108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 613: On the Lord, I have invited

Based on the above various reasons, I only wondered why Chailing had to give Tanabata a star.

How is this the reason why Tianguixing and Su Xing signed the contract with the most face, even if Su Xing was signed with Chai Ling in the future, I am afraid she could not put down the identity of Zhou Baowang.

"Sister is like a flower and a flower." Chai Lingfu m stared at the star, licking his mouth chún, pretending not to take it. "There are no contracts signed by the ancient stars in the past. The palace is not a more comfortable than the fighting star."

"You can think so." I don't object, smile: "No one knows what to send in the end." So, it's so happy, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Is this the reason why you gave Tanabata to the stars?" asked.

Chai Ling shook his head: "The Tanabata was set up by the old man of the North, and the palace used the Danshu iron coupon. Even if the organic contract signed the contract, it would help the star, but it would become the burden of the seven stars. And the Tianyingxing Li Guanghua It seems that there is a layer of separation between the stars and the palace. The palace and the flower buds have dealt with each other. They know her temper, even if they finally succumb to the suspicion, they will not sign the contract. What's more, the palace is very concerned about Jiang Shuishui's secret..."

"Broken Arrows and Beauty Bombs." 温Use the fine wine to warm the throat.

Chai Ling nodded with a sneer: "Broken arrows, always not very auspicious."

"It turns out that." For her sorrow, she couldn’t help but smile. "It’s just that you are thinking of him for such a noble star. If he knows that he will be moved, he will be touched." He made a joke.

"Yes." Chai Ling said to himself, and then Wang used a strong smile to cover the sadness of his heart. "I hope that the stars know that the location of Tanabata can not hate the palace."

I don’t want to hear this.

Yes, the remains of Tanabata are too shocking. I believe that even the purple thunder devil will be scared. "But I don't know if he has the courage to take the Tanabata."

"Do men in the palace lack courage?" Chai Ling is proud.

I am not sure.

Su Xing and Hua Yan, about the martial arts, transferred a few tea kungfu to the indication place of Tanabata.

Su Xing has thought about what the hidden secrets of Tanabata in the end are the magnificent relics of a deep mountain or the mountains that never show the dew.

In fact, the last place of Tanabata is almost the same as the first idea, but Su Xing is still shocked.

In front of it is a continuous mountain range, the fairy scent is not scattered, the hidden mountains are looming, the monkeys are screaming, the cranes are long, and the image of the fairyland is strong: there is a building among the mountains. It is quite spectacular.

The hall of the building is magnificently up to a thousand feet, surrounded by mist, and it is not scattered all the year round. It is a real castle in the air. This pavilion is made up of white jade, which extends the cloud into a illusion of infinity. Those jade, spar structure corridors, erected on the mountains and turned around on four sides, walking on top like a cloud.

At the highest level of the building, there is another scene.

There are countless layers of temples, and there is a spiral staircase connecting each floor, and each main hall starts from the main entrance of the main hall. Every time you go up a gate, you have to go through a long road and countless Temple pavilion.

Su Xingyi, this incredible temple is erected in the clouds and fainted in three layers. Each layer has different clear light. The first layer is clear and turbid. There is a ghost and a roar of the second layer of clear light, and the voiceless voice sings, while the top layer is mysterious. Original, not thorough.

Su Xing has seen countless miracles in Lushan Mountain. The Mingyue Palace he received is also considered a masterpiece of the world. He thought that he had long been used to the wonders of Lushan Lu, but this time he was shocked by this wonderful temple. There is nothing to say.

Not only Su Xinghua, but Wu Siyou was also a glimpse of the endless forests from the heights when they arrived at this magnificent palace.

Su Xing is more and more awe-inspiring in this proper land of immortals.

"There are some things that are not quite right here." Wu Shi's eyesight is as sharp as an eagle, penetrating through the clouds, and it is not quite a bit confusing from the palace.

"I think so too. It is too quiet." Su Xing deep feels the same. This green mountain stream should be a pleasant place. The monk must not be too small, but now I can't feel the slightest breath. It is as dead as a grave. Even the cranes and the apes are mournful.

The atmosphere is very different.

Su Xing is alert and not afraid.

The flower gaze gaze for a while and suddenly laughed out: "It's too quiet for you."


Su Xing and Wu Si are quiet.

"What is the relationship with me?" Su Xing was confused. Although he was called the devil, he had never done anything to hurt the world. Moreover, such a spectacular temple was also seen for the first time. It is impossible for him to have the effect of "the thousand mountain birds flying, the million trails disappearing" when he appears in the head of the purple thunder.

"Don't dare to have nothing to do with you?" Hua Yu tried to endure a pleasant smile.

"The palace has five words. Do you know which five words?"

