Chapter 326 Trade Union Situation (6)

The union situation has never been so bad. Because of the last miscalculation, the workers’ trust in the union plummeted. Everywhere people are saying that if it weren’t for the union’s mischief, so many people would not have been expelled last time. What’s more terrible is that a fatal accident occurred. The family member of the worker who was accidentally hit by a small train because of sleepiness, after learning the cause of the incident, rushed to the union, scolded or even beat the members of the union. . Kony’s head was hit hard by the deceased’s Little Brother, and he fainted. If it weren’t for others to save him quickly, he would be killed directly.

The union itself has also suffered considerable losses in terms of personnel. Among those who did not take “Dali Pills” that day included three members of the trade union. As members of the trade union, they naturally hesitated for a while while preparing to take the “Dali Pill.” As a result, unfortunately, these three trade union members were also expelled.

The expulsion of these three union members not only weakened the influence of the union in McDonald Steel France, but also changed the composition of the union’s committee members. In the union of the original McDonald Steel France Company, the ratio of union members from technology workers to members of ordinary workers was about one to one. In fact, this ratio is not deliberately made. Generally speaking, the workers working in the factory are not very fixed. Whether it is an iron-strike factory or an iron-strike factory, it uses free, flowing workers. According to a later generation of great economists who paid special attention to human freedom and well-being, he put forward the viewpoint in his monograph on economics or sociology, precisely because workers were able to move between factories. With free choice, their rights can be truly protected, because there is competition between factories, and if one factory is not good, they can find another. Once the capitalist private ownership is over, and all enterprises become state-owned enterprises, the worker will really be out of luck, because he can no longer choose and move freely among different enterprises. So they are destined to embark on the road to slavery.

However, in reality, the right to choose does not seem to give workers more rights other than “freedom.” Such as eating well and sleeping well. Of course, “freedom” is the most important thing. As for the other superfluous things, let’s leave it to the Scrooge and others who can’t freely change jobs.

Because the mobility of technology workers is less than that of ordinary workers, they may work in a certain factory for a long time, and they are naturally more likely to have greater influence among the workers in this factory. On the other hand, in any factory, the number of ordinary workers is much greater than that of technology workers. Therefore, the combination of the two factors makes the number of union committee members from technology workers and general workers in the labor union of this factory not much different. But because of this incident, three union members were expelled from the factory, and all of them were ordinary workers. So new problems arise.

Although being expelled from the factory is not being expelled from the union, in theory they are still members of the union. However, the union members do not have any wages to get, and they still have to earn money to support the family. So they must be free to find a job elsewhere. In this way, they will be cut off from McDonald Steel France, and they will naturally no longer be able to effectively perform their duties as union members. In fact, two days after being expelled, they left Paris and went to another factory in another province.

Before the election of new committee members could begin, the rumors reappeared. Some people in the union are saying that the last failure was caused by someone deliberately, in order to squeeze out ordinary worker committee members, so that the technology workers who took more money could control the union.This new rumor became more and more widespread under the impetus of the people, and finally led to fierce disputes at the meeting of adding trade union members. Royce, who was an ordinary worker, publicly accused Kony of being responsible for the failure of this adventurous action. He even said in no secret, because now, rumors about technology workers wanting to monopolize the power of the union are spreading everywhere, in order to calm down. This kind of rumor, as the host of this failed operation, Kony should take the initiative to resign as the chairman of the union.

If it is normal, such a big mistake has even led to the death of the worker. Even if no one said, Kony would voluntarily resign as the chairman of the union. But now it’s different. There is obviously an insider in the team now. If you resign, wouldn’t it be just right to make the insider proud? What’s more, the person who asked him to resign was Royce, and many of his previous actions made Kony suspect that he was an insider. Under such circumstances, he naturally couldn’t agree to the request made by Royce, who was suspected of being a rape.

So Kony insisted that his inference at the time must be okay.

