108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 705: 1 piece of ice heart in jade pot

The final volume of Su Xing's Romance, the seventh hundred and five chapters, a piece of ice heart in the jade pot

"This man is really a good means, even the star-dropper can follow him with death. m / "net" / "net" advertising full text txt download "扈 半妆 looked at Gong Caiwei and Su Xing away, also heard them The dialogue is not to be teased. "French, what do you think of this man?"

Immersed the wind and thought about it. When I heard the makeup, I went back to Shinto: "Is the Niangzi interested in him?"

"Don't you be interested in the husband?" The half-make-up of course, I hope to go to Wusiyou, they can sign so many top stars will follow, Tianxiongxing and Tianshouxing, who have never signed a contract in the millennium, are commensurate with their husband and wife, and even have No matter what the husband and wife are, it is impossible not to be curious.

Especially after contact with Su Xing, I feel that this man is unpredictable.

I was smiling in the wind.

The 扈 妆 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察 察

The ice lingered and the voice was very light: "He is really disrespectful to the maiden."

扈 妆 妆 坐在 坐在 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 坐在 冰 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在 坐在This will not happen."

"I know." Ice is not a sensible person. On the contrary, he never dared to ask too much for this most beautiful star. However, it is because of this that the half-makeup feels that there is a certain distance from each other.

"Don't talk about him. When you first signed up with me, I signed it because of my Chinese Valentine's Day. I know this very well. So I don't dare to ask for anything. I can be satisfied with the half-dress." Recalling the past, the corner of the mouth could not help but smile.

He nodded half-faced.

This point was clearly stated when the contract was signed, and there is no need to hide it.

Tanabata can enhance the realm, the star power, and the star-fallers have the heavens and the earth, which is very helpful for the summit. The half-paint will not be pedantic like Lin Chong, Wu Song sticks to the so-called military dignity, so it will sign with the ice Under the contract.

In those years, they have killed all the great stars in the fighting stars, and they have tried their best to play the role of a woman. After the Tanabata, even the husband and wife are commensurate with each other. I only hope that I can make up for the unfamiliar relationship when I signed the contract. However, they signed the contract for the Tanabata, so there is no such thing as the five senses shared by Su Xing and Hua Yu. The icy wind is very understanding and even to the point of helplessness. Sometimes half of the makeup can't guess what he is thinking.

The beauty of the 扈 妆 妆 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Half-makeup has a belief that no one can have love or hate, even if it is a star-dropper, although outsiders think that ice-wind and the most beautiful stars will often be accompanied, in fact, two I am afraid that the Doosan dialogue has not yet become a hegemony.

What makes the ice wind a little depressed is that most of these topics are wrapped around Su Xing.

Hey half of the makeup quietly listened to the ice wind to tell the past.

"Half makeup, I want to ask you a question." Ice Ling suddenly said.

"French, please."

"Can you ever think of being a lady of Lingfeng?"

He smiled and said: "Has half makeup is not your lady now?"

"No." Ice Lingfeng shook his head. "I said another?"

"Don't you see that Su Xing and her lady have a husband and wife?" Although the half-makeup smiled, the eyes were obviously unhappy.

"For the husband, there is no such frivolity. Actually, the star will ignore the star." Ice Ling Feng said: "What I want to ask is that you have had a sincere desire to do the next lady, not because of the contract. Relationship." Ice Lingfeng is very clear, the reason why the makeup is commensurate with his husband and wife.

Half a makeup silence.

Although this man is very good, very good, can make the Liangshan mainland girl beauty upside down, but for the half-makeup, it is impossible to do it as a woman.

Ice Lingfeng expected the same, smiled and said: "Lingfeng has some instinct, the lady is not strange."

He smiled and shook his head.

"In these few days, I found you and Su Xing test, can the woman find herself changed?"


"You are happy, it has never been before." Ice Lingfeng clearly remembered that the first fighting star, half-makeup every battle is very painful, not from the pain, more painful sisters, so in One night, before the same pile of bonfires, she said that if she became the overlord and wanted to end the wish of the fighting star, of course, the ice lingering winds understanding and agreeing, but unfortunately this fighting star is far from being so simple.

“Is it?” The half-makeup was not denied.

