1979 Golden Age

Chapter 96: Rich people show off their wealth

Beijing Film Studio, big bathhouse.

Rows of simple lockers rose in the heat. Chen Qi was wearing clothes, and in half a minute he was covered in sweat. He took off his shirt and stuffed it into the locker, and said casually: "Where are you going to play tomorrow?"

"The Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Summer Palace. Brother Yu knows the place well, he will take us there."

Ji Chunhua was opposite, also taking off his clothes to take a bath. He stripped himself clean in a few seconds to reveal his tendon meat. He had dark skin and even darker body, and a pendulum swung under his crotch.


They are the most victorious when they are honest with each other.

Ji Chunhua has always been proud of his capital, and deliberately moved over there to show off, saying: "Brother Qi, are you going home tomorrow?"

"Well, my home is over there in Qianmen. You know Qianmen, right?"

Chen Qi responded while taking off his trousers.

"I don't know, where is it?"

"It's about two or three kilometers south of Tiananmen Square. I'll invite you to visit me if I have a chance."

Chen Qi took off his underwear again and turned his butt towards him.

"Okay, I'll definitely go!"

Seeing that he didn't turn around, Ji Chunhua got a little anxious and said, "Brother Qi, the Hong Kong martial arts director you said is really that big... big... hiss!!!"

He suddenly took a breath and stared at a certain position.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Qi had already turned around.

"It's okay, I'll go in first!"

Ji Chunhua was very frustrated and went in dejectedly. Chen Qi shrugged and just packed up the cabinet when Li Lianjie turned around: "You're too slow, why haven't you taken it off yet... hiss!"

He also took a breath.

As a man who has been exploited by a famous instrument like Li Zhi for twenty years, he has his own methods, but at this moment he feels inferior.

Chen Qi walked in with a towel and a bath towel, and met Wang Qun, Sun Jiankui, Xiong Xinxin and others. He crushed them all the way, and even the two seniors Yu Hai and Yu Chenghui had to sigh that the young are formidable.

Tsk! No knowledge.

This is called gifted!

Chen Qi looked down on these virgins and went to take a shower calmly.

The training class was over, and there was a holiday tomorrow. Today was the day to have hot water, so he simply bought more than a dozen bath tickets and invited everyone to take a bath. Taking a bath together is also a good way for gay men to enhance their feelings.

Everyone took a bath and rubbed. These years, the conditions were scarce and there were not so many things to do. Southern friends like Ji Chunhua and Xiong Xinxin were also very generous.

In the end, they all soaked in the pool.

More than a dozen people just sat in a circle, and the pool was full of weirdos. No one dared to get within three feet.

After a period of time together, they each made new friends and chatted in groups of three or four. Chen Qi stayed for a while and suddenly asked, "Xiao Li, are you going home tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm going back to see my mom!" Li Lianjie said.

"I have to go to the bank to do some things tomorrow. Can you spare some time to accompany me? You are good at acting."

"You want me to be your bodyguard? I am precious. When I visited the United States with the team and performed for Nixon, Nixon wanted me to be his bodyguard. Guess what I said?"

"You said you want to defend your country when you grow up!"

"How did you know?"

Li Lianjie's eyes widened instantly.

"Don't talk nonsense with me. I just want to ask you if you are going?"

"Since you are asking me for help, I will accompany you as a brother!"

Li Lianjie said brother, but he didn't take it seriously. He admitted that Chen Qi was good at teaching and performing, but he was also a national champion and a person who visited the United States, so he didn't bow down to him.

Then, Chen Qi found three locals, Wang Qun, Ge Chunyan, and Huang Qiuyan. The three of them were confused, but they agreed.

The next day.

Chen Qi led four people to the bank in a mighty manner, and inexplicably brought a bag.

Li Lianjie joked: "What do you put in the bag when you go to the bank?"

"Of course, the bank is for money!" Huang Qiuyan laughed.

"Wow, how much money can such a big bag hold?"

The two of them sang the same tune, but Chen Qi ignored them and asked Ge Chunyan, who was one year older than him: "Sister Chunyan, can your Baguazhang kill people?"


Ge Chunyan looked at him like she was caring for a fool and said: "It can, but why would I kill someone for no reason?"

"What if, I mean, what if something happens, you have to protect me, I'm counting on you!"

"Hey, what you're saying, none of the three of us can fight, right?"

"Are you looking for us to make up the number?"

After making a lot of noise all the way to the bank, Chen Qi took out a withdrawal slip and supporting documents he received yesterday from his pocket, walked to the window, and said: "Hello comrade, I'm going to withdraw money!"

"Please wait!"

The staff took the slip and glanced at it, and was immediately stunned. He rubbed his eyes and looked at it again, and then turned to Chen Qi in disbelief.

"I've been here once before, also to collect manuscript fees, last time it was 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, do you remember?"

"10,000 Hong Kong dollars..."

This amount was rare in the first place, and the staff remembered it as soon as they thought about it: "Oh, it's you, wait a minute, I'll call the leader!"

Not long after, the leader I met last time hurried over and said with a smile: "Comrade Chen, you are really a pleasant surprise, can we talk inside?"

"It won't be another review, will it?"

"The necessary procedures still need to be followed, but it will definitely not be like last time, just a chat."

"Wait for me first."

Chen Qi turned around and gave instructions, and followed the leader into a small room.

The others were dumbfounded. What did I just hear? 10,000 Hong Kong dollars!! He took that bag. It wouldn't be filled with real money, right? Li Lianjie only received 500 yuan in subsidies when he went abroad, but he had never handled such a large amount of money. He was also dumbfounded.

But Chen Qi entered the house and sat on the soft leather sofa.

The leader took the receipt and read it carefully twice. This time, the remitter was not Great Wall, but a company called "Peace Films". He smiled and said, "Is it still the royalties?"


"Does Hong Kong pay screenwriters so well?"

"It's considered bad. Popular stars there can earn hundreds of thousands for a film, but how much does an editor get?"

"Hey, they are a capitalist society with a developed economy, which is also very good. Excuse me, this Peace Films... I mean, there is no black background, right?"

"It's just an ordinary film company. Great Wall helped me find it. You don't want to verify it with Great Wall, do you?"

"No, no, of course not!"

The other party smiled and didn't know what he was thinking. He asked a few more questions and said, "I believe there are geniuses in this world. You are so young, oh, this, this..."

He held the receipt, and the amount was clearly written on it: 30,000 Hong Kong dollars!

The market price of a script in Hong Kong is 10,000-30,000. It only costs 50,000 to hire a famous writer. Yuan Heping is very sensible to give 30,000.

"Okay, we'll exchange it with you right away!"

"Do you have remittance vouchers this time?"

"Haha, yes, yes!"

The exchange was based on the exchange rate of the day, which was about 10,000 RMB. There were no 100 RMB notes these days. Ten-yuan notes were neatly stacked, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Don't think that the 1980s were a time of good men and women. It was a mess, otherwise there wouldn't have been the 1983 crackdown.

After that, there were remittance vouchers. One was a big copy with the amount written in the middle and sub-vouchers around it, with "food vouchers" and "shopping vouchers" written on it. It was also a very thick stack.

Chen Qi kept 1,000 RMB and saved the rest. He put the money and remittance vouchers into the bag and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

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