Su Xing is speechless.

"The Qing Dynasty is too..."

The flower buds finally laughed. "It’s just too embarrassing. I don’t think that Qixi is really a conspiracy of the North Ming Road. This is the most famous Sanqing field in the Canglong world!!!”

Su Xing laughed and couldn't think of it as the site of the Sanqing area. It is no wonder that the palace is unparalleled and innocent is the first name of the Canglong world. Since the Crystal Dragon Palace incident, Taishang Road is also a closed mountain, no wonder dead.

"Fu Jun, since it is Sanqing domain, it is indeed a trap." Wu Siyou.

"But the Tanabata is." The flower buds took out the Tanabata, a token of things. The above guide is indeed the highest palace in the Sanqing area. Xingshao has a unique understanding of the Star Treasure, and the flower buds can also affirm that this Tanabata is indeed They are related, it can never be a masterpiece of Lushan Lu, at least this Qixi should appear when Chen Baogang.

"How, the rest of the Lord, dare to enter this Longtan Tiger xué?" Huayi about to provoke a look, the main two words on the bite special fear of Su Xing retreat to the Tang Dynasty and then return to the Ten League will force, make the jī will come .

"The Secretary is quiet, if you are willing, I am naturally happy to accompany you." Su Xinghao's answer is Yuntian. "Too Shangdao is also painstaking to me. How can I personally come to the door and thank you."

Wusi’s sorrow did not sneer, and gently shook his head and said calmly: “I’m willing to follow the world’s end of the world.” Taishang Road is now down, not an opponent, even if there is a fish in the North, Wusi You also let him go back. . However, the only trouble is the sect of the Taidian Road. Although the practitioners have talents for the lineup, it is rather tricky if it is the kind of strong township.

On the contrary, Li Guanghua, who is the most irrelevant to Su Xing, is the most troublesome.

"Yu also thinks about the first prestige of the Canglong world." I saw the flower buds about pulling the heaven and the moon into a full moon, pointing to the front, looking like a condor, sharp and clear, double chún holding a hair, pulling the bow The curve is comparable to the eyebrows, and the exciting arc is drawn.


String bullets, crisp.

A sharp arrow wrapped in the ruin of the dead, the mountains and the sea, can not be directly sent to the past.

The quiet mountains are waking up under this arrow.

The clouds are blowing and the forest is boiling.

A bang.

Miles of killing arrows did not enter the palace signboard.

Under the arrow of the flower garden, the Fengshan array was actually disintegrated and collapsed.

"Lord, please."

The flower buds are full of smiles and provocations.

Su Xing was moved, laughing and laughing, and did not hesitate to fly toward Sanqing.

Far from responsibility, Qingshan is angry.

However, the Ten League will be Wu, Shi Yuan is inquiring into the news of Wu Xinjie's interpretation, and looking for the fourth-generation hegemon according to the outlined outline. The thief star inspected the kung fu in the Liangshan sisters to belong to the first-class level, the force, the mana is not influx, to this inquiring news, but the talent that Shiyuan is proud of.

In a black tights, Shi Yuan’s body is sexy, but in the crowd, the spiders in the corner are undetected, and unconsciously rely on superb hiding skills to weave a piece of heaven and earth, and gather all the news. come.

Without a moment, Shiyuan found the target.

A plain-fashioned child, a combination of a noble man and a belly in a palace, the combination of a blessed man is particularly unsightly. Shi Yuan’s display of the wind and the shadows quietly followed, and they observed their actions all the way.

With a half moment.

Shi Yuan felt that the other party did not bring more pressure to himself. It was far less arrogant than the previous generations of hegemons. People could not breathe. The eyes of the thief star slid and turned, and there was a daring thought in the bottom of my heart.

Take out the stealing day and change the flying claws, and the time is quietly close.

The old pig and the Tao Fenghua, the three people have a smile, and walked all the way, and the elders of the Yuelongmen dispersed and then turned for a while. The Ten League will be about to start at this time. Baimayuan also gathers hundreds of thousands of monks. The old pig is also the source of the investigation of the purple Lei Devil's head. Most of the rumors, in addition to making him feel sympathetic awe, worship did not get any useful.

Feeling noisy, Tao Fenghua and Le Yu were attracted to other things at this time, and the old pig turned alone to a few lanes to come to a lane. After dozens of steps, the old pig suddenly stopped and looked back at the alley behind the empty dààng.

The friendly eyes are not sharp and sharp.

"Have you followed me to see if this is the case? Now I am alone?" The old pig arched his hand, and then a flash of a bone piercing into the bones.

"Hey, you found out?"

Shi Yuan cried in surprise.

A black shadow suddenly appeared from the right side of the old pig. It was as fast as an assassin. The old pig waved his hand and was ready to go.

