108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 712: Unicorn battle (1)

The final volume of Su Xing's 712th chapter, Qilin fights for the war front

The stunning knife is like a piece of broken moonlight film falling towards the half-faced makeup. The scorpion has exhausted the last star power of the whole body and won the last chance for Su Xing. Follow me to read h-u-n mixed *h-u-n "net" please keep in mind

The half-makeup was surrounded by the golden wind and the jade, and suffered the final attack of the maiden. All the girls have mentioned the eyes of the blind, only expecting this last attack to end the half-makeup.

But let them down.

After the stunning, the shadow of the half-makeup remains, but it is even lighter than before. The clothes on the girl have even been wiped out by the countless knives. The wonderful jade body on the ground that day makes the world It is dull.

"How could this be." The niece said weakly.

"There is still a heaven and earth Xuanhuang." Yan half makeup looked deeply at the maiden, and could not believe the facts seen in front of him.

More than a dozen stars, three heavens and earth, this is too crazy.

Tiandi Xuanhuang is extremely difficult to comprehend. It is necessary to pay attention to the advantages of the time and place. It is not that you feel that you have a heart and soul with the stars. When the star-dropper is dying, he will suddenly burst out. If this is the case, the **** of heaven and earth will have flooded. In fact, there are only a handful of heaven and earth Xuan Huang techniques in nine times.

In fact, half of the makeup can be dominated in the seventh generation. It is also because she and the ice rushed through the Tanabata, and realized the reason of the heaven and earth, otherwise the result is difficult to predict in the Seven Stars.

However, this is the first time that a star-faller and three stars will be able to comprehend the heavens and the earth. In the end, this man is sacred, and he can create three heavens and earth, and he will finally understand why he wants to cultivate Su Xing to deal with Fang La. Maybe he can really create miracles.

At this time, the half-makeup was greatly reduced, and the body was seriously injured. It was also the end of the strong.

"Su Xing, today you are not dead." Yan Wei said to Su Xing, this is not the kind of arrogance that is born because of jealousy, nor is it from the hard-hitting hatred. The comet has been smiling, and the respect for the Su Xing Niangzi is also due to the respect of Su Xing - since your lady can already do this, if the half makeup can not kill you as much as possible, then I am sorry for them. Protect your mind.

If Lin Yingmei knows her thoughts, she will probably vomit blood.

However, Su Xing clearly knows, but feels that this is good. "However, you still have to wear clothes first, I don't like to take advantage of you." With a wave of hand, a robes were thrown at half a makeup.

At this time, I found out that the palace skirt on my body was already fragmented. She could be said to be naked and in front of Su Xing. She was presented at Su Xing, she did not know. m "net" / "net" advertising full text txt download

The hot face of the half-faced face ignited the fire, and the roots of the ear were red, and she grinned her teeth.

I was hugged by this man and touched it. This ended up being even white and exposed. It was really hateful. Her glamorous and virginity was destroyed, but she didn’t feel annoyed when she was half-finished. It didn’t make any sense anyway. "To protect the reputation of half makeup, today can only be sympathetic to you."

"Still forget it, I have no love for you." Su Xing said.


Putting on the robes, he did not accept his kindness, and he smashed the makeup with half a knife, but her momentum was already weak. Su Xing also felt that it was not impossible to move.

Then let me come this time.

The battle started.

Do not.

The battle did not start.

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Half a makeup.

Meet the girl Gujing no wave, esoteric unpredictable eyes. The girl put a slapstick and a fierce crescent shovel. Half of the makeup retreats, a few jumps back, and the distance between them is light, and the girl in front of her eyes is surprised.

"Sprinkling home will not let you and Tan Lang sensational!" The girl who is inserted in one hand is not someone else.

"Killing, you always figured it out." Wu Xinjie began to worry about death, and now everyone has been defeated by half-makeup, the only thing that can fight is ruin. For this Zen girl, Wu Xinjie did not doubt her force.

It should not be a problem to delay the smashing of the makeup and even killing her.

"Sisters, let's rest for a while." Lu killed the slap in the face, and nodded to Su Xing: "Tang Lang, please look at it first."

Lu killing a sensation, tearing the sky, mixed yuan, 琅琊, 翦 feather, forty-eight mouths of ancient flying sword hovering around Su Xing, with flying swords in the body, the women are also assured.

The sputum was covered with a robes and took a deep breath.

"Half makeup is really tired, just thinking that the fisherman is profitable, this idea is too naive." Seven stars double knife raised again.


The slaying of the sorcerer took the scepter and rushed straight into the past. The sacred lotus beast burst into a five-color lotus flower around her to cheer her. "Come on." He smashed his knife and rushed away.


And said the mysterious world.

Lu Hao’s Tianshu is causing the biggest turmoil in the Tianshu Book. The Magic Star Palace, the Lord of the Devil and the Crisp, and its four great guards are all rushing toward the island of Lusong. This powerful momentum has alerted the entire Xuan Ming world. .

The twenty-eighth day of the book.

The people really found Lu Hao, who was in the dream of heaven. The dragon and the lord who wanted to get the power of the stars and the stars did not say that they launched the attack. The guardian Star River Longma felt the danger, and it also snarled and showed its divine power.

