Chapter 251 Preparing for a New Prosperity

1867 was a mixed year for the United States economy. At the beginning, due to the oil price crisis that swept across the United States the previous year, coupled with the pressure brought by the shrinking domestic demand after the end of the Civil War, United States’ The economy is in a difficult situation. Iron and steel companies went bankrupt, and metallurgical companies other than McDonald’s steel can be said to be full of grief. But in this year, Alaska’s gold gave a sluggish economy a shot in the heart. Although the bulk of the gold fell into Scrooge’s personal secret vault, there are indeed many gold prospectors who successfully returned to the United States with gold. The amount of these gold is actually not particularly large. It’s no more than a million dollars. But this one million dollars is extremely important, because it restores the confidence of the entire society. Moreover, the gold rush has also brought some special needs, allowing some industries to make a lot of money by the way.

The economic crisis in the free market is a very abnormal freak. On the one hand, the problems caused by the economic crisis are widespread scarcity and poverty, but on the other hand, its performance in the market is indeed insufficient demand. There is such a joke about the economic crisis:

In a cold winter, a child shivering with the cold asked his mother: “Why don’t we burn coal for warmth?” The mother replied helplessly, “Because we don’t have coal.” “But Dad didn’t dig coal. Is it?” the child asked puzzled. “Ah, boy, it is precisely because your father digs too much coal that we have no money to buy coal.” The mother replied.

The lack of demand under the economic crisis is not because the people really don’t need these things, but because the people can’t afford these things at all with their wages. On the other hand, if the profits in the hands of capitalists are invested in the market, they can also stimulate consumption and make the economy run. However, in the era of economic crisis, the rate of return on investment is low and the risk is high, so a lot of profits are hidden at home and not going out. As a result, the economic crisis will become more serious. But Alaska’s gold changed all of this. Although the amount of gold dug back by the gold prospectors was quite limited, with its encouragement, more idle funds felt profitable, so they also entered the market one after another. Millions of dollars in gold has brought much more money to the market, and then, coupled with the advancement of electricity, um, the United States economy will have some improvement.

On the contrary, European countries that were originally affected by economic fluctuations in the United States had nowhere to find gold. As a result, their economic conditions were worse than that of United States, the source of the crisis. This also gave the United States and Europeans a little confidence in the shipbuilding competition.

But for Scrooge, the economic crisis is not a bad thing. Under the economic crisis, all kinds of resources are relatively cheap, which is a good time to buy the bottom. Taking advantage of this crisis, Scrooge controlled half of the steel and oil in United States through mergers and other means. Now we are waiting for the next round of prosperity to turn them into golden gold.

“When will the next round of prosperity come?” Carol asked. Although the economy has improved a bit now, it is still far from prosperity. The steel under his control also faces the problem of insufficient demand. Now, the roller under his control has crushed most of the iron and steel enterprises and a considerable part of other non-ferrous metal enterprises into powder, but higher The market share did not bring them more profits. If you continue to expand, you may even make your own profit margins that are not high (of course, this is just the view of greedy capitalists) further decline. So a bunch of people, including Carol, made it all by one hand, and the guys who exacerbated the crisis are now starting to think about anything that can make the economy prosper.

“Well, it’s coming soon,” Scrooge said, “but it depends on our friend Bismarck. Only they can make the economy prosperous again.”

“What’s the solution? Who do you want them to fight with again?” Catherine asked, sitting on the bench in the garden, watching Donald and his Big sis chase and play along the path in the garden. At this time, the housekeeper Anna also followed the two bear children nervously, afraid that they would accidentally fall into the thorny rose bush like the last time.

“Yes, fighting is a good way to solve the economic crisis. Once a war is fought, the crisis will be completely resolved.” Scrooge and Dorothea also sat down on the bench next to them. At this time, Donald was following Big Si Dena, sprinting past Scrooge. Scrooge grabbed Donald and said to them, “Don’t be like a wild boy, you just know how to run wild. Don’t look at how hard your Anna Aunt is following you.”

Donald turned his head and looked at Anna who was already sweating slightly on the temples, and did not speak, but his “twin” Big Si Dena spoke:

“Scrooge Uncle, Anna Aunt said, she just likes to run with us. Anna Aunt is fine.”

