1979 Golden Age

Chapter 36 Gong Xue

"Director Wang!"

On this day, after another meeting, Chen Qi stopped Wang Haowei.

"Xiao Chen, is something wrong?"

"It's like this. I read a magazine yesterday when I had nothing to do. It introduced a movie called "Sacrifice to the Reds", produced by Changying Film Studio. The heroine in it is pure and beautiful. She may be suitable for "Romance in Lushan Mountain"."


Wang Haowei became serious and asked, "Please tell me carefully."

"Her name is Gong Xue. I don't know which unit she is from. She plays three roles in it."


"Yes, she plays the mother, daughter and a fairy. Anyway, I think the image is pretty good. I recommend it to you."

"Gong Xue... OK, I'll remember it. I'll ask someone right away! Oh, it's hard for a kid like you to worry so much about choosing actors."

"I'm also part of the crew, as I should be."

After Chen Qi left, Wang Haowei immediately contacted Changying Film Factory.

"Ask Gong Xue, oh, we went through a lot of trouble to hire her to act..."

The other party complained immediately when he opened his mouth, saying: "She is from the General Political Department Repertory Theater. I wanted to hire her to film "Lamp" two years ago, but the General Secretary refused to let her go. Then we were planning to film "Sacrifice for the Reds", and I thought of her again, and the General Secretary still They refused to let him go and said he would go to Yunnan to perform.

As a result, she was injured and fractured, so she did not make it and was recuperating in the hospital.

In order to wait for her, we delayed the start-up for four months. We sent people to do the work repeatedly, interceded, and relied on connections. Only then did the General Administration relent. "

"What kind of fairy must she be that you want to pursue like this?" Wang Haowei said with a smile.

"Haha, you'll know it when you see it anyway!"

Such a chat aroused Wang Haowei's thoughts completely, and he quickly contacted the General Secretary.

The Zongzheng Repertory Theater was quite impressive, so she did not act rashly and first found a friend named Che Xiaotong. Che Xiaotong is an actor in the drama troupe. He has played the Golden Horn King in "Journey to the West", dubbed "Haier Brothers", and Marshal Liu in "Bright Sword". He has played Marshal Liu many times and is considered a special actor. .

He has a daughter named Che Xiao - the names of the father and daughter are quite interesting...

Che Xiaotong brought some photos of Gong Xue.

Wang Haowei took a look and understood why Changying Factory would rather wait four months to find her.


This is a special era.

Chen Qi seems to be out of touch, but actually he has a lot of sense in his heart.

For example, in English, he only dares to read an English book every day, creating the illusion of studying hard. If you don’t hide it, you’ll be able to speak English with a click, please! Are you kidding about being an anti-enemy agent?

Even though there was only one year difference between 1979 and 1980, many things were very different.

The 1980s were wild, and the 1990s were even wilder. That was an era of unscrupulousness.

Another example is "Romance in Lushan". Although the content seems bold, it is actually catering to the tastes of senior executives. There is also the matter of casting. If the crew's progress was too slow, he would not say anything.

Wang Haowei is very active. She first bypassed the General Political Repertory Theater and invited Gong Xue to come privately.

So in the morning of this day, the creative team gathered in the small conference room again, waiting for the candidates to arrive.

Chen Qi sat in the corner as usual, and he was looking forward to it. There was a saying on the Internet that "Zhu Lin in the north and Gong Xue in the south" were the two prides of the 1980s! But there was no such statement at the time. This was a statement made by later generations of netizens after recalling archeology.

Gong Xue is really popular, but Zhu Lin is actually a little bit worse. She has filmed more TV series, and the buffs of the King of the Daughter Kingdom are full.

Now that he is here, he naturally wants to meet the beauties of this era one by one. He can't keep seeing Cai Ming...

Not long after waiting, I suddenly heard someone speaking outside, seemingly asking.

Following the sound of footsteps, they suddenly became gentle when they reached the door, and a figure appeared in front of everyone. Wang Haowei and the creative team all looked at the door.

She came in a military uniform, a hat, and a pair of white sandals. She was of medium height, about 163cm.

