108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 2 Chapter 210: Wind and cloud

The second poisonous wing of Wudushan is behind the river. The rest of the repairing ten packs of the "fighting is also only ten, and the rest of these monks are not tired, they are tired on the shore, the curse of the dark, and Su Xing and Wu Siyou suddenly on the Xinghai period. The old face was really shocked by them.

When Qinglian’s real people sank into the Heihe River, thousands of miles of ancestors’ gods and gods walked away from the crowd, thinking that they were confused.

Su Xing and Wu Si rushed to chase, and the light disappeared into their eyes, and they did not take a look.

"What happened to him?

There is a monk who is stupid.

"Purple Purple, Purple Lei Devil!!"

"We don't have a vision?"

Suddenly, some people in the place showed a horrified expression, facing each other and shuddering.

"It seems to be heard that the purple thunder devil?!"

"But I didn't see Lin Chong."

"And that is the creamy demon lotus Wusong? How could it be the lady of the purple thunder devil??!"

The heads of the monks were completely confused.

"It must be the purple thunder devil, too strong, except who else can kill the Xinghai ancestor with the Xinghe monks?"

"And thousands of miles of ancestors have escaped!"

"It’s incredible. The purple thunder devil’s head is so unfathomable. It seems that it’s really killing the very old monster.

"It’s not the purple thunder devil. Even the injured star is a lady."

"I don't see Lin Chong's head signing, but it is Wu Song."

Everyone can't talk about it. Some people can't calm their excitement now. The purple thunder head is a famous monster in the Canglong world. But at this moment, it was forced by two ancestors. The people who explored the road just felt that the purple thunder devil was a purple thunder sage and almost even had an impulse to worship.

Fang Xingu is also shocked to watch the cousin white face Lang Jun Zheng Yuran. "Cousin, what should I do?"

Zheng Xiaoran is much calmer than everyone else. With a cynical smile, his eyes sparkle and he talks to himself: "Sister Si is actually a day-breaking star, Wu Song, which really opened my eyes to my sister.

"Of course, it’s good to be with my sister. My brother greeted me. Zheng Xiaoran’s big sleeve waved, and Yu Xiaolong’s snow was in his hand.

"Oh, you can't do it." Fang Xinfu hurriedly stopped: "That is the sky-breaking starwalker Wu Song, Zi Lei devil head and also owes him a friendship. For whatever reason, Fang Xin Gu is not willing to cooperate with Su Xing.

Zheng Xiaoran glanced at him. "Cousin, you misunderstood it. Didn't you see that the old man escaped? Of course, it was the sister of the sister who killed the old man, and the white face Lang Jun sweared."

Fang Xingu listened, relieved his breath, wiped the cold sweat, think about it too, can kill Qinglian real people and scare away thousands of miles of ancestors, he believes that ten can not do it.

"Cousin, do you want a fighting star?!" Zheng Xiaoran smiled.

Fang Xin solidly shook his head: "Let's go to help Su Xing and couples soon.

"Well, go!"

The remaining six or seven monks are sitting on the shore, you see me. I see you.

"What do we do now?"

When the ancestors of Xinghai died, they also lost their threats and lost their goals. Want them to get a million years? The people at the scene have their own knowledge to know that they are a few pounds, and the idea of ​​taking food from the starry sky is not dare to think about it.

"Isn't the other people in the ban? If the ban is broken, we will leave here soon. A monk shakes his head.

The five poisonous mountains are full of poison, and it takes a lot of energy to walk. The pedestrians meditate cross-legged and resume the star power while waiting for the opportunity.

Others are deeply convinced that there are two poisons behind the five poisonous mountains and they do not know how dangerous they are. It’s too stupid to go down again. "The purple thunder devil is so powerful, it is no wonder that so many Xinghai monks have been killed. I don’t know who he is? Even Wu Song signed it.

"Well, and I heard that there is Lin Chong."

"Is it a descendant of the female mountain??, small

Everyone is idle, and you talk about it in a word. Su Xing just killed the Qinglian real people and scared away the impressions of their ancestors. They are so shocking that they will not be forgotten in this life. It’s just that the early stage of the Galaxy was repaired, even if the stars would be more sophisticated, they would be scared for them, but everyone was only applauded for the purple thunder.

"Wu Song claims to be his wife! Hey, it seems that the nine generations of fighting stars have different numbers.

"The top ten send each hypocrisy, it’s better to see the purple thunder devils to kill them.

"Bi, after going out, be sure to warn the true face of the top ten sects of other Taoist friends."

The monks gnashed their teeth, and each of them clenched their fists with indignation, and their eyes came out of the fire. If it wasn't for the purple thunder head to repel the two ancestors, they naturally knew that the trip was a must.

In the future, there are rumors of the ten major denominations in the Canglongjie star-studded people. At that time, the whole Canglong community was shocked. Ten thousand famous stars saw the top ten sects like locusts. At that time, the top ten sects known as the prestige became the street mouse in the Canglong world, and everyone was notorious. On the contrary, the reputation of the purple thunder devil became a saga, and the enemy was enemies. Those who are dissipated as a **** are worshipped as gods, and when they are worshipped, they are all afterwards.

