1979 Golden Age

Chapter 21 The Old, the Young, the Sick and the Disabled

With Ge You's temperament, he originally planned to wait a few days before visiting. Unexpectedly, just the next day, Chen Qi took the initiative to invite him to a small banquet.

Ge You paid great attention to it and even washed his hair.

At dinner time, he knocked on the door of 302 nervously. Chen Qi opened the door: "Hey, it's time, come in, come in! I went home during the day, and my mother brought me some food. If I can’t eat it myself, I’ll come to gather with you, don’t be dissatisfied.”

"Don't say that, it was me who interrupted... Oh, hello, Teacher Liang!"

Ge You was still very polite, and Liang Xiaosheng laughed and said, "You know, if you have been in contact with him for a long time, you will know that he is the most informal person, and he is tired of being strict. Come on, sit here!"

Liang Xiaosheng helped with the preparation, opened several aluminum lunch boxes, and said, "I asked the canteen chef to heat it up specially. Xiao Chen found a restaurant outside and made a pot of wine. Can you have some?"

"Can I have a few drinks?"

Ge You's eyes lit up. He was a good drinker. When he looked at the dish, his eyes lit up even more. There was meat and dumplings.

The table was turned sideways, two people sat on the bed, and one person sat on a chair. They used the enamel jar as a wine glass, and each person poured about two taels.

Chen Qi said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have saved almost forty yuan, and I spent it for the first time today. The small shop is also an educated youth cooperative. They sell some loose wine and so on, but I don't know how it tastes.

Come on, don't be polite, let's eat! "

It's not easy to have a good meal these days. He also sleeps away from home. He only gets such preferential treatment when he comes back. It's even more difficult for Liang Xiaosheng. The family is so difficult that he can't save any more.

So for a while, I just worked hard.

There is no real meaning in chatting after eating for a while, and talking about it while drinking. But for men, drinking and bragging is the joy of life.

While chatting, we talked about Ge You’s work.

His mood instantly dropped, and he said dejectedly: "I failed to pass the exam for many units, and the commune that jumped in the queue wanted me to go back. They said that the pigs I fed were good, and the big and small pigs missed me.

Alas, I have lived in vain for 22 years. Only pigs care about me. "

"Don't say that. God is going to give a great job to this person, and he must first work hard. Didn't your parents tell you to find it for you?" Liang Xiaosheng said.

"The ACFTU Art Troupe has to recruit people and has to take exams. My dad is now teaching me how to act step by step and even chose a topic for me, which is called "Feeding Pigs". He said it is close to life. In fact, I understand that I don't know anything else. , only feeds pigs.”

"Then you put on a show and let us see."

"No, no, no, how can this be done? I'm so sorry!" Ge You waved his hands quickly.

"Although we have just met, you don't mind if I tell you."

Chen Qidao: "I think there is something wrong with your mentality. You feel embarrassed performing in front of both of us. How can you perform in front of the judges? You don't have a relaxed attitude. You subconsciously think this is a shameful thing. You How can I pass the exam?"


Ge You wanted to defend, but quickly gave up and said discouraged: "Maybe you are right, and I am also nervous. I rehearse well at home, but I don't know what to do when I go there."

"Then you can relax, for example, take a deep breath. I will feel very relaxed when I take a deep breath." Liang Xiaosheng suggested.

"I tried it, it didn't work."

"Then, then..."

Liang Xiaosheng scratched his head. He was a writer, not a performer.

"Everyone is nervous about taking exams. There's nothing we can do about this."

Chen Qi also spoke, but his voice changed and he said: "But you can try to force yourself to relax, that is, exercise, stand still, do exercises, jog a few laps, in short, let yourself move."

"Is this useful?" Ge You wondered.

"Have you ever run? Even though you are tired after each run, do you feel relaxed or even satisfied at the same time?"

"That seems to be the case!"

"So, you can give it a try. It will relieve the pain to some extent."

This is actually because exercise produces endorphins and dopamine, which can make the human body feel more comfortable and give a certain sense of accomplishment. But Chen Qi was too lazy to explain. He raised the enamel jar and said, "Come on, let us first wish you success in the exam!"

"No problem!" Liang Xiaosheng also said.


Ge You almost burst into tears because of the alcohol, and his emotions got better: "Thank you for your good words, I will definitely pass the exam this time. If I fail the exam again, I will be sorry to both of you!"

The three of them took a bite.

Feelings are everywhere.

Chen Qi deliberately pursued a relationship. He stayed at the Beijing Film Studio for a while. Although he was well-rounded, he didn't make many friends. Those are all old-timers, middle-aged people like Jiang Huaiyan, or ruthless people like Liu Xiaoqing.

I am too young, everyone treats me as a child.