"For the husband, I thought, if I could match you with Su Xing before, you wouldn't be so painful."

"French can not do this, half-paint does not like the frivolous man, he is thin and half-makeup, and he will pay for it in the future." He smiled and said. "The original husband is worried and half-mother, just because of this, if the husband is dissatisfied, now half makeup will kill him."

"It doesn't mean this for the husband." Ice Lingfeng got up. "But I want to talk to him."

"Do you really want to talk to him?"

"The lady thinks that Ling Feng is not as good as him?"


"Do not worry, the husband appreciates his enthusiasm and courage, I have a hunch, half makeup your wishes, he can really help you finish." Ice Lingfeng looked at the half-nose makeup, his body shape, a burst of cold The wind rolled up and went to the Bingxin Cave in a few steps.

When Wu Siyou and other women saw that the ice wind suddenly went to the Bingxin Cave, they immediately felt bad. They got up and stopped. At this time, a light smoke passed.

"French wants to talk to your husband, sisters, please don't bother, if you really insist on disturbing, don't blame the ruthless knives!!"

The 扈 妆 持 持 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七

The earth star is a green, and the seventh-generation hegemony is half-makeful.

The flower buds bowed and bowed, and they shot without a hesitation.

Half of the makeup was lifted, and I didn’t look at it.

"You don't follow the agreement."

"This is a matter between husbands and gentlemen. Half of the makeup will not interfere, but the last time, half makeup wants to help the husband to complete this wish."

Wu Siyou said: "You should know what it means to go in. You really don't worry about your husband?"

He smiled half-small.

"Why don't you wait and see?"

Wu Siyou saw the flower buds, and Tian Yingxing bit his lip and silk, and finally put the bow down. "Oh, half of the makeup, you will regret it." This woman is very strong, but the flower buds have absolute confidence in Su Xing.

"Can regret it once..."

A half-length makeup.

Bing heart in the hole.

Su Xing heard the heartbeat of Gong Caiwei and suddenly opened his eyes. Into the eye is the girl's delicate jade female breast peak, Su Xing looked up, staring at the girl's eyes, forcing Gong Caiwei had to look forward to.

Miyazawa's heartbeat is more and more powerful, and the girl is still generous: "Are you thinking about the bad things of the county?"

"No," said Su Xing.

"then you……"

"I was wondering if I could get along with myself." Su Xing looked at her and said softly.

Gong Caiwei stunned, her eyes were wet, almost scattered internal forces, the body posted more tightly, whispered a sentence: "fool."

Su Xing also felt that he was very stupid, that is, he kissed the lips of Gong Caiwei, and sucked it up. Gong Caiwei did not resist, let Su Xing ask for it, and the cloves pulled out the crisp bones, and the mouth fluid was melted. The hands of the palace Cai Wei also swam fiercely, grabbing the girl's soft two hip flaps, and the body was inflated.

Gong Caiwei squats, closes the scorpion, feels the man's hands touching her fragrant buttocks, and the hard object between the legs is like a steel rifle. It hits the sensitive place from time to time. Gong Caiwei was fascinated, and the girl put a pair of legs together, wilted with water and grass to smother the squirting gun, slender and twisted, almost let Su Xing surrender.

The entanglement of the two people is fierce. The ice muscle jade bones of Gong Caiwei are also released by the cold light, and the internal force is continuously drilled in, as if the two people are integrated.

At this time, Su Xing has no way to control the body and gallop.

The long gun rubbed the original grass, like a little star fire, began to smash the original, spring spring poured out on the spark, not only can not be extinguished, but the oil on the fire like, it is impossible. Gong Caiwei couldn't believe it, his lips were biting and he was clinging to him.

I don't know how long, Su Xing whispered, finally handed a gun, and kissed the soft red lips of Gong Cai's frost and snow, so that the girl's trembling body was soothed in her arms.

Gong Caiwei was simply not standing still. It took a long time to open his eyes and he was ashamed to hammer down the chest of Su Xing: "You just..."

"Just just a small test knife... Now I have to start..." Su Xingxiao smiled and picked up Gong Caiwei. The girl bit her lip and her legs are pinched at the waist of Su Xing, so as not to fall.

Feeling the fierce flame, Gong Caiwei's body trembled, low eyebrows, flattering, and whispered: "The county lord will not owe you from now on..."

