108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 641: Pin Huang Ting, look at the wind and light clouds

"Yu Emperor" Yelu has no intention to make a knee on the Kaifeng Temple. This tower is nine thousand feet high, and the vast opening of the ancient capital of Kaifeng is a good-looking novel: In front of her, she set up an animal-shaped swallowing case. Yelu was unwilling to turn over a yellow-yellow book of Huang Ting, and looked closely. The surrounding wind whistling, the nv child was calm as water, and did not mind the violent climate.

Instead, I looked up from time to time and looked at the sadness in the eyes of the city under the tower.

Yelu has no intention to establish a big shack in the Baihu world. Kaifeng City is the only giant city-state in the Baihu area. There were once 100,000 demon people living here, eight streets and nine strangers, and the bustling, can be described as prosperous. However, with the unsuccessful defeat of Yelu, Kaifeng was also looted. The city has not fallen. Nowadays, people go to the empty space and become uninhabited, becoming a veritable ghost town.

Qiner, Boa, 朕 will definitely make Niangshanxing pay the price.

In the past, reading Huang Ting, there was always a left-armed and right-breasted companion, and there was a single person. Yelu’s heartlessness felt even more lonely--a good-looking novel: Looking up at the hill of the sky that the white tiger world can't hide, there is a hint of hatred in the bottom of my heart.

"Good sweet nv baby, I really feel pity, I don't know how delicious it is."

At the moment of touching the scene, suddenly, the air was raging, the dark clouds rolled, and there was a laughter of yīnyang.

The words have not yet been dropped, and there is a loud noise. The dark clouds in the sky seem to boil the boiling water and spread out on both sides. Above the sky, there is a magnificent mountain river pattern, which is like a mirage in the air, and the mountains are high. The water is thousands of layers, magnificent and heart-rending.

Yelu has no heart but no expression. Holding the yellow court, the eyes are slightly stunned, still with Yan Yue sè.

No one is seen, only the mountains and rivers surround. The strange laughter came, and then the magnificent river view of the mountain slowly changed, just a breath between. Jushan actually flew out of the painting and turned to Yelu.

The mountain is huge, and the whole Kaifeng is covered in it. The giant mountain is getting closer and closer. It is as big as the sun and the moon, and it is pressed to the heart of Yelu. This is such a top-ranking monk.

Yelu did not carelessly, maintaining the posture of the emperor. “It’s good to refine the ancient Taishan as a magic weapon. It’s good, it’s very imaginative.”

Shanggu Taishan is a famous giant mountain in Baihujie, known as the first mountain in Baihujie. Containing the dragon's veins of the emperor, although there is still a big gap between Taishan and the previous ones, the refinement to this point also makes Yelu have no intention to appreciate it.

"Class ménnòng axe!!" Yelu had no intention of seeing the sky covered by Mount Tai, and it was pressed down, and the top of the tower was gently smiling. ~~

With one hand pointing up, the book roll opened and a yellow cloud flew up. In the formation of the array, above the tens of thousands of people, blocking the crushing of the giant mountains, let this murderous Taishan how hard. Can't press it down.

"Broken!" Yelu got up without a heart, and took a hand, and the yellow cloud surged, and the formation began to change, wrapping all the mountains.


The loud noise of the deaf ear smashed the sky.

Taishan collapsed in the formation.

But the other party did not stop here, and the curse sounded.

"Look at the Longtan Waterfall!"

The thousand-foot waterfall in the sky also flew out of the painting, which seemed to be a water dragon wrapped around the tower of the heaven.

Yelu’s unbridled brows obviously didn’t want the other party to ruin the place. "This is not the place where you are wild!" Nv has a dozen hands. Huang Tingshu rolled another page and only heard the scream of the sky. It seems extremely far away and seems to be close at hand. Extremely fierce, such as death test.

Another array of methods is unfolding in the tower.

There was no change in the law. Yelu had no intention of shaking his sleeves. The thousand-foot water dragon was immediately bō and it became smaller and smaller. In the end, it fell into the sleeves of Yilu’s heartlessness. The two great supernatural powers of Shanhe were easily broken. The other party was amazed and a little angry. The waterfall, Taishan was broken, and the mirage was immediately like being emptied.

But the other party snorted.

This time the entire mountain river is covered.

But at this time, a futon flew, and the futon turned, hún chaotic.

"Wan Wan Daoyou this picture is really beautiful, but please please let it go, so as not to have a pity of this Chinese painting." Li Tai is slowly and slowly appeared on the tower.

The man snorted.

The magnificent mountain river scene in the sky suddenly vanished.

The light in the eyes is still the breeze and white clouds. From the place where Yelu has no heart, the station stands a man, the face is handsome, the figure is stalwart, the sword eyebrow star, quite the emperor's power, and he is a golden clawed golden dragon, the foot The boots of the Dragon E, holding a picture on the left, the peaks of the picture are like a dragonfly, Lin Maoquan flying, the weather is a magnificent scene that appeared before - a good-looking novel:.

