108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 616: go with you

"Wind and thunder, re-created Qiang!!" Xuantian real people read the mouth, shaking the long white sword in his hand, the four spells around the Jianfeng with the mysterious changes, when, hurricane, fire, Xuan Bing, Thunder four The law swayed out of the sword.

The hurricane broke, breaking the seventy-two roads, burning the main burning, destroying all the techniques of protecting the body, Xuan Bing main sleepy, let the target sleep on the spot, and finally the Thunder main kill, with the momentum of the thunder and can not attack , the goal of defense and escape.

This wind, thunder, water, fire four methods complement each other, cooperate with each other, the mysterious extraordinary, the endless murder source is endless, the phase is the same, but the real head can only barely cope with the stunned audience.

"Four Laws and Skulls!!"

"This is the treasure of the four-door town?!"

"A powerful magic weapon, these four spells are really well-deserved."

"Well, it’s much more powerful than that of the Dragon Gate." "The kind of garbage sects will only scream, and the four methods are not obvious, and the shots are extraordinary." "The four methods have not been heard."

"I don't know, this is what happened in Kowloon."

In the presence of the monks, they were addicted, and they all screamed. The dragons were ruined by the heart, and your idiots were end-to-end and we wanted to die. Think of the bottom of my heart, the more dragons and churches watching the battle on the field is also the color of envy.

Four Famen and the real sect compete for the four swords, three trials, each of the first two games have a win, the last game decided to win, the two palms personally shot, the momentum is naturally extraordinary.

It is also true that the "seventy-two roads are really swordsman" and the four spirits of the four-legged swords are not in the wind. With the famous "Four Laws and Skull Swords" in the Canglong world, where is the true starry sky magic weapon? Also betrayed.

Yuelongzhang teaches that the four-legged door is deep in Huodong Island. It depends on the terrain to maintain it in the Kowloon School. It is not a mysterious talent before the Xinghai period. However, it will not be able to turn around for a few months and then break through the bottleneck and rush into the starry sky. Let the dragons teach you.

"Oh, but there are old pigs who have shot the four swords and the door is not on the door." Yuelong's teaching is secretly estimated, looking to the old pig.

The man squinted like a sleep, with no spirits at all, his eyes occasionally sweeping away the monks, and his body was condensed like a sword full of killings. The more dragons teach him to see this heart is more enjoyable, even these stupid monks are laughing at it, if Jī angered the old ancest to let you know how powerful.

"This sword is very powerful." In the attic, Wu Xin looked at the four laws and kun swords.

"I really can't come out, I thought there was nothing in the Four Ways." Shi Yuan nodded.

"Four Famen is the mainstay of the four spirit swords, and each sword has its own way. Although the four methods of the Qiankun sword are not on the list of the spirits, but also the four methods of the founder of the four masters to understand the limits of the four spirits, the general Lingbao root is not Opponent." Tang's longest waiting time in the Four Ways is also the best solution for the martial art.

"Is this four spirit swords so powerful?" Ansu asked for the first time.

"After all, it was a Kowloon faction." Wu Xinxiao smiled.

Tang pity nodded. "The brothers practiced the Taiji Ziwei sword, so several sisters would think that the four methods are very weak." Back to the ring, there is no suspense in this victory.

I really tried to block and try my best to stop the problem. But Xuantian real people just broke through to the stars, the momentum, the state of mind is unprecedented confidence. This township magic weapon is in his hands.

Fighting is no more than death, only spelling Xuanqi.

How can Zhenzong be the opponent of the Four Famen, and soon he will have to admit defeat.

"Congratulations, I am now announcing that the four-laws have been promoted to the four-legged swords."

In this way, the first day of the Ten League will be established, and the four swords will be established.

Shenyan Jianzong, Shihua Jianzong and Taiyi Jianzong are still ranked among the three swords, and the swordsmen of the waters are not replaced by the last four methods. They become the last swordsman and four swords.

However, because of the competition between the three palaces and the other palaces, there are still variables at the end of the ten leagues.

"Pity, wait for you to ask Xuantian real people, let them leave Baimayuan for a while to rest in the vicinity of Bai Majin." Wu Xinjie turned back to the soup and smiled: "The most exciting four-door method is still not involved." It."

The soup nodded and understood her plans.

Things are going well as imagined, and I don’t know if the son and the grace can do well.

Wu Xin thought.

Like sleeping, Su Xing opened his eyes, blurring his gaze and reflecting a beautiful and vivid shadow. The shadows were full of sadness, and gradually drifted away. "Su Xing recognized the master of this shadow, and was shocked and eager to reach out and think. Grab her.

Getting started is a soft group.

I heard a cry.


Suffering from pain in his hand, Su Xing was completely awake.