Touch, the shadow is scattered.

It was actually a black rabbit.

A glimpse of the old pig.

The murderous slamming suddenly, the real murder is from the left.

"Guess the wrong one." When Shi Yuan was murderous, it was the original form, because there were three caverns to make a cover, and the success of the East hit the West to let the old pigs go empty. How did Shi Yuan let go of this opportunity, stealing the Japanese flying claws like two snakes biting each other to the old pig's neck.

The old pig raised his hand and was still pleasing to the eye, but the ordinary robes on his body suddenly released a fascinating light. A real dragon shadow flowed around the body. It was the magical sorrow of the magical robes of the gods.

Shi Yuan screamed, there is no such thing as a defense that can be so fast. But Shiyuan can be more than that, 1 ". Luo, sister also has a killing trick. Recruit." When the hands of Yuan Yuan sham, sacrificed the soup and compassionately tailored star treasure "Wanqi Qiansi" a white line spit out, wink Put it, the old pig will be bundled, and the thousands of silks will be pressed to suppress the old pig's counterattack.

Shi Yuan took the opportunity to step back, one back, and took out the flag in his hand and drank it.

"Five poisons!" Already rushed to the five heads and five poisonous scorpions set up before, and a five-drug formation suddenly formed.

"The thief is smart." The old pig was surprised.

In the eyes of the means, he did not expect it. He had already known that he would showdown here and set a trap in advance, even he did not feel it. These five poisonous arrays are also fierce, poisonous, and the old pig knows that the array is powerful and never dares to.

The five poisonous scorpions spurt five poisonous cigarettes, which are mutually grammatical, and will be extremely harmful to people or stars.


The real dragon roared, the poisonous smoke collapsed, and the fat man actually smiled harmlessly, and the hair was harmless, and the body of the body was fascinating, and the majesty and the five poisons were all invisible.

No, I can't beat him.

Shi Yuan hurriedly wanted to escape.

"Leave it." The old pig smiled.

Don't look old and thick, you can become a hegemon, you have mercy, once you kill your heart, the more you look honest, the more you will become guilty.

The old pig sword smashed a reminder, so that the ancient Yuelongshan Huanglong sword smashed, two hundred flying swords turned into two yellow dragons, and a yellow mééng dust mist rushed over, seeing that it was fierce, and the two Huanglongs broke the five poisonous seven It’s a distressed, time Yuan is a distressed, hurriedly with a finger, two Samsung’s stealing days and flying claws fly out, although not more powerful than Feijian, but how is the star’s destiny star Wu, flying claws light out, Like a python, a little twisted, then put two yellow dragons, and at this time, Yuan quickly collected five poisonous cockroaches.

This is not easy to collect by Su Xing.

The old pig is not moving, pointing to a reminder, and flying nine yellow dragons in the thick fog, together with the chasing of the time, in the yellow fog of the aura, the old pig looks calm, the smile is awkward, the look of the ancient road As if to recognize that there is no way to escape, the face is faint.

The old pig is the true spirit of Liangshan. When he knows the ending of the hegemon, his mentality is more violent than before, and because he knows that his martial art has been destroyed, his heart is venting with nowhere, and he is now vented. Shiyuan attack, just like lighting the barrel, the five poisonous arrays of Shiyuan, did not know the pain, and did not fear the loss of aura, blindly urging the royal robe to add body and Huanglongjian, turned into nine yellow dragons yín gas, as if overwhelming Luo hooded down.

Five poisons are ruined.

The meticulously refining of thousands of wires is even more fragmented.

When Shi Yuan sees the other party so fierce, mad tigers, do not dare to self, singularly, and do not hesitate to make the tactical figure of the sneak peek into the ground, like a gyro, straight out of the yellow dragon Sword array.

After all, the old pig is angry but not mad, so that there is room for him to be noticed. When he sees the time, Yuan Yuan runs out of the ground, and his heart is secretly surprised, but his face is still calm.

Shi Yuan’s heaven and earth can escape from any battlefield in an instant, and the highest law of Lushan’s land is just like this, so Shiyuan’s dare to challenge the fourth-generation hegemon.

Seeing that the other party did not chase, I thought I would give up.

Just then, two shadows flashed.

"Since the shot, it is necessary to teach."

The same day Tiansheng suddenly rang.

Tao Fenghua and Le Yu appeared.

Le Hao took out a six-star flowing flute and played it. When the charm of the flute is straight through the ear, Yuan Yuan can't be faster than the sound. The sound of the flute is suddenly fierce, and when Yuan Yuan hears it, it seems as if a group of Qingqi Xianyun is holding the whole body. This deep light cloud is extremely thick and tight, and she wraps her whole body, and it is difficult to walk. The heavens and the earth's level are just a face-to-face and they are cracked by flute.


