1979 Golden Age

Chapter 262

On the last day of December, Yang Jie came to see Chen Qi.

She was an artistic young person at heart. She commented on the courtyard, sat down in the house, and said, "Two things. The first is that "Judge Bao" will be broadcast on New Year's Eve!"

"Good news!"

"The second is that the unit is preparing for the Four Great Classics, and I got one."

"Dream of Red Mansions?"

"No, Journey to the West!"

Yang Jie still sighed and said, "Didn't you say that you would take the initiative to film the Four Great Classics? I came to you now, and you can see if you are writing a script or something?"

"Of course I wrote a script, but I'm too busy, At most, I can write one episode."

"One episode is fine. I have no idea now. I will officially prepare after the Spring Festival. You can write it when you have time."

The old lady was in a hurry and was about to leave. Chen Qi said, "I have another suggestion. If you want to shoot a scene of flying in the clouds, you will probably need to use wires, which means using steel wires to hang people up and fly. If you are sure to use it, be sure to come to me. No one in China can use it except me."


Yang Jie looked at him unexpectedly and smiled, "Okay! I'll see when the time comes!"

The old lady left.

Chen Qi was moved by himself. I have been working hard for the literary and artistic cause of my country!

Among the four great classics of CCTV, "Journey to the West" is the most unique one because it is filmed and broadcast at the same time.

Preparation will begin in February next year. By October, the pilot episode "Exorcising the Black Chicken Kingdom" will be released. Although some criticisms have been made, the overall opinion is that it is well shot, the effect exceeds expectations, and the audience response is strong.

Under this mood, Journey to the West will take out a few episodes during the Spring Festival every year, and they are not in the order of the plot.

For example, "Stealing the Ginseng Fruit" was broadcast in 1983, and "The Plan to Capture Zhu Bajie" was broadcast in 1984.

By 1986, 11 episodes had been broadcast, and all aspects were gradually mature. The opening song was already Yungong Xunyin, and the master and apprentice makeup was also finalized. This is the origin of the name of the 1986 version of "Journey to the West".

"Oh, which episode should I write?"

"Of course I will write "A Fun Journey to the Kingdom of Women"! This is called leaving a name in history, and the Internet in the future will worship me and become a god with incense..."

Chen Qi came through and was addicted to punching in classics, so he must get involved.

And he wanted to get all those sisters in to show their faces as an Easter egg for netizens in the future.

"Sister Xue, do you want to go?"

He thought, Gong Xue is too famous now, and I don’t know if there is a suitable role. Let’s see later.


In the blink of an eye, it’s New Year’s Day.

Chen Qi had been here for three years without realizing it. He thought he had made some achievements and was not bad. Moreover, he was one year older and became 22 years old, reaching the legal age for marriage.


On the morning of the first day of the New Year, Chen Qi brushed his teeth, spit out mouthwash, and stood in the empty backyard shivering.

When the capital was coldest, the two trees had already withered branches, and the courtyard was desolate. Gong Xue was not there again. She was rehearsing a program yesterday. A unit as big as the Beijing Film Studio must hold a New Year's party.

Gong Xue was a representative actor, and the union asked her to perform two programs. She chose singing and dancing.

"It's cold in the lonely sandbar!"

Chen Qi was too lazy to cook. He walked to the small door and opened the bolt. With a clang, he stepped into a U-shaped path, turned from the ear room, and saw people instantly.

Li Jianqun came out without a coat, wrapped in a blanket, draped over his body, like a gypsy, and greeted: "Teacher Chen, are you here for a free meal again?"

"I can't cook, what delicious food have you made?"

"Steamed buns, porridge, pickles, um, and eggs."

"The eggs are good, I'll go try them!"

When they arrived at the main room in the front yard, Liang Xiaosheng and Ji Chunhua were also there. The four of them were eating together. Liang Xiaosheng was eating and suddenly asked: "Will anyone come today?"

"China Youth Daily has such a big influence, half of the page is for us to say GG, someone must have come here by following the address."

"Brother Qi, you guys still say GG when you run a magazine?" Ji Chunhua asked vaguely while chewing on a steamed bun.

"You're kidding! I spent tens of thousands of yuan and subscribed for a month. You have to publish it every few days!"

"Wow, someone must come, I can help."

"I really need you, if someone makes trouble, just kick them out." Chen Qi smiled.

The 30,000 magazines ordered by bookstores in various places have been sent out long ago. They will be officially released today, and the China Youth Daily's GG will also be printed. After breakfast, I heard a sound outside. It turned out that four editors came in.

"Why are you here on vacation?"

"Hehe, we can't stay at home safely, so it's better to sit in the office!"

"Yes, yes, if there is anything, we can also help."

Chen Qi praised, what a good subjective initiative, in the future, it will be a holy body of workers who voluntarily work overtime.

Several people cleaned up and carefully wiped the plaque of "World Wonders". The door opened, and they welcomed this day nervously and expectantly.


At nine o'clock, the sun finally broke through the haze in Beijing and sprinkled rays of sunshine.

At a bus stop in Xicheng, the door of a bus opened, and 23-year-old Feng Xiaogang, wearing a military coat and a hat, jumped down unsteadily. He also had a holiday today and wanted to go home.

His parents divorced when he was young, and he lived with his mother and sister. After graduating from high school, he joined the army. Because he loved art, he joined the art troupe as an artist, responsible for designing stage sets, setting up and dismantling the stage, etc.

There were many beautiful lesbians in the art troupe. He didn't have much interaction with them, but he always yearned for them. He often fantasized about a scene: the female art troupe had taken a bath, with wet hair, and bare neck to wear clothes in the hall. Put on the military uniform, stuff the military cap into the satchel and walk out of the barracks...

Later, this scene was filmed by him in "Youth".

He walked for a while and entered a large factory complex - Xinhua Printing Factory. He walked further and came to an area of ​​bungalows, which were staff dormitories. His mother was the health doctor in the factory.


"Gangzi is back, are you cold?"

"It's quite cold. Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry!"

"Eat as soon as you get back. Wait, I'll cook it for you!"

Feng Xiaogang had a good time, showing his rotten teeth, took off his coat and sat next to the small stove to warm himself.

He is from an ordinary family. When he was hanging out with Wang Shuo's gang, he said that he was from Beipiao. The Beijing circle was full of literary and artistic families and big family members. When he heard that he was from Beipiao, he thought he was one of his own, but later he found out that he was from BJ Bulb. Factory...

At this moment, he was warming himself by the fire and took a stack of newspapers to read.

"The central leaders said that one country, two systems. Two systems are allowed. They should not destroy the mainland's system, and we should not destroy his system... Oh, Hong Kong wants one country, two systems, and Taiwan wants peaceful reunification. That's right!"

"We have to play against New Zealand, and I don't know if I can make it to the World Cup!"


His eyes fell on a page, almost half a page long, with a huge and eye-catching headline: "The story of Tai Chi is exclusively revealed, and the behind-the-scenes photos are unique!"

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