108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 485: This 1 dream drunk for 0 years

The 485th chapter of this dream is drunk for thousands of years

"This is a sugar candy mom. No ads~

Su Xing added his lips and swallowed.

"Sugar sugar mom?"

"Yeah." When signing the white jade candy, the so-called dowry was sent by the Spring Breeze House. Su Xing didn't care much about it at that time. Later, I realized that the dowry capital was really thick.

In addition to the two-year-old drunken years, there are also Li Wei's black wind knives and many wine ingredients.

"Xinger, you really found a good daughter." Chai Ling's tongue licked the dry red lips, his face was full of sorrowful smiles, this drunken millennium is rare, even if the big Zhou Fort has not been, I can't think of the spring breeze The rain building actually gave him.

Su Xing also thinks it is.

The moon invites a cup of drunkenness.

Did this drunkenness mean white jade sugar?

Chai Ling thinks thoughtfully.

"Chai Ling, how are you still dare to fight for wine?" Su Xing asked seriously. The drunken millennium is so powerful that after the throat, Su Xing really can't imagine what will happen.

"Xinger, this palace will accompany you tonight." Chai Ling evokes Su Xing's chin, his expression is very rich.

Su Xing is somewhat unbearable.

"Good." Su Xing took a mouthful, drunken millennium sucked out, this wine can not describe the beauty, the entrance only feels fresh and elegant, turned into a loop in the throat, and immediately more fierce than the flame.

The cells of the whole body were active at that moment, and millions of pores were opened. A great pleasure made Su Xing even stunned.

Just a bite, just like a singer, Su Xing quickly breathed a sigh of relief, it was incredible. Legend has it that the drunken millennium is not only the peerless wine, but also the ability to wash the ribs and cut the marrow. It seems that it is not fake, a sip of alcohol, the body is light and fluttering, almost lost.

Chai Ling felt interesting, dragging his chin, and the tempting red lips were slightly open.


The fire that Chai Ling sent out was almost drunk.

"I really drunk and no regrets." Chai Ling sighed, his eyes immediately blurred, and the small whirlwind took another shot. Seeing that Chai Ling was so hard, Su Xing refused to admit defeat. The two sat face to face, four Eye contact, elegant wine like a sword in the mouth of each other.

The faint blue light gradually fluttered like a firefly on Su Xing and Cha Ling, and the white mist spit out from the skin, and the surrounding area was full of flaws.

Chai Ling's face is getting redder, the white skin is already burning red, the little whirlwind only feels from head to toe, from the internal organs to the odd eight veins are hot, the extreme pleasure makes Chai Ling start to gasp, the upper and lower sides of the snow mountain Anxious.

The bright scorpion seems to have turned into a pool of spring water, and the waves are flowing.

At the same time, Su Xing is also feeling the intoxication that is wrapped in nothing.

Looking at the charming gesture of Chai Ling in front of me, it is even more embarrassing.

"This palace is not working."

Chai Lingqi, unable to lie down on the bench, the whole body is too hot to control.

"Then you don't want to go to the Immortal Palace." Su Xing is also very drunk, but there is still a little rational.

"Which part of the palace is not worthy of you?" Chai Ling was dissatisfied. She ripped open the veil of her shirt and only had a white apron. "Other men can't wait for this palace to accompany him." Chai Ling charmingly snorted. The apron also left the upper body, and the two plump white rabbits with a round shape suddenly shook and jumped out.

The white eye of the rabbit is extremely glamorous and smashed out.

"Are you not a man?" Chai Ling hooked his fingers, and the slender stretched out from the lotus leaf skirt.

Finally, the sensible string collapsed immediately, and Su Xing’s drunkenness climbed onto Chai Ling’s body, and his tongue slipped from the swan-like neck. "Today I want you to see what a man is."

Chai Lingzhen, hands clasped in Su Xing.

The body is suppressed and it is even more hot.

Su Xing kissed Chai Ling, the two lips lingering together, leaking * point you to come to me, Su Xing hand grasped a yu body of Chai Ling began to knead up, Chai Ling gasped, legs caught Su star.

Every detail of the Queen of the Queen of the Stars is full of enchanting charm. Su Xing has a delicate ruddy scent of Cha Ling, and one hand slips into her skirt.

"Good comfort. Use some strength, **** man. This palace is very comfortable." Chai Ling gibberish, spring heart, not to be outdone to tear the Suxing clothes.

A man and a woman tumbling on a bench, and the clothes were broken into butterflies, and they flew away.


Three lucky beasts jumped onto the table and looked pitifully at the pair of men and women - the hostess, you are too ruined.

So comfortable.

Chai Ling slowly opened his eyes and felt that his whole body seemed to have been reborn. He had never been clear in his mind. He looked up at the sky. It seemed to be in front of him. Cathering, who was a waste of force, never had this kind of person. impulse.

Suddenly, the firewood inspiration was caught in the chest, and she lowered her head and suddenly blushed.

I saw Su Xing holding her from behind, and both hands crossed her chest. She was ashamed that she was lying in the arms of Su Xing, feeling that her hips had a hard object against her legs, and she was even more Red is bleeding.

She remembered last night, but the drunken millennium was too fierce. What happened, I couldn’t remember it. Could it be that... Chai Ling was ashamed and angry.

"It seems that nothing happened, it is a pity."

