1979 Golden Age

Chapter 28 Casting Criteria

The original "Love in Lushan" starred Zhang Yu and Guo Kaimin, both from Shanghai Film Studio.

In fact, the first person to be cast was not Zhang Yu, but another actress. However, this person was caught by the police for sleeping with a foreigner in a foreign-related hotel.

Both of them are in their early 20s, their acting skills can only be said to be passable, and they have the unique stylized style of this era, but they are more beautiful and young, and they have starred in a good movie and became an instant hit.

Zhang Yu also acted in "Bashan Night Rain", "Small Street", etc., and became extremely popular. She won the Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award, and Government Award in one year, and achieved a Grand Slam at a young age.

Then he went abroad.

There was a very funny phenomenon at that time. Whoever was awarded the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress would go abroad. It was like an overseas agency. Xie Jin was very angry and said: "Don't give awards to young actresses. They won the big award so early." , they will go abroad after winning the prize..."

"When we choose actors, we usually look at the ones in the factory first. The factory doesn't look for them from outside."

When Wang Haowei mentioned this topic, he suddenly sighed: "To tell you the truth, I have been thinking about those girls even when sleeping these days. Regardless of Liu Xiaoqing, Li Xiuming, or that little Cai Ming, none of them are suitable.

It’s not easy! "

"Then what do you think the heroine should be like?" Chen Qi asked.

“The first thing is to be pure, the second thing is to be foreign!

You can't find a gaudy person to play the role, you must have a girl's sense of coquettishness.

And she is an overseas Chinese in the United States, so she is definitely different from us, so we have to show this difference. From makeup, hairstyle, clothing, every move, etc., everything must be exquisite and exquisite, but it should not be too exaggerated. "

"While keeping a distance from ordinary people, we can't be out of reach?" Chen Qidao said.


Wang Haowei knocked on the table. It was a pleasure chatting with this guy. It was very clear.

"I heard that actors have to experience life before filming. How do you experience this foreign style?"

"Try to arrange it as much as possible, such as staying in an overseas Chinese hotel for a week and observe the speech and behavior of those real overseas Chinese."

"Such heavy bleeding?"

"This is tradition! It's normal."

Wang Haowei didn't take it seriously and asked: "Xiao Chen, can you tell me your point of view?"

"I agree with you about the heroine. As for the hero, I think it's best to be more handsome."


The king was very happy and said: "Why do you use handsome to describe it? Why not handsome?"

"The male protagonist has a shy personality and is relatively passive in this relationship. He blushes easily and is shy, so he cannot be a tough guy like Ken Takakura, who is very masculine. He can be softer and more beautiful."

"Be pretty..."

Wang Haowei thoughtfully wrote something in his notebook and said, "Is there anything else?"

"The time span will span five years. At the beginning, the male and female protagonists are young and ignorant. What about five years later? They can't still be young and ignorant, right? I think there should be some changes in the appearance, a little more mature, and preferably a more mature character. ”

"Well, this is good and this is good!"

"The hero's sister is a traditional woman. I don't have any special ideas. There should be many actors like this."

The two chatted for a long time. Wang Haowei was very happy and said with a smile: "I thought we would have a lot of differences, but I didn't expect to be so unanimous. Next we will make formal preparations. If there are any problems with the script, I will come back to you."

"Then my mission is almost completed?"

"No, no, you can give opinions on all aspects. During the filming, the scene may be changed temporarily, and you need to be involved. Normally, the filming will start in the second half of the year, finish within the year, and be released next year."

Wang Haowei paused and made a special point: "In other words, you can participate until the filming is completed."

"Can we stay in the guest house forever?"

"Ha ha!"

Wang Haowei burst out laughing and said, "Don't be embarrassed. For the factory, it's just an extra person's salary. If it can be exchanged for a good work, Director Wang will be happy for it!"


Returned to the guest house, the familiar room 302.

Chen Qi washed his face and had nothing to do, so he simply lay on the bed and took a nap.

I heard that people in Shanxi like to take naps the most. The genes engraved in their bones are just like the Shandong people’s examination writing, the Tianjin people’s preaching and singing, and the Sichuan girls’ labor and management Shu Daoshan...

When I woke up, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

After washing his face again, he felt a little better. He had some free time after writing the script. It seemed that he had to do something else. Although he looks lazy, he is not just a salty fish at heart, he is thinking about his career.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Please come in!"

When Liang Xiaosheng came in, Chen Qi was reading a book called "900 English Sentences", which Yu Xiuli got.

English is not very sensitive nowadays, and there is a craze for learning English among the people. For example, in "Love in Lushan", the heroine taught the hero to say "I love my motherland", which is a phenomenon of the times.

He pretended to look frequently to cover up his increasingly fluent English.

"Have you finished talking to Teacher Wang?"

"Well, it was a good chat and progressed quickly."

"That's why you can make rapid progress. You don't know. When the director and screenwriter were discussing before, they often got into fights over disagreements. As the saying goes, literary people look down on each other, and it's the same when making movies. They all think they are great."

Liang Xiaosheng sat on the chair and crossed his legs. 302 was already his second dormitory. He said: "By the way, Ge You has an exam tomorrow. He is practicing hard at home. The old man is with him personally. The ACFTU Art Troupe is recruiting people. We will take the exam again this time." If not, then there is really no hope.”

"It's no problem for him. Even for those big pigs and little pigs, they have to pass the exam."

Liang Xiaosheng sat for a while, then stood up to leave.

Chen Qi thought for a while and followed him out.

While walking in the courtyard, before he reached the main building, he suddenly felt happy and walked a few steps quickly. In front of him, Jiang Shan, who was coming towards him, opened her eyes wide and ran away.

"Why are you running?"

"Don't come over here, it's so annoying!"

"If you don't say hello to me and your speech is rude, I'll tell your dad!"

"Ahhh, bad guy!"


He succeeded in teasing the little girl, and was extremely happy. Liang Xiaosheng sighed. Xiao Chen is usually quite mature, but he didn't expect that he also has a childish side.

After going to the main building, Chen Qizhen went to find Jiang Huaiyan, but instead of complaining, he wanted to borrow a phone. Telephones are also a rarity these days. Individual households don’t have them at all, only large units have them.

He not only eats and drinks, but also eats and drinks everything.

Shamelessly, he called the China Youth Daily and said, "Hello, is this the China Youth Daily... Oh, I'm looking for reporter Yu Jiajia!"

After waiting for a while, a female voice came from the other side.

"Comrade Chen Qi? Why did you call me?"

"I would like to inquire. I heard that "Tianjin Daily" has published GG. Have newspapers in Beijing opened GG business?"

"No, Tianjin is Tianjin, and Beijing is Beijing. What are you going to do?"

"There have been more and more tea stalls recently, and we are under great pressure from competition. I want to continue to promote our tea stalls... How about we cooperate and make some news?"

(Thank you to the leader of the coffee table in life...

No more! )

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