108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Kagoshima City

The island nation in the sea is named after the cherry-like beauty and the murderous ghost warrior. Many national dynasties tried to conquer this sea country, but the sea of ​​Scorpio is a huge barrier. The Yin and Yang division of the country. Star singer. The ghost warriors will all be dispatched. Millions of troops are helpless, but these are not difficult for the stars, just be careful. It is easy to land on this island country.

Kagoshima is a county island on the edge of the Sakura Ghost Country. It is located on the edge of the Yellow Sea. The island has a beautiful environment and the cherry trees are continuous. Every spring, March, the breeze passes. The cherry blossoms are like the sea, and the whole Kagoshima is very beautiful. This beautiful place is also the favorite place for many double monks. Over time, Kagoshima has become connected with the Canglong world, and it is also unconsciously built into Yanhuang. One of the most lively island towns on the sea, it is also the largest gathering place for monks who have not been published in the Sakura Ghost Country. Whether it is a star, a Yin Yang or a ghost warrior, they will see the figure.

The land abandoned by Su Xing is this Kagoshima.

Antler City is not so much the most prosperous city in Kagoshima, it is better to be a huge trading house city. In places like the Sakura Ghost Country, the excitement of the night is often more important than during the day.

When Su Xing arrived in Kagoshima City, it was already down the west. The night was surging, and the streets of the city were full of people, and the lights were bright.

The magic weapon, the medicinal remedy, the intensive array method, and even the windy month of the sultry dog ​​can be seen everywhere in this antler city, and it has been neatly planned to make Su Xing stunned. This scale can be several times larger than that of Beijing.

From the data, Su Xing also knows that the rule of the whole Kagoshima City is said to be the Crystal Dragon Palace, one of the three palaces in the Canglong world. It is thought that the Crystal Dragon Palace Su Xing is the scale of Kagoshima, what is the Crystal Dragon Palace? Places? The top treasures of the Canglong world, their Dongfu is said to be built in the deep sea. The crystal banquet of the Dragon Palace is the top banquet of Liangshan. At this meeting, the value of any magic weapon with a sale transaction will not be low. In one billion two gold. You can buy almost anything you want in Crystal Dragon Palace.

Su Xing and An Su asked, Yan Yi really walked on the ore street. The things sold here not only divided the area, but also the street naming. The ore street is the largest treasure market for minerals sold in Antler City.

The Dibao Market in Lujiaofang City is very famous, and there are various fine minerals circulating there. It can be said that it is the largest ore selling place in the Canglong world. As long as you have enough capital, whether it is the essence of Taiyi Jingjin, or the black prison jade or the deep sea ore or even the white tiger industry Cherish minerals can be found!

The city is full of people, and Su Xing is indeed an eye-opener. The monks who wear all kinds of odd-shaped geeks are endless. After honing this period, he would not be so surprised.

"After the start of the Doosing Star, the city of Kagoshima has become more lively. It is not surprising that even if you encounter a star, there are many star-fallers who will upgrade to Xingwu. The owner should be careful." Yan It’s not the first time that B is coming. She is very familiar with the road. Su Xing nodded, he had already taken the medicinal herbs to change his appearance, and the attire was also formed by a vain son. Yan Yi really served the women’s clothing with a seamless look. An Su asked that the brocade brocade is also a sight to be seen. Su Xing's woman.

The three people approached a booth, and Su Xing was full of interest in all kinds of ore on the booth. Since Kagoshima itself has a large ban, each store has a guarantee of the Dragon Palace, so there is no need to worry about being robbed.

Su Xingxian is going to find the defrosting Xuejing. It is impossible for some ordinary shops to sell such precious things. Since the beginning of the fighting star, the raw materials of the upgrade of the martial arts have become even rarer. After a while, Su Xing saw a family. "Northern Cold Wind" shop.

The northern country is the northernmost country in the Canglong world. It is located in a frozen soil. It is covered with snow all the year round. I can't think of the shops from the North. Su Xing curiously went in.

As soon as he entered, Su Xing could not restrain the feeling of a cold bite, took a sigh of air, and saw that the ore in the shop was amazing, and all kinds of strange-shaped stones were available. Originally, Su Xing thought that there are more than ten pieces of cold ore. It is a good one. Some of them have never been seen before. Because these stones are from the deep cold, the house is covered in extreme chill, star. A little weaker is a bit cold.

So many monks in the store.

The clerk is a few women. The clothes are thin. Despite the chill in the house, I saw Su Xing, and the smiles greeted me. The monks in the Xinghe period always have the capital.

Seeing some of the "ice icy cold stones" of the Northland polar regions, Su Xing eyes are also light, this kind of stone is also quite rare.

