Chapter 309 Loyalty and Reliable History of Gaozhi (2)

The press conference on this day immediately caused a storm. When the press conference was over, almost all the reporters rushed out of the venue at a speed of 100 meters. Some major newspapers prepared carriages for reporters, so they immediately jumped into the carriages and ran towards the newspaper office. As for the reporters who don’t have a special carriage to enjoy, they stopped the passing carriages as soon as they moved faster. Some were slow, some were still trying hard to stop the carriage, and some simply ran towards the newspaper office by themselves. See if there is a chance to stop a carriage.

Sobi’s seat was a bit far from the door, so when he came out, of course there was no carriage to ride. Subi hesitated for a moment, and rushed towards the direction of his newspaper. Colliley ran for two steps, but he was too fat to keep up with Souppy. He had to pant hard, and stopped by holding a telephone pole. At the same time, he looked around to see if he was lucky enough to see one. A stagecoach.

As for Soapy, he is running briskly now. On the street, he is like a loach, he can always get past the cracks of the bustling flow of people quickly. This was when Soupy was a tramp a few years ago. , Practiced with the police. Of course, when Souby walked around an intersection at high speed with a whirr of wind in his ear, and then met a fat policeman head-on, almost reflexively, Soupy came to an emergency stop and was about to change directions. But he reacted immediately. Now he is a legal citizen with status, and he ran away without seeing the police. So Subi took a breath, then smiled at the policeman, and then ran forward.

In any case, Soapy can’t run a carriage, so the big newspapers were the first to publish the news. This news is really a sensation, because the drugs it involves are the most widely used and most sold drugs in the world. In the original history, the sales of this thing had reached an unprecedented high of several 5% of all pharmaceutical markets. In the era of Scrooge, the proportion of heroin in the world drug market was even higher than in the original era. This is because the drug appeared earlier, so there are fewer drugs that can compete with it. In addition, Scrooge’s company’s sales methods are relatively more advanced, and as a result, this drug has miraculously held about 10% of the world’s drug market. This record is not only unprecedented, it is also unprecedented in the foreseeable future. Even in the laboratory of Macdonald Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company, the few magic drugs that are still in the pre-research state, such as penicillin and streptomycin, are far from being able to compete with each other in terms of possible market share. “Heroin” is comparable. Because “heroin” has an immediate effect on any pain, although after many years of publicity by McDonald’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company, everyone knows that this thing is definitely “a temporary cure, not a permanent cure.” But in many cases, many diseases do not really need to be cured.

For example, the most common illness-influenza, this thing is caused by a virus. In this era, basically no medicine can really have any effect on the virus. Therefore, if you have a cold, it will be better in a few days. Eat It is better to take medicine or not at that time. Just do not take medicine, you will have to endure a series of symptoms such as fever, headache, runny nose, cough, body aches and so on. And if you take “heroin”, although the virus reproduces in your body, it reproduces as it is, and the immune system in your body kills them as well, but all your symptoms are suppressed and disappeared. , You no longer have fever, no headache, no runny nose, no cough, no body aches or fatigue. It felt no different from being completely ill, and after a week passed comfortably, well, the cold was over. This is in fact and you catch a cold immediately after eating it. How different is it?

Because of this, almost every family member will prepare some “heroin” for themselves and their own children. Every doctor will open a box to him when dealing with some uncomfortable diseases. “Heroin”. It can be said that in later generations, problems that require a lot of drugs to deal with were all covered by “heroin” in that era. Have a cold? Well, let’s have a box of “heroin”, one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening, to avoid cold troubles; cough? Ah let me see? Well, let’s prescribe sulfa, and then give you some “heroin”, cough, please choose “heroin”. Coupled with advertisements that far exceed the level of the times such as this:

“I am the father of one hundred and three children. The children will have no way out if they don’t study. The school will be built by themselves, but the teachers will do it by themselves. Three hundred and sixty lines. I have done more than half of it. When I got back pain, I suddenly felt the burden on my shoulders. A lot of…’heroin’, just one, it will go faster and last longer. There are schools where there is sunshine,’heroin’, trustworthy. (The cost of publishing this advertisement has been donated to ** Charity School)”

With all this, how can heroin not sell crazy? However, all of a sudden, the McDonald Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company, which has created a miracle in the history of medicine, suddenly announced that “heroin” was not safe and would stop producing this drug! How can such news not cause shock?