Shi Yuan was shocked.

At this time, a few yellow dragons were rolled in front of them, and the time was also miserable.

At this time, a Dongfeng whistling, black arrows rolling, the wind swaying, shot from behind the Yuanyuan, shot into the Huanglong Feijian, black arrows and Huanglong a fight, the Huanglong blocked.

Shi Yuan seized this opportunity, no longer dare to care, but also a land order to heaven.

The other old pig saw that the flying sword was blocked. It was just a few black arrows screaming at this time. He heard the smog and the cold air, and the sneer was so screaming that the old pig could not respond.

But faster than the arrows, the two phoenix-shaped shields have a spiritual spin out of the air, blocking the black arrows.

Tao Fenghua pointed his hand and protected the old pig, while Liu Mei looked at it.

"Sneak attack, really shameless."

The sneak attacker took the nausea mask, riding the ugly beast, the body was bright and graceful, and the body decoration or the kneeling mount all revealed a word of twisting color, which is difficult.

"So ugly, it must be a ugly county horse." Tao Fenghua.

Xuan Yunqi pulled up the charm charm arrow and once again made the "Dongfeng break" black arrow, although the speed of the shot is also very different, but Tao Fenghua roots do not avoid, the child is full of embarrassment, hands ō ng.

The same two gorgeous Phoenix shields appeared in the body to easily stop her mystery.

"The trick."

Xuan Yunyi did not hesitate to use the land.


The combination of the charm charm and the burly arrow.

I saw the bow and the arrow, and the arrow turned into a charm and burly. Countless black shadows fell from all directions, and these arrows were not ordinary arrows. They were like ghosts and spirits. They were weak and the silhouette was pulled and covered.

"Hey, it’s a solid soup.

"Tao Fenghua's proud tǐng ō 膛 膛.

The six-star phoenix phoenix ignited a gorgeous flame, erected around it, and the phoenix phoenix shield illusioned a virtual shadow and opened the circle to protect the three. Just use a mysterious order to resolve the order, all the impermanence attacks are hit on the shield, and the flames are easily resolved. Xuan Yunxiao is depressed and found that her terraces are not even a splash.

Do not.

Xuan Yunyi felt dangerous at this time.

The old pig's eyes were picked, and the two yellow dragons rushed straight into the clouds and swayed at Xuanyun. The children were blocked, and they were smashed by flying swords. The savage beasts and flowers were released to help the master block the robbery.

Xuan Yun took the flower festival and was twisted, and the pain in his heart was very painful. I knew that the flat combination was so fierce, I was eager to retreat, and the music fluttered the flute, and I took the wind and leisurely into the heart, letting Xuanyun’s painful internal organs tear. Cracked in general, the child immediately felt that the body was torn, and the hunch of death had not yet tested the man. How could the cloud fall to the ground?

Xuan Yun’s heart was unwilling, but then a yellow ray came and broke her consciousness.

All the processes will be a few blinks of effort. Several stars will be tempted. After all the momentum is collected, the old pigs will find that Xuanyun is not seen, and the uplifting is saved.

"Do you want to chase?" Le asked calmly.

With her launching the heavens, the two sisters could not escape.

"No, don't intervene in the fighting star." When the anger disappeared, the old pig calmed down and felt that there was no need for a lot of festivals, but it was really interesting just now, so that the old pig could not help but think of the tragic scene in the fighting star.

Especially when he killed Tianyingxing Li Guanghua's blue dream.

"If we destroy this generation of fighting stars, Fenghua, hey, what do you think Liangshan will do." The old pig laughed.

"I am going to cover it down." Tao Fenghua raised his hand to support.


The old pig looks into the distance, and the robe pacifies. "But first of all, let these Canglong monks know that I am better at the Dragon Gate."

He talked to himself.

Understand, how are you going to deal with the fourth-generation hegemon? Lin Yingmei rubbed the cold gun and looked up.

Wu Xin solved the problem and smiled. "If it is not unexpected, the fourth-generation hegemon should be two earth stars. Although there are such powerful moves as Tiantian, it is not a force star, we have a chance."

Lin Yingmei, Ansu asked, etc.

Wu Xinjie explained.

The reason why she thinks that the fourth-generation hegemony is a double-earth star is that the solution to the star was the strong sect of the Kowloon Supreme at that time, and was strongly supported by any star-dropper, and because others were double-stars, There is no force, so in the fighting star, you can use the various relationships to differentiate or draw a few strong military factions.

Unsurprisingly, such a star-dropper can make a difference.

And even if it is two earth stars, the cooperation of the nine-tailed turtle and the iron called can still play a strong place.