This man is called "My name is Wankong". It is a purple scale and a cloud. It is also quite a bit of a dragon's pulse. His name is Wankong. Naturally, it is not the meaning of Buddhism, but it is taken from the world. Not worth mentioning.

Of course, he does have such arrogant capital.

In the late stage of the starry sky, the mana is unfathomable, and in the whole white tiger world is the demon of the dominating side.

My name met with Li Tai’s age, and I looked at the indifferent nv on the tower under the eclipse of Huang Guang. Haha smiled: “I heard that the great king of the white tiger’s king reappeared, I came to see it, I couldn’t think of it. The fangs of the Baihu world's Wanwan Yaozuo are actually a nv baby with no máo.

Li Tai-year-old sneered: "The Wandaodao friends are really empty-minded."

"This king summoned the white tiger four big demon to help out, how. Just come to you one?" Nv baby does not look at him, he looked at the book.

I feel that my name is scorned and furious: "When you defeat me, I will advise you, nv doll. Otherwise, today you are my belly food." Jiangshan picturesque figure magic was broken, But this is not his real strength at all. I saw my name tens of thousands of shoulders shaking, and I also read a curse. It was suddenly dark and screaming, and the wind was whistling.

It is my powerful magical power that is famous for my body.

Purple gas rises!

Li Tai-year-old is about to take the shot, but he listens to Yelu and says, "Let them be convinced." She flipped the book in her hand and flipped through the page. From the book, a huge yellow ball flew out. The yellow light is big, the light is bright, and the four sides are bright, and the singular array of yellow sè rays is blooming in the air. Li is too old to look at it, and instantly raises my name to the purple air. Broken - other book friends are watching:

"That book made me read too."

When the screams sounded, I saw my name suddenly disappeared into the back, the two corners above the forehead, the whole body purple sè dragon scales, then swooped down, a purple light tempered, Xiangyun held up, in the purple cloud, my name is Wankong There is a shadow of the dragon behind it, screaming in the sky and straightforward to Yelu.

Yelu has no intention to see that my name is arrogant, but the shots are very decisive, and almost no reservations are made. The common monk battles are mostly gradual, first explore the other party's depth and then take countermeasures, but I don't know if it is my name. The airpower is still very self-sufficient, and the shots are full of killings.

He swooped down, the mana was boundless, and the power was enough to shake the whole seal and dàng, which was shocked by Li Taisui. It’s just that Yelu has no intention to descend from the stars. I have seen the big winds and big àng, and my name is not enough to shake the calm eyes of the Emperor.

Nv children hit a few martial arts in their hands, and worshipped the fascinating tens of thousands of tactics around the tower in the air, and it was like a huge yellow sè bag, supporting my name, the powerful purple, and the heartless I felt that my hand sank and screamed "severe". Sure enough, the top demon in the white tiger world still had two sons, and the nv child could not help but make a serious sè.

When I saw my name, "Auspicious Yunlongzi" was fixed, and the teeth of the moment were luàn wrong. I rushed to run the mana and the array to counterbalance. The whole body purple sè dragon scales flashed, followed by a mouth, he rotated a few Circle, a purple sè driving the purple cloud of the dragon show l ù original shape, purple scales Xiang Yun 蛟 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄

Yelu did not feel the heart trembled, feeling the purple scales clouded in the array of law, and violently beating, as if to break the array, get out, and the opposite side of the murderous madness, know the man mana Throughout the sky, Yelu did not dare to neglect, but he pressed the book with his hand.

In the void, several weapons of the gods appeared immediately toward my name.

Dozens of Jianguang slashed on the purple scales and clouds, but my name is the emptiness of the purple cloud body and the dragon scales. Although I was so bad that I couldn’t hurt my bones, he just had to laugh at it, but Yelu I don't care about this, I lift my hand - other book friends are watching: "Hands cover the sky!!"

A huge palm grabbed from the sky against the purple scales.

The size of the hand makes the purple scales like a cloud.

Suddenly, the big hand grabbed it, and the momentum was so great that it was far beyond his own expectations. My name was hollow and I was shocked: "Where is this guy coming from? How is the array so powerful, I have never seen it." The body trembled, remembering that the legend of the Emperor of the Emperor came from the stars. The magical powers are unbelievable, and the two are not a realm at all.

After I want to understand, my name is no longer in my heart, and now I know that this human and animal harmless nv child is not good to deal with, and has retired, but it has already arrived.

My name has already entered the battlefield, and only the hand to cover the sky makes him unable to escape. This full force shot, let him have the ability, it is difficult to resist, the big hand grabs, put the man in the palm, as if With force, it is easy to pinch an ant~www.readwn.com~ For the first time, my name is desperate.

"No fight, I am willing to help the king."


Yelu had no intention of rubbing the hair in his ear.

This battle seems to be fierce, but the nv child has always maintained the attitude of reading, so that my name is even more convincing.

"No fight, I am willing to replace the king to convince the Yaozu."

Yelu did not care to turn over the book.

The big palm disappeared.

Xianglong landed and turned into a human figure. My name was wide and gasping, and it was really alive.


Yelu said innocently.

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