This shock spread quickly from North America to the world via radio waves. For a time, the entire world, almost all newspapers, were in the headlines, reporting the news, and discussing the impact of the incident in a full page. The influential media immediately contacted relevant experts for interviews, and also arranged interviews with doctors and consumers who have been using the drug. For example, an interview with Dr. Poole, the editor-in-chief of The Lancet, was published in The Times, the world’s most influential newspaper:

“Dr. Poole told us that, in fact, the’heroin’ crisis is not as terrible as everyone thinks. Drugs containing diacetylmorphine are not as terrible as everyone thinks. In fact, although based on their experimental verification, this compound will indeed be The liver is reduced to morphine, but the use of this drug itself over the years also shows that if it is used strictly in accordance with the drug dosage standard, there is no serious risk of addiction.’ Even, it’s my opinion. I know, some guys I know get sick and eat “heroin” as if they are eating jelly beans. But he still has no signs of addiction. Of course, people are different, maybe some People can become addicted with only a small dose. This may be one of the reasons why Mr. MacDonald made such a cautious decision.’…

Dr. Poole even told me that he has a lot of ‘heroin’ in his own home, but he does not intend to return these medicines to McDonald’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company. He said: ‘why do you want to get rid of these useful medicines? Because it is not safe? God, my family has used it for many years. I am a doctor and I know this thing is not that scary. In fact, judging from the content of diacetylmorphine in the medicine, its content is very small. If we replace the equivalent amount of diacetylmorphine with morphine, the drug is still safe, but the effect is completely dependent. Not too out. So I still feel that ‘heroin’ is one of the greatest drugs of this era. Why should I return it? I’m only worried now, if Scrooge McDonald doesn’t produce it, and when I run out of stock, where can I buy this thing? ’…

As for the MacDonald Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company failed to discover the problem of diacetylmorphine being reduced to morphine by the liver during the development stage of this drug. Dr. Poole believes that this is completely understandable, because the normal dose is so small, so the normal dose experiment really can’t find this problem. In fact, MacDonald Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals has been cautious enough, and they even conducted toxicological tests at six times the dose. At this point, they are far more cautious than ordinary companies. Dr. Poole also told us that after they got the news, they immediately carried out such an experiment. They only clearly detected morphine in the animal’s liver when they were tested at eight times the concentration. Therefore, it is completely normal for McDonald’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company to fail to discover this in time.

‘Any drug has side effects and is dangerous. The same goes for aspirin. I personally think that Mr. MacDonald has overreacted on this matter. “Dr. Poole said to us at last. ”

In the “Daily Mail” report, some people who had dealt with Scrooge analyzed the reasons why Scrooge did this in this way. They said:

“We interviewed some people familiar with Mr. Scrooge McDonald, as well as some doctors. They generally believed that Mr. Scrooge McDonald had overreacted, and the reason for his overreaction was probably because of his Personal ethics and cleanliness.

‘We know that Scrooge is a rare good man, a philanthropist. But he has a problem, that is, he has a serious moral and cleanliness. Well, please pay attention, how many times has Scrooge condemned the opium trade in various media over the years? Well, at this point, I must say that I fully agree with Mr. MacDonald’s point of view, selling opium to others, making them addicted, can’t stop them, and finally destroying others physically and mentally. This so-called “trade”, It is absolutely immoral and should be cast aside! So Mr. MacDonald has been trying to reach a global convention banning opium. Now, Mr. MacDonald’s own drugs have the same effects as opium. Such a situation is indeed unacceptable for a person like Mr. MacDonald who has a ethical habit. Therefore, I think that Scrooge’s doing this is completely the result of a moral habit. You know, this guy is quite stubborn sometimes. ’

As for the economic losses that would result from doing so, another friend of Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Seaman, said: “The Macdonald Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company is not a listed company. It is a private company of the McDonald family. . How much does Mr. Macdonald have now? A billion dollars, or a billion pounds? Ah, you see, rich people are so self-willed! “…”

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