Su Xing and Wu Siyou chased the past with thousands of miles. Su Xing is not going to let go of this old man. If he waits for him to meet other monks, the result is probably not good.

Fortunately, the poisonous gas of the five poisonous mountains is pervasive, and the injunction is infinite. There is no chance for the ancestors of thousands of miles, but his thousand miles of gods are really powerful. The blink of an eye disappeared in front of you.

About half an hour later, Su Xing and Wu Siyou came to the entrance of a canyon.

This valley rock is red and bloody, revealing red sputum, picking up silk, and rolling up the smell of **** scent. At first glance, it contains highly toxic, and there are countless potholes and cracks in the valley where the knife and axe are cut. The bleeding konjac, the distorted red fog makes the gorge look like a creepy, like a huge cockroach. Just in front of the canyon road there is a clear sweep of the traces, apparently a thousand miles of ancestors left behind.

"The fourth poison of the five poisons" **** valley

Su Xing frowned, and the scene in front of him was very uncomfortable. Even though the detoxification beads in the body felt that the heart and lungs were to be suffocated, the blood seemed to be solidified, let alone other people, but the environment was good. Forgive the thousands of miles of ancestors can not run far.

"Wife? Are you staying here waiting for me?" Su Xing said.

"Do you think you can deal with the monks in the mid-star of the Xinghai?" Wu Si quietly glanced. She waved her hand. The white light flashed, the white Xuan Lin tiger appeared, the white tiger body snow, the seventh-order spirit beast is not covered by the red magic fog are dispelled.

Wu Si is sitting on the white tiger, and the blue silk blew, Su Xing's eyes lit up, and he jumped up without hesitation, and his arms crossed the waist of the martial arts.

Wu Shi is a secluded, not engraved to Su Xing actually not asking for help, she said coldly: "The body does not let you come up!"

"Don't be so stingy, go to the thousands of ancestors." Su Xing said.

The man was behind him and made Wu Siyou a little annoyed, especially the hand actually grabbed his waist "You are honest!" Wu Si quietly snorted. When you read the truth, your eyes are bright. Bai Xuan Lin Tiger is like a sensor, a low-pitched voice, rushed into the **** valley.

The red dragonfly tasted the breath, and it rolled up madly. Wu Siyou held a double-headed sword with a double-headed sword and a magical demon. The ink-stained sword edge of the ink swirled out a light barrier and surrounded Bai Xuanlin.

The white light tore a red mist, and the tiger sounded.

The **** valley is full of various red poisonous herbs. Some herb bushes can be over the knees and ride on the white tiger. Su Xing is also welcome to fly a sword and take a handful of grass to give Ansu if he can match some poison or antidote.

Suddenly, it sounded like a tide.

Bai Xuanlin Tiger stopped and kept groaning. I saw the gap between the cliffs and the cliffs. Numerous large **** cockroaches crawled out, and the mouth was red and itchy, and it was full of turmoil. It was bloody.

Bai Xuanlin tiger claws shot down. One shot was a dead one, **** mouth spit red fog, venom connected into heavy rain, covered and hit on the light curtain made by Wu Siyou, because the number is too much, the mask is crumbling, Bai Xuanlin tiger jumps. Constantly charging, but these blood are not afraid, fangs bite. Hundreds of tears. As the saying goes, the ants can kill the elephant even more, even the seventh-order spirit beast can not help so many **** attacks.

After a few kilometers, Bai Xuanlin Tiger was stuck.

Su Xing saw this, and took out the tears that smashed the sky. The golden sword was like a golden hurricane blowing, dozens of **** were blown over, and Wu Siyou was also swept up by the tiger.

The black demon blooms and the snow shines.

The Heavenly Stars Walker walked all the way, only to see the **** sides of both sides opened, **** rain.

At this time, Gongsun Huang also appeared on the shoulders of Su Xing. She blinked and looked at the **** sea. The pine-grained ancient Dingxia light sword was in hand, and the girl gestured and made a casting action.

Suddenly I saw a storm blowing around her. These storms were divided into dozens of equally large cyan storms like a whirlpool that kept spinning in the valley. The storm in the canyon was fierce, the blood of the killing screamed, hundreds of cockroaches were caught in the storm, and the blue storm cube became bright red~www.readwn.com~ those red fogs were blown away It is.

Star law!

Wind and clouds! !

As soon as the storm stopped, the **** blood around Su Xing fell to the blockbuster. It seemed that the spell was so powerful that the **** fear fled into the gap.

"Little Phoenix, did a good job." Su Xing praised and touched the head of Gongsun Huang.

Gongsun phoenix sounded.

With the star method of entering the cloud dragon Gongsun. Everyone is much more relaxed, although Gongsun Huang has not fully recovered. Even killing **** blood can't be done, but it can easily swept five or six hundred meters. These **** bloods are also extremely fearful. About a scent of incense, there is a battle of fighting in front, only to see an old man is working with a huge He was entangled in a piece, and Su Xing fixed his eyes and suddenly shot cold.

It is a thousand miles old ancestors!

On Christmas Eve, I was screamed, called out, chatted for more than an hour, and tomorrow I got up to fill the four chapters of Niangshan, and one chapter of the city asked for a monthly ticket to encourage it.

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