The nine-tailed tortoise possesses the strongest defensive talent in Liangshanxing, and can keep the short-term unbeaten in short-term, while the iron-sounding ability is also unusual. There is always an unexpected place. Later, the book is old. It’s not surprising that the two stars of the pig brother’s star-faller comprehend the heavens and the earth.

In this way, Wu’s solution is very simple.

"Let the stars make the heavens and we have full control to deal with them." Wu Xinjie laughed.

The heavenly move is the strongest move of the star, and it is also a terrible pass in the mountain.

In Wu Xin's fourth-generation hegemony, the most sturdy hand is nothing more than this heavenly step. If it was before, Wu Xinjie would feel more troublesome, but he was confronted with the Ten League, so the Tianji star would have an opportunity.

An opportunity for the other party to make the order in advance.

Lin Yingmei is about to ask.

Suddenly, the door opened.

Shi Yuan stumbled and rushed in.

"Yuan, what are you?" Ansu asked with an exclamation and hurriedly applied for healing.

Shi Yuan’s painful mouth licked his mouth and put the person on his body.

"Is this a ugly county horse?"

Stars are relieved of faintness, and there are fewer wolverines.

"I don't know, but fortunately she will save me or the sister will report with Su Xing." Shi Yuan has a lingering spit.

"What the **** is going on?" Lin Yingmei grabbed the gun.

Shi Yuan said things before and after the cause.

When I heard about this, Wu Xin’s eyes suddenly showed a cold color.

"It really is him, it is so cruel, very, the heart is now more successful."

Outside the house, hey, the Ten League will officially begin.

When Su Xing arrived at Sanqing, he was alarmed because of the killing of the gods. Numerous monks drove flying swords, and Jianguang flew out from various pavilions, but the number of monks was a little less than that of the palace.

When Su Xing hits the purple coat, the purple body rises and the thunder flashes, and these angry monks suddenly fall into dementia.

This scene is the purple thunder devil!

Su Xing seems to laugh and use purple gas and purple thunder, but also to give them a little deterrent, so as not to ask for trouble.

Those embarrassed, proud monks subconsciously retreat a few steps, this scene is very weird is the most enemies that lead to the decline of the Tao, Su Xing's such a bright, unsolicited appearance or everyone expects those monks as if they are It is the respectful subordinates who greet him.

Finally, there are monks who feel that they are resistant.

"Hey purple Lei Devil, you dare to come? You really can't be without heaven!" Several people surrounded Su Xing, let them go further.

"I can't be lawless?? Just come to you." Su Xing shrugged and looked at Sanqing.

"Is it you?"

"Is Su Xing want to be in the next bucket?" A young man in Junyi walked out, and all the monks were revered and respected. The man was very handsome, the dress was elegant, and he was arrogant, and he was repaired as a Pang. He suspended the sky and was a starry sky. period.

Su Xing recognized him, it was the real yuan.

"I am looking for Beiming." Su Xing has no feelings of dispelling Zhenyuan and does not want to argue with him.

"The North Ming ancestor is not there." Jie Zhenyuan's eyebrows pick: "If you are not a fighting star, please return, send a mountain, and not treat guests."

Although other monks want to solve the true words, but the two top stars of ā婉约 and 武司幽, all shrink.

"There is no way, I have a map, the instructions seem to be on this." Su Xing took out Tanabata, and said: "Please also offend, because the remnants of the fighting star, solve the real yuan, can you make it convenient? I How about owing you a person?"

Everyone looked at each other and did not pass the words of the purple-lei devil who passed the gods to kill the gods. Why should he spend more time on his tongue, even if the direct force is no problem, let alone the real yuan is a star-faller, but it is even more bright. It’s okay to kill him.

Hou Ruolan jumped out of the star tire, and his hand clenched the corner of the real yuan, some fear.

Jie Zhenyuan m glared at her hand and said to Su Xingdao: "I am sorry, in any case, you and the Zong are like a fire, this convenience is impossible."

"Do you want a fighting star?"

"But I don't want to fight with you, at least for now, you are not my enemy." Su Xing shook his head and ignored it. One flashed and flew directly toward Sanqing. Jie Zhenyuan quickly stopped in front of him.

The refined man is not weak.

Su Xing's eyeball turned and smiled: "You really call the first star in the Canglong world. You have never compared it with you. We don't have a fighting star. How about a test?" ”


"Below to you is also very strange if you can win me, and immediately go back to the house with the ladies. But if you lose, please don't stop the real brother." Su Xing recognized.

"The world knows that you have Lin Chong, there are Taikoo swords, how can the real yuan be your opponent." Jie Zhenyuan so frankly makes Su Xing a little surprised.

