Chapter 396 subsidy list

  As soon as they heard that they would not be taken away by the county law enforcement team, the villagers who had participated in the theft from Lan’s orchard and free-range chicken farm in Houshan in the past few days immediately confessed to the person who took the lead in organizing this incident!

   As for making them lose money, many villagers can't even afford meat, so how can they have so much money to compensate?

  Even if you have money, who is willing to give your money to others?

  So the villagers who stole the fruit want to return the fruit.

  The one who stole the chicken returned it to Lan Dazhuang holding the chicken in both hands.

   But even that wasn't enough.

   There are some chickens with broken necks and eaten by villagers. Lan Dazhuang told the law enforcement team that they must be converted into cash and let these stolen villagers compensate him!

  Since they have done these things, they have to bear the consequences!

   Only let them spend money to learn a lesson, so that they will not dare to steal or illegal things in orchards and chicken farms in the future.

  The members of the law enforcement team who came to Tianshui Village with Lan Dazhuang today can also understand the request of the victim.

  So the law enforcement team gathered the thieves together and said that if they want to get it done, they must pay back the price!

   If you don’t lose money, you can only go with them to the Qingyang County Law Enforcement Bureau and lock them up for a few days for investigation.

  In order not to be caught, some robbed the villagers' homes, and immediately took out the money and paid compensation.

   Some people didn't want to lose money, so they asked the elderly and children to kneel in front of Lan Dazhuang and beg for mercy.

  These people are from the same village as Lan Dazhuang. Before the theft happened, everyone usually looked up and down.

  How could Lan Dazhuang make a group of old people and children kneel down to him?

   So this made him hard!

  Just as Lan Dazhuang was soft-hearted, he planned to let it go?

  At this time, a black car drove into the village...

  Before Lan Shu returned to Tianshui Village this time, she didn't know that the orchard and free-range chicken farm in the mountain behind her home had been stolen.

   It’s just that the money from charities will be released according to the declarations of various places, so she came back specially and told the village head about this in advance, so that the village head dispelled the idea of ​​calculating her family’s interests.

   At the same time, it was also because she hadn't been back to Tianshui Village for a long time, and she came back to see the situation of the free-range chicken farm and orchard. By the way, she planned to inspect the fruit processing factory and planned to add a juice production line.

   But after returning, Lan Shu saw a group of villagers surrounded by the road in the village, and there were people in law enforcement uniforms in the village.

  Lan Shu knew that something must have happened—

  She got out of the car and didn't even need to ask. She stood aside and listened to a few words, and then she understood that the free-range chicken farm and orchard in the back mountain of her home had been stolen by some villagers!

   This matter may seem trivial, but in fact, if it is not dealt with seriously, it will only make some villagers feel lucky.

   If they don't completely cut off their thoughts, maybe similar situations will happen in the future!

  So when Lan Dazhuang wanted to let go and not pursue the responsibility of those villagers who couldn't afford the compensation, Lan Shu suddenly walked through the crowd, walked up to Lan Dazhuang, and said in a cold voice.

   "It's okay if you don't want to pay compensation, and we won't force you, but you stole things from my orchard and free-range chicken farm, and you did something illegal, which means there are ideological and moral problems."

   "In the future, if the state provides subsidies to people affected by drought, then you people must not be on the compensation list!"

   Lan Shu said these words to the villagers, and also to the law enforcement team.

   "If you lose money and apologize now, our family can forgive you, but if you want to renege on the debt, you will bear the consequences in the future!" Lan Shu said decisively.

   Several villagers who didn’t want to lose money, and were greedy for cheap and wanted to renege on their debts, were overjoyed when they heard that they could not lose money!

   As for whether the country will subsidize the victims of the drought in the future, it is still uncertain~

   Besides, the subsidy from the government is not something that Lan Shu just refuses to give.

  Even if the Lan family has some money in business, they can't manage the public affairs!

  So there are really a few villagers who stole chickens and fruits and don’t plan to lose money.

  Lan Shu wrote down these people one by one, and then asked people from the law enforcement team to testify, and even left a record for these people.

  When the villagers saw that the daughter of the Lan family made the matter so formal, some families began to hesitate.

  They are afraid that if the government really compensates the victims of the drought, and the law enforcement team writes down their names and deprives them of the compensation, then the loss outweighs the gain!

  So in the end, several villagers who didn't intend to compensate the Lan family for the loss changed their minds.

  Only the villagers of the four families were determined, citing lack of money as an excuse to rely on the debt.

  For these households who reneged on their accounts, the law enforcement team made records according to the requirements of the owners.

  Lan Shu and Lan Dazhuang also wrote down these families.

  The rest is for the county law enforcement team to take away the culprit who took the lead this time and went to the Lan family’s orchard and free-range chicken farm to steal—

  As soon as the people left, Lan Shu took her eldest brother to the village chief's house and explained that there would be charities to subsidize the disaster-stricken farmers in various places.

   Let the village count the list of disaster-affected households as soon as possible, and report them uniformly at that time.

  When the village head heard the news, the thing that had been bothering him recently, and what made him worry and worry every day, was finally resolved!

   As the head of the village, he couldn't understand the situation of the disaster-stricken fields in the village~!

   was about to go back to the house to sort out the list, when Lan Shu stopped him—

   "Village chief, some people in the village took advantage of the night to steal from my orchard and free-range chicken farm in the back mountain. You should have heard about it today."

"A total of 23 villagers were involved in the theft, involving 17 households. After the law enforcement team came to the village and found out the matter, most of them converted the loss from the theft into money and paid it to our family. .”

"Four of them chose to renege on their debts. In front of so many members of the law enforcement team, they acquiesced that they had ideological and moral problems. I said that for these people, if the state subsidizes the people affected by the drought in the future, their The name must not be on the subsidy list!"

   "So the village chief, you have to remember that Li Dahong, Wang Liangcai, Gao Tiancheng, and Zhang Huaixing don't have subsidies for drought victims."

  Lan Shu's remarks did not give the village chief a chance to refute from the beginning to the end.

  She was not discussing with the village chief, but narrating and informing.

   If the village chief doesn't do what she says, you will be responsible for the consequences!

  Village head Wang Liangping didn't know the relationship between the daughter of the Lan family and the charity organization she mentioned.

   But he heard the tone of the daughter of the Lan family, it seems that this matter must be done according to what she said?

  Wang Liangping is also the head of the village, how could he be manipulated by a young girl?

  (end of this chapter)

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