritable king cobra chose to retreat and flee first.

“This is really rare, king cobras generally deter the opponent, either eat the other party, or deter and leave slowly.”

“In this case, it is not ordinary people who can see the king cobra who fled from the desert, you lost the face of the king cobra family.”

Zhou Wen stood and spoke without back pain, if he fought against the king cobra with his bare hands, he would not have this ability to crush.

But this does not prevent Zhou Wen from saying cool words, he has a little snake mongoose, he doesn’t have to do it himself, why not.

As for the little snake mongoose being bitten, the small wound, go back and treat it with medicinal herbs.

On the contrary, the little snake mongoose will not be poisoned, and there is a bloodline that is immune to the venom of the poisonous snake in the body.

Because of this, the little snake mongoose can become a poisonous snake nemesis, if it is not immune to venom, even if the little snake mongoose is powerful, it cannot become a poisonous snake nemesis.

The king cobra has been fleeing, I don’t know where to escape, but I gradually left the jungle area and came to a place where the grass was more than ten meters away.

Zhou Wen glanced at the king cobra gratefully, because just now Zhou Wen saw a lot of wild game, both hare and bamboo rat!

The bamboo rat is not a mountain rat, but another species.

Wild bamboo rats, also known as bamboo beavers, feed on bamboo, miscanthus, plant stalks, etc., and are named for eating bamboo.

The bamboo rat is in the shape of a body mole, and the shape is stout like a mole, and it is cylindrical.

The head is bluntly rounded, the snout is large, the eyes are small, and the ears are hidden in the indumentum.

The tail is evenly covered with long, fine, soft hairs , visible skin , smaller forefeet , and short claws , but strong enough for digging.

In particular, the sharp claws of the bamboo rat may be sharper than the claws of the small snake mongoose, and can easily pierce into the flesh and blood.

“Good stuff! Bamboo rats are more precious and delicious than mountain rats and hares, and now it is even more difficult to eat wild bamboo rats! ”

“But on this uninhabited desert island, no one can stop me from eating the heart of the bamboo rat!” The moment Zhou Wen saw the bamboo rat, his eyes were shining.

Zhou Wen did not approach the king cobra and the little snake mongoose, but took the longbow in his hand, hitched an arrow, and aimed at the bamboo rat that was eating the miscanthus stalk!

There was no hurry to shoot the arrow in his hand, Zhou Wen had to hit with an arrow, if it didn’t hit, it was thrilling to the bamboo rat.

It is extremely difficult to catch the bamboo rat and turn it into a delicious barbecue.

The bamboo rat is not better than the mountain rat, the bamboo rat uses its front paws hard, the hole is too strong, even if it is blocked in the cave, it can leave the big hole from other places.

Therefore, Zhou Wen had to adjust his state to the best and shoot the arrow in his hand again!

Zhou Wen did not notice that above the sky, there was an eagle hovering, and its target should be the same as Zhou Wen, fancying the hare and bamboo rat in the grass.

It is even possible to attack the king cobra, or the baby snake mongoose!

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