108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 544: Star fragment

Chapter 564 Star Fragments

The night of the Crystal Dragon Palace is justified by the words "night cool as water". Sitting on the aisle of the courtyard, looking up at the sky, the sky is a shimmering water wave. The crystal dragon palace is deep in the sea and there is no white enamel. The points, but because all the palace buildings in the Crystal Dragon Palace are built with crystals, they can absorb the essence of the moon. Once in the night, it will be more obvious than anywhere in the Liangshan 6th.

Crystal Dragon Palace is bathed in a light blue halo, surrounded by the changing aurora, the essence of the moon is full of the ultimate, countless high-powered, superb monks will take the opportunity to find a Feng Shui treasure to practice, even if not used for cultivation, The essence of these months also has a role in women's training in beauty, which is one of the most attractive places in Crystal Dragon Palace.

On the first day, the end of the crystal banquet, Su Xing can be regarded as a wonderful experience of this Dragon Palace. After staying in the Coral Palace, I found another person to say something, and then the night was deeper. Her beautiful girl 66 continued to come back. .

Su Xing and each woman had greeted each other. Everyone sat in the hall and talked about what they saw today. For a long time, they were late for the thief star.

"Yuaner seems to be playing again, I am going to find her." Su Xing couldn't resist, and was prepared to use the star symbol to sense.

Just at this moment, the voice of Shiyuan was heard outside the door.

"This lady is back."

Qian Ying flashed in, and the face of Yuan was filled with a bright smile. Obviously, this jewel banquet made the thief star harvest a lot.

"Yuan, what have you done?" Wu Xin explained. "Why so late?"

"There are a lot of treasures and banquets. This lady has just strolled around a circle and took a lot of star bags." Shi Yuan smiled and waved, and the various colors on the table flowed, and dozens of star bags appeared.

The girls looked stunned.

Su Xing just remembered the girl in front of him, but the world's first thief, where is the free time to live, Su Xing wanted to say a few words, but the words swallowed again.

"Su Xing, you won't be angry?" Shi Yuan said cautiously that she knows the character of Su Xing, which is different from the previous star-fallers and even any monks. The descendants who can sign the thief star in the past are unfortunate. On the drums, plagiarism in the world, more and more good, the past generations have also had such a star-dropper rely on the high stealing ability of the thief star the last seven stars.

In fact, in the current situation of Su Xing, it is impossible to think of a person who raises more than a dozen stars. Shi Yuan feels that she should do something as the first thief in the world.

"Yi, do you have a hand for someone?" Su Xing asked.

Shi Yuan patted his chest and said proudly: "This lady is very professional and ethical. It is a monk who has a defiable face and a bad character. Hey, especially the top ten sects, they deserve it."

Su Xing caught the head and the top ten sects. He had no opinion. "But still try not to do this kind of thing, it doesn't make sense."

Wu Xinjie agreed: "Well, those little monks have no valuable things, let the thief star steal them, and the older generations will cry."

Shi Yuan spit out the tongue and said that Miss knew.

Su Xing also did not want to marry the goodness of Shi Yuan, and also opened the star bag, the things inside it fluttered out, and a lot of things came out, knives and forks, bow and arrow, copper hammer, mirror dust , jade pearls, jade books, long 幡 幡 flag, and a lot of bright Fu Ling elixir, faintly auspicious gas fluctuations, at first glance is not a product.

The monks who can come to the jewels are naturally prepared, and the things they bring are much better than usual. It’s just that for Su Xing, who has been promoted to the starry sky, these things are not visible.

However, a few yin beads make Su Xing love it. He now has three yin beads. Nine yin beads can cultivate the "Yin Ying" and other yin sects. Su Xing is smashing this. After practicing the body with the yin beads, use other, perhaps The sneaky **** can also afford it. For the sneaky **** Su Xing has not forgotten, but because the yin force is too heavy, Su Xing can not afford it.


The lonely lonely star soup suddenly cried out.

"What's wrong? Pity?" Su Xing asked.

"Brother -" Tang pity pointed at an item on the table, the tone shivered slightly.

Su Xing has never seen Tang Pity, and his look is moving. Looking down the direction, under a few pieces of plaque is a glass of colorful fragments. Some of them look good. This piece seems to have seen it before. Su Xing thinks carefully. I remembered that I found such a piece from a monk in the spider's lair.

Su Xing took it out, comparing it, the style, the streamer is almost exactly the same.

The glass twinkling stars look very good at night.

"Brothers also have this piece?" Tang said with amazement.

"What is this?" Su Xing asked curiously.

When the words came out, the ladies were staring at him. "What's wrong?" Su Xing wiped the sweat.

The flower buds licked his lips and wanted to laugh: "Yu Zhen can't believe that the stars who signed the Tianxiong star didn't even know the stars."

"Star Fragments?" A new term that made Su Xing confused.

"The grace, the son and the other stars are not the same." Wu Xin solved the problem, she knows that Su Xing signed Lin Yingmei did not know what is called the fighting star.

"Star fragments are used to upgrade Xingwu." Tang pity explained.

“Can this be used to upgrade?” Su Xing was the first to hear.

The soup nodded heartily.

