1979 Golden Age

Chapter 14 When the mountain flowers bloom

Liang Xiaosheng is from Harbin and is 30 years old this year.

He has an older brother, two younger brothers and a younger sister, and his family is in a difficult situation. After graduating from high school, he went to the Production and Construction Corps to move wood. Although it was hard, he could earn 40 yuan a month to supplement his family income. Since then, he has started writing and is a literary and artistic backbone of the army.

In 1974, a teacher from Fudan University went to recruit students. There were only two places in the Chinese Department. Liang Xiaosheng successfully went to Fudan University to study with his writing skills.

After graduation, he was assigned to the Literature Department of Beijing Film Studio.

He looks good and has a good job. It should not be a problem to find a partner, but he is an honest person. Every time he goes on a blind date, he says: "My family burden is heavy, my parents are in poor health, and I have to send more than half of my salary to them every month. I also have a mentally ill brother at home..."

So he is still not married at the age of 30.

His fame is not as good as Mo Yan, Yu Hua, and Jia Pingwa, but he is also one of the representative writers. He has written "There will be a blizzard tonight" and "Annual Rings". There is a TV series "The World" starring Lei Jiayin and Yin Tao in the future, which is his original work.

Of course, he is not famous yet, just a rookie editor.

"Who are you?"

"Literature Department of Beijing Film Studio!"

Liang Xiaosheng's sudden visit caused Chen Jianjun and Yu Xiuli to crash for five seconds. Chen Qi was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that it was him who came. He hurriedly said: "Hello, Teacher Liang, I am Chen Qi!"


Liang Xiaosheng was even more surprised. He looked at him for a few times and said: "Excuse me, how old are you this year?"

"Nineteen years old!"

"Young and promising!"

He sighed immediately. At the age of 30, he was already the youngest editor of Beijing Film Studio. He didn't expect that there was still a monster. In the film industry, no matter what position, experience is needed. Being older means having enough experience. Writing a script at the age of 19 is like a joke of capitalism.

"Hello, hello, nice to meet you!"

He shook hands with Chen Qi, sat on the chair and said: "We saw your script a few days ago, and we have been discussing it for a while. In general, we agree with it, but there are still some shortcomings. I came here today to ask you to revise it."


Yu Xiuli opened her mouth, but held back her words, and listened to their conversation silently.


The guesthouse is finally here!

Chen Qi's heart was beating like a drum, but on the surface, he was a mixture of surprise and helplessness, and he didn't know where to put his hands: "Really? Teacher Liang, you really let me revise the manuscript? Did my script really pass?"

"It can only be said that it passed the first trial!"

"I am thankful that it passed the first trial. I have no problem at all, and we can set off now!"

"Don't be so anxious, we will not revise the manuscript in one or two days, it will take at least one month and at most one year. Even if it is revised, the team will be set up for shooting, and the screenwriter must be present to communicate at any time. Our factory has a guesthouse, which provides food and accommodation."

Liang Xiaosheng smiled.

"Ah? So my son can't come back yet?" Yu Xiuli finally asked.

"Oh no, he is free and can arrange his own time."

"Dad! Mom!"

Chen Qi turned to his parents, his eyes wet, innocent and expectant~yue!

Although his parents were confused, they guessed that their son had written something that was favored by the Beijing Film Studio. This is a great opportunity. Parents should not hold back or spoil the fun. Just be happy. It is your blessing!

Chen Jianjun said: "Teacher Liang, it is his honor that you have chosen his work, and we will definitely support it."

"That's good!"

Liang Xiaosheng nodded and said: "You should need time to pack up. How about this, I will pick you up at the entrance of the Beijing Film Studio at 5 pm tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

After Liang Xiaosheng was sent away, his parents entered the house and locked the door, and asked Chen Qi to squat in the corner. They were just about to bring out the portrait of his great-grandmother for a trial.

"Tell me! What's going on?"

"How did you get involved with the Beijing Film Studio?"

"How many things have you hidden from us?"

"Don't worry, Mom. Let me tell you a lie... No, I'll explain it to you!"

Chen Qi could blow a hair as a whistle, and lied without stopping: "I started writing about half a month ago. At that time, I hadn't decided to sell tea. Although I didn't have a job, I always wanted to do something meaningful.

It just so happened that I like literature, so I secretly racked my brains to come up with such a script and submitted it to the Beijing Film Studio. I didn't know if it would work, so I didn't tell you because I was afraid of being embarrassed! I didn't expect it to be selected."

When parents find that their children are talented, and can even call them geniuses, what do they think?

Other families don’t know, but Yu Xiuli was shocked at first, then ecstatic, and immediately accepted this setting, saying repeatedly: "I'll tell you! I'll tell you! Our son is definitely not destined to sell tea. This is called not making a name for himself, but making a name for himself. Who said it right? He was good at writing essays when he was young, but he was delayed by going to the countryside!

By the way, I remember I still have his essay book!"

"Okay, the child will leave tomorrow, you should pack up for him quickly." Chen Jianjun said.

"What's the hurry? I'll go out first!"


Chen Jianjun looked helpless, watching Yu Xiuli slam the door and walk out like a victorious general, and then there was a conversation outside.

"Xiu Li, why are you still not asleep so late? What are you strolling around for?"

"Hey, how do you know my child is writing a script... Beijing Film Studio, he will go there tomorrow, hey, if you don't ask in the middle of the night, I'm embarrassed to tell you, where can I go to reason..."


Chen Qi did not publicize it in a big way, but only told Aunt Wang and Huang Zhanying.

Aunt Wang was already numb. Before she could jump out of the basket in the plastic factory, another pole was pulled to the Beijing Film Studio. Beijing Film Studio is a bit too far away for a grassroots street cadre.

While Huang Zhanying was happy for him, he couldn't help but feel sad: "Comrade Chen Qi, although our tea stall has not been open for long, you have made great contributions. Now the business is getting better and better. It's time to raise a glass and drink the celebration wine." , but you are going to the literary and artistic front!

I heard that the literary and artistic front tends to sway towards the bourgeoisie and has a bad style. Don’t be dazzled. "

"Don't worry, Comrade Zhanying, my stance of serving the people will never waver!"

"You two, stop talking about these quotations and talk about something practical..."

Aunt Wang couldn't bear to listen and asked directly: "Xiao Chen, are you coming back now? What about the work relationship?"

"I'm just changing the script, not changing jobs. I want to stay in the cooperative because of my work. I don't want the salary. After all, I don't have to work."

"That's fine. What about the plastic sandals?"

"Didn't the plastic factory agree? Just sell it when the weather gets hot. You can't come to me for everything, right? I'm not a leader. And I believe in Comrade Zhanying's ability."

"Don't worry, I will definitely guard this position for everyone!"

Huang Zhanying was categorical.

To be honest, Chen Qi really doesn't want to give up this tea stall and develop it slowly, just in case it becomes successful in the future. After he finished all the instructions, he cupped his hands and said, "We will meet again when the mountain flowers are in full bloom!"

"Speak humanly!" Aunt Wang said.

"The leader told me during the inspection that I have to come back!"


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