Chapter 262 The Horn of the Railway Great Leap Forward (2)

“Do you really intend to sell the’heroin’ trademark and manufacturing process patents to those European vampires?” Joshua just got on the carriage, while Scrooge and Dorothea were still waving reluctantly. Just as soon as she lowered her arm, the attentive smile disappeared from Dorothea’s pretty face, and a layer of frost covered her face almost instantly.

“Don’t have confidence in me like this?” Scrooge smiled and took Dorothea’s hand and said, “When did you see what stupid things I did when doing business?”

But this explanation did not satisfy Dorothea, on the contrary, she became more and more angry. Dorothea snorted heavily, shook Scrooge’s hand, turned and walked back.

“This woman, what’s the matter today?” Scrooge shook his head somewhat unclearly, then turned and walked into the duck castle. At this time, Dena was running from the front panting with Donald, and Anna was following behind.

“Don’t run wild with Little Brother all day, girls should be a little ladylike.” Scrooge smiled and grabbed Dana. “Look, where did the left shoe go?”

Dena giggled, “Scrooge Uncle, the shoes are in Anna Aunt’s hands.”

Scrooge turned his head and saw that Anna was holding a small red dancing shoe in her right hand, exactly like the one on Dena’s right foot.

Scrooge picked up Dena, sat down on a bench next to him, and put Dena on own lap. At this time, Anna came over, ready to put shoes on Dena.

“I’ll come.” Scrooge took the shoes from her, lowered his head and put them on Dena, then raised his head and looked into Anna’s eyes and said, “These two bear kids are too skinny. It’s really hard work. is you.”

Anna lowered her head and said nothing.

“Okay, let’s play, but don’t run around without shoes.” Scrooge lowered Dena from her thigh, and then gently touched her head.

But Dana didn’t take Donald away immediately, but said to him:

“Scrooge Uncle, I saw Aunt Dorothea just now, she seemed very upset. Did you offend her?”

“Go,” Scrooge said, “Don’t talk nonsense, kid.”

Dena made a face at Scrooge and ran away with Donald in a swift smoke.

“Mr. MacDonald.” Anna was about to follow, but she glanced at Scrooge and stopped again.

“Ah, let me be cured by Scrooge when there is no one.” Scrooge stood up and said with a smile.

“At around eight o’clock this morning, Dr. Menger came to see Mrs. Dorothea, did you know?” Anna asked in a low voice.

“What? Dorothea is sick? Why didn’t I notice it at all?” Scrooge said.

“Mrs. Dorothea is not sick,” Anna’s voice became deeper and deeper, as if with a long sigh, “When Dr. Menger was leaving, I asked Dr. Menger and he told me, Dorothy Mrs. Thea is pregnant, why, didn’t she tell you? A pregnant woman is always emotionally unstable, you have to coax her.”

“Anna.” Scrooge looked into her eyes, “Thank you, you are so kind.”

Anna lowered her head, not looking at Scrooge’s eyes, and whispered: “I’ll go see the two children, don’t make any trouble again.” Then she walked quickly past Scrooge.

“Dorothea!” Scrooge hugged her shoulders. “Are you pregnant? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Damn it! It’s awkward,” Dorothea cursed.

Scrooge quickly let go of his hand. Hee hee accompanied and laughed.

“Humph!” Dorothea snorted.

“Yeah.” Scrooge deliberately nodded and bowed in response.

“Bad thing!” Dorothea was amused by Scrooge’s actions.

“Bad thing! I can’t accompany you to Montana, you have to take care of yourself.” Dorothea leaned against Scrooge’s arms and said leisurely, “Besides, don’t just go with me while I’m away. Playing with women like Morgan!”

“How can I? Where am I?” Scrooge immediately said that he and Morgan are definitely two kinds of people. Well, he is much more moral than Morgan.

“Cut! You men don’t have a good thing, and you are no exception. Don’t think I don’t know anything!” Dorothea’s small eyebrows stood up all at once, “Remember, don’t give me trouble. It’s a mess of things. Oh, yes! Do you have any secrets to hide from me?”

“No?” Scrooge said, thinking in his heart, does Dorothea know about me and Anna? But Scrooge knew that this kind of thing would definitely not be admitted to death, and of course, he would not admit it if he didn’t kill it.

