108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Yan Yizhen, Yin Yangzhang

The defense of the two good waters appeared in the mutual understanding of Yan Qing's fierce practice! ※

Mixed river dragon Li Xiangyu, such as the deep water of the eyelids finally revealed a trace of color, Yan Qing offensive so fierce is also out of her expectations, the boxing method, as fast as heavy rain, set off a hurricane, every whistling provoked shock, If it is not the mixed river dragon body at sea. () The star method is even higher, so it is hard to say the end.

Like the windmill, the attack hits the water curtain around Li Xiang's delicate body. The powerful force produces a distorted posture. The sound of the squeaky sound, Yan Qing knows the horror of the star-faller in front of him. Strive to solve the other star in the first time will reduce the number of Su Xing


Under such continuous blows, the mixed river dragon Li Xiangyu still maintains the indifference on her face. Her defense is also true of Yan B. Although she can still resist part of the invasion by the star method, she completely lost the opportunity to fight back. Suddenly impacted, the surrounding sea burst under the Yan Yi real boxing method, the attack did not stop.

Yan Yi really waits for an opportunity. For the Tian Qiaoxing, who is constantly fighting against the fire in the fighting, this macro is really like a duck. The hands and feet are released and the attack is like rain. Frequently, Li Xiang's body is tearing her water curtain defense.

The woman's face has begun tough. In the eyes, there is a dignified light, and the whole body is tightly curled into a ball, and the dragon and the dragon dance in a row. Taking the sea water to resist the attack, the deep blue light of the whole body is done, and the possibility of counterattack is not considered. I only hope to defend the moment when Yan Yi is really powerless.

His face was still dull, and Yan Yi really attacked and continued, with a low sneer. The body flipped again in the air and had already reached her. By the power of rotation, from top to bottom, a lower leg is pressed against her back.


A loud bang came out, and the power of terror swept like a tide.

Li Xiang snorted, his body floated, and then he retired between them. It seemed that he was completely unaffected by space and time, revealing a strange atmosphere. () Yan Qing’s fist was only in vain to fight in the air. Then the woman smashed the white night and used a momentary trick at the sea to get rid of Yan Yi’s oppression.

Yan Yi really wants to chase, but Fan Wei also killed.

"Yan Qing, see my aunt*". The mixed king, Fan Fan, screamed with anger, and the five ghosts and claws smashed their eyes. They have already come to the front of Yan Yi, on the side of the body, and the claws are fully shot!

Five ghosts and claws wrapped in the hungry demon soul, the black wind entangled, there are ghosts in the ear, tearing the air screams can not help but cover the ears, the star of the mixed-race demon Fan Rui is also a martial arts double repair star, a claw Going down, the wind is breaking, it is a trick of star attack.

Yan Yi is really a pair of arms, a muscle breaks the forest cold. A deep visible bone wound was cut from the shoulder, and the demon king Fan Fan went down and let Yan Yi really hurt. The Zhu color scorpion was cold, and the Yan Yizhen leg method was like sweeping the leaves, and he also had a close foot. open.

“砰!!!” There was a huge sound in the air. The twenty-six-year-old Tianshouxing mixed river dragon was instantly raised to the limit. The whole body was phantom, and it was impossible to see clearly. realm!

After learning that the white night rushing dragon 槊 槊 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕The prelude.

The wind whistling through the sky, even as if to open the space.

Yan Yi is really grim, and the two palms meet, if the Tai Chi is lingering, the girl is very clear, the mixed river dragon is terrible.

Hailong Haotian became the help of the mixed river dragon. Very fast, this sword is on the Yan Yizhen double fist, the yin and yang Pisces resisted the moment and was torn. After all, her young master is already in the middle of the Galaxy, and its own star power is stronger than the Tianqiao star. Many, Yan Yizhen was suddenly broken. (network novel network e

The sea banged, and Yan Yizheng had already been hit by a huge force. The power was so great that the maid could not resist it at all, and even the ear heard the skeleton of the whole body. The whole person had been far away like a cannonball. Far thrown out.

"Hey, you go to help the young master, Benyi can deal with Yan Qing alone!" Mixed Jianglong shouted. Stars have their own pride, which is Li Jun's favorite place. This pride and confidence do not want to have a second person to intervene.

The mixed king, Fan Yi nodded.

Yan Yizhen’s pair of Zhu Qing’s indifferent eyes suddenly flashed a trace of cold light. When the girl was flying backwards, she suddenly came up with a body and avoided the sea dragon that Li Jun picked up. The figure is like a moment, blocking the king of the world. Yan Yi really understands that if she and the dragon demon singer hit Su Xing, Su Xing is certainly fierce. And this kind of thing Yan Yi really can make it live.

"Hugh to hurt the owner!!"

Yan Yi really slammed a bang, and a palm crushed Fan Hao's black dragon armor. The right palm flame seemed to be printed on the girl's body, and the power ran like a river. The palm of the hand shook hundreds of times in an instant.