Su Xing is trying to get him a few words, and it is hard to expect a true metaphor: "Also, the real yuan self-vision star is not your opponent. Since Su Xing, the real yuan will not deny, I also want you to compare."

"So so."

Su Xing laughs.

No one expected that the first day of the Canglong world, the star-faller and the purple-lei devil fight.

The two are facing each other like a double peak.

A calm, a light.

"Peng"! ! !

A dull sound, the elegant figure of the real thing in the air turned into a welcoming day, the scattered shadows splashed in the air, like the black clouds that brought the storm to oppress.

No one has solved the first shot of the real yuan, not the Feijian magic weapon, but a purely force attack.

Su Xing knows that Jie Zhenyuan should know that he is flying sword, and the magic weapon is not his own opponent. As a descendant of Hou Ruolan, he believes that Jie Zhenyuan will not slack off his martial arts. Su Xing is also very much looking forward to this peerless genius. Attitude, the moment is also shot.

In the figure, the figure of Jie Zhenyuan suddenly wears the flowing hair and flies in the air, and the blue light is hidden in his eyes. At that moment, he is like a swordsman.

Lian Wusi is also appreciative of such enthusiasm.

Just when the opponent is, Su Xing actually has no bun in the ancient well, and the calm is a little scary. The one hand is clawed to solve the real figure and grab the giant figure. However, the space of a few feet is almost nothing for people like Su Xing who eat at a speed.

Solving the real blow of the real yuan, Su Xing's hands and a pendulum, a sound of gold and iron symphony, the attack of the real yuan can only go forward in the shallow depth of the Su Xing space can no longer move forward.

A kind of wind pressure like a smashing shot from the fingers of the real element, the latter glimpsed.

The solution of the real yuan means a glimpse, and a blue light flashes in the palm of the hand.

For example, if a sharp sword penetrates, it will break the starry spirit of Su Xing.

Su Xing nodded just now, he just used the starry sky to test the temptation. It is not good enough to solve the real yuan performance. But this is not enough. The pace of Su Xing is changed, and the boxing method is like a giant mountain collapse and loud noise. A backflip that does not stop, the solution of the real yuan is far away.

Su Xing mouth smirked, and the pace suddenly started.

The monks on the road were shocked, and the speed was not fast in their eyes. It was only in their eyes, but there was an unstoppable sense of stagnation at this speed.

Solve the real thing backhand and immediately show the magical power.

A protective aura that opens!

Enchantment bodyguard, immediately unfold.

For the first time, Su Xing’s boxing method was like a muddy sea, and there was no news.

Su Xing is still calm, he continues to bombard, do not gasp the target.

The bodyguards consume too much mana, can't use them long, and they have an angry expression on the face of the real yuan, stepping on the high platform.

The ground trembled.

The real shape of Jie Zhenyuan gives people an illusion, as if they suddenly become a tower that is unattainable, and the huge volume also produces a huge sense of oppression. It is like an ancient war. This way you can call the normal monk to lose all the battles.

This is nothing more than a deterrent that the real yuan uses the starry sky to repair.

Facing Su Xing...

Su Xing did not stop moving.

The real yuan is sharp and long, and the giant palm is horizontally drawn with all the routes that many stars may travel. The horror brought intense wind pressure, flying like a blade, and countless pieces blocked all the space in an instant! !

Overbearing offense!

Su Xing has a slight glimpse, and when he changes his body, he sees Su Xing ignoring these wind-stained fragments. The whole person is close to the surface, like a flying fish that slides against the water. The speed is increased again.

Countless pieces seem to exist in front of him, and this scene makes everyone stunned.

Just like an erratic smoke.

However, the real killing is definitely not the wind-scarred debris, but the solution to the real yuan is ready to go.

In a strong wind flat, Su Xing's figure is like a petrel through the storm.

"Drink and drink!"

The real knife of the real yuan cuts.

Forget too much!

Too ruthless! ! !


Suddenly slammed, Su Xing and Jie Zhen really hard one.

The real face of the solution changed, he actually did not take any advantage.

It’s incredible.

The strength of Jiezheng also made Su Xing unexpected. Without this handsome man, he would have such a strong fighting ability. Not only did he not fall into the wind in his own attack, but he also had a fascinating posture.

Sure enough, the first day of the Canglong world was only after the temptation of the star-fallers.

Su Xing dark road.

Xie Zhenyuan knows that Su Xing is so powerful, and he wants to take the opportunity to make a sigh of relief. He feels that Su Xing has defeated him before, and he is absolutely not allowed to have any hesitation.

Just when Su Xing was pulled out of Wuzhang, the real hands were protected, and a blue light gradually appeared in his hands. The light shone and broke into his body.

The real five fingers of the real thing, once again make a magical power.

Taiqing Xianguang! !

