108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 568: Take precautions

Yan Yanguang’s round steel gun eyes are going to kill the book’s heart. Like the annihilation of the star, the military commander is close, even if the starry sky monk can’t be parried, at the critical juncture, three green emeralds are flying empty.” After three sounds, he hit the steel gun. The dark weapon wrapped in a powerful force was to deflect the steel gun, and the book heart was smashed under the gun and escaped.

"Hey?", Yan Yanguang was stunned. "The girl was looking at her attacking girl."

Zhang Bilu looked at her coldly and coldly. She was not convinced by the horrible momentum of the other party. The ten fingers were open, and the eight diamond-shaped emeralds were around the fingertips. "The first big slam, then you will see it." "晏无冷冷笑笑" turned out six discs, hit a few black and black light hit the body of Yan Yanguang, immediately swallowed by her **** sea, this powerful flood of Lingbao even could not help her completely.

"Jadeite hidden weapon? Is that Niangshan Tianjie star?", Yan Yanguang eyelid jump, 1 smashed a cruel smile. "Take you to sacrifice the king to go out." The **** sea crashed, the speed reached the limit, a pale frontline smashed into the eyes of Zhang Biyue.

Zhang Biyin sneaked into the void, making a ghost out of no talent.

Yan Yanguang sneered, the long gun died, the air immediately burst into a demon yan blood hua, Zhang Bi lost yín slammed out of the figure, the girl ten fingers one by one, it made the Xuan Zhao Huangquan no way .

The eight blocks of the road, Huang Quanshi, circumvented the three treasures of Yan Yanguang. The first slam of Beibei will be like a piece of rock that is indestructible, and the body is only slightly trembled. "Swords!!" 晏 No way to sacrifice the sword array.

At the same time, the book's heart that escaped from the robbery is also the strongest sword array.

The flying sword is turned into an arc with a four-in-one.

"Is it still rushing to death?" Yan Yanguang angry, a strong breath shocked a few miles, everyone trembled, even if it was as strong as the Emperor felt the pressure, and then saw a stunned arc, the book heart rushed The sword array that came to support was actually smashed by a knife, followed by the pressure of killing the river.

The book’s heart is awkward. It’s actually feeling that I’m stuck in the sea and I’m struggling.

I touched it.

The murderous devours the heart of the book. From then on, the ancestors of the starless sky in the late stage of the sky suddenly vanished, and the gods disappeared.

"Zhu ancestors." 晏 晏 苍 苍 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

The breath of the mighty generals almost made him suffocate, and for the first time in his heart, there was a sense of fear.

Is this the general of the star annihilation?

I have no way to look at the cold guns under the cover.

"No way!!", Zhang Bi screamed, and the green shadow rushed to his front. The gun was cut directly on her back, and the girl vomited. "Blood". "There is no way to face a cold again." Hugged Zhang Bilu, and fled to a few hundred meters away.

Zhang Bi's **** coat was red and dying.

"Returning to the star." There is no order to hesitate.

"No way." Zhang Biliu left a pale worry and disappeared.

"Disappeared?", Yan Yanguang was shocked.

There is no way to stare at Yan Yanguang. The cold and ruthless eyes are not a bit of hatred.

"There is a fish in the north, why don't you use the three clears to save the book?", Tian Tianxian's cold and vomiting words, just if there is a fish in the north, you can save the book with a heart, but you don't know why. After Emperor Sui debuted, there was always a cloudy and uncertain look in Beiming. It seemed to be hesitating, which made the Tianwaixian quite angry.

There is a fish in the north, and the eyes are full of gloom.

"There is a fish in the north, if you don't want to go too far, the name of the world is destroyed in your hands," let go of the grudge. "Yu Huang said coldly, where can't see what he is thinking."

"Today is the day of the demise of the Canglong world. The Canglong world dominates the Doosan eight generations. Now it is time to change the dynasty." Cangfeng said at this time, every word he said was accompanied by oppressive power, such as the Milky Way. The monk only felt powerless to resist.

As the Cangfeng words are finished, the other stars of the White Tiger Seven Stars are also flying to the side, and the respective stars will come out. "It’s not spectacular." In addition to the White Tiger Seven Stars, the Dragon Lord of the Xuan Ming World, the Snake Lady of the Zhuque World, and other two stars Also in the camp.

"The dragons in the Canglong world can dare to fight!!"

Nineteen infants are cruelly laughing.

The Canglongjie side can be described as face to face. The highest qualifications for the star-fallers are Jiezheng and Zhao Hanyan. But looking around the audience, they did not see the traces of the two people. The remaining Canglong world star-studded people are countless, he is Righteousness is stunned, but no feathers and arrows are falling, but they are cut back to the star tires by Yan Yanguang.

Even Zhang Jie, the first dark weapon star of Tianjie, was defeated by the gun, and other star-droppers dared to scream.

At this time, the rest of the people suddenly remembered that a person came to a place in the Canglong world, in the Xuan Ming world, in the Xuque world to turn the tide of the people, Zi Lei devil head, he has another nickname "Zi Lei saint.", North The voice of the fish is shouting loudly: "Zi Lei Devil's Head" If you deal with the Three Realms now, your ancestors will write off your grievances. ”

Other people are better at listening.

It was only a moment that no one responded.

