It was so enjoyable, really so enjoyable.

This is what Chen Tiezhu felt at the moment.

Even though he was not holding a scalpel to treat patients and save lives at the operating table, but doing the clumsy work of a butcher.

In his heart, he still felt a sense of exhilaration.

"Tiezhu, when did you learn this skill?" He Jianguo asked curiously.

"Uh... Uncle Jianguo, you should know that I am a greedy person. Uncle Jianguo, can I stew radish?" Chen Tiezhu was stunned for a moment and said seriously.

He was just having fun, and his performance today was a little too much.

He Jianguo agreed with him, "Stewed radish and stewed potatoes are all good, whatever you stew tastes good."

"Okay, let's start now, I'll soak it in water first." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Seeing that he was about to start stewing meat, Doudou became very excited.

Fortunately, there are two pots at home, one for cooking rice and one for stewing rabbits. In order to cook it faster, we directly put the branches on the fire.

When the temperature of the pot came up, Chen Tiezhu picked up the oil bottle and poured all the remaining oil into the pot.

Although it was a little less, it was barely enough.

The rabbit meat soaked in the basin on the side was scooped out with a colander, and the water was shaken off, and then poured directly into the pot, and then stir-fried vigorously.

Amid the sizzling sound, the little fragrance wafted out, making Doudou, who was standing by, start to swallow his saliva.

When has the little guy ever smelled this fragrance?

This is an instinctive greed.

Sprinkle the chopped green onion, ginger and garlic, and then drizzle some soy sauce. Stir-fry for a few times, and add soup directly. Cover the pot, and the first process is done.

"Dad, Dad, when can we eat?" Doudou asked anxiously.

"We have to wait a while. When it boils, we still have to put the radish in."

Chen Tiezhu added some more branches to the stove and held the little guy in his arms.

"Tiezhu, are you going to hunt for a living this winter?" He Jianguo asked next to him.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "Rabbits and pheasants can be sold for five yuan. Even if you go out to work now, the highest price you get is this, right?"

"That's right. People who pay this kind of wages usually don't provide meals." He Jianguo said.

"If you have such an idea now, I'll take you to your second uncle's house later. I don't know much about this business, and it's still very dangerous to go into the mountains."

"Thank you, Uncle Jianguo, you are the only person in the village who really cares about me." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

The "second uncle" mentioned by He Jianguo just now is not his clan relative, but an old man in the village.

But this old man is not simple, he is an old hunter and old boss in Erdaoling Village.

The title of "Second Uncle" is also a respectful title given by the village. The younger generation usually calls him Second Master.

Chen Tiezhu only knows that his surname is Li. He carried a gun in the past. After demobilization, he lived in Erdaoling Village.

There are three thick scars on his left face, which are said to be scratched by a blind bear. He is usually serious and looks scary.

"Hey..., don't say those polite words. In our countryside, you won't die of poverty or fatigue, but you will die of laziness." He Jianguo sighed.

"Now you have figured it out, and you have to live a normal life. Brother Shengli and Sister Hongmei can rest assured if they are in heaven. In the future, live a good life with Doudou."

"Well, I was ignorant before and squandered all the affection accumulated by my family." Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded.

He Jianguo didn't say anything more about this matter. It's useless to say anything now, we still have to wait and see, right?

The two chatted casually, while Doudou was a little tormented.

He smelled the aroma coming from the pot, which was really greedy.

The pot boiled for a while, and the chopped radish was put into the pot. It boiled again, and after collecting the soup, it was considered stewed.

The lid of the pot was opened again, and the aroma of the vegetables was incredible.

Not to mention Doudou, even Chen Tiezhu was salivating, it was much more delicious than the iron pot stew he had eaten in his later life.

"You kid, don't look at your laziness before, you really have some tricks in cleaning up food and drinks." He Jianguo said with a smile.

"Hehe, I'll take it as a compliment." Chen Tiezhu was also happy.

"Dad, dad, eat meat." Doudou on the side urged.

"Dinner will be served soon."

