Chapter 394 Charities

  Village head Wang Liangping felt that the son of the Lan family was a jerk, and I wouldn't let him in!

  So he had no choice but to hang up the phone, and stayed at home sulking.

   After Lan Shengli received the call, he immediately told his daughter about it without hesitation—


  In Kyoto, just after Lan Shu finished her dinner, the small mobile phone beside her rang.

  She looked down at the caller ID, it was her adoptive father calling.

   Lan Shu picked up the phone, and soon heard her adoptive father tell the story about the drought in the village, the large area of ​​crops dying, and the village chief asking the Lan family to share the benefits of the back mountain to support everyone in the village.

  Lan Shu:? ? ?

   Lan Shu has always had a good impression of the head of Tianshui Village.

  Especially when she had something to contact her family in Qingyang County, she would call the village head's house and find her family through the village head's phone number.

  Later, she started a business, and sometimes when she returned to Tianshui Village during the Chinese New Year, she would never forget to bring a gift to the village head's house.

  In addition, her adoptive father used to be a small cadre in the village and worked with the village head, so Lan Shu always thought that the village head had a good relationship with his family.

   But now, knowing the plan of the village chief, Lan Shu has only one idea—

   Benefits touch people's hearts, this is really true!

In fact, if the village chief changed his method and told her family that the situation in the village was difficult, and asked them to help the poor households in the village who will suffer next year, Lan Shu believed that no matter whether it was her elder brother or her adoptive father, they would be happy. Humane rejection.

  But the village chief asked her family to divide their own interests with a strong attitude, and a fool would obey, right? !

  And such a rude request, even the best-tempered person, is enough to be aroused!

  On the phone, Lan Shu could hear what her adoptive father Lan Shengli meant. He would never ask his children to sacrifice their personal interests in this matter.

  But he went to Tianshui Village when he was young, and spent most of his life in Tianshui Village, and he has already regarded Tianshui Village as his hometown.

  So if there are difficulties in the village, he will give some help within his ability.

  Lan Shu can understand the kindness of her adoptive father.

  I also know that the old couple have opened a fried chicken shop in Linjiang City in the past few years, and they have indeed made some money, and they are able to help the village.

  But there must be a reason for helping.

  At least the villagers should not feel that they deserve these benefits as they should!

  Humans are greedy by nature. Once they get used to getting money from others for nothing for the first time, they will have the idea of ​​sitting back and enjoying it later.

  The story of Sheng Mi's kindness and Mi's hatred has happened in the past dynasties and dynasties.

  So Lan Shu said after her adoptive father Lan Shengli expressed his thoughts.

   "Dad, Tianshui Village is also the place where I grew up. If I want to do something for the village, I should also have my share, but what I want to do is not just to help the villagers of Tianshui Village."

  "The weather is severe this year, and the crops in rural areas in more places have been affected, and there may be no harvest throughout the year."

   "So I want to create a charity organization and invest some money in it for the farmers affected by this year's severe drought, so as to ensure that they will not be without food or unable to survive under the drought."

  Lan Shengli was slightly taken aback by what his daughter said—

   "Charity? Help all the disaster-stricken households? Does this need a lot of money?" Lan Shengli asked.

  Although he also has the idea of ​​helping others, Lan Shengli feels worried when he thinks that this matter will cost his daughter a lot of money.

  He was afraid that his daughter would spend too much money, which would affect her original career.

   Besides, Shushu is married, so if she casually distributes her money to others, will her husband's family disagree and get angry with her?

  Thinking of this, Lan Shengli wanted to persuade his daughter not to be too impulsive.

   Even if you help others, you must do what you can.

   But when Lan Shu had this idea, she had already made up her mind.

  Her voice came from the phone and fell into Lan Shengli's ears—

"Dad, if you want to do good things for others, then invest money in charity organizations. Since it is a charity organization, you and I must not only help so many people. I will spread the news so that people who are willing to do charity and willing Anyone who helps farmers in need can invest money in."

   Hearing what his daughter said, Lan Shengli was relieved.

  He thinks his daughter’s idea is very good. Let’s pool money together, so that we can help more people!

  So Lan Shengli listened to his daughter and prepared the money first, and the rest was waiting for his daughter to set up a charity organization—


  Lan Shu wants to set up a charity organization. She wants to do it, so she doesn't plan to hide it.

  She first discussed the feasibility of this matter with Xiao Bai.

  After receiving Xiaobai's support, the next morning, before her father-in-law Gu Anguo went to work, she called Gu's family and talked about setting up a charity organization.

  Gu Anguo learned of his daughter-in-law's thoughts, so he naturally supported her!

  This year encountered a severe drought that was rare in ten years. Many people in the higher-ups were devastated because of this matter. Even his work increased a lot due to the drought.

Now the daughter-in-law wants to do her part to deal with the drought. After confirming with Lan Shu the amount of the first batch of donations for the establishment of the charity, he wrote this matter into a written report as soon as he arrived at the work unit that morning. , handed it up—

   Someone is willing to donate money unconditionally to help farmers survive the drought, and the news spreads quite fast!

  Almost on the same day, the higher-ups were alarmed.

  The approval documents of the charity organization were also signed, stamped and approved on the spot after Gu Anguo brought his daughter-in-law to meet with the relevant leaders.

   Another day later, Lan Shu had asked the group finance to transfer 200,000 yuan of charity money to the charity's separate account.

   Although the 200,000 yuan is not much to Lan Shu, in this era of low prices, if the money is used for people's livelihood, it can already help many people!

  In addition to Lan Shu, Lan Shengli also transferred 10,000 yuan to his account.

  The money was negotiated between him and Chang Chunfang.

  The couple have made some money by opening a fried chicken shop in the past few years. Although Chunfang spends most of her time taking care of her grandson, the shop has been recruiting workers, which has not affected the speed of making money.

   Ten thousand yuan is not too much for the savings they have saved in the past few years, and it is a good thing to help others and do good deeds, so they are naturally more generous.

  In addition to Lan Shengli, Lan Weicheng, who lives in Kyoto, learned that his daughter has set up a charity organization. Of course, he also wants to support it.

  So Lan Weicheng transferred 20,000 yuan to the charity account.

  Lan Weicheng is now worth more than one million, 20,000 is really not much, but helping others and donating money is all voluntary, as much as you like, Lan Shu didn't say anything.

   It was Qian Qing and Lu Wei who worked on the 11th floor of their group. When they learned what Lan Shu had done recently, Qian Qing and Lu Wei each took out 50,000 in their own names, making a total of 100,000.

  (end of this chapter)

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