Chapter 291

“Mr. MacDonald, those who protested around our factory in France have retreated, and we also intercepted such a telegram. It was sent to Joshua by the Rothschild family.” Bond will A document was handed to Scrooge, and then quietly stepped aside, waiting for Scrooge’s decision.

Scrooge opened the document. It was a secret telegram sent by the Rothschild family to Joshua, but the so-called secret telegram in this era is actually very simple, and it is not as simple as the slang on Rivers and Lakes. Where to go. Although in that era, the degree of secrecy of the password used by the Rothschild family was almost second to none in the world, its complexity was still limited. In addition, there is almost no awareness of changing the password, and they are all sent out through Scrooge’s New York Tower, which makes Scrooge’s people intercept these telegrams with a 100% success rate, and there are countless samples. Therefore, these passwords have long been cracked cleanly. So now Scrooge saw exactly the same documents as Joshua saw. Considering the efficiency of sending letters, Scrooge saw this even ten minutes earlier than Joshua. Although this was not as good as the United States President Roosevelt mentioned in the so-called historical documentary of Taiwan, he knew that the news of Japan’s surrender was better than that of Jiang. The chairman was three full hours late, but it was actually okay to use the line “These are the outstanding performance of intelligence workers” to praise Heishui’s intelligence work.

Scrooge took out the file and read it:

“You saw Scrooge quickly, conveyed our apologies, and promised that similar things will never happen again. To show our sincerity and make up for his loss, we authorize you to make the following promises to him: 1…”

“It’s really interesting.” Scrooge smiled. “Why did they give in so easily? Look at the compensation they gave, it’s really attractive. But if you really follow those mentioned above They didn’t seem to suffer from cooperating with that gang of Jewish guys, and they even made a fortune.”

“You really deserve to be a Jewish vampire! So shrewd, it’s no wonder that people are hated everywhere.” Scrooge smiled and shook his head.

Scrooge put down the documents in his hand and saw Bond waiting beside him. He knew that Bond was still waiting to see if he had a decision that needed to be implemented immediately. So he said to Bond: “The jews are going to make peace. However, we can’t just trust those jews casually. So, during this time, we still need to watch more closely. Understand?”

“I understand, sir.” Bond replied.”Okay, you go to make arrangements right away, um, you also have to keep an eye on Joshua here.” Scrooge said.

Bond said goodbye and left, Scrooge put away the papers, and walked out of the office. These days Scrooge is also quite nervous. After all, Rothschild is considered a legendary consortium, although it does not have some novels that Scrooge has seen in later generations or in fact, it is novel. What is exaggerated has assets of 50 trillion US dollars, it is the two world wars and the cold war behind the scenes, but it is definitely a powerful and terrible opponent. It is always easy not to fight with such an opponent. Although what the Rothschild family’s telegram said is really uncertain, after all, in order to conceal own strategic intentions, the upper level deceived the enemy with the enemy too many things. But considering the logic of capital, Scrooge felt that he now, at least now, and the Rothschild family did not need to fight desperately. There is a complete compromise, and even the pursuit of a win-win situation, so Scrooge feels that the Rothschild family may not play strategic deception on this matter. This judgment also made Scrooge a lot easier.

Come out of the office, turn to the right along the walkway and walk tens of meters to the garden. It is early autumn now, and in this era when there is no global warming, the characteristics of autumn are more obvious than in the 21st century. For example, the sunlight at this time, although bright, but gentle.

The Duck Castle’s garden is very large, and it is filled with all kinds of trees, flowers and plants. Now most of the flowers have bloomed, only the rose in the flower bed is still open. There is a tall oak tree in the middle of the garden. This big tree 30 meters high is different from the other trees in the garden. Those trees were transplanted after the duck castle was added. Only this one needs four people. The big tree embraced has been growing here for hundreds of years. The entire garden is designed and built around it to a large extent.

The builders of the garden tied ropes to the sturdy branches of the old oak tree to make a swing. The servants put a small round table made of rattan and several rattan chairs next to it. Now, you can see the two little guys in the family-Dena and her Little Brother Donald are playing on the swings there. And beside, several women in the family are sitting on the side talking about something, while Anna is standing quietly next to the swing, watching over the two.