A sly voice suddenly sounded.

Chai Ling a trip.

He took a book and sat across the chair. "Drunk for a thousand years? It’s a beautiful wine, and you die without regrets."

"Ah, hey." Chai Ling couldn't wait to find a place to sneak into the scene that he was so embarrassed that he was actually seen by him.

"The **** has been here for a long time." He took a slouchy cup and took a sip. "Look at the slut, you haven't broken your body yet."

In this case, Chai Ling is a bit embarrassed. "Sisters don't want to tease their sisters."

"The **** is really true. The drunken millennium makes you drunk for one night, but it is impossible to think about it." The gaze was aimed at the underside of Chai Ling. At this time, Chai Ling’s calf was still hung with trousers that did not completely fall. Watched like this, Chai Ling felt that there was a stream of water flowing out of the valley. "The book says that a man will get up in the morning, and Chai Ling’s sister will take the opportunity to eat him and be a veritable husband and wife."

"箜篌姐." Chai Lingying, Su Xing did not know what dreams he was doing, and grabbed her chest with both hands and grabbed it.

I saw that the charming Jiao Ling was quite interesting. I only analyzed myself: "Since the moon in the Changyue Palace, you can’t follow it. After this time, you and he will cancel the Yifeng Huangquan. When there is no chance to sign, the firewood. Ling, do you really think about it? Anyway, last night, I invited a cup of drunkenness in the moon, are you planning to do so?"

That's right, but Chai Ling wants to get drunk and get confused. If she is awake, she will sacrifice her virginity, especially if she does not sign the contract.

Chai Ling's face is red and wants to break free, but Su Xing is tighter. If he is no longer, it is so comfortable to be so tight. Just watching it, Chai Ling only feels locked, especially that column. The fire of Qingtian is boiling hot in the valley, and the humid stream is getting more and more, afraid of awakening Su Xing to be seen by him, Chai Ling resists the feeling of the body, and asks for help.

"As a woman, the second is the star, Chai Ling, in fact, the monks are very envious of you." Xiao smiled, exhaled a white air.

Su Xing’s hands were loose, and Chai Ling broke free, and he still had to dress in the future. “But as a woman, I sacrificed myself. If the man does not know, it will be too bad.” A mischievous smile.


Chai Ling was shocked and turned back. Su Xing was already awake, and he had disappeared.

"Chai Ling."

Su Xing only felt a breeze, and suddenly he woke up. When he saw Chai Ling's white, he was stunned.

"Is there enough?" Chai Ling forced to calm down and lightly cover the body.

"Are we last night?" Su Xing squinted.

"You said it." Chai Ling smiled like a smile, his eyes turned, and suddenly did not want to clarify each other's innocence.

Su Xing thought carefully and didn't have any impression at all. The drunken millennium was so fierce that I didn't remember what happened last night. However, after I was drunk, I was convinced that Su Xing suddenly believed in 7788.

This drunken millennium could not have been so powerful. Originally, Su Xing thought that he had the ability to compete.

"Say, star, you want the innocence of the palace, what should I do?" Chai Ling said flatteringly, revealing the veil.

"If you don't mind, be my wife." Su Xing caught the hair.

Chai Ling's face was red, she was the first time to be proposed by a man, which feels really good. "You have so many wives, do you have a place in the palace?" Chai Ling asked.

"You are all sisters anyway, you can also go to the women's mountains together." Su Xing seriously thought about it.

Chai Ling smiled. "Xinger, you really are a beast. We are sisters, so we have to wait for you together?"


"But it's a pity. You were too drunk last night. You lost your chance to be in the palace. You won't have such a good thing in the future." Chai Ling licked his thin lips.

"Chai Ling, are you comforting me or yourself?" Su Xing frowned. He didn't believe in Chai Ling's words. He rose up in the morning and frankly met. It's hard to be convinced. Besides, Su Xing still remembers to have a dream. Suspicion that *dream is what he and Chai Ling.

"Star, what do you say?"

The three scorpion beasts jumped into the arms of Chai Ling, and Chai Ling stroked the cat, asking like a smile.


Su Xing was helpless, full of doubts, dressed in clothes, and saw the light gauze of Chai Ling, looming, the blood rushed up.

"According to the agreement, you should not go to the Changyue Changsheng Palace." Su Xing calmed down.

"Since Xing Er cares so much about this palace, this palace promises you one time." Chai Ling raised his head.

"Chai Ling, you marry me, forget them, they will not care." Su Xing always felt that Chai Ling had some thoughts, and could not help but say before leaving.

"Xinger, you don't leave, this palace will let Jinzhiyuye satisfy you?" Chai Ling smiled and smiled~www.readwn.com~ Ok, let's talk later..."

Su Xing nodded and went down the top.

"Why don't you sign a contract with such a good opportunity? He wants to marry you?" He appeared again.

"If you want this palace to be his woman, one or two sentences will be promised by the palace. Is this palace so casual?" Chai Ling replied.

"Chai Ling, the monk looks at you..." At first glance, I saw the scruples of Chai Ling, the heart that could not cross the past: "Just put the following child into his twelfth woman, and worry about signing for yourself, now your advantage is It’s gone."

"This palace doesn't want to be his vase. Is it, star?"

Chai Ling touched the kitten and smiled softly.

"Tianguixing participates in the fighting star, this dream is drunk for a thousand years."

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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