The two children are now three years old. We are in the third stage of the so-called “one-year-old gold, two-year-old silver, three-year-old and four-year-old annoying people”. The two little guys were too skinny, and they knew how to mess up after eating and sleeping all day long. Especially Dena, she is the one who makes bad ideas every time. Well, of course, it was Donald who stupidly practiced in the end. Anyway, as long as they haven’t seen them for half an hour, they will do something good. For example, a few days ago, Dena discovered that the syringe can be used as a water gun, so she took Donald and used the syringe to shoot a target. What is a target? Oh, it’s very common, just the light bulb at home. First turn on the light, let the light bulb light up for a while, and then shoot a jet of water at it with a syringe filled with cold water. Then, if you successfully hit the bulb, well, it will explode with a “pop” due to thermal expansion and contraction. That afternoon Anna fell ill and went to the hospital. Their parents, Aunt Uncle, and their parents were not at home habitually, and the two little guys didn’t even look at them when they came back. As a result, the two lawless little guys almost exploded all the lights in the Duck Castle in one breath, almost causing Duck Castle to be burned because of a short circuit.

“Dana, you are Big sis, you have to take Little Brother well, and you can’t take him to do bad things.” Catherine said to Dana.

“I see.” Dena said with a narrowed mouth. “Mum is the most partial. She always criticizes Dena, not Donald, or Scrooge. Uncle is the best. She never talks about Donald and not me.”

“Okay, kids, there’s no one who doesn’t like to play. Let them play.” Dorothea habitually stood by the two little guys again. At the same time, she looked at Carol and Catherine very enviously. Well, if she could give birth to such twins, it would be great, although Dena was a little bit too naughty, and Donald was a little silly sometimes.

Scrooge released his hand, and Donald ran away with Big sis. Among the adults in the family, Scrooge Uncle was the most strict with him, so he was a little afraid of this Uncle.

“Well, I plan to go to Prussia recently to finalize a batch of business with them, including providing them with some loans to arm them as soon as possible. Then let them fight the French, and all the problems will be solved. .” Scrooge continued on the topic that was interrupted by the two children.

“Where is Scrooge Uncle going to play? Can you take us there.” Dena, who had already ran away, suddenly turned back. In this family, Scrooge is the most favorite outside of Anna Aunt. The person behind her, so she is not afraid of this Uncle at all.

“Dana, go play by yourself.” Carol frowned.

“Humph!” Dena made a grimace at Carol and ran away.

“Scrooge, do you think Prussia will go to war with France?” Carol asked.

“Of course.” Scrooge said, “Since they defeated Austria, they have become the undoubted leader among the German states. The tendency of the German states to unite with Prussia as the core has been very obvious. For a long time. Since then, the divided German states have been markets for French industrial products. In the German states, especially some areas in the south, France has great interests. Once Germany is unified, you can understand this market with your toes. If completely swallowed by Prussia, the French will completely lose this market. Moreover, once Germany is unified, there will be a second land-powered power on the European continent. When Germany is constrained, the French will have a great progress in opening up overseas markets. Disturbed, so the French and the Prussians will go to war sooner or later.”

“Then you are sure that Prussia will win?” Carol asked.

“Of course, with us helping them in the back, if they still can’t win, they would be too stupid.” Dorothea said, “how much advanced weapon technology we gave them.”

“This is not the key.” Scrooge said, “Heaven helps those who help themselves. If it weren’t for Prussia’s obvious job in popularizing education and developing industry than Napoleon III, we would not stand by them. Prussia knew what it needed. At least their Prime Minister Bismarck knows, and they also know who their friends are their friends and who their enemies are in the process. So you can see that Prussia has been quite successful in isolating the enemy in the previous few wars. Each defeated. In contrast, the performance of the French was much worse. For example, in the last battle of Prussia, if they could act quickly and stand on the side of Austria, Prussia would not dare to start a war at all. Napoleon III was not a strategist. He was actually occupied by some small interests and a little bit of domestic affairs, so that he indulged the growth of Prussia. Today Prussia is in fact no worse than France, even in the military. It’s stronger. Everyone knows this. Only those French who are still sleeping in the dream of Napoleon’s empire don’t know. So I’m sure that Prussia can win. Once Prussia wins, they will desperately suppress France because of Europe. Although it is big, it can’t accommodate two powerful land powers. Therefore, cedes land and compensation is absolutely everything. And the French industry will definitely be severely destroyed. The French industry will be hit, and its original market will be Let it out, so everyone’s prosperity has come except France. Well, as a company that strongly supports Prussia, of course we can also be divided into a very large piece. Well, Carol, you can arrange the work on your hands and make a Around the month, come to Prussia with me.”

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