Although it is leftovers, He Jianguo doesn't care about it.

Maybe in the city, people will pay attention to it. But in Erdaoling Village, there is really no need for it.

When doing things, you have to eat a big stew, which is all leftovers.

Now you don't have to do it yourself, and you can eat a hot bite, which is good.

"Uncle Jianguo, is Brother Weimin's feed selling well now?" Han Xiuying asked with a smile.

"It's really good. People also know that if you want to make pigs grow fat and fast, feed is indispensable." He Jianguo said.

"That's the thing. This thing is very demanding. If Tiezhu hadn't asked for the first batch of feed, Weimin would have been speechless."

"Even now, our family has paid for him. Tiezhu can take care of it, but we have to deal with the feed factory in pairs and can't make things difficult for them."

"Our family's first batch of feed also paid more than others. People can't be greedy. If you run more times and urge more often, you can get some of the feed money back and continue to roll."

"In fact, as a feed dealer, this matter is really not easy to deal with." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Pig farming has a growth cycle. Some people think that I will pay them together after the pigs are slaughtered. At least, it will bring some risks to the feed business."

"That's really the case. Three households also fed the pigs halfway. After the pigs are slaughtered, they didn't arrange to pay." He Jianguo said.

"What else are you going to do? Keep using the materials and keep pressing them. I think all the situations you mentioned when you held a meeting with the distributors will happen."

"Uncle Jianguo, what did they talk about?" Han Xiuying asked curiously.

"It's about the payment for the feed." He Jianguo said.

"Tiezhu and his team are so good. When they held a meeting with the dealers, they thought of all the possible problems in advance and gave solutions to them."

"These solutions may not necessarily solve the problem, but they can reduce losses. For example, if you just mentioned this, you don't have to think about doing business with him again."

"Because such people are greedy and want to take advantage of you. If you continue to do business with him, he can only take more and more."

"If he has the ability, he can go to other people's homes to take over. If the family is really in financial difficulty, we all understand and suppress it. Who wants to take advantage of this when he is obviously living a good life?" Han Xiuying asked.

"Yes, it is very common." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Because in order to promote the feed business, we must have a wave of tasting activities. Then some people take this activity for granted."

"They think they can keep doing it this way, and let the distributors bear the feed costs during the breeding process. This is also an irreconcilable contradiction."

"But our distributors are not all rich, including our feed factory, and we can only give these distributors certain policy support."

"The current shipment volume is very large. If we don't ask for money and wait until they sell out before returning the money, the funds on the feed factory side will also be a problem."

"If our feed factory can't support it at that time, then these distributors will be even more out of business. So we also have to plan for them in advance, including some business rhetoric or something like that. ”

“In fact, in this way, we can reduce the workload of some salesmen. These salesmen in our factory can then go to other cities to expand business, and then give them commissions.”

“There is also a certain amount of sales at present, although it is not a lot, we will take it slowly. And if we sell in our city, the feed is now fully produced.”

“We have one farm, which can replace many farmers. In the next stage, if we want to continue to expand our business, we have to buy new production units.”

“Especially the pellet feed, the equipment for this thing is a bit expensive. But the piglets love to eat it, and they grow fat. And our formula has reached the final stage of attack, and it will be improved soon, and the effect will be better.”

“You are showing off to you.” Han Xiuying rolled her eyes at him.

“Girl, you really have to say that Tiezhu’s feed factory is really top-notch.” He Jianguo was happy.

"Let's talk about Weimin. Although there are some people who cheat, generally speaking, they can make money. Even if it's a little hard, so what? Making money is the real thing."

"I'm saving money now. When I save enough money, I'll buy a four-wheeler. Let's see if I can buy an old one or something., it can be cheaper. After all, four-wheeled vehicles are motor vehicles, which are more convenient than horse-drawn carriages to deliver materials. "

"This idea is also good. Anyway, four-wheeled vehicles are very durable and can be used in any way. Even if there are some minor problems, they can be fixed. "Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded.

"In fact, the operation of the feed factory has become so good all of a sudden, which is beyond my expectation. In the past, Wang Huadong and his team really didn't dare to make a big move, probably because they didn't have much money. "

"For business, the initial investment is also very important. However, we must do a good job of risk control. If this is not done well, this business will be more or less difficult to handle. "

"We also care about our dealers. There will be new policies in the future. At least we have to control the sales of feed in our city. "

"Liu Dayou is working hard in the feed factory and breeding factory. This is also his old business. In the future, let him take charge of this business. ”

It should be said that the sudden rise of the feed factory was something he had never expected.

When the feed factory was built, it was more for the consideration of the farm. Self-production and self-sales can save a lot of costs.

The saved cost, isn’t that profit?

But what I didn’t expect is that the sales of this feed are extremely hot now, and the feed factory is working overtime every day to produce it.

You can’t miss the money to make, so the investment in the feed factory will have to be increased in the future. It may be the first business to make a lot of money among all his companies.

He is still very happy with such a small situation.

After all, if you want to lie down, you have to have a stable economy to support it. Otherwise, why are you lying down? You have to go to work as soon as you lie down.

That’s what life is like.

Let’s say that He Jianguo and his family are really living a hard life now, and they are busy all day long. But this is also laying the foundation for a happy life in the future, and it will definitely not work without paying.

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