108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 494: Yan Yi Real Boxing

Gong Caiwei. Mobile reading novels, synchronous update \\!{\'} (read novel)

Together with Gong Cai, there is also the Kuixian cinnabar.

"Picking, how come you come here?"

At this time, the girl's cinnabar, a girl with a meteorite, moved her eyes, and the five elements of the wind and cloud flag turned out. When she gave birth to the five elements of the heavens and the earth, she asked Ansu.

Gong Caiwei’s move is to let Ansu ask that he doesn’t think much about cattle. “You?”

"Master, please listen to Cai Wei, stop it!" Gong Caiwei looked at the long monument, without any temptation.

Bing Ji Niangniang frowned, she first saw the frosty palace Gong Wei will actually flow such feelings, the ice Ji Niang cultivating the ice heart is not a ruthless person, although the Changsheng monument is particularly tempting, but now also know, the ground The cooperation and will of the spirit star and the earth star can no longer be shaken.

The soup is not a moment to give the longevity monument to the pocket.

The earth arc star is not as gentle as Ansu asked, staring at Gong Caiwei, the eyes of the leopard is really as vigilant as a leopard.

"Picking, what the **** is going on!"

Bing Ji Niang Shen Shen.

In fact, Gong Caiwei will come very simple. When I borrowed the Aurora bottle from the sacred priests, Gong Caiwei noticed that things were not quite right, but the news of the top ten sects of this sacred purple Lei Devil was very good. Gong Caiwei Did not find clues, but they want to encircle the place but it is the moon and the palace.

This place is the father's jurisdiction of the Palace of the Prince of Fengwu.

It is natural to hide a large group of top monks. However, Gong Caiwei came here. She lost her mother from a young age and practiced in the Tianbing Holy Palace. She was the mother of the ice, and the inexplicable love of the purple-red devil, Su Xing, from the dragon and the yin of the xué to the birth of the baby. One by one, to the life and death of the Devil's Hall, all kinds of opportunities or coincidences, also make Su Xing the second person who can break into her heart.

On the one hand, the mother-like ice Ji Niang is a confidant? ? ? Miyazaki did not want to see each other hurt, just because this ice from the Niang Niang to the third house, Gong Caiwei has been following, until the moment to stop.

What happened inside is naturally a long story, and it’s long.” Gong Caiwei did not answer the question of Bing Ji’s mother, but just looked at her seriously.

The gentleness of the Snow Maiden's voice is the best answer.

Bing Ji Niangnier sighed slightly.

"You won't regret it?" asked Bing Ji Niang.

Gong Caiwei sighed softly, and did not say anything.

"Which." Bing Ji Niang's hand waved, the hall was chilly, the temperature returned to normal, and the Aurora bottle flew to the palace. "Since this is your decision, I will follow you, but the purple thunder devil is too mad, I am afraid it is dangerous."

Gong Caiwei nodded, "Chusha closed up the five elements of the wind and cloud flag.

Ansu asked and soup was shocked and hurried to run outside the hall.

Bing Ji Niangniu was left by two girls. "When you rub your shoulders, the worried eyes are clear and true. Innocent to this should not be the star's eyes."

Maybe the purple thunder devil can really change this fighting star.

But who is he?

Bing Ji Niang turned and meditated.

Outside the temple, suddenly the rainbow was moving.

The fourth house.

"Please put down the longevity monument!"

The beautiful maid came out of the temple and walked lightly like a step on the feathers. It was so gentle and calm.

The virginity of Shen Yan Jianzong is breaking the ban on the long monument, and looking back at the scene of the scene, the pair of red copper-like eyes can not help but be attracted.

Huā crown, shì service, l ù back "Zhu sè's slender scorpion.

It is really a beautiful person.

"Are you asking me?" The sorcerer’s hand, a hundred innocent fire swords burning in the air, the man smiled calmly.

The shì woman stopped at the distance of 50 meters from the man and made an attacking posture. The double fist flashed the illusion of yīnyang. The only thing missing was that there was a squid swimming but it was missing one" and the swimming squid also It disappeared soon.

"Yīn Yang double fish fist. The famous Tianqiao star prodigal son, I can't think of it for a while." The chastity nodded and said to himself. "The man can have so many top stars that you can't do it."

"If you want a longevity monument..." The chastity pointed to the monument.

If the words are not finished, the sound will be touched and the dust will splash. "Yan Yi really disappeared.

The Wuyi Real Fire Flying Sword can't capture the figure completely, and the chastity has been flying by a boxing.

"As a shì woman, I really can't wait for the guests." The chastity wiped the blood of the mouth and climbed up if nothing happened.