This magical power into the dirty not only has the effect of accelerating itself, but also provides a considerable increase in the solution of the real element. The use of this magical solution can often reach a terrible speed. Under the support of such speed, even if it is a leaf, it can become a blade of invincibility, which is extremely powerful.

Seeing that the blue light was shining, Su Xing did not dare to neglect, and both hands immediately closed before ōng and started a defensive posture.

"This solution is really a bit of a level." The flower is about gently.

Wu Siyou seems to have expected that the expression is very calm.

The blue light flashed in the blink of an eye.

Taiqing fairy light is very fast, and a painful suffocation, Su Xing only feels the meridians of the whole body, and the bones are to be swallowed under this horrible fairy light.

Strong speed and horrible killing, Su Xing's body can only let it struggle, the eyes will be completely trapped by this too clear fairy, Su Xing teeth, slamming, drinking, right foot, it is hard to imagine resisting this Taiqing Xianguang.

At the same time, the sable is also shot.

Turning into a thousand and Taiqing fairy light fighting, but apparently Su Xing cultivation of purple sand is more threatening, in a blink of an eye to crack the magic of the real yuan.

The blood is constantly splashing on the body of Jiezheng. Su Xing’s attack on the purple cicada is like a grinder that is constantly twisting back. Anyone sees it creepy.

"True yuan!!!" Taishang monks are anxious.

The scene I saw also made them feel ashamed, and it is clear that Jiezheng is at a disadvantage.

Su Xing is constantly drinking low, constantly impacting the real yuan, and the real yuan is resisting, and the arms are faintly scattered.

The audience stared at this second.


Su Xing suddenly rose up, like a rocket that was lifted up like a flying giant eagle, and Jie Zhenyuan was pushed back. The man who was full of the genius of Canglong’s genius retreated a few tens of meters, looked up and heard the wind The tear hit him.

For anyone, the defense that most people take is definitely to avoid.

Jie Zhenyuan did not do this, and when he was thinking about turning around, he broke the horror of Su Xing.

Any dodge will only bring disaster to the top.

Like Su Xing, Jie Zhenyuan also has the same defensive posture.

At this moment, Su Xing hit a fist!

The first fist to solve the real yuan has not yet felt so powerful, and immediately he found the horror. When a boxing force was unloaded, the real yuan was ready to launch a counterattack. At this time, the ring of the airflow of Su Xing’s fist was one. Bō banged on himself through his fist.

Every bō brought up is even more tyrannical, such as the continuous bombardment of Haitao, the real yuan whispered shēn slamming, spurting blood, flying heavily, halfway, he turned, endured the erosion Hard to counterattack.

The first time they played against each other gave the monks an unparalleled shock.

This is the confrontation of the star-dropper force? ? !

They are also the first time to recognize the gentle brothers in the ordinary days, do not look good and ambiguous, this will know, now the brothers to a point, even in the face of the extraordinary attack of the purple thunder head, still full of fierce and terrible.

This is by no means the catering of the weak, and it is entirely a manifestation of the ambition of the strong.

Su Xing has a colorful look.

The terrible speed, the means of full-blown assault, everything, the fighting style is so similar, and the warfare revealed by each other is the opposite.

"This is really awesome. The flower buds are still very contemptuous. Now, the performance of the real yuan can not help but change the original intention, although I still feel that this is too bad, but at least Their star-droppers are worthy of the reputation of the first in the Canglong world.

"His protection star will not be so weak, this man has ambition."

Wu Shi is not happy.

The two sides only pause for a few seconds, and a flash of light flashes in their eyes... In the twinkling of an eye, the raging attack that has come to the surface has already come to the face of the real yuan.

Jie Zhenyuan sneered, a sound of gold and iron symphony, Su Xing's attack can only be in the shallow space of the real yuan space, half a inch, and can no longer move forward.

A wind pressure like a smashing shot from the fingers of Su Xing.

Actually, the starry sky is also used to suppress the Su Xing attack.

Su Xing did not stop for a step, and then quitted far away. Under this kind of defense, it didn’t make much sense to stay again.

Su Xing’s judgment is absolutely correct. It is obvious that the real yuan expects that his mouth will smack and the pace will start suddenly.

what happened?

Su Xing suddenly found that the speed of solving the real yuan became faster, and the hands of Taiqing Xianguang continued to play. This time it turned into a canopy, and then the countless fists of the ball of light fell one by one.

"Too clear!" Jiezheng sneer, fist shadow mad.

A mess of Taiqing Xianguang fell without any purpose, and Su Xing immediately rushed out of Zifu Xianlei with color.

But it is more than boxing.

The real yuan is really not an opponent.

Su Xing had a long shadow and came to him in a blink of an eye.

The boxing method fell out.