"I owe you too much, now let me return you." Su Xing said tenderly.

I remember when I cut the dragon's acupoints, when I was slutty, Gong Caiwei was still a cold-looking gesture of death. Nowadays, it has been the shyness of Ren Jun's picking. Su Xing's heart is full of tenderness and full of emotion.

When I saw Huanglong entering the hole, Suddenly, Su Xing felt a breath coming to come here.

"Wife, we will come to the cave again later. This place is too emotional." Su Xing said.

Gong Caiwei sighed.

At this time, because the two people are so lingering, the internal force of the ice muscle jade bones was passed to Su Xing as early as possible, and the injury of one body has already recovered. The internal force of the ice muscle jade bones is really powerful, and the internal organs of the ice muscles are hurt. Has healed. Su Xing hurriedly held Gong Caiwei on the shore, and Gong Cai also felt someone coming over.

Also awakened from this sweet love, I found that my octopus looked ugly, and a distressed one fell, then put a roll of clothing, smocks, trousers, and palace dresses dressed neatly.

The girl's body was covered in a snow-covered coat.

"I haven't seen enough yet?" Gong Caiwei returned to her usual appearance, smiling like a flower, but it was much easier than before.

"Not enough." Su Xing nodded.

"I won't show you in the future." Gong Caiwei licked her lips.

"No, my wife, do you obviously agree with my room?" Su Xing called.

"You still call me Cai Wei." Gong Caiwei blushes.

Su Xing is going to talk to Gong Caiwei. At this time, the man has arrived and the ice wall is broken. "There is no good thing to disturb the two."

The man appeared in the hole and asked calmly.

It is the ice wind.

"Excuse me, I am getting along with the lady, can you not make a light bulb?" Su Xing straightforward.

The ice wind is thoughtful: "That's sorry." He obviously didn't seem to want to leave.

"Do you have anything to do with us?" Gong Caiwei is in color.

"I am going to talk to your husband, don't you mind?" Bing Lingfeng said.

Gong Caiwei looked at Su Xing and Su Xing nodded.

"Don't mind." Hearing the name of Gong Caiwei's default Nafujun, Su Xing was in the dark.

"Thank you." Ice Ling looked at Su Xing, a hand, hundreds of Guanghua suddenly appeared, this brilliance is half-white and half-white, a few feet long, it is the sword of the ice-cold wind "Ninety-nine days of white flying sword". "As a man, you should know what it is to be a lighter woman."

"I didn't mean it." Su Xing frowned, and he wouldn't do it if he wasn't forced to die by half-make makeup.

"Deliberately don't mean that you think it's important?" Ice Ling wind.

Su Xing agreed with him. "Then you come to take revenge first?" The ice star is at the peak of the starry sky, the flying sword is very strong, and the flying sword of Su Xing is in the five-line array, which cannot be used. Things are a bit tricky.

Without any nonsense, the ice wind is a trick.

In the ninety-nine days, the white flying sword was turned into a blue and a white color, and the left and right phase was twisted to Su Xing. How can Gong Caiwei let him shoot, the girl is trying to make a magical power, to deal with Feijian, Su Xing said to her: "Pick, you don't want to shoot, this is my and his grudges~www.readwn.com~ Gong Caiwei hesitated, still nodded and retreated.

She knows that Su Xing has a few hearts.

Seeing the abundance of the white flying sword, Su Xing is not afraid, he does not have a flying sword, but there are many magical powers, not to mention the recovery of the injury, and the palace and the Wei Wei tumbling down the phoenix, the energy is really abundant. There is no place to vent, see the ice blast and fly the sword to kill, Su Xing left hand a dozen, purple 煞 vacated, the flying sword entangled.

Purple micro-gas is a mysterious supernatural power in Liangshan, and the purple air in the purple border is comparable to the powerful attack flying sword. Su Xing refers to the 诀 恰 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

However, Su Xing's attack can not only be the case, he is also a dozen hits, played a piece of Zifu Xianlei, Zifu Xian Lei fried, this fusion of purple micro-gas and water and water is also extraordinary power, ice Ling Xiao smile Two fingers and one bomb.

A thunderstorm blasted like ice.

"Is it ice?"

Palace Cai Wei.

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