“The problem is not that my inference is wrong, but…” Kony stood up, looked around the committee members attending the meeting, and then stared into Royce’s eyes and said, “Among us, there is a Traitor! That traitor sold our plan to the capitalists!”

“Yes! There is a traitor among us!” Royce also stood up and shouted angrily, “This traitor knows all our actions and sells it to the capitalists in exchange for the thirty silver coins! He! I even want to continue to mix with us and continue to betray us!”

“You…” Kony’s face was pale and trembling all over, “Are you accusing me of a traitor?”

“If you are not a traitor, and you have made such a big mistake and caused such a big loss, why are you reluctant to resign? Is it because you didn’t get enough silver coins last time?” Royce coldly looked at Ke. Ni, continue to say mercilessly, “If you are not a traitor, then resign and show us it!”

“Royce, I’m afraid you are the traitor!” Pat stood up abruptly, “Did those rumors spreading around these days come from you? In order to destroy the union organization, your master gave How much are you?”

“Pat! To prove that I am not a traitor, I can resign from all positions in the union.” Royce said coldly, “I also agreed with Kony’s plan, whether it’s to prove that I’m not a traitor, or right. I’m responsible for this failure. I’m willing to resign. Kony, are you willing? Let’s resign together.”

“Royce, you are a traitor!” Pat roared, “We have lost several committee members. Do you want to further weaken us?”

“I want to cleanse our organization.” Royce roared. Then he turned to Kony and said, “Do you agree?”

“I won’t give up my own responsibility until the real traitor is caught.” Kony said firmly.

“That’s good. Before I resign, I have to do my last duty and travel my last duty as a committee member.” Royce suddenly smiled, “As a union committee member, I have the right to propose a bill. Now, In view of the fact that Kone’s wrong command has caused the union to suffer huge losses and is suspected of being a traitor, I suggest that the conference pass a vote to remove Kone’s chairmanship and expel him from our union! Let’s vote now.”

“Royce! What do you want to do! Do you want to split the union?” Pat’s voice changed with anger.

“I am purifying the organization. Regardless of the result of the vote, I will resign from my current position.” Royce retorted with a frenzy of martyrdom.

“I am against voting like this.” Pat said.

“The objection is invalid. According to the regulations, I have this right.” Royce said coldly, “Well, please raise your hands if you support me.”

Royce first raised his own hand high, and at the same time stood condescendingly looking around the other committee members. One person raised his hand, and after a while, there was another, and then another. Then there is no more. All representatives from ordinary workers raised their hands, and none of the representatives from technology workers raised their hands. The number was not more than half, and Royce’s proposal was rejected.

“Very good.” Royce said, “Now, I announce my resignation.”

“Very well, you did a great job. Now that Royce has left, Kone’s status and prestige have been shaken. Moreover, the differences between the ordinary worker committee and the technology worker committee have also been made public. This almost means. The union is split. Our Mr. Pat did a great job. Mr. Will, go ahead and give him the thousand francs cheque, saying that we are very satisfied with his performance. I hope he will continue to work hard, and finally Sit down to Kone’s position.” Director Louis said with a smile.

“Okay, Mr. Louis.” Will replied.

“Be careful, don’t let people find out.” Louis said.

“Director, I will be careful. Director, are you giving him too much? In fact, you can have such a result, it is entirely because of your command. As long as the fellow Pat is not a fool, follow your command. It will be successful,” Will said.

“This is not my plan.” Louis said, “This is the plan from above. Those higher up above us, that’s really amazing…”

Having said that, Louis couldn’t help but think of the teaching he got from above:

“Any organization cannot be monolithic, and unions are the same. Moreover, its weakness is even more obvious, that is, the interests of the union and the interests of the organizers and managers of the union are not consistent. The leaders of the union also know this. Therefore, the operation of a trade union is particularly dependent on the moral level of its leaders. Morality is difficult to maintain for a long time, especially the morality that is contrary to the own interests. Therefore, if you look carefully, you can always find the willingness. The agent who cooperates with us for the benefit of the owner…”

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