After the retreat of the real yuan, the relief of Su Xing’s fists will be alleviated. Otherwise, the body protection will be shattered. Su Xingqiang’s martial arts, Jie Zhenyuan can still be obtained. The previous two scenes are still vivid.

The two sides have staged a wonderful battle.

Jie Zhenyuan looked very impatient. When he stepped back and slipped, Su Xing waited for this moment. He rushed up, like an arrow from the string.


Jie Zhenyuan sneered.

Suddenly, Su Xing moved horizontally.

Light dance steps!

The monks almost exclaimed, and they were all confused by this dance.

For other warriors, but Jie Zhenyuan can be knocked down so easily, as the most outstanding star descendant of the younger generation.

That is not a snot.

Just as Su Xing changed direction, Jie Zhenyuan changed direction with the same speed and figure.

In the twinkling of an eye, the figures of the two are like lightning. They frequently play in high-speed movements. Their movements are quick, the skill is ingenious, and the fierceness makes all the people watching the game stunned.



Low drink sounds through the sky.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Every step of the two seems to be as heavy as a thousand, deeply into the surface. A trace of airflow does not know when it appears around their body, spiraling upwards, silently. And each other's ōng膛 is like a bellows violent ups and downs. The breath is getting thicker and heavier.

After a few steps, another fierce offensive frenzy started.

The body of the real element is attacked like a spring, and the fist is smashed with pieces of starlight. A few steps span the space between the two, the body slams and the shoulders bulge outward. At that moment, he was like a human weapon, with a strong wind pressure, and once again slammed into the position of Su Xing.

Su Xing was welcoming, but there was no retreat.

"Why don't you retire?" The monks on the road were surprised and opened their mouths.

Not only they, but people who have had a little knowledge can get away with the reaction and speed of Su Xing.


Su Xing did not do this, just grab the fist with his left hand.

Strong at that moment almost made Su Xing a bit hurt, he finally endured the past.

hatch. ”

Jie Zhenyuan feels that the other party is too stupid, he is ready to let the opponent know the price of contempt.

At this time, he was undecided, and the air in his body stopped flowing, and the flame quietly went out.

Jie Zhenyuan seems to feel the danger is imminent.

But it is too late.

The real punch of Zhen Yuan was ready to receive, and he was scared to see that Su Xing suddenly became like a demon.

Do not! !

The danger flashed through my mind, and the real yuan secretly screamed and hurriedly withdrew.

Late, Su Xing keeps up with his rhythm, raises his palm, and claws into dragon claws.

Just hit the real thing.

This solution to the real yuan can no longer climb.

Everyone smokes. Air conditioning.

The purple thunder demon head easily wins in the imagination, and the performance of the real yuan is also to make them look good.

"True yuan." Hou Ruolan nervously ran over to solve the real yuan.

The real thing is full of blood, and the internal organs of the body are like being shaken open, and the pain is going to die.

"Thank you for your mercy."

The monk who was on the road also hated Su Xing, but he couldn't believe it until the battle. This purple thunder devil does not kill the real yuan, this is really not a style of the star-dropper, no matter how, as the culprit of the decline of the Tao, the dispelling of the true disciple of Taishang disciples and he has a great hatred.

"It's really boring justice." In the distance, Meng Qingxuan, who witnessed all this, sneered.

"You are also very strong." Su Xing wants to say a few words together, but I want to stand on each other, or forget, maybe after the book of heaven, this solution may be wise, to the appearance of Hou Ruolan’s concern for the real yuan, Su The star thinks of sugar, and he feels a little more.

"A purple sage! Are you playing tricks?"

A roaring sneer, a young man in the green robe suddenly appeared.

Wu Siyou and Hua Yan immediately bowed their swords.

"Are you finally willing to appear?" Su Xing expected the same, sneer without approval.

Come on.

There is a fish in the north.

White horse original.

As the Emperor Huang took the dragon car Huagai to the scene, all the monks could not keep quiet, the old pigs were among them, and compared with other monks quietly ~www.readwn.com~ He is more killing.

The emperor has more than 100,000 monks on the highest seat, full of majesty, and everyone is calm.

Emperor Huang then went on to say a few words with several other sectarian ancestors, and then announced that the Ten League will be the beginning of the military.

"This is too absent, and all of your friends want to challenge the Ten League seats."

"Then the challenge of the four swords first!!"

The emperor told me.

Everyone is screaming.

Due to the decline of the Kwai Shui sect, this four-sword sect seat is also a sect of sects who want to fight for it. Soon there will be sects who will play and each will send disciples to compete.

The old pigs are fighting in the middle of the battle, and they are not in a hurry to make a debut.

Just then, some sloppy words began to sound around the old pig. ! .

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