Liang Xiaosheng and Ge You are relatively good, as well as that little girl.


Chen Qi took a sip of wine and looked at these rotten garlics, old, young, sick and disabled.


Chen Qi arrived in mid-April, and it was early May in the blink of an eye.

This means he has to change the script.

Today is Tuesday, and every Tuesday afternoon is study time for all units. Work and production are suspended, and schools are not in session. This habit lasted for many years. Later, televisions became popular and TV stations also chose to perform maintenance on Tuesdays.

Therefore, there will be no program this afternoon. A "colorful round plate" will appear on the TV, whose scientific name is "PM5544 TV test card".


The sun is getting stronger, which means early summer is coming.

Chen Qi took a nap and ran to Jiang Huaiyan's office with the script that had turned into a thick brick. When he walked in, Jiang Huaiyan was not there. Instead, his daughter was sitting inside, eating melon seeds and doing homework.

"Brother Xiao Chen!"

"Where's your dad?"

"He went to a meeting and it was all over in a while."

Jiang Shan looked at the thing in his hand and said, "This is a script you wrote. I heard my dad said it was a love story. Can you show it to me?"

"What kind of love do you, a kid, think about? It's all bourgeois stuff."

"Bourgeois, hum, am I still learning English? Does English count as bourgeois?" She shook the textbook, and it turned out to be an English textbook.

"You all have English classes?"

"Our school is a pilot!"

Last year, the Ministry of Education advocated setting up foreign language classes starting from the third grade of primary school, but it has not been promoted and is still in the pilot stage.

Chen Qi didn't understand this and could only express his surprise. He sat on a chair and waited for Jiang Huaiyan. After a while, Jiang Huaiyan didn't show up. He was so bored that he glanced at the little girl who was immersed in her homework and suddenly said: "Have you ever learned from a pig?" This word?"

"Of course, pig!"

"Where's the dog?"


"Where's the chicken?"

"Chicken...oh, chicken!"

"How do you say beautiful?"

"Ha, you can't trouble me, beautiful!"

"Chicken is beautiful, can you translate?"

Jiang Shan frowned and tried: "Chickens are beautiful?"

"Hey, our translators pay attention to honesty, elegance and elegance. This sentence can be translated into..."

Before Chen Qi had time to be a little black boy, Jiang Huaiyan stepped in first and said, "Hey, Xiao Chen, you're here. The whole factory has a meeting this afternoon, and so do all departments. We just finished."

"I've just arrived. I'll show you the script."

"Shanshan, you go outside and write first."


Jiang Shan reluctantly carried her schoolbag and went out, while Jiang Huaiyan took the script and read it carefully. After a while, he nodded and said: "The changes are good, your writing is very precise, and it all falls on the points we suggested.

From my personal point of view, it has passed the test.

However, the factory's regulations require all editors in the literature department to jointly review, and then the deputy director in charge of this area will make the final review and decide whether to pass it. Don't worry, it should be fine.

Let’s keep this script for now. "

Jiang Huaiyan said with a smile and said: "Xiao Chen, your age is too easy for people to misunderstand. I didn't expect you to be so savvy in writing."

"It's all because of the good guidance from the teachers. I can only be considered to have strong execution ability."

"Strong execution ability? This word is quite new. Okay, you go back first, I will find you again."


Chen Qi left the office and saw Jiang Shan standing in the corridor, holding the window sill doing her homework.

She is 12 years old this year. She is not very tall and has a large frame. She has not yet grown up when she was a child, so she is not necessarily very attractive.

But Chen Qi knew what she would look like in the future, with a big face, big facial features, and a natural lack of pettishness - this type of actress is very rare, and will become extinct in later generations, who will have a small face and a small chin.

He sneakily approached and said loudly: "Ha!"


Jiang Shan jumped three feet high, turned around and wanted to scold, but Chen Qi had already disappeared.

She returned to the house and said angrily: "Dad, this person is really annoying."

"He's not that old. He's joking with you. He's very good at writing. You can learn from him when you have time." In Jiang Huaiyan's eyes, Chen Qi, a 19-year-old young man, can indeed be called a child.

"Whoever wants to learn from him, I will go to a foreign language college in the future!"

Jiang Shan continued to do her homework angrily.

After writing for a while, Jiang Huaiyan went out again because of something, and she suddenly heard something sneaky outside. The annoying guy came back. He didn't enter the house, but only raised his hand to throw a few candies - those were brought to him by Yu Xiuli. Stock, said: "Eat sweets and study hard!"

After saying that, he flashed again.

Jiang Shan looked at the candy. It was red shrimp crispy candy produced locally in the capital. The skin was thin and crispy, the filling was layered, and it tasted good.

She paused, then peeled one off and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Hmph! If you don't eat, you won't get it for free!"

(No more...)

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