108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 3 Chapter 760: Fallen wind and snow

() () Liang Huang is practicing the bright moon in the upper reaches of Jiangshan.

One after another, the red star is falling like a meteor shower. You can hear all kinds of exclamations in Beijing, the Liangliang Dynasty and even the whole four worlds.

Liang Huangyan opened his eyes and looked at the distant female mountain, his brow wrinkled.

There are too many red stars falling, and there are actually more than twenty.

"This star is really unprecedented. The kid is not mad at the heart." Liang Huang thought, shaking his head and continuing to practice.


The picture of the world solidified at this moment, Song Celadon stood still and watched by a sword, the forehead star flashed, and the loss of star power was indicating that she was about to fall.

"Not good." Ansu asked the fiber to point a little, and immediately applied the level of smoke and rain.

All the injuries were immediately transferred to the body of the Earth.

"You are escaping!" The flowers and snow licked their mouths and cast a glare. The arrow in the world was also killed. After Xue Mingxi’s fall, Ding Guanjing hated Shi Xian, although she did not understand the heavens. But the arrowhead was full of the girl's anger.

Xuan Yunyi grabbed Song Celadon and then pulled back. "I asked my sister!" Song Celadon also used the Kowloon Seal, but the attack of this purple Weixingbao almost could not pass Shi Xian's move.

"Want to run?"

Shi Xian sneered, a sword killed the flowers and snow, and broke the arrow light of Ding Wanjing, Wu Xin solved an eight-door hardware chain in front of her, but was easily shredded, and the niece used this feeling to reluctantly Shi Xian finally found a chance to escape for Song Celadon. Lin Yingmei turned into Wu Siyou and quickly rushed to see Shi Xian’s expression dignified.

Shi Xian is high on the top. Squinting, a human and child's harmless smile.

"Unfortunately. Unfortunately."

"Sister." Su Xing hugged the fallen Ansuo and asked, his expression was very distressed.

"Brother..." Ansu asked if he wanted to say something encouraging.

"First return to the star tires." Su Xing said quickly. "Give me back."

Ansu asked, and entered the star tire.

"This is only the first one..." Shi Xian underestimated the broad-sworded sword. When the words fell, he broke the red rope and went to the scorpion. "The second..." Wu Siyou and Lin Yingmei hurriedly flew to stop.


"Crisp, you can't die!"

With a miserable curse, Zhao Heng was inhaled in the umbrella of the eternal soul, so refining. Snake 蝎 子 晏 晏 晏 弓 弓 弓 弓 弓 弓 弓 弓 弓 弓 弓 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎Those who have once laughed at the mainland of Liangshan, and even those who may become hegemons, have now become the tools to enhance their strength.

Listen to the curse of resentment. The crispy incense is open with an umbrella, and it is pleasant to walk in the desert soil. The star power of so many powerful star-droppers has been absorbed, and the cultivation of the fragrant incense has reached the peak of the stars, and the umbrella of the soul is even more powerful and aggressive.

Yuye is shrouded in infinite darkness.

Xu Jingshu is fighting to resist the invasion of the soul, the golden gunner's treasure has faded. People are beginning to look bleak. "Hu Mi, run quickly." Xu Jingshu is constantly struggling.

The exhausted Hu Mi made the Taiji figure only extremely reluctant to resist.

The crispy scent looked up at the sky, and the red crispy hand counted the red star. "There are still twelve people in the star-falling squad. It is still not able to gather the seven stars." Crisp frowned. The number of star-droppers is more than she imagined, and I don’t know how many follow the Purple Rays. Originally, she had a good relationship with Hu Xing and Su Xing. She still wanted to let her go, but now it seems that there is no need for this. The number of star-droppers is too much. The seven places in the Seven Stars can only be one less chance.

"Sorry, greet the fox fairy." Crisp nodded, and the 10,000-soul umbrella made a **** smoke.

Xu Jingshu blocked the 10,000 soul umbrella with her body.

"Crisp fragrance, you are so yīn poisoned that Su Xing will let you go!" Hu Mi said coldly.

"The fragrance is just that you want to climb the top of the mountain. Isn't it right for you to win the opportunity?" Crisp Sheng Ai Ai sighed, it was very embarrassing.


"And Hu Mi, you did not give yourself the opportunity to see that you can become the man's harem, but in the end you choose to be an enemy of him, can only blame yourself for choosing the wrong way." Crisp and charming and charming Blink: "If you have a fragrance, you can't choose the wrong one."

The invasion of the soul, almost swallowed Xu Jingshu.

"Jing Shu." Hu Mi’s heart hurt and shed tears of crystal.


"What is the devil's trick, so fast."

Xie Changan finally rushed to Qixianlin, and the general law of Su Xing's blood is unbelievable.

"Is it the legendary unfinished tail??"

Xie Changan was thinking that suddenly there was a large piece of red star falling behind him, and there were as many as six. "The crisp and fragrant fruit is really yīn dangerous..." Xie Changan sneered.

"His Royal Highness." Hu Yanshuang suddenly squinted.

Xie Changan was amazed when he saw the scene.

What is this all about?

Dozens of stars will fight against four women, one side is the sky, you come to me, the other side is thundering, the sky is overturned, and there are two Zen women, each punch is as heavy as Taishan, even after a few kilometers Can feel the oppression. Of course, the most important thing for Xie Changan is Su Xing himself.