I saw that the flower buds were screaming at him with anger, and there was a style of anger in the annoyance. The flowers were screaming at the ōng脯, glaring at the eyes, and the cheeks were drunk, and Su Xing immediately understood what the plump feel was.

"I thought you were leaving." Su Xing blinked, a look that had just been forgotten.

How about the flower rafts, the annoyed saying: "Without you, how can I leave?"

Su Xing screamed, not interesting: "Squeeze, you don't have to be so touching.

Flower 婉 about: "..."


Su Xing looked at the place and found that he was in a narrow cave. There were two exits, one was white light, the other was overflowing with iridescence, and the white light was not limited. Only the star-fallers could enter and exit, and the iridescent export had a ban. Only the star-dropper and the star will enter at the same time to enter, no wonder just spending a date.

"This Tanabata is a relic of the astrology. It is extremely dangerous. Any star who enters the star will freeze, and the star who signed the contract will not be able to help you. Are you planning to go in?" asked the flower.

"Astral remains?"

It’s really a bit unusual for Su Xing to listen to the first time and freeze the star tires.

"If you lose the star on the Tanabata, you will have a chance to die. You can rest assured that if you die, your ladies will only cancel the contract with you."

"I think it's really thoughtful." Su Xingwei.

The flower garden is about plain: "You still have time to go back. After all, there is never a star who has left the star to live alive... and you are so much...,,

"Don't think about it." Su Xing did not think about the hand of a soft jade hand, and couldn't help but pull the person to the iridescent exit to express confidence and fear. "If you want to go out and go out together, there will be no one left to live, then I will leave it to live!!!" The flower shackle was handed over by Su Xing. When I heard this, ōng mouth was hot.

A flower in front of you, the rainbow light retreats.

The scene that appeared in front of you made Su Xing and Hua Yan stunned.

I saw the endlessness of the black giants such as the sun and the moon. The stars in the sun and the moon are still in the black. Each giant star flashes a strange light. The stars have different patterns of singular colors. The stars let Su Xing and Hua Yu change. It’s as insignificant as dust.

This shocking scene reminds Su Xing of the scene in the deep universe.

"What is this." Huayuan has never seen such a magnificent spectacle, and the mouth is filled with suffocation.

Su Xing is thinking that this will not be the outer space of Lushan Lu? Is the planet all? However, if you look carefully, you find that these planets are similar in kind, but they are made up of various substances. It is more like a strange array than the infinite universe.

"The Chinese Valentine's Day really has some meaning." Su Xing blood boiled.

At this time, the flower 婉 ē shēn 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 失去 。

Su Xingzhen came to her in front of her, and put the flowers in the silk of the soft nephrite. "How?" "The rest of the star power can not be used." The flower 婉 ā ā 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘 喘

The flower buds were so weak that they could barely use the softness to grasp the clothes of Su Xing.

"This place is not good for the future of the stars." Su Xing: "I will take you to the exit now."

Su Xing holds the flowerbed and walks through countless planets. The deep black is dead. Su Xing’s flower in the arms is quite interesting. I think it’s time to get along with her, but it’s the first time. docile. And now the attitude of two people is also intimate.

Su Xing squatted on the shoulders of the flower and held her tuǐ in one hand. Through the thin silk scorpion, she could clearly feel the smooth skin of the child. Because of the relationship between the waist and the waist, the flower 婉 ō 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 脯 亲 亲 亲 亲 。 亲 亲 亲 。 。 。

"Don't you leave on the Qixi Festival?"

There is not much to know through, and Su Xing breaks the silence of the two.

"There is a Milky Way on Tanabata. You can see a bridge through the Milky Way and you can leave there." The flower buds took a deep breath and let the hot cheeks cool down.

"But you have to worry that these stars are a little weird."

Su Xing nodded.

The words just fell to ~www.readwn.com~ As if the flowers were fulfilled, there were countless dead stars around them, and the beautiful glory of the universe suddenly came alive.

Su Xing stopped and saw that the surrounding planets began to follow the trajectory. These stars were so bright that they broke out with strong oppression and obstructed their progress. Su Xing used his mind to explore, and a strong one shocked him. Fainted.


Su Xing took a deep breath and said with a serious voice: "Squeeze, hold your hand on my neck." The flower buds are about a glimpse. I just want you to think about taking advantage of it. You can go to Su Xing’s serious eyes and swallow your throat for a while. A giant in front, hit by two kinds of earth and stone condensed planets, the power is like crushing an ant.

The flower buds felt great, hesitated to bite the teeth, closed his eyes, and put his hands on the neck of Su Xing. With the bang, a strong pressure put the flower body about the body's center of gravity toward Su Xing. The double-peak extrusion of the strong tǐng was pressed into the plain in Su Xingōng膛, and the Tianying star suddenly became soft and numb.

"This seven-day eve is really a trap." ! .

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