After Chen Tiezhu finished speaking, he started to serve the dishes directly.

"Ah..., I really didn't expect that one day I would be able to work at your house."

Sitting at the table, He Jianguo also sighed.

"Uncle Jianguo, you must come to my house often in the future." Chen Tiezhu picked up the sorghum wine and began to pour him wine.

Seeing that he was going to drink, Doudou, who was originally concentrating on the rabbit meat in the dish,The happy little face wrinkled up all of a sudden.

Daddy is going to drink again. Will he beat Doudou again after he finishes drinking?

"Doudou, Daddy only drinks this much."

Noticing the little guy's expression, Chen Tiezhu said in consultation.

"Well..." The little guy nodded reluctantly.

"Haha, my eldest daughter is so good. Let's have a rabbit thigh first." Chen Tiezhu was happy and directly passed the rabbit thigh to her.

Doudou's worries were also blown away with the arrival of the rabbit thigh.

How could she have the mind to think about other things?

The little mouth blew over, then showed her little teeth, took a big bite of the rabbit thigh, and directly tore off a large piece of meat.

It smelled really good, and the mouth was full of meat.

Chewing happily, the head shook with it.

He Jianguo on the side was very pleased to see the interaction between the father and daughter.

Tiezhu has indeed changed, and has become better.

"Uncle Jianguo, there are no outsiders, so you can eat by yourself. When I left home, I also took a pheasant and stewed it for myself." Chen Tiezhu said.

"No need, you can sell it first. When your life is really good, I will give you whatever you give me." He Jianguo shook his head.

Chen Tiezhu didn't say anything, but raised his glass to clink with him and took a sip.

The sorghum liquor at 2.2 yuan a bottle tasted better than the 220 yuan a bottle of liquor in the future.

This is the characteristic of this era, no matter what it is, it is very real.

It is not like the materialistic desires in the future, everything is about money, and life has lost its original appearance.

The little sigh ran aside, and Chen Tiezhu also ate with relish.

It should be said that even if he had eaten a lot of delicacies in the future, today's pot of rabbit stewed with radish also made him taste a different fragrance.

The wild rabbit meat has an earthy smell, but after using the radish, the earthy smell has been removed a lot. The taste is really not comparable to that of domestic rabbit meat.

Whether it is rabbit meat or radish, it is so delicious to eat with sorghum rice.

After eating for a while, he picked up the rice bowl and tasted a mouthful of sorghum rice.

This is also the main ration of Erdaoling Village. It is not said that any family can afford to cook rice for every meal.

It feels a bit rough when entering the mouth, and it also feels a bit pulled in the throat when swallowing. But after swallowing, I feel that my mouth is much fresher.

I just ate a lot of dishes, which felt a bit greasy. Now it’s okay, this sorghum rice is not bad.

Thinking of this, he ate half a bowl in a row.

Now I don’t feel that the sorghum rice is so rough that it pulls my throat, and it tastes more and more refreshing as I eat.


Doudou burped after finishing a whole rabbit thigh.

"Eat some more radish to relieve your thirst." Chen Tiezhu said as he picked up a piece for her.

After eating this piece of radish, Doudou seemed to have discovered a new world, and she immediately ate another piece.

As a small person, her appetite was limited, and after finishing this piece of radish, the battle was over. Then the little guy jumped off the stool and came to Chen Tiezhu's side.

"Doudou, what are you doing?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

Doudou didn't say anything, but waved at him.

Such a small move made He Jianguo curious.

Chen Tiezhu leaned his head over, thinking that his daughter wanted to whisper to him.

What he didn't expect was that Doudou leaned over with her greasy little mouth and kissed him on his big face.

After the kiss, Doudou was even happier, happier than when she had just eaten the meat.

Chen Tiezhu's eye sockets were sore, and his hand holding the wine glass was shaking a little.

"Okay, okay, this is how the father and daughter should be." After He Jianguo finished speaking, he also took a big sip of wine, feeling a little upset.

A small person, an ordinary action, but it touched their hearts at once.

This meal was really delicious.

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