Zhou Feng looked at everyone with a smile, and suddenly called Zhao Xiaoqiang's name. When he stood up, he asked:

"Xiaoqiang, guess what the benefit is?"

Zhao Xiaoqiang swallowed his saliva and said cautiously:"TV?"

Zhou Feng smiled and said:"Yes, it is a TV!"

The venue was boiling instantly. TV, that is a TV. In the whole village, except for the ten TVs used for testing in the factory, Tian Qiushan's family has one, which was saved by Zhou Feng. The cheapest TV costs more than 300 yuan, which is a year's salary. If you don't do a good job, you can't afford it with a year's salary. Now it is said to be a benefit!

Zhou Feng didn't keep people waiting and said directly:

"Of course not everyone has it. Every quarter we will select four comrades with outstanding performance in each team, and the reward is a TV!"


Not only the workers were surprised, but Chen Jianshe and others were also a little surprised. Four machines in three months? This is not a small amount of money.

Zhou Feng waited for everyone to discuss for a while and chuckled,"Of course, it's not the current team. After the second round of recruitment, your current team will be divided into two, and each team will take some new people to form a new team."

"That is to say, there are two teams for parts processing, pipe cutting, assembly and debugging, and packaging, and the factory will only reward the best workers in the best teams."

Even though Zhou Feng added conditions, it was still very tempting. The probability was not small. As long as you did a good job, you might get the TV. Even if you don't watch it, it would be a huge income if you sell it.

Until the end of the meeting, everyone was still discussing the TV enthusiastically, and even the desire to tell relatives and friends was not so strong.

Zhou Feng and Chen Jianshe sent Qiu Bo away. He originally planned to go home directly, but was stopped by Chen Jianshe.

"Xiaofeng, are you really planning to give away four units in one quarter?"

Zhou Feng nodded and explained with a smile:

"Grandpa Chen, don't worry, the value these TVs can create will far exceed their own prices."

After saying this, Zhou Feng stopped explaining. Chen Jianshe did not ask any more questions after receiving a positive answer. He knew that Zhou Feng was a man with a plan for success.

Zhou Feng's idea was very simple, which was to increase the workers' enthusiasm for production as much as possible, and to facilitate the rapid training of talents. Now is a great opportunity to seize the market and make money as soon as they are produced.

At the beginning, people may care about TVs, but as their income increases, in the end, what everyone cares about is not TVs, but which team can outperform the other in doing the same work.

In a factory, if there is no competition, there will be no creativity, and it will be a stagnant pool of water. Zhou Feng used the TV as bait to bring the pond to life.

As more and more workers join in, a certain corporate culture will gradually be formed, which will be more conducive to subsequent management.

After Zhou Feng returned home, he saw Tian Xiaoxia and Tian Xiaozi studying, and they didn't even notice Zhou Feng coming in.

He didn't disturb the two sisters, but stood behind them and watched quietly.

What surprised Zhou Feng was that Tian Xiaoxia's handwriting was unexpectedly beautiful, with a unique aesthetic.

I don't know how long it took, Tian Xiaoxia put down her pen and stretched, but when she looked up, she saw Zhou Feng standing behind her. She was startled and said embarrassedly:

"When did you come back?"

Zhou Feng was quite uneasy at the moment. The house was heated a lot in winter and it was still very warm. No one wore much. Tian Xiaoxia's stretch made Zhou Feng feel the beauty and grandeur of the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

He touched his nose and suppressed his strange smile and said,"I just came back. Seeing that you two were studying hard, I didn't disturb you. Where are Xiaoyue and Xiaoyun?"

Tian Xiaozi smiled and said,"They ran out to play after lunch. I don't know where they went. Brother-in-law, have you finished dealing with the things at the factory?"

"Finished, how are you two sisters studying recently? Do you need any guidance?"

Tian Xiaozi said with a grin:"Brother-in-law, my sister doesn't need any guidance. You don't know how amazing she is. She always ranks first in the school, leaving the second place far behind!"

Zhou Feng was really surprised. He had heard from Tian Qiushan that Tian Xiaoxia was a good student, but it was not easy for her to get the first place after staying at home for so long.

Looking at Zhou Feng's surprised expression, Tian Xiaoxia felt a little proud and a little embarrassed.

"Don't listen to Xiaozi's nonsense, my English is too bad, but fortunately I didn't get a high score in English."

Zhou Feng really didn't understand this, so he asked and found out that although English was included in the exam subjects after the resumption of the college entrance examination, only 30% of the score was counted when calculating the score.

In other words, if you get 100 points, 30 points will be counted in the total score of the college entrance examination.

"It’s okay, I can do this, I’ll give you some extra lessons!"

Before Tian Xiaoxia could respond, Tian Xiaozi burst out laughing:

""My brother-in-law knows you by 26 letters of the alphabet. Do you know the 26 letters of the alphabet?" In Tian Xiaozi's eyes, although her brother-in-law is very capable, it is too absurd to say that he also knows English. She would never believe it.

When Tian Xiaoxia heard what her sister said, her face instantly became serious:"Xiaozi!"

Tian Xiaozi also realized that she might have said something wrong. She didn't mean anything else. She just blurted out the teasing of her classmates at school.

She stuck out her tongue and looked at Zhou Feng cautiously. She was secretly relieved when she saw that he was not angry. Before, her parents had sternly warned them that they must respect their brother-in-law and not be disrespectful.

Zhou Feng didn't pay attention to Tian Xiaozi's words. He was not so fragile. Instead, he was still thinking about English. He really didn't expect that there was still such a 30% operation.

You know, in his memory, the English learning craze in the mid-to-late 1980s swept a wave. Many college students wanted to study abroad after learning English well.

Who would have thought that English was so unpopular in the 1980s.

Maybe learning English well may not be a big advantage for Tian Xiaoxia in the college entrance examination, but the advantage will be prominent after entering college.

For Tian Xiaozi, it is even more necessary. Maybe one day she will be able to recover to 100 points. It would be a blind job to study at that time.

Thinking of this, Zhou Feng smiled and asked Tian Xiaozi:"What about you? How are your English grades?"

When Tian Xiaozi heard Zhou Feng's question, her face turned red.

Tian Xiaoxia rolled her eyes at Tian Xiaozi and said jokingly,"She is not as good as me!"

"What idiom?"

""It's better than nothing."

Zhou Feng laughed loudly after hearing this. Tian Xiaozi was so angry that she started to tickle Tian Xiaoxia's itch.

Zhou Feng looked at the two sisters laughing and was about to say that he could give them extra lessons when the village radio rang.



"A general meeting of all villagers will be held at 7 o'clock tonight in the factory building of Zhengfeng Electronics Factory, and each household will send at least one representative!"

"Tonight at 7 o'clock..."

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