There is a fish in the North, and I want to take the opportunity to lead the purple thunder head and his many star players, and then use the Tongtian Dinghaizhu to block it, but I have been waiting for the response to make him a little odd, at this time, the Crystal Palace is in the domain today. There was a collapse of the bang, a magnificent palace collapsed, and a beautiful voice was heard in the strange light of the sky.

"Eight-door Wujin chain, Xuanjie moves the mouth to precaution!!", a graceful girl with a graceful body refers to a little, the strange dark gold chain locks the light flowing in the space tightly bound, Yangzi raises the Taiqing Qingdi knife, knife The law was shocking, and a blue knife slashed into the chain lock that was constantly entangled. Wu’s precautions made Yang Zi’s place immediately sink into the prison, and the chain lock appeared in any position with unpredictable degrees and angles. If the ping-pong is not the high level of Yang Zikai, the ancestral knives are tyrannical, I am afraid that it will be locked by the eight-door Wujin chain in a few seconds.

A bang.

Yang Zikai grabbed a flash of gaps in the gap, flashed in the moment of the eight-door Wujin chain, and finally withdrew from the dead.

Take precautions and stop.

Everyone saw that the chain was bright, isn't that the second piece of Tianshi Xingwu used by Tianzhi Xingzhi?

There are still many shadows in the battle.

So the purple thunder devil has started to fight.

"Since you are not willing to obey, then don't blame the king for being ruthless." Yeluhui smiled elegantly.

"This palace wants to see if Tongtian Dinghaizhu can not hold you," Long Yuxin sneered. He said to the North Ming fish: "Northern Ming", the Emperor of the Emperor, the twelve Tongtianding Haizhu Recovered."

There is a fish in Beiming, and she wants to use Tongtianding Haizhu. "I know that I can no longer hesitate." No matter where the purple thunder is in the end, since his star is here, he must also secretly spy on it. Closed eyes, too y ù ù 飞 飞 飞 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成 组成

"The ancient good is the Taoist" subtle Xuan Tong, deeply unknown. The husband can't be acquainted, so he is strong. If Yu Dong is involved in the winter, he will still be afraid of the four neighbors. If he is a guest, he will be released if he is a singer. If it is turbid..."

When Long Yin’s heart heard this mantra, his face suddenly changed. Isn’t this the true truth of the twenty-four Tiananhai beads?

There are often no restrictions on the use of Hongyao Lingbao, but some Lingbao can be controlled by mantra, such as cornucopia, hún幡, Tongtianding Haizhu is also the same, as long as half of the Tongtianding Haizhu can be the other twelve, Therefore, the dragon heart can borrow without any concern, as long as there is that the spirit of the spirit is not afraid to receive it, but she never imagined that there is a fish in the north, and suddenly this is the psychic on the sea. Hey.

The psychic truth of this kind of town palace treasure is regarded as life by the Crystal Dragon Palace. Only the master of each generation knows that the dragon heart does not know how he understands, and sometimes it is a bit stunned. "Northern" What are you doing? ”

"To the virtual pole" is quiet, and everything is done, I will see it. Everything is restored to its roots. The roots are quiet and quiet, and the rest of life is resurrected.

"..., I don't know how often, I am guilty. Knowing the regulars, Rong Naigong, Gong is the king, Wang Naitian, Tian Nai Dao, Dao Naijiu, no body."

With the conclusion of the truth, the Crystal Dragon Palace suddenly shines.

I saw the surrounding of the palace, the twelve bright pearls are as high as the sun and the moon, and the blue light is shining. These lights are connected in a line. They are like each other, like a huge hive, but some points are less and always feel like a The shortcomings of the North Ming fish have to be sacrificed in the hands of twelve Tongtianding Haizhu.

Twelve beads were lifted up and the wind rose, and they were embedded in those points.


The Crystal Dragon Palace is shrouded in a thin, flanked enchantment.

The Crystal Dragon Palace has an enchantment that separates the deep sea, and everyone is not surprised. It just feels that the lens-like diamond enchantment is a little uncomfortable and exerts a strong pressure.

"Strange, it seems that there is no gas."

"Oh? Really."

"What happened? The ruins, how did the dust settle?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere was not the same. The collapsed palace, the dust and the airflow that had been shaken all solidified in the air.

"Dinghai enchantment ~ www.readwn.com ~ 粱 语 语 语 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"There is a fish in the north, what are you doing!", the dragon screamed palely.

There was a fish in Beiming who slowly opened his eyes and looked at the dragon with a blank expression. Then he waved his sleeves and rushed toward the Emperor.

Yan Yanguang also wanted to kill him with a shot. "Yellow Hui’s eyes signaled, and this was stopped.

Everyone thought that the first ancestor of Taishang Road was desperate to fight with Emperor Sui, and the blood rushed together.

In the north, there was a fish rushing to half. Suddenly, the whole body was restrained by a pressure. When he raised his eyebrows, He Zhongbao made a spell, and his heart was secretly surprised. He couldn’t get rid of his starry sky.” This strength is really legendary. The star is annihilated.

When you are secretly jealous, the fish in the North is more respectful.

"In the north, there is a fish that is willing to invest in the Emperor's Majesty.", the Crystal Dragon Palace fell into a terrible death than the "Dinghai", and thousands of monks were stunned. "I can't believe the scene in front of the scene. The first ancestor of the sectarian Taishang Road actually rebelled...

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