108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 480: Yan X body X

The forty-eighth chapter Zhang Yan X body X

Chapter 480 chapter color

For the first time, everyone knows that Su Xing can sign unlimited stars. It’s inevitable that Hua Yu’s appointment will have a ridiculous feeling. What is different is that Tianying has never liked to reveal the true feelings. This incredible surprise Be hidden, and then there will be full of doubts.

For the rest of the time, I spent all my thoughts on this matter.

What makes the Lone Star Ansu ask the refining dragon snake to make a good Dan, and the soup is reluctant to refine the gold magnetic peak that Zhang Yuqi has picked up, sugar sugar begins to brew new wine, and Wu Xinjie is ready to go to the moon Changsheng Palace, is the flower garden left in Dongfu tonight? Wait a minute... I don’t care about the flowers.

Until the night fell, everyone went back to the room to rest.

The time of the Nether Cave House can overlap with the outside, even if the stars of the glory will need rest to replenish their energy. Su Xing also built a few large palaces in Dongfu and arranged for her to stay. As a result, the flowers came in and stumbled.

When I sat on the edge of the bed, I found out a problem with the flower arrangement. She didn't know why Lin Yingmei signed with Su Xing, but this question became why Su Xing could sign so many stars.

The flower garden is about to turn over and over, and I decided to ask myself.

Put on a light palace dress, smashed the curly blue silk hanging on the chest, dressed up slightly, the flower 婉 about to walk out of the room, vaguely remember Lin Yingmei's room position, like the area called the first lady.

the first lady?

It’s a mysterious name.

The Dongfu Palace, designed by Su Xing himself, is completely imaginative and has a very strange style. It is not as elegant as the Liangshan mainland, but there is also an alternative beauty. Every brick wall, every detail is square and round. exquisite.

Because everyone was busy for a day, they were all tired. The palace was very quiet. I only heard the footsteps of the flower garden about rustling. The flowers were about to frown. I probably didn’t like the sound of my own voice. The pace slowly became light, like an elegant one. Ling cat.

I have turned a few turns.

I saw a room with ice and snow stars. Here is the fragrance of Lin Yingmei.

The faint snoring suddenly came into the ears of the flowers.

If the Xiao Guan.

The flower buds were about a glimpse, and the sound was quite abnormal. When I listened carefully, it was Lin Yingmei’s groan, and the snoring was so weak that I could not escape the ears of the flowers, and the voice contained strange things.

I also heard the man’s voice laughing.

what happened?

Hua Yu worried about Lin Yingmei being bullied by Su Xing, immediately tightened his body and rushed into the room in a few steps.


The heart of the flower buds has completely stopped.

Tianyingxing is like a star name, and it is full of talent and elegance. The feminine elegance and elegance make her look like a princess. It is unattainable. If you want to say that the girl is the best in the 108-star girl, it is the most qualified to have the royal family. The elegance, this will not be Lu Junyi or Wu Song, "The styling of the string, the heart of the arrow" is the deserved of the day.

Even so, the scene I saw in front of me made the flower buds foolish.

This is indeed Lin Yingmei's bedroom is good, a soft ivory toon bed, but this bed is not the focus.

I saw a pair of men and women being hugged in a shameless posture. The body of the two men was awkward, shameless and quite naked. The night light jumping in the room was dotted on two tightly entangled bodies. The scene was It is impossible for a flower to dream about it.

This pair of men and women is naturally Su Xing and Lin Yingmei.

At this time, Lin Yingmei was being held by Su Xing. The two slender entangled the tiger's waist of Su Xing. The jade arm smashed the neck of Su Xing, so that the upper body completely leaned against the body of Su Xing. Lin Yingmei's eyes were blurred, that red The lips are repressed and happy, and the sorrows of the sorrows come from this, and Su Xing’s hands are pinching the two p-lobes of Lin Ying’s round, throwing them up and down, and going back and forth in the most beautiful valley in the world. Conspicuous.

Su Xingzhen bowed his head and Lin Yingmei told the love story to solve the Acacia this month. Lin Yingmei was drunk.

Suddenly, Su Xing stopped the assault on the waist, and Lin Yingmei, who was drunk in infinite tenderness, couldn’t help but smother the scent of the buttocks. “People...” Lin Yingmei’s gaze gaze saw Su Xing’s eyes stunned and stupid.

Lin Yingmei felt that the body of the Su Xing was tight, as if the wind and rain were coming, it was suddenly at the tipping point.

After all, Lin Yingmei was a top-level military commander. He quickly found out that Su Xing was not right. This excitement was too strong. He pressed the soft shackles, and Lin Yingmei’s eyes suddenly stunned.

Lin Yingmei never dreamed of anyone in the Nether Cave House. When he looked back, he almost cried out, and a pot of cold water was poured over. The fire was extinguished. After a flash, he left Su Xing and flashed to the bed. The silk quilt covers his impeccable body.

"Wife, don't go."

Lin Yingmei went this way, Su Xing was miserable.

Seeing that it was about to erupt, the little Su star immediately exposed to the cold air from the hot and tight channel. The double stimulation made Su Xing a spirit, unable to control his body, like a white arrow with a sharp arrow. Shot the front of the flower garden.

The flower buds looked silly at the red star, especially the scorpion weapon was like a sword with a scabbard. After the heartbeat stopped, the brain stopped thinking.


A white light is swept in the air.

The flower buds seized a paste from the subconscious hand.

The flower buds immediately realized what it was and changed his face. But the first time I saw Lin Yingmei was so lingering, it seemed to hit the flower buds. Tianyingxing completely lost the agility and reaction of the past.

White light flashes past

Successive flashes, like a waterfall.

Just like the tide, the five fingers are blocked.

The flower 婉 黛 黛 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Three thousand green silks are somewhat insane

The perfection was met with a heinous embarrassment.

The whole process of the eruption is long, but only in the blink of an eye, the billion-year-old Su Suxing has a close contact with the lips, face, hair and body of the flower.

Even the scenes of the daring Su Xing have seen the scene of hanging on the rope.

"Sighty." Lin Yingmei also panic.

The flower buds are like a sculpture trail that falls to the ground and faints.

"Ah." Lin Yingmei ignored his body.

The vented Su Xing has a kind of ease that has never been seen before. www.readwn.com~ 瘫 sitting on the bed, breathing away, Lin Yingmei looked back and saw Su Xing still cocked his rifle, his face was redder.

"Wife, I am dead." Su Xing miserable.

"In the next will accompany the young master." Lin Yingmei is also anxious to die.

"Or else I am signing a flower date now? This is not too embarrassing..." Su Xing can imagine the scene of the flower waking up, I am afraid it is the end of the world.


Lin Yingmei nodded.

This may be the best way.

Seeing the white smudges on the face of the flower buds, Lin Yingmei carefully wiped it off, remembering that his own behavior was completely seen... Lin Yingmei was ashamed to die, and his heart was more hopeful that the flower bud could sign a contract with Su Xing and become his own. Sisters.

To be harmonious...

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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