Chapter 342: Reporting

Huang Hao said: "Mom, don't want to think about the big things of the big family, I want to tell you a good news about Xiu children."

"The good news of Shi children? Is it a subject?"

Zhang Fangfen is really smart and guessed.

"The eight characters have not yet yet! Do you know Chen Chunong in your father?"

"Understanding, your father will always take the salesperson when you come to the store, have seen it a few times, the child is quite polite, your father also said that he is doing well. Is it?"

"That is Chen Chunsong, told the show, don't mind showing a sister is a rural account. I want to be with the show."

"Hey! This is a good thing! I can hear Chen Chunong is a veteran, is a member, his family is still a general cadre."

"Mom, don't be excited, don't be too early, let them get into contact, waiting to be in the eyes, with feelings can see parents."

The current environment is still a low-class households, in fact, in fact, this whole year, it is completely reversed after two thousand years.

The peasants who are richer in the end of the 199 have basically trying to turn the account, and the buying account is not in a small number.

With Chen Chunsong himself and family conditions, his parents must not agree with the son to marry a girl in a rural account.

Two young people must get along with each other, when the feelings have a deep feeling, they can make Chen Chuncong to show up with their parents.

If you just see your parents, this marriage will soon be cut off and you can't continue.

Zhang Fangfen is coming over, immediately god, she laughed: "How do you even have this kind of thing?"

Huang Hao, if your son is not fine, if you have the conditions in the family, how can you give you a cadre family, a small middle school degree, and is a class flower, a beautiful wife's wife?

At that time, the Huang Hao knew that his family had nothing, only the long way to get it, there can be no other than anything, talk about it too much.

Because Huang Wei and the Huang Xin, who have just worked hard, the wage, the same time, to raise the mother of the rural household, for the sister to study college, economic pressure is as good as the mountain.

If people give the object, the introduction person must choose the same condition to enter the seat, there is no big use of his own appearance.

Introduction to a kaped dates, the family conditions are certainly not good.

Huang Yu, of course, to play the story, write love letter, the pen word is going, look the handsome advantage, look for your wife.

It turns out that poverty is not a big thing, at least in the early 1990s, there is no many female parents to have rooms, they want to have a gift.

The economic conditions are not good, there is no obstacle to Huang Hao talking about girlfriend, and Huang Hao seems to be very fragrant, and a girl can choose a few, and one of the conditions is much better than Huang Hao.

Finally, the choice of Huang Hao is relatively practical, and the weak water will pick a beautiful person, and if the family conditions can be added to the cake.

Huang Ya compensated to hold the beauty, and live together for nearly 30 years, her choice is quite correct, the wife does not make fat, it is not old, and the back is not two.

She took the street with my classmates, and I actually had a passerby asked her classmate. This is your wife.

Every time I talk about this kind of words, my wife is a pair of expressions that make you a pig's arch.

The wife's voice is still very sweet, so that when Huang Hao is sold in the unit, the salesperson is always said, "Please come to the phone!"

Then my wife didn't explain, I really shouted: "Dad answers the phone." Seeing Huang Yu's face black line, she could laugh at her tears.

Zhang Fangfen saw his son did not talk, in the god, soft: "Military marriage, the use of outsiders is not big, you don't think about it, sleep well."

Show children have been twenty-three. I have long said that I will marry, and I have a lot of media introduced in the door, but I can meet the conditions of high school students.

Zhang Yuguan has also begun to marry the show this year. Every time I come to the street to talk to Zhang Fangfen.

Zhang Fangfen has helped pay attention, but also people, but there is a quantitative account for the job, as long as the family is going, the family conditions are generally, it is impossible to find a rural account, and the high school graduation is more impossible.

Now I know Chen Chunsong's show, Zhang Fangfen is really happy.

She couldn't help but call the news about the Huangdaozhou, and asked many questions related to Chen Chunsong, such as salary level, party foreigner, brothers and sisters.

Then she went to find a show and said a lot whisper, it should be understood that the specific circumstances of Chen Chunsong said that the show is listening.

Anyway, Zhang Fangfen is happy, if it is not too far from Zhang Yuguan, I am afraid that Zhang Fangfen will find it with my brother.

When I was eating at night, Huang Hao, who had been sleeping for an afternoon, has returned to normal, and Zhang Fangfen finally worried about it.

A family talked about things to Guangdong, Huang Hao thought of going to the aunt Zhang Shufen to see, asked: "Dad, have you have any address of Guangzhou aunt's home?"

The Huangdao boat felt very sudden, asked: "Why do you still think of Guangzhou aunt, but also prepare to go home? Not afraid of people are troublesome?"

At this time, the Huangdao boadel is nothing to contact with Zhang Shufen far's working in Guangzhou. Later, it is much more because Zhang Shufen actively support Huang Xin to complete the school.

In the past, a poor is washed in the yellow road, and it was impossible to rush to the Baron because of people's conditions. Therefore, it may not write a letter from a letter and strangers in this year.

He is impossible to predict that Zhang Shufen will take the initiation of assistance to Huang Cong's university later.

The last life is first accepted by the benefit of the people. This world does not need to be benefited from the people, Huang Hao is ready to take Yellow Xin, Huang Wei to visit her, by the way, can you help her home?

In fact, the former Huang Hai never will not be grateful, and he is looking up and doing a chest. He is a sixteen annual age to earn money to support the house. At the end of eight vine, the wage is 30 pieces for a month.

In order to earn more money, Huang Hao has contracted the work of other colleagues, the night value, for this reason, is equal to the day to go to work, sleep in the unit at night, every day can take eight-year-old money payment, one month Twenty-four.

Plus the duty fee, Huang Hao's monthly income has fifty-four blocks, no more than retired Huangdao, Huang Yi never spends a penny, and the living conditions of the family have improved.

Guangzhou aunt has helped Huang Xin, and it is also to help the yellow road and Zhang Fangfen, but should not be counted on Huang Hao, because Huang Hao is still small, it should be raised, and it should be a parent.

However, Huang Hao is sincerely respected Zhang Shufen, which is active, and seeing the Huangdao boat is such a attitude and advised:

"Dad, you must not have this kind of thinking, we have went to visit Guangzhou aunt, and she is willing to be surrendered."

Zhang Fangfen said: "Huang Hao is right, when I was a child, I was good, my child specially visited her, she was sure to be happy!"

"One letter from last year, I will find it later, you will see her, I invite my family to go back to Sanshui County, I am a guest!"

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