Su Xing, Lin Chong, Wu Song, and Ms. San Niang, Wu Yong is dealing with a woman who is slender and dressed in a robes and a smile. But the broad-winged sword in her hand is simply dark, Wu Song, Lin Chong and other top military commanders. The realm has been suppressed.

"The woman seems to be very strong, but who are they? What is going on? Actually, Qixing Linchong can't beat her?" Xie Changan was confused.

"His Royal Highness, what should I do?" Seeing a strong opponent, Hu Yanshuang is a bit stupid.

Xie Changan saw that Su Xing could actually fight the woman for a hundred rounds and felt that it was no big deal. "This time we will help the purple thunder devil, and then a seven-star cluster will be good." Anyway, I have already beat the purple thunder devil. It’s better to just show it. "Let's say frost, you must also want a big fight." Xie Changan smiled.

"The mourner is doing this."

Xie Changan and Hu Yanshuang immediately went to Shi Xian. At this time, the letter also arrived at the Seven Xianlin. Unlike Xie Chang’an, who turned the enemy into a friend, the expressionless woman just looked at it and flashed hatred in her eyes.

"This woman is too strong."

Wu Xinjie never encountered such a powerful opponent. Lin Yingmei’s strength is second only to the previous generation’s hegemon in the past, and Wu’s singer and singer’s martial arts are now absolutely acquainted. The strength is overcome. Just facing Shi Xian, if not Lin Yingmei struggled to contain. Wu Xinjie can almost see the tragic scene of their death under the sword.

The phoenix sword is too weird, and there is almost no advantage in the sword under the sword.

"Go to hell, for revenge." Ding Wanjing continued to throw arrows to attack Shi Xian, but also thanks to her arrows, so that Shi Xian did not fully develop his martial arts.

Shi Xian felt annoyed and killed with a sword.

A **** light will save Ding Wanjing again. "You are not her opponent, calm down." Su Xing looked at this crazy girl and reprimanded.

"I want to avenge my clarification." Ding Wanjing felt the blood boiling. Still a little bit, the heavens can be realized. "Don't stop me..." Ding Wanjing pushed the open star and continued to launch the world's arrow in the direction of Shi Xian. Su Xing can only help her protect the law, his martial arts is not low, but also can barely deal with Shi Xian and then pull Ding Wanjing to run around.

"Look at Wanjing Tianjie!" Ding Wanjing finally felt the veins of Tianwu Tianjie, and his heart was overjoyed and he did not hesitate to display it.

I saw Ding Wanjing pointing at the sky. Countless arrows flew into the sky, the sky suddenly darkened, and countless starlights shone in the darkness, and then the girl pulled it, as if the sky had been made a tabernacle. Then the sky was falling immediately, and it felt like the whole starry sky became her angry weapon in the girl's palm.


falling stars! !

This girl's day is really fierce. Su Xing also had to retreat. The terrible arrogance allowed Lin Yingmei and Wu Siyou to temporarily leave Shixian. The Wanjian fell, just like the Milky Way fell on the top of Shixian’s head and shrouded the woman.

"Revenge for clarity!!" Ding Wanjing has exhausted the Tianjie.

At this time, I saw the Xingwu good and evil cause and effect flag of the diseased worm Xue Mingxi. I took a sniff and swallowed and went to get back to Xingwu.

"It's awful." Su Xing saw her lost and the darkness was not good. He once again made a bad tail, but this time Shi Xian was faster.

The blood light penetrated into the body of Ding Wanjing and killed her in an instant.

Shi Xian was angry.

"The tyrants are infinitely!" Su Xing looked at Shi Xian, who was in front of him, to make the order of Zihuang 偃月刀.

The invincible momentum broke out and made Su Xing unstoppable. Shi Xian blocked it with a sword and could not crack it.

"The purple thunder devil, this temple will help you."

Just then, there was a arrogant word next to him. Xie Changan appeared. There were six ancestors in his body, and eight dragons guarded the law. It was not spectacular. Hu Yanshuang was beside him, mentioning the wind and the moon, and gracefully raised the long whip, and the wind and snow fell.

"Stupid! Go!!"

Su Xing cursed.

The proud Xie Changan had no room for reaction. Shi Xian stepped forward and once again did not return.

Enough, she is fed up with the provocation of these stupid men.

All the envelops disappeared~www.readwn.com~Xie Changan did not have the force of Su Xing who could harden against the real martial arts, but Xie Changan was quite confident. His six ancestors were the Buddha Road. There is no bound magical power, and there are eight Tianlong guards. Even Lin Chong can't easily kill him.

All good thoughts and fantasies and pride end with the sword of the phoenix.

The six-anced relics were directly shredded by murderousness. The treasures of this starry monk condensed could not be defeated, let alone the eight dragons guarding the law. The glass world collapsed instantly. Xie Changan still could not believe it.

Shi Xian hates men, especially hates men's self-righteous eyes, so she cut down the head of Xie Chang'an with a sword, and then cut the skull into pieces.

"The temple...the next..." Hu Yanshuang spit out a blood, black in front of him, almost fainting.

Then the next moment.

Shi Xian’s unrequited love ended the woman’s sadness.

Tianweixing, the star falls.

2 more.

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