1979 Golden Age

Chapter 259 Everything is ready

Xinhua Bookstore offers a 50% discount on its products. Their channels are great and they take the initiative.

The Educated Youth Cooperative offers a 40% discount, because the profit from the magazine is small and the cooperative has almost no cost. Naturally, it charges more for free money.

The capital has a population of 9.19 million. These cooperatives are spread throughout the streets and alleys of various districts, covering almost all citizens. They are more powerful than Xinhua Bookstore, but the reader conversion rate may not be high.

If you like to go to bookstores, you will definitely have a higher chance of purchasing in the end.

Chen Qi went to Yu Jiajia again and asked about the price of playing GG in the China Youth Daily. It turned out to be tens of thousands of yuan. He was so cruel that he did it anyway and allocated some funds to "World Wonders".

The founding capital of Zheng Yuanjie's "The King of Fairy Tales" was only 5,000 yuan, while that of "Legends of Modern and Ancient Times" was 30,000 yuan.

"World Wonders" is already very luxurious.

Chen Jianjun became busy, contacting salesmen in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and other places to help his son sell magazines. He ordered a few hundred copies of this one and a few hundred copies of that one. At first, there were not many, but if they sold well, they would be able to follow up. repair.

Sunday, rest.

No one in Lechunfang went out to play, including Ji Chunhua and Li Jianqun, they all gathered in the office and stared at the TV.

"Lang Ping! It's Lang Ping again!"

"The Chinese team scored. As long as we defeat the Japanese team, we will win the Women's Volleyball World Cup!"

This was a follow-up broadcast. Everyone was ups and downs following Song Shixiong's passionate explanation, but it was actually very stable because the results had already been reported in the newspapers.

Chen Qi and Liang Xiaosheng were sitting nearby, counting orders from bookstores in various places, and looking at the TV from time to time.

This is the Women's Volleyball World Cup held in Japan, and China's three major teams won their first world championship. According to statistics, in 7 games, the Chinese team spiked the ball a total of 1,116 times, of which Lang Ping spiked the ball 407 times alone and scored 79 points. The "Iron Hammer" became famous.

In the early days of reform and opening up, the country was poor and the people were poor, and they lacked the confidence to open their eyes to the world. Sports was one of the most effective means of improving pride and national spirit.

The idea of ​​gold medal supremacy has lasted for decades. Although later generations also pay attention to it, it is no longer like it was in the 1980s and 1990s. We are so open and tolerant that we even maintained official respect for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. On the contrary, the West itself criticized it. ——It is full of various elements and is purely deliberately disgusting.


"nice shot!"

"The Chinese team won, the Chinese team won the championship!"


Everyone couldn't help but clap their hands, and everyone was excited.

Chen Qi understands very well that this championship is of great significance and can be recorded as a historical node. It has been demonstrated in "My Motherland and Me" and "Win the Championship".

"Okay, okay, be quiet!"

He asked everyone to face him and said: "Lao Liang and I made statistics. The number of "Stories of the World" ordered by bookstores in various places totaled more than 30,000 copies..."

"Huh? So few?"

"I thought it was at least 50,000 copies!"

"Quiet quiet!"

Chen Qi saw that they were a little disappointed and said with a smile: "The first issue is normal. When the GG of China Youth Daily is printed and the magazine is released, there will be orders in the future. We must have confidence in our magazine.

Who contacted the printing factory? "


An editor raised his hand.

"Everyone, please work hard during this period. We have few people now and no full-time distribution staff, so we can only work together. When we pass this level, we will definitely celebrate it. At least the bonus will not be less!"

After a brief meeting, everything was ready, just waiting for the magazine to be released.

Liang Xiaosheng called him out and whispered: "The Chinese New Year will be in January."

"Yes what's the matter?"

"What did you say? We are a serious unit after all. Are there any Spring Festival benefits?"


Chen Qi was stunned for a moment and then said: "Is there such a thing as Spring Festival welfare?"

Seeing that Liang Xiaosheng was in a hurry, he smiled and said: "We don't even have a labor union, so no one is taking care of this stall. You can go to the Beijing Film Studio to see what they release during the Spring Festival, and help us buy a few copies. Anyway, there are only a few of us."

"It can only be the!"

Liang Xiaosheng shook his head. He often jumped between regret and no regret recently. He had no management experience, so he suddenly became a leader. He only felt trivial and troubled everywhere.


Let’s not mention that side yet.

In the blink of an eye, it’s December, and China Film’s fourth quarter movie screening will be held as scheduled.

In the fourth quarter, we will watch movies that will be released in the first quarter of next year.

Representatives of film companies from various provinces gathered in the capital and first inquired about the status of "Tai Chi 2". When they heard that the post-production work had not been completed and was not on the film list, they were immediately disappointed.

"Tai Chi" is still playing, and the attendance rate is still good in some areas, not to mention rural areas. It is common to walk twenty miles to the next village to watch a movie.

To exaggerate a bit, last year's "Romance in Lushan" was still being screened in a few areas.

"This movie is good, better than yesterday's!"

"How come Shanghai Film Studio has also made a martial arts film? How many movies is this already?"

"That's called a martial arts movie! Now that martial arts movies are so popular, who can't get along with the audience?"

What was playing was "The Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs" produced by Shanghai Film Studio.

Following each representative, they began to fill in the form, report the quantity, and make statistics of China Film and Television personnel.

Regardless of the humiliation that China Film Group suffered at the hands of Chen Qi in the first half of the year, as long as it is thick-skinned, it is still a monopoly.

""The Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs", 35mm copy, 308 in total!"


There was a discussion below. What they watched most these days were martial arts movies.

It seems that all the studios have discussed it and are extremely jealous of "Tai Chi". They all bet on it.

Unfortunately, most of them are bad. There are no actors and no movements. It is not exciting at all. The worst thing is that they use opera movements to make up the numbers. The fighting is like singing.


The representatives of various companies are drowsy. At present, only "Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs" and "Kyoto Ball Man" of Xiying Studio are of good quality.

The number of copies of "Kyoto Ball Man" has also exceeded 300.

"Take a break, there is one last movie... uh, this is a joint production of brother units in Hong Kong. It took three years to complete. It is called "Shaolin Temple" and Li Lianjie is the star."

Li Lianjie?

When they heard the name, everyone was no longer sleepy and hurriedly said: "Let's show it now, it doesn't matter to us!"

"Let's show it!"

So, "Shaolin Temple" was shown in front of everyone for the first time.

Historically, "Shaolin Temple" was first released in Hong Kong and then in the mainland. Now its limelight has been robbed and its presence is seriously insufficient.

But the quality is still very high.

The beautiful landscape, moving music, and actors who are almost the same as those in "Tai Chi" made everyone fascinated.

And when they came back to their senses, they secretly compared and found some differences.

"Shaolin Temple" is great in all aspects, except for the fighting scenes. Although each move is very real and beautiful, it is too virtual.

When a punch is thrown, the audience can't feel the force of the punch, and even feel that it doesn't touch the opponent at all, but the opponent screams and acts like he is seriously injured.

In short, there is a lack of sense of impact.

"Tai Chi" has a good example before, and it emphasizes this sense of impact, which is very enjoyable.


Everyone has a good idea in mind, fills out the form and hands it in, and the staff of China Film Group are not surprised when they see it.

"Shaolin Temple, 35mm copy, 410 copies in total!"

(No more!

My power is out, and the water will be cut off at 11 o'clock. I typed the second chapter on my phone.

Our neighborhood has been flooded. I waded out to check on my car at noon. Fortunately, it is located at a high position and is not soaked in water. Oh~)

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