“Huh! That sale is unreasonable in any way. Unless you really have a big plan that I don’t know. What are your plans, and you want to keep it secret to me like this!” Dorothea became more upset.

“Oh, you said this.” Scrooge breathed a sigh of relief, and said, “I haven’t had time to tell you about this matter. I was supposed to talk about it at the next family gathering. Well, somebody did an experiment not long ago. That. Experiments have shown that heroin will be reduced to morphine in the liver of animals.”

“Will be reduced to morphine?” Although she didn’t know chemistry in particular, Dorothea had followed Scrooge for so long after all, she naturally understood what it meant. “Doesn’t this mean that we originally advertised that heroin is not addictive? Since it turns into morphine in the liver, it must be addictive. But why have we never found any cases of addiction? ?”

“Because acetylmorphine, oh, is heroin. It is many times more effective than normal morphine. It only needs a very small amount to relieve symptoms. And this dose, under normal circumstances, will not cause addiction. We make medicines, as long as we can guarantee the general effect, so in a “heroin” pill, the real content of acetylmorphine is very small, and more than 90% of the contents in the pill are starch. Therefore, we have been selling for many years, but no cases of addiction have occurred. However, according to our recent drug experiment, after increasing the amount of acetylmorphine, the experimental animals did show signs of addiction, and the probability of addiction was similar to that after addiction. Dependence is many times more than morphine.” Scrooge explained to Dorothea.”But since we can control the dose and don’t make people addictive, even what? If you continue to make it, nothing will happen anyway.” Dorothea still said disapprovingly.

“Silly girl! Think about it, when the patent expires, countless manufacturers will produce this. In order to compete with us, what methods will they use?” Scrooge asked.

“It’s lowering the workers’ wages, what else can there be?” Dorothea uttered such a sentence almost without even thinking about it.

“It’s not just that. For example, increasing the content of acetylmorphine in medicines, declaring the’strong version’,’enhanced version’,’one pill is stronger than six pill’ and other tricks will definitely appear. You say yes No, after all, it’s very easy and the effect is obvious. The medicine depends on the effect. But in this way, I dare to say that there will be a lot of addicted guys immediately, and then, um, confirm Acetylmorphine is reduced to morphine in the liver, and there is no difficulty in technology. As long as a large-scale addiction occurs, this secret will be exposed soon. Moreover, now the’heroin’ can remain high. The profit is because we rely on patents to monopolize this drug. Once the patent expires, even if there is no problem mentioned above, the profit rate will definitely drop. So selling it is not as bad as you think. .” Scrooge replied.

“Well, it seems to make sense.” Dorothea reached into her mouth and began to bite her nails. This problem was developed while following Scrooge’s madness to make up for mathematics. Every time she encounters a difficult problem, she will have this action.

“Dorothea, you’re going to be a mother, don’t bite your nails, it’s bad for your health.” Scrooge said quickly.

“Ah!” Dorothea immediately retracted her hand. “Forget it, you can’t make a mistake about this kind of thing. In fact, I don’t worry about you making a wrong judgment-who else in the family knows about this? How is the other guy who discovered this problem now?”

“You are the second person at home to know about it,” Scrooge said. “Carol and they haven’t come back yet. I don’t dare to talk about such a thing in the telegram or phone. As for that person, well, we have already sent him It’s arranged. He will never tell these things.”

“You have to pay close attention to this person, not let him… In fact, it’s best to put him on an iron mask directly and put him in a place like the Bastille, that’s safe.” Dorothea whispered. Say.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of these things.” Scrooge replied, and at the same time he said in his heart: “I sent him to a place more closely guarded than the Bastille. That crappy chemistry that likes fooling around. My family has become a good lame chemist.”

“Well, when you are just pregnant, you must pay special attention to your body. In addition, you must also pay attention to maintaining a good mood and not to work too hard. Well, I will take care of the things you are in charge of now.” Shi Gao Zhi said, “In addition, I will ask Menger to bring a medical team, which will be here 24 hours a day.”

“Yeah.” Dorothea nodded obediently, but remembering to hand over the management rights in her hands, even if it was only temporarily and handed over to her husband, Dorothea still felt a little faintly. uncomfortable.

“But you have to promise me to stay with me more. There is no big thing in the company that can’t be kept from me like this time. I don’t want to go back to take over the thing in the future and find that a lot of things can’t be done. Understood……

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