Wei Chuan was sitting opposite the island team at the moment. He could clearly see every one of their expressions. It was like a big dye vat had been overturned. It was wonderful.

At this moment, he was relieved about Zhou Feng's change of translator. If he was in Zhao Wei's position, he would not have translated Zhou Feng's words directly.

At the very least, he had to do some polishing. Of course, if the person speaking was a leader, he would not do so, but Zhou Feng was just a young man. He was nominally a technical consultant. It was obvious that he was temporarily pulled in to take the blame.

Although he felt relieved, Wei Chuan was also a little worried. If this matter was not handled properly, it would turn into a diplomatic incident, and no one present could bear this responsibility.

He made up his mind that he must report this matter to the leader after the meeting.

Suzuki Ozhe was embarrassed by Zhou Feng's speech. He wanted to say that the previous words were instructed by Yoshimura Takumi and had nothing to do with him, so he should not be directed at him.

Zhou Feng's words caught Yoshimura Takuya off guard. Since the start of negotiations on the integrated circuit production line project, both officials and technicians have been very respectful to him, and he can even feel a faint admiration for him.

When he reported back to China that China wanted to put the production line in Andong, the meaning was the same as he expected, and they wanted to send officials to deal with the matter, but he refused.

In his opinion, as long as it was his suggestion, whether it was right or wrong, China was unlikely to oppose it. Even if it opposed it, as long as he was tough, there would be basically no problem.

For this reason, he also made a guarantee that he would never let the integrated circuit production line settle in Andong, a sensitive area.

But before he could be strong, Zhou Feng was impolite. What made him most uncomfortable was that Zhou Feng's words were impolite, but he was telling the truth. As the person in charge of technical docking, he had no right to make decisions about where the Chinese project would be settled.

Moreover, he had no relevant plans for the current situation and could only use the tactic of procrastination.

This time, he did not let Suzuki Ozhe speak for him, but expressed his position directly.

Zhao Wei translated Yoshimura Takuya's words in real time

"He said that they still needed time to communicate internally and conduct risk assessment before they could give final advice."

Zhou Feng saw that Yoshimura Taku was about to continue speaking, so he raised his hand and interrupted him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yoshimura Takushi. Maybe I didn't express myself clearly. What I mean is that this is not a problem that you need to consider. You just need to help us land the production line at the location we requested and make it operate normally. The two reasons you mentioned before have nothing to do with these, so I think we should not waste time anymore and do what we should do."

Wei Chuan's heart skipped a beat and he looked at Zhou Feng speechlessly. This was a bit too fierce.

Qian Jin and others were also a little surprised. Zhou Feng's attitude towards the island country's technical team could not be said to be impolite, but very impolite.

Even Wei Hongjun and Li Daochang did not expect Zhou Feng to come straight to the face.

Yoshimura Takushi's face was livid. He did not expect Zhou Feng to press forward step by step without leaving any room for maneuver. He was not a good-tempered person. He stood up and said a lot of things.

Zhao Wei's face looked a little strange after hearing it. After hesitating for a while, he translated:

"He said you are a guy who doesn't know etiquette. He doesn't know why China would invite such a lowly person like you to participate in the negotiation. He doesn't understand this at all. If you are required to have technical connection later, he will choose to refuse the communication."

"Besides, he said that he just needed some time to discuss the matter, and your aggressiveness made him feel no respect."

After listening to Zhao Wei's translation, everyone felt that this matter would not end well, and the relationship had already been torn apart.

Zhou Feng laughed. The reason why he was so direct was that on the one hand, he really didn't want to give a good face to the people of the island country, and on the other hand, he wanted to confirm some things through this matter.

According to his understanding of the development of the electronics industry, the current period is the peak of the island country's semiconductor industry, and because of this, the relationship with its godfather, the United States, is much more subtle.

The United States absolutely cannot accept the island country riding on their heads, but in fact, the island country has already surpassed in many areas of semiconductors.

This should be the time for the leather button tied around the island country's neck to be tightened a little bit.

His words have been so clear, and this small island country technical liaison is still so persistent, which shows that the island country is very concerned about the project in Anton. The degree of concern for the relationship.

They don't care about North Korea, that has little to do with them. What they care about is the face of the United States, and they don't want to continue to provoke the anger of their godfather at this time.

On the one hand, there is the arrogant United States, and on the other hand, there is the technologically backward China. It is self-evident which one to pinch.

As for Zhou Feng, with his current size, he would be very happy if he could add fuel to the fire of the parent-child relationship between the United States and the island country.

Whether it is for the subsequent dog-head guillotine plan or to obtain enough technical support from the United States, the worse the relationship between them is, the more worth celebrating.

In the end, regardless of whether the island country team participated in the integrated circuit settlement project in Andong, Zhou Feng planned to let the Ministry of Commerce publicize it, and they would definitely bear the blame.

So Zhou Feng would definitely not give them face. They would always be offended, so why bother to suffer this humiliation?

"Mr. Yoshimura Taku, we can give you some time."

Zhou Feng paused and asked Zhao Wei to translate directly.

Yoshimura Taku thought Zhou Feng was going to give in, and his face looked a little better. He knew that as long as the Japanese were strong enough, China would definitely compromise. He leaned back on the chair, raised his head slightly, and his arrogant look made everyone a little angry.

Wei Chuan felt his cheeks getting hot. The more he looked at Zhou Feng, the more he disliked him. This was really embarrassing for a foreign country.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Feng continued:

"Mr. Yoshimura Taku, you don't need to know why I came to the meeting. You know what my presence here means. I can give you time."

"How about this, I'll give you one day. You have to give me an answer by this time tomorrow. Either you discuss with your country to find a new team to provide technical support, or you can return to China tomorrow. You are no longer needed for the implementation of this project."

"According to the agreement, you are obliged to cooperate with us to complete the project construction. Since you do not want to fulfill this obligation, we will not pay the subsequent balance."

"That's all for today's meeting. I look forward to your response."

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