Let them learn from Liu Bo for a period of time, so that they can have a rough outline of what they will do in the future and master some basic knowledge.

Finally, an exam will be arranged to select three people, one for the pig farm, one for the Angora rabbit production base, and one for the production of the feed factory.

After these stalls are set up, someone has to be in charge, and Zhou Feng doesn't have the time to spend all day in the pig farm.

Subsequent training will not be such small classes, but targeted employee on-the-job training.

He wants to take advantage of this period to quickly get the village's industry on the right track.

Although Liu Bo is engaged in feed research, it does not mean that he does not understand the knowledge of breeding, but he is not so proficient in it. It is more than enough to teach the villagers of Kaoshantun.

After listening to Zhou Feng's idea, Liu Bo agreed without hesitation.

He is now receiving subsidies from Kaoshantun, and it is more uncomfortable to be idle than to be busy. If he does nothing, the money is a bit hot. He also hopes to realize his own value and get real recognition from the villagers.

After Zhou Feng went back, he handed the raw materials needed for pig feed and rabbit feed to Chen Jianshe and asked him to arrange for someone to purchase them.

Then they used the radio to inform the whole village that they were recruiting, which immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the villagers in Kaoshantun.

Everyone was envious of the jobs at Zhengfeng Electronics Factory, but the requirements there were a bit higher, and now they only recruited literate people. But these factories are different.

Everyone knows a little about raising pigs, raising rabbits, and making feed, and there is no technical content. In a nutshell, you just have to do it! So there was an overwhelming number of people signing up. Chen Jianshe was a little worried about this. There were more and more industries in the village, and everyone wanted to get a job as a worker. Most people came to work, so what about the crops?

Zhou Feng didn't think it was a big deal, and he dispelled Chen Jianshe's concerns with just a few words.

"Old Party Secretary, this is a simple matter. No one who has time is rich enough to leave his own farmland uncultivated. Those who don't have time can hire someone.!"

"Hire someone?"This method was something Chen Jianshe had never thought of.

"Yes, we don’t have much land to cultivate in Hongshi Commune, and the production intensity during the busy farming season is not that saturated. We can hire people from other villages to do it. Now the villagers in Kaoshan Village have no money, so our village branch can advance the money and deduct it after the salary is paid or the autumn harvest."

Chen Jianshe thought about it and it was true. As long as there is money, these are all small things, but the financial pressure on the village is a bit large.

After all, whether it is raising pigs or rabbits, there will be no output in the first few months. It is all investment, and the villagers have to be paid.

"It's okay, let's see how much money Director Wu can approve. If it's not enough, I will give a part of the dividends from Zhengfeng Electronics Factory to them, and then we will borrow it back from the village for circulation."

Chen Jianshe was stunned. He never thought that it could be done this way, but it was indeed a feasible method. He was afraid that Wu Yongfei would jump up and down again when he heard it.

Thinking of Wu Yongfei's possible reaction, the old and the young laughed happily.

Unlike what the villagers expected, Zhou Feng had very strict requirements for the initial recruitment of people for these three factories, and basically all those without education were eliminated.

This made everyone complain a lot, and they said a lot of bad things about Zhou Feng behind his back.

Zhou Feng didn't care about this at all. He couldn't satisfy everyone. He only selected 20 people to come in, and he wanted to choose people who could stand on their own among them.

If they can't even read, how can they expect them to empty the stock in Liu Bo's stomach.

However, after these few recruitments, it also made Everyone is aware of the importance of culture. In the past, some people stopped their children from going to school and forced them to go home to help with the work, saying with confidence that learning those weird characters was useless and was not worth eating or drinking.

Now such voices are basically extinct in Kaoshantun. Old men and women in their eighties all know that in Kaoshantun, literacy is equivalent to having a job in a factory. How can people not take it seriously?

If you say these nonsense again, you will be laughed at by the whole village.

Liu Bo's lecture hall started under the eager eyes of the villagers.

The lecture was arranged in an unused classroom in Kaoshantun Primary School.

Everyone who came to class had been communicated with privately by Zhou Feng. Everyone knew that the quality of their studies directly determined their future in the workplace. The position of the factory, and even the three factory directors will be selected from among them.

Of course, the theoretical test is only a threshold, and the person in charge of the factory still needs face-to-face communication to be determined. After all, there are many people who have full theoretical knowledge but poor management ability.

For the farmers who were born and raised in Kaoshantun, this is an opportunity to change their destiny.

Therefore, the twenty students listened to the class very seriously, including Chen Qing.

The villagers were not surprised that Chen Qing was selected. If it was a physical job, everyone might have said a few sour words.

Chen Qing has been a scorer for so many years, and everyone knows that this guy has ink in his belly.

Liu Bo looked at the faces that were eager to learn, and felt a little emotional. This was the situation he was in. Unexpected.

Such a correct learning attitude and such a high enthusiasm for learning seemed to bring him back to his previous study life.

So he taught more seriously, and answered everyone's questions carefully and meticulously. Sometimes the discussion lasted until late at night, but he still explained tirelessly.

This made his image in the hearts of this group of students continue to rise, and indirectly helped him quickly integrate into this small mountain village.

Since the start of the class, the educated youth site where Liu Bo lived has never lacked cabbage, potatoes and other things.

People's trust is mutual, and everyone can feel that Liu Bo is doing his best.

Zhou Feng was very satisfied with the learning atmosphere, and he specially called Feng Yuhong of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to praise Liu Bo highly.

Feng Yuhong didn't expect���In just a few days, Kaoshantun has already organized training classes, and it seems to be quite effective. She said that if there are similar trainings in the future, she can call her at any time if she is short of manpower.

Zhou Feng naturally expressed his gratitude for this. Kaoshantun has a lot of work to do, and it lacks talent. The more people come, the better.

Although there are many people in Kaoshantun, there are still too few who can really take charge of their own affairs. When he took over as the village chief, he had his sights set on the surrounding villages, communes, and even the entire county.

But now he has nothing, and he is not in a hurry to start. He will keep a low profile for a while, and when he sees improvement, he will start a talent recruitment plan.

Although Kaoshantun is a village, it can also be the community center of the commune, and even the county center of Futian County. In the future, it can even become the city center of Andong City.

Just when Zhou Feng was completing his ideas bit by bit, Gu Jun called. He did not call Kaoshantun, but directly contacted Wu Yongfei.

Gu Jun brought two pieces of news, both of which were good news for Zhou Feng.

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