The black dragon armor suddenly got a deep hole in the blood. The blood of the big stock was sprayed from the hole like no money. "The fibrillated red blood fog shrouded the sky, as if the hair was thin. rain.

"You are looking for death!!" The devil screamed. Star force body, the five ghosts of the claws at the same time to Yan Yi really grab, the hurricane-like five-claw black awn, like a monster bite down, but also Yan Yi really tear open five deep visible bone wounds, Blood scatters.

Two-star Tianwu's claws and scorpions, the severe pain almost made Yan Yi really faint, the maid stunned the pain, the mixed king of the devil is very strong, the terrible purgatory energy rushed into the body, screaming Destroy your body, nerves and internal organs. It seems that the wound is not big, but it is very painful, so that Yan Yi’s real brow wrinkles his small teeth and bites out the blood.

The reason why it was not screamed was only for the fatal moment. Another fist of yin and cold was shot at the same time. The palm of the hand passed through the void. A cold meaning passed over Fan’s skin. Fans suddenly felt cold in the body. One inflammation and one cold alternate with each other, colliding in the body, the internal organs are like fire and roasting. This cold and hot directly breaks Fan Xing's star power, and also lets the girl spit out blood, screaming and falling.

"My sister Yan Qing rests in front of Benedict!!" Mixed Jiang Long shouted, took a sword.

I don’t know when the sea breeze stopped at this moment, suddenly, like the devil who was released from the cage, the roaring open jaw tooth bite the Yan Yizhen, and the sea breeze dissipated. Li Xiangyu hurriedly handed over the empty space, and the sea water was dragged by Fan Wei. I saw that the girl was suffering. The face was cold and cold, and it was a struggle.

Yellow step palm!

Yin Yangzhang! !

Li Xiang’s eyes sank.

The Lord of the Dragon and the Lord immediately instilled a star power. This made Fan Yu a lot better.

After the sea breeze was dissipated, I saw that Yan Yi’s real maid skirt was ruptured, the skin of the whole body was bruised, the corolla was broken, and the blood was full, but the indifferent eyes were still standing proud and shocking.

"A good loyal and loyal Yan Qing!"

Mixed river dragons stunned.

Yan Yi is really desperate to resist two stars will also be seen in the eyes of Su Xing. As long as people with a little brain in the star of the star-dropper know that the best way is to kill the owner of the star, so come again. A strong star will also lose weight, which is why some very proud stars will not want to sign a contract. For them, the owner is only a dangerous double-edged sword.

Killing the covenant in battle is almost the mainstream.

At this point, Su Xing understands that the Dragon Lord also understands.

The Dragon Demon Lord has two powerful stars. If you fight against him and Yan Yi for a long time, it will be more and more fierce, so from the beginning, Su Xing wants to kill the Dragon Demon Lord, and the Dragon Demon Lord does not think so. At first, the life-span cone did not require Su Xing's life to make him very surprised, and the purple water **** Lei did not dare to look down.

I took out the powerful top weapon of the Galaxy.

Seeing that the dry sword charcoal is at risk, Su Xing's left shoulder is shaken. Kun Shield stood in front of him and released silver light. The silver mans are like the cold stars, and the black clouds of dirt are fighting with the silver light. These two ancient treasures are one, and this goes on, the dry swords in the dirty clouds are on the way, and they are smashing.

The black cloud Weiwei was opened, and the Dragon Demon Lord saw it immediately, and immediately set off the law, the star power gathered, and the black cloud skyrocketed again.

The dry sword Kun shield and the dirty spirit fight. The original proud dragon demon smile gradually disappeared, he was surprised that the monk in the late nebula was not lost to him at the spelling power. The dragon demon owner thought that it would be easy to subdue these two magic weapons. Su Xing is also struggling to support, and soon after refining and finishing the sword from Mars, the abundant star power is far from the peak, and slowly feels the difficulty. This signing the two stars will be very powerful.

Dirt black clouds and silver light are intertwined, and the two are both excited and spit out blood.

boom! !

A loud noise.

The black cloud suddenly collapsed ~www.readwn.com~ The filth was torn apart and it was ruined.

"Ah, the filth of the Lord is!" The Dragon Lord screamed.

Su Xing also endured the blood of the throat, but he was not happy to destroy the other's implements. His nebula magic weapon was also damaged by the dirty clouds. The aura of the sword was completely lost, and the light was bleak, and it was ruined.

"It seems that it is not a small sign to be able to sign Tian Qiaoxing??!!" The Dragon Demon Lord showed a sneer, far from a glimpse. However, the descendants of the late nebula can actually ruin his top implement, although he also ruined the other side of a nebula magic weapon, but in the eyes of the dragon demon Lord is not worth mentioning.

The Dragon Demon Lord also knows Su Xing’s plan. The two of them are now the key to this battle star. However, the Dragon Demon Lord is far from the current enemy like Su Xing, and his look is grim. Su Xing is not the master of the Tianqiao Star. It is not as good as him. He is not as good as him. He is also a self-confessed opponent. It is ridiculous that he has two stars to lose. If you want to know what happened, please log in. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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