The feet are also very small.

The hair poked out from under the hat, and it seemed to have some curls, and underneath it was a face as big as a palm. The eyebrows are curved, the eyes are beautiful, the shape of the lips is delicate and delicate, and the teeth are white and even when smiling, which is very rare.

Everyone knows the word "bright eyes and white teeth", but they are not very clear about what it looks like. Now when I meet someone, the words "bright eyes and white teeth" suddenly come to mind.

"Hello, Director Wang!"

"Hello, teachers!"

She was a little nervous, so she came in and bowed first.

"Hello, hello, please sit down!"

Wang Haowei asked her to sit down and said with a smile: "I invite you here in private today. Teacher Che has told you, right?"

"Teacher Che told me, thank you for your consideration."

She just sat down and wanted to stand up again. Wang Haowei waved his hand quickly: "Okay, okay, no need to be so formal. I feel awkward. Let's have a casual chat. Can you take off your hat?"


She reached out and uncovered it. Wang Haowei's eyes became brighter and he asked, "I heard that you are from Shanghai?"

"Yes, I was born in Shanghai."

"What do your parents do?"

"My father is a photographer and my mother is an artist. I went to Jiangxi to join the team after graduating from middle school."


Wang Haowei blinked and said, "Then how did you get to the General Administration?"

"I first applied for the art corps of the army. At that time, the General Political Repertory Theater was going to put on a play "Ten Thousand Rivers and Thousands of Mountains", so I was selected, and then I stayed... Last year, I filmed "Sacrifice for the Red" by Changying Studio 》……”

The room became very quiet, except for the sound of questions and answers.

Because she spoke so softly, completely different from a big girl from the capital like Fang Shu, everyone could not help but whisper softly, while she sat there with her legs together, her hands on her thighs, and her waist straight. , like student exams.

"Do you know about "Lushan Love"?"

"I'm not sure. Teacher Che said it's a love story."

"Absolutely. There is love and patriotism in it... By the way, I heard that you are 26 years old. Are you married?"

"not yet."

"Have you ever had any experience in love?"

"I have been in the army..."

She blushed, "Not very experienced."

Wang Haowei laughed again, asked her to read a line, tasted it, and asked: "Then are you interested in starring in "Lushan Love"?"

"I'd love to be in it, I mean, if I was given the opportunity."

"In this way, you first take a copy of the script and read it carefully. Leave it to me at the repertory troupe, and I will be responsible for communication. But let's make it clear first that I don't guarantee that you will be able to participate in the performance. I am just here to try out the play first and make preliminary preparations. "

"Okay, thank you director, thank you teachers!"

She stood up and bowed again.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the screenwriter, our famous little talent, Chen Qi!"

"Hello, first time meeting you!"

"Hello Hello!"

Gong Xue was surprised by his young age, but she still called him an honorific. The two shook hands gently, met the photographer, assistant director and others, then said goodbye and left.

There's a meeting here soon.

"The first is purity, the second is foreignness!"

"Needless to say, pure, not too foreign."

"I think it's pretty good. What is western style? If you say someone born with western style, it's very hard to find. In fact, dressing up, wearing beautiful clothes, and having a fashionable hairstyle is called western style!"

"The audience has never seen what overseas Chinese in the United States look like. If we really follow the standards of overseas Chinese in the United States, it might be useless. We still have to conform to the aesthetics of the Chinese people."

"Anyway, let's come in first, with Fang Shu and Zhou Lijing in one group, and Gong Xue and Tang Guoqiang in one group. We'll bring the clothes from Hong Kong and see how they feel."

"Well, that's good too!"


Chen Qi was a little speechless.

It’s common for movies these days to shoot one scene a day and take a year to complete one scene.

It can be said that he is meticulous about art, or it can be said that he is inefficient. He has to hold meetings to study everything and study it over and over again. He has fully realized this during this period.

Chen Qi hugged his notebook and left the conference room with his head buried in his head.

The screenwriter's voice is still low, but I want to climb to the top step by step!

(Thanks to Slime Under Ice for upgrading Silver Moe...

No more! )

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