"The beasts, but also dare to hinder their feet." The Dragon Devil lord manipulated the nine secluded ten scorpions to kill the sword. But this star river Longma ranks second in the Xinglin list, even if the starry monks are afraid.

A piece of Xinghe spit out from the unicorn, entangled all the nine sacred and ten sacred swords, and the Xinghe Longma rushed forward. The unicorn arrogance made the dragon and the lord discolored, and only had to retreat.

A black shadow passed by, and the mixed king Fan Fan stopped the front of the Xinghe Longma. "The **** beast, look at the move." Fan Yan sneered with his claws to tear off.

The starry river unicorn is like a mountain, and the momentum is coming.


At the moment when the Galaxy's unicorn flew forward, even Fan Yi felt heavy on his chest, and his heart was amazed at the star-studded beast of the celestial star. At the same time, the heart was burning a jealous anger.

She did not believe that she could not beat a star beast.

Fan Yu's two claws caught the Galaxy Kirin. It is obvious that the girl's waist is bent like a broken tree. The tug of the Tianhe Kirin is not only fast, but also powerful.

The pressure was frustrated, and my heart was angry. A mysterious trick would make the Tianhe Dragon Horse squat in the air. At the same time, the black figure leaped and the body perfectly circled in the air. It has already come to Tianhe Longma. Above.

Turning over in the air, the two claws tore out the horrible murderousness, in one go.

The golden light suddenly burst out of Kirin's body, and suddenly a flower in front of him, the supernatural power of Tianhe Kirin was released.

However, the moment of the lightning fire, a loud noise, Fan Wei did not get any cheap this attack.

This **** beast.

In the eyes of the public, he was entangled in the unicorn. Fan Yan’s face was ugly. At the same time as the attack was completed, Tianhe’s unicorn did not land and launched the charge. This star beast is also very clever and has been defending in the circle of Lu’s, lest other people Infringement.

"Can't delay, other people have come." The Dragon Lord said to Li Xiangyu, and then looked at the crispy incense.

"I know all the time." Crisp nodded.

Her star flashed Du Yunxiang, black straight long hair with the wind, the woman has no expression, and sacrificed the star Wu "fake **** ghost mask", this star Wu is a mask on the face, half Smile, half awkward, half of the ghostly generosity, half of the gods show, just a sight will make people chill.

There are five stars flowing around the mask.

This side has a deterrent effect, and the face is not afraid of any kind of power. The more powerful the enemy is, the less afraid it is. However, the weak face of the ghost is weak, only some deceptive spells, so it is quite equivalent to the Dragon Lord. Not influx.

Du Yunxiang made a mysterious "photograph"

Just put the Tianhe Dragon Horse.

At the same time, the crispy fragrance is also shot, the "five elements of the ring" one sacrifice, the five elements of the ring appeared in the void, a flash, the five-color five-color ring immediately buckled Kirin's limbs neck.

The five-ring ring is also the most ancient treasure of the wild, although the ranking is general, but it also has a magical effect on trapping the enemy and protecting itself. What's more, the five elements of the ring can also give birth to the five elements of the magical power is also very difficult, crispy and fragrant to read the mouth, a flame of gold.

The five elements of the ring suddenly blush, the Tianhe Longma five elements are gold, and the fire is also a scream.

At this time, Li Xiangzhen swayed and took the sharp tip of the air. The figure appeared on the top of the Tianhe Longma. The noble woman’s hand in the white night engraved the dragon sword and sacrificed it. The five-star Tianwu sword fell and was killed in the body of Tianhe Qilin. Fan Yi was also smashed into the air, and the five ghost spirits clawed fiercely to the Kirin Golden Light.

Tianhe Longma is constantly struggling.

"It's really troublesome." The Lord of the Dragon and the Lord gave the Promise Bell a sacrifice.

I only heard the bells swaying in the sea~www.readwn.com~The world was in peace.

The unicorn magical power immediately weakened, and the dragon demon lord used the martial arts of the Eight Desolation Devils to play the magic light and the flying sword.

In the Dragon Devil's Lord, Crisp Shengxiang, Li Xiangyu, Fan Wei, Du Yunxiang's joint efforts, Tianhe Longma also could not hold on. Li Xiangyu then recruited the same powerful star-studded beast kiss, this gorgeous star-birds wandered around the sea, seeing a spit out of the water.

When I saw the Tianhe unicorn finally unbearable, the Dragon Devil also seized the gap, and a happy heart, hurriedly manipulated the flying sword.

The nine secluded ten scorpions all turned out to be horrible, and the horrible magic light fell toward Lu Hao. They wanted to swallow her, and the scent of scented scented, and the eyelids could not help but pick one. Suddenly, a unicorn beast jumped out and raised the unicorn to temporarily resist the flying sword.

"If you want to kill the star of the sky, Lu Junyi will kill the family first."

A gorgeous Kowloon car came, a slender woman fell, with absolute domineering calm.

The dragon demon is sinking in the heart, and the smile suddenly disappears.

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