1979 Golden Age

Chapter 247 Long Shot

Unconsciously, it was the ninth day.

The crew worked all night.

Chen Qi, Li Wenhua, the Yuan brothers, and Xu Ke, who came to help, were all exhausted and leaned on the chairs to take a break. The extras even sat on the ground, oh no, they lay on the ground.

There was only one long shot left in "Tai Chi 2".

The hutongs were crisscrossed and divided into more than a dozen small areas. Each area had different scenes. The camera swept over them to see the whole picture. This meant that there could not be any mistakes and it had to be successful in one go.

For this scene, the crew worked for three days and still hadn't finished filming.

"Midnight snack is here! Midnight snack is here!"

"Everyone eat something, drink some drinks, and fight again later!"

The stage manager pushed a cart in, with a meal for each person, soup, and lemon tea and cola for those who didn't like soup. Everyone came in twos and threes to get the meal and ate in silence.

Chen Qi was not hungry, so he just took a bottle of Coke and slurped it, saying, "Don't be discouraged. Although you have failed many times, you have made some progress every time. If you keep working hard, success will be just around the corner."

"I really don't know why your mainland counterparts are so hardworking. There are no such shots in Hong Kong!"

Tsui Hark sighed.

"Like Xiao Chen said, since it is a sequel, we have to come up with something new. We can't do things that are perfunctory to the audience."

Li Wenhua mentioned this with great pride. Mainland movies can be good or not, but the attitude is definitely serious. After hearing this, Tsui Hark turned to Chen Qi and smiled, "I didn't expect you to still put art first?"

"No, no, I put attitude first. And I think movies should not be binary, as if business and art are incompatible. They are the two legs of movies, and neither can be missing.

If you can add some art to commercial films and some business to art films, that would be the highest realm. Unfortunately, most people can't do it. It's not bad to make commercial films entertaining and make art films profound and memorable, but unfortunately most people can't do it.

Most people just make commercial films It's so vulgar, making art films unattainable, it's so boring. "

"I am so vulgar now!"

Tsui Hark sighed again, thinking of "Ghosts and Stratagems". Yuan Heping laughed and said: "You are the kind of person who doesn't know how to appreciate your blessings. Xinyicheng is so strong, you have great prospects."

"You are not bad, we will have a chance to cooperate in the future."


Yuan Heping readily agreed. One of them was in Xinyicheng and the other was in Golden Harvest. In fact, there was no chance for cooperation, but they were miraculously pulled together by Chen Qi and cooperated a little.

After eating and taking a break, Chen Qi stood up: "Let's get started! Let's get started!"

The five people went to their respective areas and continued shooting.


"Why didn't the gun go out?"


"You are crazy, how many times have I told you?"

After a long time of tossing and turning, it was early morning, and everyone was about to reach their limit, so they did it again.

"Everyone, get ready!"

"3, 2, 1, ACTION!"

For this kind of aerial perspective, a plane is needed for higher shots, and a large jib is needed for lower shots. Now there is a jib that can reach up to about 11 meters and can carry a photographer, an assistant, and a lighting assistant.

Changcheng has a set of equipment, and Li Wenhua personally took charge of the camera and did his old job. He stood on the gimbal, the camera was aimed, and a picture of the chaotic and decadent late Qing Dynasty slowly unfolded in the camera:

The alleys were crisscrossed, and the fake Boxer thugs had a grim smile on their faces, wantonly stripping off a woman's clothes and pressing her under them. The woman cried and struggled, while letting her children run away;

Several Qing soldiers were holding ropes and weapons, arresting these thugs. The thugs drank magic water to pray for the gods, and first killed a poor guy who ran out of the opium den;

Nalan Yuanshu commanded calmly, and the people fled in panic behind him;

Yang Yugan beat Jiugong Zhenren (Ji Chunhua);

The two-faced Bodhisattva fell in a pool of blood, and Huanglian Shengmu flew to the top of the wall, holding a fan in one hand and a red lantern in the other, facing a group of foreigners with glaring eyes, wanting to avenge his junior sister...

The ground was full of bloody clouds and wolfhounds, it was the Qing Dynasty that was about to collapse!

As soon as Li Wenhua started shooting, he had an intuition that this time it was stable! His camera scanned the scene bit by bit, and the feeling became stronger and stronger. His heart began to pound. Finally, the camera landed on the last scene: a burned opium den.

"It's done!"

He almost shouted out, and couldn't wait to stand up, picked up the megaphone and shouted loudly: "Good!"



When this sentence was shouted out, the whole audience was silent for two seconds, and then cheered. The three days of hard work were not in vain.

These extras may not have a sincere feeling for the movie, but when the cost they paid was too high, they also unconsciously fell into this emotion, instantly resonated, and jumped for success.

Tsui Hark also laughed and said: "Wow, I have learned a lot by shooting this scene!"

"Then you come to the left, Li Lianjie shoots for you every day. What are these 100 people? Our support for the movie is beyond your imagination. Tanks and cannons, huge crowds of people, thousands of horses galloping, beautiful rivers and mountains, and all kinds of resources are available. You can't find them in Hong Kong!"

Chen Qi found an opportunity to rebel.

Xu Ke swallowed his saliva and shook his big head: "Don't talk about politics, don't talk about politics!"


After rushing, he finally completed the task within ten days.

The group came and went in a hurry, and Chen Qi and Fu Qi went to see them off again. Li Lianjie asked: "Brother Qi, when will you come back?"

"I'm almost done. It's winter, I have to go back and get some magazines."

Chen Qi suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, you still live in the martial arts team?"

"Yes, I have various connections in the martial arts team, so of course I can live there. Do you have a good place for me to live?" Li Lianjie asked expectantly.

"No, no, then you can live here. We happen to be short of housing."

Chen Qi smiled and turned to Li Jianqun: "Teacher Li, has your accommodation company solved the problem for you?"

"Telling to stay at Lechunfang temporarily."

"Oh, that's fine. Let's feel aggrieved for a while."

"It's okay. I've gone to see it. It's much better than the dormitory where I went to school. The courtyard is very beautiful." Li Jianqun said with a smile.

During the filming, she and Ji Chunhua could stay in the guest house, but after filming, they couldn't stay in the hotel anymore and had to move to Lechunfang. Chen Qi was going to go back to the leaders of the Ministry of Culture to buy a non-residential house first, renovate it by himself, and make do with it first.

He will have to continue recruiting next year.

Then I quickly applied for a piece of land to build a dormitory for the company, so that I would no longer feel the stigma of this house.

"Okay, it's time to go in!"

Li Wenhua greeted, everyone stood up and said goodbye to Chen Qi reluctantly.

"You should come back quickly!"

"Brother Qi, I'm waiting for you!"

"let's go!"

Chen Qi waved his hands, feeling a little emotional. Although it was great to eat, drink and have fun in Hong Kong for a few months, it was not home after all.

I bid farewell to everyone and returned to the Clear Water Bay studio.

He and Fu Qi arrived at the main administrative building, entered the office and closed the door. Fu Qi asked, "It's already the end of October. Can "Tai Chi 2" be finished in post-production before the Spring Festival?"

"New Year's Eve is early this year. New Year's Eve is in January, November and December, two and a half months..."

Chen Qi shook his head and said: "Even if it can be finished, it will be very rushed. I don't recommend the Spring Festival stall. How about the summer stall?"

"The summer film is also available, and the Spring Festival film will be given to "Shaolin Temple". Director Zhang has worked hard for two years, and he also wants to see the results."

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