Scrooge walked towards them. At this time, Dena was pushing Donald sitting on the swing higher and higher. And Donald, who always followed Big sis to do bad things and finally got his courage, was not afraid at all, but excitedly shouted: “Higher, higher!”

“Dana Miss, you can’t push too high, it’s dangerous. Donald, you also have to be careful.” Anna reminded from the side.

“Anna Aunt, it’s okay.” Dena replied nonchalantly, “Donald is not scared at all.”

“It’s not bad to say that Donald follows Dana, the big sis, a leather monkey. At least he is a lot brave.” Catherine, who was sitting on the side, said with a grin.

“Well, Dana is a leather monkey, isn’t Donald a leather monkey anymore? I just don’t know if Greystone will be a little leather monkey in the future.” Dorothea glanced at Cherie’s arms and was asleep. Grey Stone said with a smile, “I think it must be. Well, you think, Carol seems to be such a stable person, and the children born of two skin monkeys, such as Scrooge, give birth to The son who came out didn’t have much skin… Well, it was mostly like that. The Macdonalds must have been skin monkeys when they were young!”

“Scrooge was very skinny when he was a child. He climbed trees all day to dig out bird nests, and sometimes hangs his clothes torn. Then he ran to me quietly and asked me to sew it for him so that he wouldn’t be seen by his father. Now, spanking him. Carol is not that skinny, she has always been steady…” Laura said, her smile quietly climbing up the corners of her wrinkled eyes. She seemed to remember Scrooge’s childhood when she was young. Although Life was far less wealthy than it is now, she still remembered something sweet.

“Mom, you are talking about my messy things to my wife again. This detracts from my image in Dorothea’s heart.” The women were chatting happily, but they didn’t even notice him.

“Why are you like a cat? You touched it silently.” Laura said with a smile, “I’m complimenting you. Generally speaking, more skinny kids are promising.”

“Well, our family Carol is much worse than his brother.” Catherine said with a smile. “However, the next generation will be different, Dorothea, I’m sure, after Greystone There must be none of these two monkey skins.”

Before Dorothea had time to speak, she left Donald and ran over: “Scrooge Uncle, when will the two ponies you told us about last week arrive. Dena really missed it.” Ride it out to play.”

“Scrooge Uncle, and mine!” Donald also ran off the swing and shouted to Scrooge.

“It should be here soon, maybe tonight. Wait patiently.” Scrooge said.

“But Scrooge, Uncle, you said the same yesterday.” Donald said.

“Damn garbage logistics, it’s not Double Eleven. It’s been more than a week since the order was placed, and the goods haven’t arrived yet. You must give a bad review!” Scrooge thought to himself.

Anna brought a chair to Scrooge. Scrooge took the chair and said to Anna, “Thank you, Anna. There is another chair over there, so please sit down.”

Anna hesitated. At this time, Laura spoke: “Anna, now the two skin monkeys have not stayed on the swing, you also sit down and rest. You are also a member of our family, just like my daughter. Same.”

“Yeah, Anna Big sis, you have been busy all day, and it’s time to sit down.” As he said, he stood up, took Anna, and pressed her to the chair.

Anna had no choice but to sit down, and then, um, because of Scrooge’s appearance, it seemed to be cold. Probably because some of the things they talked about just now were not good to talk about in front of Scrooge. In the end, it was Catherine who found a new topic.

“Scrooge, how is the situation in Europe?”

“I have sent someone to send a warning to Joshua, and this warning should have played a role. Recently…” Scrooge stopped and glanced at Cherie.

“Mr. Macdonald, old lady, Greystone is already asleep very well. It’s a bit windy here. I’m afraid he has a cold. I took him back to the room.” Cherie hugged Greystone to Scott Govern them and said.

“Well, take care of my little grandson.” Laura replied. So Cherie hugged Greystone and walked towards the nursery.

“Okay, let’s talk about it,” Dorothea said.

“The demonstrations stopped. In addition, we deciphered their contact telegram. In this telegram, they instructed Joshua to apologize to us in the name of the family and express their desire for cooperation.”

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