Yan Yi had no expression on his face and looked at his right hand.

There is also flame burning.

The punch just went down. I clearly felt that there was a real fire body on the man that actually prevented her boxing power.

This man is not simple!

"I wanted to fight with the military commander early in the next year." The chastity suddenly laughed.

The five fires of the real fire fly down, the space is burning, the wind is burning, the chastity is awkward, I see all the beautiful red light around, the red flames of the size Come over.

Yan Yi really looks like a sway.

Go ahead in the burning of suffocation.

The speed of the shì female speed makes the flying sword emptied every time, the virginity is frivolous, the eyes become serious, and the hand reaches a little, the "five sacred gods" of the big mouth are continuously formed into pieces, and the five 昧 炎 炎 炎It will be turned into ashes.

Then the chastity turned and flew toward the monument.

The flames mourn.

The chastity looked back and screamed badly. The real fire broke through a big hole, and the indifferent shì woman rushed out of the hole.

The four-star yīn yang double-fishing fist is just a punch to let the five scorpion gods face the water and destroy.

The chastity rushed back, flying sword guard body, smashing out the same magic weapon, looking for a sacrifice, a fire to make a fire dragon rushed over Yan Yi really wandered past.

This tyrannosaurus is a dragon's tempering tempering dragon that gathers the fierce dragon's fire. It uses the refining of the five sacred gods, injects the spirit of the fierce dragon, and has the ability to be almost psychic. The magical weapon of virginity is extremely proud.

Every time a dangerous enemy is encountered, it plays a key role.

The tyrannosaurus shows that a fire dragon is really biting towards Yan Yi, and Yan Yi really evades quickly. This tyrannosaurus can lock the target by itself without modification.

Ren Yanyi really does not want to dodge.

A few breaths, the fierce dragon slammed the dragon 吟 吟 把 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕

"Only this can be tolerated? But that's it."

The chastity saw that Tian Qiaoxing was trapped by the tyrannical dragon and reached out. "The five 昧 昧 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The triumph of chastity has not lasted for a long time.

Suddenly, a huā, shì female shadow is incredible under the eyes.

So fast.

A chastity.

The only flaw of Lie Longsu is that he can't completely lock the other side from the space. After all, the magic weapon of this trapped person is a dragon's smelt. As long as he uses the Gaoming method, ten can escape, but the chastity can't think of it. Tian Qiaoxing actually has such a brilliant method.

I saw that Yan Yi was really cold and cold, and a pair of yīn-yang fists came one after another.

The boxing method is stacked.

The virginity operation method, the body is red, like a red iron steel "bearing Yan Yi really "yan flash reincarnation" this chastity is one of the top ancestors of Shenyan Jianzong, the cultivation itself is "Jiuyang Zhenzhen" The skill of cultivation can deepen the bones and bones as hard as steel. Because of this, the martial arts stars who are famous for their boxing skills can still be unhurried.

The two killed a few breaths and hard to resolve. The chastity was attacked by Yan Yizhen several times. Finally, he took aim at the flaws and read the law, and the flying swords slammed into a fire. "They suddenly filled up and the fire made a big deal." Fucking purely wants to make this cold shì female embarrassed, running the **** of fire to go to burn Yan Yi real clothes.

Yan Yi really turned back and turned back, punching back, and the fists were blowing. Like a gust of wind blowing, the flame of burning was blown away, which kept the whole body clothes.

"Unfortunately." The chastity snorted and smiled. "If you let your Lu ǒ see you down, this longevity monument will give you no harm."

Yan Yi really pulled back and looked faceless at his face.

"If you don't think about it, you will regret it." The frivolous smile of the chastity is deeply dignified, and the hands are used to pick up the law, and the mantra is read, and the mantra is suddenly turned, and a hundred mouthfuls of five fires are flying. A sword array.

"The Ten Sides of the Fire Swords!!"

The fire is full of smoke, and the flying swords are flashing again and again. The red light dances around Yan Yizhen, surrounded by all sides, leaving only Yan Yi really in it. In all directions, they are all flames of smoke, and they are all rushing toward Yan Yi, leaving her nowhere to hide.

Yan Yi really saw the sword attack, but he was not afraid, coldly screamed, double-handed and gripped, and went up and down, like a small taiji, a yīn-yang pattern appeared in the double fist.

The fire was fierce, and the dark clouds rolled over, almost completely covering the Yan Yi.

The chastity couldn’t see the movement inside and worried that Yan Yi really counterattacked. From the star bag, countless Tianleizi smashed the past, and suddenly saw the thunder in the flame sword array. .