Forged into the weapon, the ice is overflowing. It is said that it can transform the ancient spirit bird hail. If it is used to create the cold ice, it is the perfect material, but it is too expensive, one hundred and two gold. Take the money.

"The son, what can I like?" asked the pretty woman in the blue shirt with a smile.

"I first look at Su Xing's unclear answer, although he has a lot of boxes and has a lot of capital. But God knows how arsenic Xuexue is."


Looking for a long time, there are many cold ore in the shop, and even a few cold clouds and hail, but the defrosting snow can not be found, Su Xing is somewhat disappointed, but did not expect to be able to buy it.

"It seems that there is no Su Xing that I want to shake my head.

"This son, don't you want to buy those top grades of ore?" The woman asked: "We are the largest shop selling ice ore in Kagoshima City. If you can't find it here, I'm afraid it is hard to find. Arrived

"Then, do you know where there is a special cold jade mine?" Su Xing asked.

The woman was manipulated by Su Xing and did not expect someone to ask her this way.

Su Xing gave her a lock of gold: "Since it is the biggest store, is it afraid that others will grab the guests?" The son will really speak. "The woman pushed the gold one by one: "The gold slaves don't want to, and it is no problem to tell the son. There are several selling stones in Dibao Street, but the average person can't buy the woman's eyes in their own shop, Su Star knows what she wants to do... If I can really buy it, why not do some business for the beauty, this ice icy stone I want. Su Xingxiao smiled: "But I don't have 100 million gold. How about I exchanged five pieces of cloud and silver?" ”

"The son of the son will really take advantage of it, five pieces of cloud pattern and silver are only 50 million two, but the difference is a big woman.

Su Xing did indeed care about that piece of ice and cold stone, and thought about adding a few more concentrates.

"Brother, have you chosen something good?? Ansu asked to see Su Xing curious with the woman bargaining.

"This ice cold stone feels good." Su Xing looked at the stone and shook his head: "But it is worth 100 million.

"Gongzi, what do you say? This is the lowest of the ice and the cold stone." The woman is still slightly stunned.

Su Xing didn't take it for granted. He had some standards in his refining equipment. Naturally, his eyes were pungent. "Your cold stone has been placed for too long, and the cold loss is far from being able to be compared with just producing. It is also greatly discounted for refining. 100 million is still worse than some stones

"We have prepared various means to ensure that the ice and the cold stone are pure and cold, and how the things that the son said will be born." The woman shook her head.

"I am a refiner, can't you lie to you?"


The other side was surprised, but it was obvious that the Kagoshima City refining division was not new, but the size of Su Xing might not be enough.

"You don't believe it? I mean to show you that if you can't let your heart take it, I will go down immediately. No nonsense, but if you look at it," Xiao Suxing said it stopped.

"Then use the five pieces of moiré and silver that the son said just now." This is about fame, and women naturally refuse to back down.

The hailstone is held in the hand, only to feel the coolness of the bones... son, what do you want to give to the slaves? . The woman smiled. At this time, several monks had been curious, and they did not see how different this piece of ice was.

"Do you see that the impurities are not the same?" Su Xing pointed at the corner. Everyone saw that the color was dim. If you touched it by hand, it would not feel any cold. The biggest feature of the ice stone is ice. But the place is like water, obviously it is inferior.

Everyone is ashamed.

The woman opened her mouth, incredulous, "How is this? Clearly examined her and looked at Su Xing.

Su Xingxiao said: "You don't doubt that I am making a ghost? To make a top piece of cold stone like this, do you think I can do it at this moment?"

The woman eased her expression, which is also true. The monks in the early days of the Xinghe River could not damage the cold icestones in a moment. It is impossible to do without special magical power and strong control over the stars. Is it really a mistake? The woman has some regrets in her heart.

However, in the face of everyone, it is impossible to smash the signboard.

"The slave name is a jade, you should know the son of a son, dare to ask the name of the son?"

"Call me Su Xing~www.readwn.com~ Su Xingdao.

"Su Xingdao You is really good eyesight. In the future, it must be a promising future. This hailstone will give away the son of the Ice Palace.

"Imperial Holy Palace? Give me?" Su Xing is strange.

"In the future, the son of the son of Huang Teng will become a master of refining, and the Ice Palace will have to hold on to the son." Yu Yu is also outspoken.

Seeing her eyes flashing, Su Xing suddenly understood, she has already seen that he actually moved his hands and feet on the ice cold stone... Do you know? why? . Su Xing asked questions.

"Just the son of the gods, but this is the fire of the singer of the sect of the sect of the sect. It is the wish of the singer to be a small woman and a sacred priest." .

She is so frank that she is embarrassed to have made some small hands and feet, and feels that this woman is really cute. Since she has said so, hurting the "beauty", Su Xing does not have to do it.

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