Zhou Feng cursed himself for being so ignorant, and forced himself to suppress the corners of his mouth and asked,"What's wrong with my aunt? Tell me clearly."

Ma Guoqing finally stopped shaking after drinking a mouthful of hot water. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Just as he was about to speak, he saw everyone surrounding him.

Seven pairs of eyes, big and small, were expecting him to continue.

Ma Guoqing showed an embarrassed expression and looked at Zhou Feng for help.

Tian Qiushan instantly realized that he could not watch the excitement. He coughed to cover it up and said majestically,"Why are you all gathered here? Let Xiaofeng and his uncle have a good chat."

After that, he walked out of the house reluctantly. Chen Guixiang, Tian Xiaozi, Tian Xiaoyun, and Tian Xiaoyue could only follow him out with a look of looking back every few steps.

Tian Xiaoxia, however, did not move, sitting obediently in the distance, with an expression of"I won't disturb you", but her ears were erected straight, she thought that as a fiancée, she was qualified to listen in.

Zhou Feng would naturally not chase her away, nor did he think that there was anything in his uncle's family that needed to be told behind Tian Xiaoxia's back.

Seeing that Tian Xiaoxia had no intention of leaving, Ma Guoqing gave up and spoke incoherently. It took Zhou Feng more than half an hour to understand the whole story.

Ma Guoqing knew everything Wang Shulan had done before, and he shouldn't have come to him.

After listening, he understood why Ma Guoqing had the nerve to ask him for help.

It turned out that this matter was really related to him.

On New Year's Eve, the Ma family was pasting couplets at home, and a thin and tall young man entered the yard. Ma Guoqing just felt that he was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

After the young man introduced himself, Ma Guoqing suddenly realized that it was his sister's eldest son, Zhou Feng's biological brother Zhou Shan.

Ma Guoqing was very happy at first, but when he thought of Zhou Feng being kicked out of the house, he was suddenly at a loss.

Zhou Shan didn't come to the Ma family to reminisce about the past. He didn't even call him uncle, but walked straight towards Wang Shulan.

Wang Shulan was already somewhat disgusted with Zhou Shan coming to her house, not to mention that it was New Year's Day when a poor relative came, and she was even more unhappy. When she saw Zhou Shan being so unruly, her eyebrows were raised.

But before she could get angry, Zhou Shan got angry first, and slapped Wang Shulan on the fat face, knocking her down.

The front teeth that had just been fixed fell out again.

This really stunned the Ma family. No one expected Zhou Shan to come to their house on New Year's Eve and slap her without saying a word.

Ma Guoqing was stunned and forgot to react. Wang Shulan's head was buzzing and she couldn't react. Ma Guoqing's two tall and strong sons reacted quickly.

Seeing that his mother was beaten in his own home and in front of him, how could he bear it.

He was full of momentum while cursing his mother and howling, but as soon as he came forward, he was knocked to the ground and cried for his parents.

Wang Shulan picked up the teeth on the opposite side and finally remembered to cry, shouting loudly that someone was murdered and robbed!

Zhou Shan looked directly at Ma Guoqing and called him by his name, saying that he came here today first to vent his anger for Zhou Feng, and second to recover the child support.

Since entrusting Zhou Feng to Ma Guoqing, Zhou Feng's mother Ma Fang has sent a sum of money and bills every month. Although the amount varies, she has never missed a month.

Ma Guoqing was also surprised, as he knew nothing about this.

Wang Shulan was a little panicked when she heard Zhou Shan's intention, and shouted that it was absolutely not true and she had never seen a penny. It was not until Zhou Shan took out the remittance slip that Ma Guoqing confirmed the matter. Wang Shulan had concealed this from him for so many years, taking the Zhou family's money while abusing Zhou Feng.

Ma Guoqing felt his face burning and his heart was suffocated.

The neighbors heard Wang Shulan's screams and rushed over, and also heard Zhou Shan's words. Those who were ready to help all shrank back, as no one wanted to have anything to do with such a vicious person.

Zhou Shan gave the Ma family one day to collect the money. When they had collected enough, they could go to the guesthouse in the county town to find him. If the money was not returned, he would come to his house.

After Zhou Shan left, Ma Guoqing, a man who had always been humble and submissive, asked his wife for the first time where the money had gone.

Wang Shulan refused to admit it. When she was pressed, she threw a tantrum and rolled on the ground, beating and scratching, scolding Ma Guoqing for being useless and saying that his wife was beaten so badly that he dared not even fart.

Ma Guoqing had no choice but to retreat. He had planned to ask again the next day, but he didn't expect Wang Shulan to go out early the next morning. When she came back, her attitude was even more resolute. She insisted that there was no such thing as sending money. It was all nonsense and hysteria of Zhou Shan, the little bastard!

But before she could talk for long, people from the county public security bureau arrived in the afternoon and took Wang Shulan away directly.

This scared Ma Guoqing so much that he lost six of his souls. What would happen if he was caught by the public security?

He hurried to find the village chief Ma Xiangqian to find a connection to find out.

It didn't matter that they inquired about it, but the result shocked all of them. The crime for arresting Wang Shulan turned out to be hiring a killer to kill someone!

If it was an ordinary trivial matter, Ma Xiangqian, as the village chief, would naturally support Ma Guoqing. The prestige of the village chief was accumulated little by little in this way. But he didn't even dare to get involved in a case of hiring a killer to kill someone. This was not something that a small village chief like him could touch.

Ma Guoqing had no choice but to go to the county to inquire about the news himself. At the very least, he had to find Zhou Shan and find out what was going on.

When he went to the guesthouse in the county town to ask, he found out that Zhou Shan had checked out and left early in the morning, so he went to the public security bureau to ask.

It took a lot of effort to figure it out. It turned out that not only Wang Shulan, but also her cousin Wang Jun was arrested.

The cause of the incident was also Wang Jun. At noon on the first day of the Lunar New Year, Wang Jun came directly to the guesthouse and saw Zhou Shan holding a knife and was about to stab. Fortunately, Zhou Shan was sharp and only had his arm scratched by the knife.

After being discovered, it was even more impossible for Wang Jun to succeed. During the Spring Festival, the county conducted a security screening. When the police came, they saw Wang Jun waving a knife, and they caught him red-handed.

Wang Jun was a fool. All the tendons had grown into his brain. He was provoked by Zhou Shan's words and confessed Wang Shulan.

Wang Shulan was also arrested. The police in the 1980s handled cases very toughly. Everything was clearly written down in the record that afternoon.

This was a completely unexpected gain for Zhou Shan. He came here to ask for money just as an excuse. He only wanted to teach Wang Shulan a lesson, but he didn't expect that she would be so cunning.

After the matter was done, he had no reason to stay any longer. He said everything he should say at the Public Security Bureau, showed his military officer certificate, and left Futian County early the next morning.

Ma Guoqing was really forced into a corner. He had no money and no one. He was really desperate and could only come to Zhou Feng.

Zhou Feng was a little sad. He didn't expect his elder brother to be so vigorous. He also didn't expect that his nominal parents had never forgotten Zhou Feng in this life. Instead, they silently paid for him in their own way. But what he didn't understand was that since Zhou Shan came to Futian County, why didn't he come to Kaoshantun to find him, but chose to leave directly?

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