This day, Leizi is a low-ranking monk who kills high-ranking monks and often uses them to pack and relax. In fact, it is in the late realm of Xinghai. Tianleizi has no threat to chastity, but it has been used since the beginning of chastity cultivation. Lei Zi’s murder and robbery have often succeeded, so that he was also carried with him after becoming a ancestor of Shen Yan’s swordsmen.

It’s no small feat for a thousand thunders, even if the Xinghai monks face it, it’s inevitable that they will be embarrassed.

Countless, like a jewel, came to the ground, bursting open on the body, trembled and smashed, and the flames would be extinguished.

The yīn yang glows up the sky, and there is a broken sound.

A chastity.

The swordsmanship of the raging fire retreats, only to see the shì woman is standing still, not to mention the scars, even the clothes are intact, and in the true hands of Yan Yi, yīn Yang squid swims thousands of days. Lei Zi and the Shifang Fire Swords were actually cracked.

"How is this possible, actually there is no injury?" The smile of the chastity came to an abrupt end, he did not hesitate to bite his fingertips, wrote something in the air with blood, and took out two bright red sè .

Two bright red plaques were broken, and they were turned into two red-red ribbons, which were turned toward Yan Yi. The ribbons rang loudly and loudly.

The tyrannosaurus followed the set.

Yan Yi really disregarded the embarrassment of the game, changed the way, the gesture is so indifferent, the wind and light cloud can not be overstated, the red light flashed on the hand, it is a catch.

Two red ribbons seem to be caught in the hands of Yan Yi, and they are twisted and pulled, and the ribbon is torn.

The slap in the face.

His "congenital bonfire" was so simply destroyed, and the surprise was still behind. The tyrannosaurus was turned into a fire dragon and once again put the Yan Yi really, this shì did not look at the woman, and both hands caught the dragon. At the two ends, one pull and one pull, one yīn one yang, actually rip the wrath to two halves.

Touch, like a broken string.

Yan Yi is really stunned and deceived. This is exactly what her Xuan dynasty moves the string.

The string breaks Mulan's words can end the other's moves, and it is naturally a matter of tearing off such things in the yīn's impotence.

"I rely on."

The chastity was awkward, and when I saw the ghost, I rushed to work and Jiuyang really resisted.

The chastity was defeated by Yan Yi’s real boxing method. The four-star Tianwu’s boxing method made the chastity almost vomiting blood. “Don't look down on it.” The chastity was angry, the eyes were red, the flame rushed beside the two people, hidden in the flame. The battle is simply amazing.

Although the chastity seems to be far from the strength of the Tianqiao Star, it is hard to imagine that the two sides can actually fight more than a dozen rounds.


The chastity was boxed out and used the nine chapters.

The Qiu Jiuzhang is a boxing technique. It can also be countered by Yan Yizhen. The ancestors of Shenyan Jianzong are willing to lose, and a boxing out, piercing the space like a sword.

The virginity of the chastity has not stopped. Suddenly, Yan Yi really hooked his arm. The shì girl’s soft fist hit a belly of the chastity, and the power of the cold yīn penetrated into the body, letting 焱Fucking eyebrows twisted.

However, the strength of the chastity Jiuyang Zhenzhen also made Yan Yi really look.

Hit the fist, the chastity actually does not move.



The right fist of the chastity slammed, this time the punch was fast and outrageous, and a fist hit the face of Yan Yi. The shì female crossed the left hand to block the fist, followed the footsteps and quickly left his offensive range. .

Shì female slender double sputum exudes a dangerous atmosphere, yīn Yang double fist idiot yaw.

"Damn!!!" The chastity was shocked.

It’s another time.

The flames are like a knife, neatly squatting.

Waiting for you this time.

Yan Yi really eyes l out a trace of fine mans ~ www.readwn.com ~ means the high-tech Tianqiao star to face the monk boxing method, the latter is undoubtedly a class axe.

The distance between the two was more than ten meters. Yan Yi really bypassed the flame knife and then bullied the side of the chastity.

The chastity made the flying sword too late, and hurriedly retired.

A magic weapon flew out.

Yan Yi really leaned over, a land-like scam, and shunned the flying sword and the flame. Like a snake, he came to the chastity, as if he had expected the reaction of the chastity and hit the abdomen with a fist.

The tearing pain made the horror expression distorted, and his red hand was about to make a slap in the sky.

But the flame has not yet begun to end.

Yan Yizhen this time, the double fist suddenly cut the knife, straight into the weakest link of the person, shì female double knife left and right together, to the extreme, the pain of the pain is nearly faint, the ribs under the arm.

Two kinds of cold and hot rays pierce the body, and the pain does not occur. Yīn Yang palm is also! ! .

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