The Star Fragment is very famous in Liangshan Big 6. It is well known that the number of female stars in the Liangshan Mountain is extremely important and even determines the direction of the fighting star. Upgrading Xingwu is the key to winning the Star of any Star.

In addition to some Lingsha and Lingshi tailored by Tianshou Xingwu, there are two other ways to upgrade Xingwu. One is the third volume of the three-volume book, and the other is the star fragments.

It is very simple to upgrade Xingwu with Star Fragments. A piece of Stars can be upgraded to one star, two pieces are two stars, and each star's fragment multiples. For example, if you want to upgrade to ten stars, only twenty pieces of stars will suffice. Of course, the upgrade of Stars and Stars simply has its own shortcomings. This is the time validity. The Star Wars upgraded with Stars Fragments will not only consume Star Power, but also have a short time. However, the legend of Star Fragment has a certain chance to fall at the same time when the star will fall. These fragments are scattered in the Liangshan Mountains, and there are only a handful, so very few.

The Star Shard is worthless to the monks, but for the Star of the Stars, it is a priceless city. The jewels are hailed as the last feast of the Stars in the Stars. Naturally, the monks who are lucky enough to get the Stars of the Stars want to come. Wealth.

Su Xing counts, plus his own piece of star fragments just have seven pieces of debris, which allows Wu Siyou and other women to raise the star Wu to five in a short time, and five less can also make Lin Yingmei star up to six stars.

"If you have seven stars, before the test of the seventh-generation hegemony Sanniang, it will be of great help to Xianggong." The earthworm star 扈 扈 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动 动If Lin Yingmei reaches the seven stars and adds them, he is not afraid of the overlord.

"So say." Wu Xin explained a smile.

So, should we be more good at stealing? Su Xing frowns and hesitates. This is too much against his own ideas, but it is very clear that the stubbornness at the moment will only bring trouble.

The flower bud is about a lip color, like a smile, and likes to appreciate the embarrassing expression of Su Xing.

However, disappointing Tianyingxing, Su Xing did not work for a long time, and immediately made up his mind: "This star fragment is born of a star, and it is not a bit dirty to use for trading. Oh, this way, my heart, you and Yuaner has time to inquire about it. If there is a piece of star, it will be taken back. If you don’t return the star bag to me, it’s not stolen. Hey.”

The flower was about speechless, saying that the man was so shameless that he could find out the excuse for this, and she could not refute it.

"Su Xing, how are you... oh, smart." Shiyuan was happy to hold Su Xing and dance, and for his own role, the girl's heart was full of happiness.


Celadon and Jin Qiongyu walked through the Coral Palace's Jasper Promenade. The former is discussing the purpose of this trip with the jade armor Jin Dajian, and the slaying star Li Longkui is still expressionless, and the hidden suffocating follows, the steps are very light.

"Qiong, how much do you have this time?" Celadon asked softly.

"Reassured, my sister, Qiongyu went to Tiandong District today, and there are more jade than imagined, but those monks are all grass bags, can not refine jade, can not see the value, Qiongyu is sure to buy a batch." Jin Qiongyu Cold and cold smile: "Lv Fang Guo Xue, they are in the Dinan District, they should also be able to find a lot of their own material."

"This is good." Celadon is slightly embarrassed, this jewel banquet is of great importance, and each piece must be arranged properly. In order to be able to climb the top of the mountain in the future, the end of the fighting star can not be careless.

"Sister, but refining those Lingyu may have to spend a lot of money on my sister. Although the Kowloon Palace has done its best to support or win the water, Qiongyu learned that many senior Xingwu materials have been handed over to the Crystal Dragon Palace auction, and the auction will be held in the next few days. Auctioned a lot of stars and fragments." Jin Qiongyu frowned, the jade armor counted, the gold conversion at least trillions of whales swallowed up to the bonfire Qin Mingyue and Jiuzhilong Shijing two military commanders of the four generals rose to six stars, Her sister is at least five stars.

If you can't do it, there isn't much chance to deal with the purple thunder devil.

"Tianguixing Xiaoxuanfeng Chaijin is called Liangshanfu, and the money is tens of thousands of yuan. Although she can't participate in the fighting star, for other star-droppers, she can only use the method of shunning money, but her sister's identity is different. Maybe she can find Chaijin to discuss it. Come, as long as the sister shows his heart, Chai Jin will certainly be with his sister Juyi Liangshan ~ www.readwn.com~ with the help of Tianguixing, then we will be like a tiger. Follow Lin Chong of the purple thunder head, Wu Song will regret it. "Jin Qiongyu flashed a stern color in his eyes.

"Celadon has plans." Celadon asked softly. "Qiong, do you seem to have a prejudice against Su Xing?"

"Of course, he is our enemy, the future fighting star, we must live and die." Jin Qiongyu is the color.

"But if his purpose is consistent with us?" Celadon continued to ask.

The jade arm smirked and filled with contempt. In her eyes, any star-dropper used them and wanted to be a tool and trust. That is a very ridiculous idea.

"Sister, don't let Qiongyu disappoint." Jin Qiongyu said seriously.

Celadon smiled and licked, I don’t know if it was the answer or something else.

After a few steps, there was a melodious flute in the night, and the celadon and other women stopped, showing a trace of amazing.

Ps: Sorry, the plot card owner, update four chapters tomorrow

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